Messages in dqn-list group. Page 39 of 80.

Group: dqn-list Message: 1908 From: John Mark Bagnall Date: 3/18/2005
Subject: Re: The Backfire Table - Evil & Cruel or Exciting & Challenging
Group: dqn-list Message: 1909 From: Phil Wright Date: 3/18/2005
Subject: Re: Backfire rule - was Re: Digest Number 344
Group: dqn-list Message: 1910 From: Paul N Date: 3/18/2005
Subject: Re: Digest Number 344
Group: dqn-list Message: 1911 From: andy Date: 3/18/2005
Subject: thanks
Group: dqn-list Message: 1912 From: darkislephil Date: 3/18/2005
Subject: Re: thanks
Group: dqn-list Message: 1913 From: darkislephil Date: 3/18/2005
Subject: Armor weight and agility penalties.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1914 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 3/19/2005
Subject: Re: The Stun Rule - Do you use it?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1915 From: D. Cameron King Date: 3/19/2005
Subject: Re: Armor weight and agility penalties.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1916 From: darkislephil Date: 3/19/2005
Subject: Re: Armor weight and agility penalties.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1917 From: J. Corey Date: 3/19/2005
Subject: Re: Armor weight and agility penalties.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1918 From: darkislephil Date: 3/20/2005
Subject: Re: Armor weight and agility penalties.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1919 From: darkislephil Date: 3/20/2005
Subject: How many weapons did your warrior types pick up?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1920 From: D. Cameron King Date: 3/21/2005
Subject: Re: How many weapons did your warrior types pick up?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1921 From: darkislephil Date: 3/23/2005
Subject: Shaping Costs Sheet
Group: dqn-list Message: 1922 From: Esko Halttunen Date: 3/24/2005
Subject: Re: Armor weight and agility penalties.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1923 From: darkislephil Date: 3/25/2005
Subject: Re: Armor weight and agility penalties.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1924 From: darkislephil Date: 3/26/2005
Subject: DQ and MMORPGs
Group: dqn-list Message: 1925 From: Jason Honhera Date: 3/26/2005
Subject: Re: DQ and MMORPGs
Group: dqn-list Message: 1926 From: Scott Knowles Date: 3/27/2005
Subject: Re: DQ and MMORPGs
Group: dqn-list Message: 1927 From: Donald Hawthorne Date: 3/29/2005
Subject: Re: Digest Number 352
Group: dqn-list Message: 1928 From: John Rauchert Date: 3/29/2005
Subject: Re: The Enchanted Wood - DQ Adventure Three
Group: dqn-list Message: 1929 From: darkislephil Date: 3/30/2005
Subject: Re: The Enchanted Wood - DQ Adventure Three
Group: dqn-list Message: 1930 From: Chris Klug Date: 3/30/2005
Subject: Hello
Group: dqn-list Message: 1931 From: John Rauchert Date: 3/30/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
Group: dqn-list Message: 1932 From: Jason Winter Date: 3/30/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
Group: dqn-list Message: 1933 From: Mandos Mitchinson Date: 3/31/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
Group: dqn-list Message: 1934 From: J. K. Hoffman Date: 3/31/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
Group: dqn-list Message: 1935 From: Date: 3/31/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
Group: dqn-list Message: 1936 From: Date: 3/31/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
Group: dqn-list Message: 1937 From: rthorm Date: 3/31/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
Group: dqn-list Message: 1938 From: D. Cameron King Date: 3/31/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
Group: dqn-list Message: 1939 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 3/31/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
Group: dqn-list Message: 1940 From: darkislephil Date: 3/31/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
Group: dqn-list Message: 1941 From: Tom Miller Date: 3/31/2005
Subject: Still playing Dragonquest
Group: dqn-list Message: 1942 From: arielifan Date: 3/31/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
Group: dqn-list Message: 1943 From: arielifan Date: 3/31/2005
Subject: Re: DQ Gaming
Group: dqn-list Message: 1944 From: Chris Klug Date: 3/31/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
Group: dqn-list Message: 1945 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 4/1/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
Group: dqn-list Message: 1946 From: John Rauchert Date: 4/1/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
Group: dqn-list Message: 1947 From: Rich Spainhour, M.Sc., MAJ, USA Date: 4/1/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
Group: dqn-list Message: 1948 From: John Rauchert Date: 4/1/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
Group: dqn-list Message: 1949 From: D. Cameron King Date: 4/1/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
Group: dqn-list Message: 1950 From: Gabriel Martinez Date: 4/1/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
Group: dqn-list Message: 1951 From: Chris Klug Date: 4/2/2005
Subject: Various DQ thoughts
Group: dqn-list Message: 1952 From: darkislephil Date: 4/2/2005
Subject: Re: Various DQ thoughts
Group: dqn-list Message: 1953 From: Jeffery K. McGonagill Date: 4/2/2005
Subject: Re: Various DQ thoughts
Group: dqn-list Message: 1954 From: Jeffery K. McGonagill Date: 4/2/2005
Subject: Re: Various DQ thoughts
Group: dqn-list Message: 1955 From: Chris Klug Date: 4/3/2005
Subject: Re: Digest Number 358
Group: dqn-list Message: 1956 From: J. Corey Date: 4/3/2005
Subject: Re: Digest Number 358
Group: dqn-list Message: 1957 From: Jeffery K. McGonagill Date: 4/3/2005
Subject: Re: Digest Number 358

Group: dqn-list Message: 1908 From: John Mark Bagnall Date: 3/18/2005
Subject: Re: The Backfire Table - Evil & Cruel or Exciting & Challenging
On Thu, 17 Mar 2005
"darkislephil" <>
Wrote: >Subject: The Backfire Table - Evil & Cruel or Exciting &

>Since Cameron brought it up I thought I would stir up some more

>A mage of less than Hero level, more likely than not, is going to
get one or more backfires during the course of a gaming session. In
many cases the result of the backfire table can, for all intents and
purposes, remove the poor mage from play.

>I don't know how many times we would have some poor shmuck mage
backfire only a few minutes into a gaming session and then have the
party spend hours trying to find a healer so that they could continue
on the adventure with a functioning mage.

>Because of that mages were usually discouraged from using spells
except when absolutely necessary. At least until their cast chances
were sufficiently high enough to avoid backfires.

>So how do others feel about the backfire table? Is it too harsh?
Should it have been weighted more towards fatigue penalties and minor
disabling effects lasting hours? Is it just right? Is it not harsh

As a Fire Mage who has survived to Hero ranking, I can say that the
backfire table is if anything a little lite. A lot of people do not
seem to understand that MAGIC is dangerous!!!

A mage spends YEARS learning to perform the simplest spells safely
and risks his/her life routinely in the course of their professional
life. Many people seem to think that Magic is just a matter of mind
over matter and failure is just the result of a not strong enough
mind. Not true! Magic is the attempt to control a force of nature
and just like trying to control water or the wind; it is
unpredictable in just about every way save one. It invariably gets
its own way!

One of the members of my group is constantly expecting the mage to
use magic to solve the parties problems. He can't seem to understand
why the mage is reluctant to "show off" by "Frying" the enemy and
sometimes resents the fact that the mage acts like a "spoiled child"
who doesn't want to play "fair". But what he does not know, is that
the mage is trying to protect him from the possible backlash if the
mage' spell goes awry. Even on the rare occasions when the backfire
has occurred and the player himself is a victim of it he still does
not understand.

So accept the table; use the table; and be glad that the mage
survives to cast another day!

Happy Gaming!
Group: dqn-list Message: 1909 From: Phil Wright Date: 3/18/2005
Subject: Re: Backfire rule - was Re: Digest Number 344
We pretty much followed the 2nd Ed rules on investing.
Cast checks are made for the invested spells when they
are loosed. Which means that the backfires occur to
the wielder of the item as the rules specify.

I think it needs to be this way to balance to the
power that invested items puts into everyones hands.

--- wrote:
> Someone else mentioned this... How do you handle
> backfire during creation?
> We would roll them all at once. For example, a
> spell caster is investing
> a ring with 5 instances of Bolt of Fire, and a
> necklace with 5 more. SO
> he has to roll each cast chance (with appropriate
> modifiers for ritual of
> purification etc...) and then we roll backfires when
> they come up. But if
> you do purification, and take your time casting the
> spell, the chances of
> backfire go way down.
> john
> >
> >
> > --- In, "Donald
> Hawthorne" <ravenglass@e...>
> > wrote:
> >> 2. My players hated the Backfire rule and hated
> mages until the
> > umpteenth
> >> time I sat them down, held their hands, and
> walked them through the
> >> Investment Rituals system. Now they all have
> staffs, rings, necklaces,
> >> belts, and what-have-you with invested spells,
> >
> > I suspect that without invested items my players
> would have had few or
> > no mages as well. It's not clear from your
> comments but you do know
> > that invested items can backfire? Certainly going
> to be a lesser
> > chance given rituals of purification and taking
> advantage of Aspect or
> > College bonuses.
> >
> > -Phil
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new resources site!
Group: dqn-list Message: 1910 From: Paul N Date: 3/18/2005
Subject: Re: Digest Number 344
As for the stun rule.  In our games we only have players stunned if it is an endurance hit.  If it is a fatigue hit that would normally stun we just have the player lose whatever move they would have left but would not have to roll to become  un stunned.

Donald Hawthorne <> wrote:
1. Yep, we use the stun rule. We use the most forgiving one though, 4 x
Willpower + remaing Fatigue and we give a chance to recover in the same turn
the Stun was inflicted, even if the figure (character or NPC) has already

2. My players hated the Backfire rule and hated mages until the umpteenth
time I sat them down, held their hands, and walked them through the
Investment Rituals system. Now they all have staffs, rings, necklaces,
belts, and what-have-you with invested spells, or treasure items that allow
than one type of spell to be invested in an item. Runestones and enchanted
gems/coins are also big favorites.
2a. I'm running a campaign where I did away with the Backfire Table
completely... sort of. There is a sect of monsters who actually USE the
Backfire Table as their attacks. The players NEVER roll for backfire, but
they cannot cast any spells which they have not invested in a single item.
They can invest a number of the same or different General Knowledge spells
up to their their level, and Special Knowledge spells up to half their
level. However, they can't cast any spell they haven't invested, and once
the spells invested in their item are used up, they're gone until
re-invested. Within the context of the campaign and its flavor, this is
working fine, and it's really helping the players learn and appreciate the
investment system and its huge success bonuses for when we go back to
atraditional campaign once this one is concluded.
5. Welcome!  :-)
14. Nope. Sorry!   :-(
Group: dqn-list Message: 1911 From: andy Date: 3/18/2005
Subject: thanks
thank all of youthat made the enchantedwoods and the palace of
onticel scans and pdfs avalabal i have been searching for those
moduals for about 6 yrs now so again thank you very much you
are GODS
Group: dqn-list Message: 1912 From: darkislephil Date: 3/18/2005
Subject: Re: thanks
--- In, "andy" <dracos71_99@y...> wrote:
> thank all of youthat made the enchantedwoods and the palace of
> onticel scans and pdfs avalabal i have been searching for those
> moduals for about 6 yrs now so again thank you very much you
> are GODS

Happy to be of service. Hope you enjoy them.

Group: dqn-list Message: 1913 From: darkislephil Date: 3/18/2005
Subject: Armor weight and agility penalties.
Some of the reasons that players in our campaigns avoided the better
armor types was the negative agility mods and also the weight, which
meant more negative agility mods from encumbrance.

The combined penalties seem a bit too harsh to me and so I used a
house rule where only half the weight of worn armor counted against
encumbrance. For example, chainmail is 42 lbs for humans. If a
character was wearing the armor it only counted as 21 lbs for
encumbrance purposes.

One of the other ideas I had but never got around to implementing was
the idea of an armor wearing skill. For the different levels of armor
a character would have to be ranked sufficiently to wear it.

Rank 0 - Cloth or Heavy Furs
Rank 1 - Leather
Rank 2 - Scale & Chain
Rank 3 - Partial Plate
Rank 4 - Full & Improved Plate

Having rank in the skill would reduce the Agility penalty by (Rank-2) pts.

Another possible benefit for the skill would be allowing the recovery
of fatigue while wearing armor. In our campaigns we didn't allow
characters to sleep in armor better than leather. A possible rule
would be that at the rank required for wearing the armor the character
could sleep in the armor but only recover at the normal Resting rate
of 1 FT/hr. With Rank + 1 the character could recover at the Nap rate
of 2 FT/hr. At Rank + 2 the character could sleep normally and
recover the usual 3 FT/hr. Full rest and recovery would only be
possible for armor requiring rank 2 or less.

For skill cost I was thinking along the lines of 2x the shield xp costs.

Still don't know if I really like the idea or not.

What about the rest of you? Did you apply the full armor agility and
weight penalties? What about sleeping in armor?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1914 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 3/19/2005
Subject: Re: The Stun Rule - Do you use it?
A simple mod to the stun rule whilst retaining the use of WP is to
allow combatants to make a stun recovery roll to avoid becoming
stunned in the first place once hit


--- In, "dbarrass_2000" <david.barrass@e...>
> I use the stun rule variably. In combat I don't use it for
> experienced characters. I don't think its realistic, the adrenaline
> and edorphines keep you going. There are tails of pilots in the
> second world war landing thier planes safely then dropping dead of
> their wounds (and what about berserkers). If the choise is dealing
> with the pain or dying then evolution lets you deal with the pain.
> Its different in suprise situations or inexperienced players, then it
> really hurts 'cos you're not prepared for it and you might not notice
> the band of orcs shooting you, but even here an experienced
> character's physiology would probaly make them react differently eg
> run away, get under cover, get angry etc
> I feel a rule mod comming on to formalise whatI do .... OK
> Either added to a "Warrior Skill" or a new skill "avoiding stun" roll
> under rank on a D10 when hit to avoid becomming stunned - a roll of 10
> always stunned. Chance halved if suprised
> How about mages: can't use this skill or MA is subtacted from chance
> in some way as mages are more in tune with the world....?
> Any other ideas?
> David
> --- In, "darkislephil" <darkislephil@y...>
> >
> > --- In, "D. Cameron King" <monarchy2000@h...>
> > wrote:
> >
> > > We always used it, per the rules (2nd edition--though
> > > it's worth mentioning that the rule is different
> > > in the two different 2nd edition rulebooks, and I
> > > can't recall which one we followed).
> >
> > I just double-checked my Bantam 2nd vs the TSR 3rd and I see that in
> > the 3rd the recovery roll was increased to 3xWill. I inclined to
> > think that this is a one of the good changes in the 3rd edition.
> >
> > > It *is* one of the nastiest combat rules, but it's also one of
> > > the few reasons to care much about your WP score.
> >
> > To me this was one of the best arguments for using it because, as you
> > say, WP just isn't that important to most characters otherwise.
> >
> > > And we liked the effect that "fear of being stunned" had on
> > > us in combat.
> >
> > In general we didn't need any additional reasons to avoid combat. DQ
> > combat is already deadly to PCs. :)
> >
> > > Frankly, I've always felt that one of the best things about DQ is
> > > that--exhilirating as combat is--there is considerable motivation to
> > avoid
> > > unnecessary violence (because even a little bad luck can result in
> > > disastrous consequences). It definitely enhances the "realism,"
> >
> > I hear you and I agree that one of the best elements of DQ is that
> > unlike many level based RPGs the always present threat of death in any
> > combat adds an edge to it that is missing in those other games. It
> > just always seemed that the stun rule pushed it past exhilirating and
> > dangerous right in to frustrating. The PCs are the heros. This is
> > high-fantasy, swords and sorcery. They are supposed to be able to
> > take on multiple minions of evil and come away the victors even if a
> > little battered and bloody. But when the PCs are all stunned with
> > their weapons laying on the ground in the first couple rounds of
> > combat they don't feel so heroic. And it will happen all too often
> > because the minions will always outnumber the good guys.
> >
> > One more thing. In our campaigns almost no characters wore any armor
> > above leather and no magic armor. The weight of the heavier armors,
> > which caused agility & fatigue loss, combined with the normal armor
> > agility loss tended to discourage the wearing of higher protection
> > armors. So in our campaigns avg hits with many weapons were enough to
> > stun the PCs who being PCs never make their recovery rolls.
> >
> > In any case not trying to make any converts so much as explore my own
> > thoughts and those of others on the issue. The stun rule is just one
> > of the few parts of DQ I have never been "comfortable" with so it
> > seemed a good choice to start some discussion.
> >
> > I am inclined to give it another try using the 3rd editions 3xWill+Fat
> > rule.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1915 From: D. Cameron King Date: 3/19/2005
Subject: Re: Armor weight and agility penalties.
>What about the rest of you? Did you apply the full armor agility and
>weight penalties? What about sleeping in armor?

We played DQ "by the book." The combined AG penalties (and their effect on
TMR) were a major reason most players preferred leather armor to any other.

We allowed sleeping in cloth armor, IIRC. I'm not sure how we would have
handled it if anyone ever tried doing it in some other kind of armor--as far
as I can recall, no one ever did--but I'm sure it would have ranged from
severe penalties to FT recovery (for leather) to waking up exhausted (for
plate and such).

Group: dqn-list Message: 1916 From: darkislephil Date: 3/19/2005
Subject: Re: Armor weight and agility penalties.
--- In, "D. Cameron King" <monarchy2000@h...>
> >What about the rest of you? Did you apply the full armor agility and
> >weight penalties? What about sleeping in armor?
> We played DQ "by the book." The combined AG penalties (and their
effect on
> TMR) were a major reason most players preferred leather armor to any

Absolutely though the rules have nothing to say about sleeping in
armor AFAIK. To ban sleeping in armor would be a purely arbitrary
rule on the part of the GM/group.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1917 From: J. Corey Date: 3/19/2005
Subject: Re: Armor weight and agility penalties.
I simply shifted the encumbrance chart one column to make it a little
less restrictive.

On Mar 19, 2005, at 2:54 PM, darkislephil wrote:

> --- In, "D. Cameron King" <monarchy2000@h...>
> wrote:
>>> What about the rest of you? Did you apply the full armor agility and
>>> weight penalties? What about sleeping in armor?
>> We played DQ "by the book." The combined AG penalties (and their
> effect on
>> TMR) were a major reason most players preferred leather armor to any
> other.
> Absolutely though the rules have nothing to say about sleeping in
> armor AFAIK. To ban sleeping in armor would be a purely arbitrary
> rule on the part of the GM/group.
> Yahoo! Groups Links
Group: dqn-list Message: 1918 From: darkislephil Date: 3/20/2005
Subject: Re: Armor weight and agility penalties.
--- In, "J. Corey" <dq@j...> wrote:
> I simply shifted the encumbrance chart one column to make
> it a little less restrictive.

Essentially the effect that cutting the armor encumbrance did for
characters around average strength

> JohnC
> On Mar 19, 2005, at 2:54 PM, darkislephil wrote:
> >
> >
> > --- In, "D. Cameron King" <monarchy2000@h...>
> > wrote:
> >>> What about the rest of you? Did you apply the full armor
agility and
> >>> weight penalties? What about sleeping in armor?
> >>
> >> We played DQ "by the book." The combined AG penalties (and their
> > effect on
> >> TMR) were a major reason most players preferred leather armor to any
> > other.
> >
> > Absolutely though the rules have nothing to say about sleeping in
> > armor AFAIK. To ban sleeping in armor would be a purely arbitrary
> > rule on the part of the GM/group.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
Group: dqn-list Message: 1919 From: darkislephil Date: 3/20/2005
Subject: How many weapons did your warrior types pick up?
Given the frequency with which I could roll 99s and break all my
weapons I commonly would learn as many as a dozen of the most common
weapons found out there in the hands of our foes. Often didn't get
more than Rank 0 with them but didn't want to have to pick up a
strange weapon in the middle of a dungeon and fight without being able
to add MD to the strike chance.

What about you guys? Did you stick with 2 or 3 favorites or go for
the gusto?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1920 From: D. Cameron King Date: 3/21/2005
Subject: Re: How many weapons did your warrior types pick up?
>Given the frequency with which I could roll 99s and break all my
>weapons I commonly would learn as many as a dozen of the most common
>weapons found out there in the hands of our foes. Often didn't get
>more than Rank 0 with them but didn't want to have to pick up a
>strange weapon in the middle of a dungeon and fight without being able
>to add MD to the strike chance.
>What about you guys? Did you stick with 2 or 3 favorites or go for
>the gusto?

2 or 3 favorites. Weapons didn't break *that* often, in my experience.

Group: dqn-list Message: 1921 From: darkislephil Date: 3/23/2005
Subject: Shaping Costs Sheet
Was curious about just how painful it would be to invest various
skills and abilities with Shaping Magics. I put together some charts
that show the Shaping Index for a given rank and they are also color
coded to indicate the amount of Endurance the Shaper is going to lose.

If anyone else is interested you can grab a PDF here:


Group: dqn-list Message: 1922 From: Esko Halttunen Date: 3/24/2005
Subject: Re: Armor weight and agility penalties.
Something that should be noted about the armor penalties: While plate
armor typically weighs more than chain, it would in the real world be
less cumbersome to wear and move in (unless you fall down), and the
reason is that since it must be fitted to the individual and the
mechanism by which it is strapped on, its weight distribution is much
more even. Chain mail is a real bitch to wear because all of the weight
of the armor rests squarely on the shoulders of the wearer (or the head,
if it has an integrated coif) unless here is some system where the
underlying padded jacket has some hooks that bear some of the weight.

In this light, some of the armor modifiers should perhaps be a little
different, so that plate does not give very harsh penalties. As for how
I've used these rules in my campaigns, I've had the full penalties, but
I actually like the half weight idea. :-)



darkislephil wrote:

>Some of the reasons that players in our campaigns avoided the better
>armor types was the negative agility mods and also the weight, which
>meant more negative agility mods from encumbrance.
>The combined penalties seem a bit too harsh to me and so I used a
>house rule where only half the weight of worn armor counted against
>encumbrance. For example, chainmail is 42 lbs for humans. If a
>character was wearing the armor it only counted as 21 lbs for
>encumbrance purposes.
>One of the other ideas I had but never got around to implementing was
>the idea of an armor wearing skill. For the different levels of armor
>a character would have to be ranked sufficiently to wear it.
>Rank 0 - Cloth or Heavy Furs
>Rank 1 - Leather
>Rank 2 - Scale & Chain
>Rank 3 - Partial Plate
>Rank 4 - Full & Improved Plate
>Having rank in the skill would reduce the Agility penalty by (Rank-2) pts.
>Another possible benefit for the skill would be allowing the recovery
>of fatigue while wearing armor. In our campaigns we didn't allow
>characters to sleep in armor better than leather. A possible rule
>would be that at the rank required for wearing the armor the character
>could sleep in the armor but only recover at the normal Resting rate
>of 1 FT/hr. With Rank + 1 the character could recover at the Nap rate
>of 2 FT/hr. At Rank + 2 the character could sleep normally and
>recover the usual 3 FT/hr. Full rest and recovery would only be
>possible for armor requiring rank 2 or less.
>For skill cost I was thinking along the lines of 2x the shield xp costs.
>Still don't know if I really like the idea or not.
>What about the rest of you? Did you apply the full armor agility and
>weight penalties? What about sleeping in armor?
>Yahoo! Groups Links
Group: dqn-list Message: 1923 From: darkislephil Date: 3/25/2005
Subject: Re: Armor weight and agility penalties.
--- In, Esko Halttunen <esko.halttunen@w...>
> Something that should be noted about the armor penalties: While plate
> armor typically weighs more than chain, it would in the real world be
> less cumbersome to wear and move in (unless you fall down), and the
> reason is that since it must be fitted to the individual and the
> mechanism by which it is strapped on, its weight distribution is much
> more even.

This is one of the issues that made me think of having an Armor
Wearing skill. For game balance the higher armor level must have some
type offsetting negative penalty. The encumbrance and agility mods of
the current system work but as you note a correctly fitted set of
plate should have less of an impact on the wearers agility and, I
would say, also fatigue loss. Just as a high-quality pack that is
adjusted properly isn't as tiring to the hiker.

> my campaigns, I've had the full penalties, but
> I actually like the half weight idea. :-)

I should have mentioned that I also made the players pay an extra 10%
for armor that was personally fitted.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1924 From: darkislephil Date: 3/26/2005
Subject: DQ and MMORPGs
As gaming opportunities became fewer and farther between I started
playing MMORPGs. None of those that I have tried have come close to
the DQ experience. In no small part because they are mostly modeled
after DnD. Another reason I believe is because MMORPGs business model
requires the customers to keep paying that monthly fee. The
motivation for the players is watching those level counters ding on a
semi-regular basis. So invariably the games break down to grinding for
levels. Character development is primarily acquiring the most optimum

Of the games I have played, Asheron's Call 1&2, Dark Age of Camelot,
Horizons, Star Wars Galaxy, City of Heroes and currently World of
Warcraft, only AC1 had any of the feel of DQ. The ability to pick and
choose any skills and allocate stats any way you liked was certainly
reminiscent of DQ even to the ability to allocate earned XP how you
chose. That's pretty much where the similarity ended.

To me the heart of DQ is that it doesn't focus on leveling and XP but
on adventure. A new character can join an experienced group and not
feel like they can't contribute whether that contribution is in combat
or adventuring skills.

Could a MMORPG duplicate the DQ experience AND be commercially successful?

What do y'all think? What MMORPGs do you like?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1925 From: Jason Honhera Date: 3/26/2005
Subject: Re: DQ and MMORPGs
I liked Dark Age best for fantasy, but never tried AC. Dark Age is based on Rolemaster, so is very far from DQ.  I am currently loving City of Heroes because it really does capture the comic book feel.  Many people scoff at the way I play and I certainly don't speed through the levels, but I play to see my character work and to experience the storylines.  The grinders just don't get that...

darkislephil <> wrote:

As gaming opportunities became fewer and farther between I started
playing MMORPGs.  None of those that I have tried have come close to
the DQ experience.  In no small part because they are mostly modeled
after DnD.  Another reason I believe is because MMORPGs business model
requires the customers to keep paying that monthly fee.  The
motivation for the players is watching those level counters ding on a
semi-regular basis. So invariably the games break down to grinding for
levels.  Character development is primarily acquiring the most optimum

Of the games I have played, Asheron's Call 1&2, Dark Age of Camelot,
Horizons, Star Wars Galaxy, City of Heroes and currently World of
Warcraft, only AC1 had any of the feel of DQ.  The ability to pick and
choose any skills and allocate stats any way you liked was certainly
reminiscent of DQ even to the ability to allocate earned XP how you
chose.  That's pretty much where the similarity ended.

To me the heart of DQ is that it doesn't focus on leveling and XP but
on adventure.  A new character can join an experienced group and not
feel like they can't contribute whether that contribution is in combat
or adventuring skills.

Could a MMORPG duplicate the DQ experience AND be commercially successful?

What do y'all think?  What MMORPGs do you like?

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new resources site!

Group: dqn-list Message: 1926 From: Scott Knowles Date: 3/27/2005
Subject: Re: DQ and MMORPGs
I have tried several of the graphics based games, but I never experienced the RP I got from a FtF game, except for Dragon's Gate, which is actually Text based, the RP there has kept me going back to it when in dire need of some gaming and no FtF was possible (such as when I got married and for quite awhile after each of my children was born).
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 26, 2005 17:39
Subject: Re: [DQN-list] DQ and MMORPGs

I liked Dark Age best for fantasy, but never tried AC. Dark Age is based on Rolemaster, so is very far from DQ.  I am currently loving City of Heroes because it really does capture the comic book feel.  Many people scoff at the way I play and I certainly don't speed through the levels, but I play to see my character work and to experience the storylines.  The grinders just don't get that...

darkislephil <> wrote:

As gaming opportunities became fewer and farther between I started
playing MMORPGs.  None of those that I have tried have come close to
the DQ experience.  In no small part because they are mostly modeled
after DnD.  Another reason I believe is because MMORPGs business model
requires the customers to keep paying that monthly fee.  The
motivation for the players is watching those level counters ding on a
semi-regular basis. So invariably the games break down to grinding for
levels.  Character development is primarily acquiring the most optimum

Of the games I have played, Asheron's Call 1&2, Dark Age of Camelot,
Horizons, Star Wars Galaxy, City of Heroes and currently World of
Warcraft, only AC1 had any of the feel of DQ.  The ability to pick and
choose any skills and allocate stats any way ! you liked was certainly
reminiscent of DQ even to the ability to allocate earned XP how you
chose.  That's pretty much where the similarity ended.

To me the heart of DQ is that it doesn't focus on leveling and XP but
on adventure.  A new character can join an experienced group and not
feel like they can't contribute whether that contribution is in combat
or adventuring skills.

Could a MMORPG duplicate the DQ experience AND be commercially successful?

What do y'all think?  What MMORPGs do you like?

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new resources site!

Group: dqn-list Message: 1927 From: Donald Hawthorne Date: 3/29/2005
Subject: Re: Digest Number 352
I'm a big City of Heroes fan too, and for the same reason. We don't even
have "power-levellers" in our supergroup. Neat game.
Don Hawthorne

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2005 9:08 PM
Subject: [DQN-list] Digest Number 352

> There are 2 messages in this issue.
> Topics in this digest:
> 1. Re: DQ and MMORPGs
> From: Jason Honhera <>
> 2. Re: DQ and MMORPGs
> From: "Scott Knowles" <>
> ________________________________________________________________________
> ________________________________________________________________________
> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 17:39:11 -0800 (PST)
> From: Jason Honhera <>
> Subject: Re: DQ and MMORPGs
> I liked Dark Age best for fantasy, but never tried AC. Dark Age is based
on Rolemaster, so is very far from DQ. I am currently loving City of Heroes
because it really does capture the comic book feel. Many people scoff at
the way I play and I certainly don't speed through the levels, but I play to
see my character work and to experience the storylines. The grinders just
don't get that...
> darkislephil <> wrote:
> As gaming opportunities became fewer and farther between I started
> playing MMORPGs. None of those that I have tried have come close to
> the DQ experience. In no small part because they are mostly modeled
> after DnD. Another reason I believe is because MMORPGs business model
> requires the customers to keep paying that monthly fee. The
> motivation for the players is watching those level counters ding on a
> semi-regular basis. So invariably the games break down to grinding for
> levels. Character development is primarily acquiring the most optimum
> gear.
> Of the games I have played, Asheron's Call 1&2, Dark Age of Camelot,
> Horizons, Star Wars Galaxy, City of Heroes and currently World of
> Warcraft, only AC1 had any of the feel of DQ. The ability to pick and
> choose any skills and allocate stats any way you liked was certainly
> reminiscent of DQ even to the ability to allocate earned XP how you
> chose. That's pretty much where the similarity ended.
> To me the heart of DQ is that it doesn't focus on leveling and XP but
> on adventure. A new character can join an experienced group and not
> feel like they can't contribute whether that contribution is in combat
> or adventuring skills.
> Could a MMORPG duplicate the DQ experience AND be commercially successful?
> What do y'all think? What MMORPGs do you like?
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> [This message contained attachments]
> ________________________________________________________________________
> ________________________________________________________________________
> Message: 2
> Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 23:20:07 -0800
> From: "Scott Knowles" <>
> Subject: Re: DQ and MMORPGs
> I have tried several of the graphics based games, but I never experienced
the RP I got from a FtF game, except for Dragon's Gate, which is actually
Text based, the RP there has kept me going back to it when in dire need of
some gaming and no FtF was possible (such as when I got married and for
quite awhile after each of my children was born).
> Scott
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Jason Honhera
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, March 26, 2005 17:39
> Subject: Re: [DQN-list] DQ and MMORPGs
> I liked Dark Age best for fantasy, but never tried AC. Dark Age is based
on Rolemaster, so is very far from DQ. I am currently loving City of Heroes
because it really does capture the comic book feel. Many people scoff at
the way I play and I certainly don't speed through the levels, but I play to
see my character work and to experience the storylines. The grinders just
don't get that...
> darkislephil <> wrote:
> As gaming opportunities became fewer and farther between I started
> playing MMORPGs. None of those that I have tried have come close to
> the DQ experience. In no small part because they are mostly modeled
> after DnD. Another reason I believe is because MMORPGs business model
> requires the customers to keep paying that monthly fee. The
> motivation for the players is watching those level counters ding on a
> semi-regular basis. So invariably the games break down to grinding for
> levels. Character development is primarily acquiring the most optimum
> gear.
> Of the games I have played, Asheron's Call 1&2, Dark Age of Camelot,
> Horizons, Star Wars Galaxy, City of Heroes and currently World of
> Warcraft, only AC1 had any of the feel of DQ. The ability to pick and
> choose any skills and allocate stats any way ! you liked was certainly
> reminiscent of DQ even to the ability to allocate earned XP how you
> chose. That's pretty much where the similarity ended.
> To me the heart of DQ is that it doesn't focus on leveling and XP but
> on adventure. A new character can join an experienced group and not
> feel like they can't contribute whether that contribution is in combat
> or adventuring skills.
> Could a MMORPG duplicate the DQ experience AND be commercially
> What do y'all think? What MMORPGs do you like?
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> [This message contained attachments]
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Group: dqn-list Message: 1928 From: John Rauchert Date: 3/29/2005
Subject: Re: The Enchanted Wood - DQ Adventure Three
I revise my opinion on OCR packages and maintaining layout. I am
currently reviewing ABBYY FineReader 7.0 Pro and it does a decent job of
maintaining layout as well as good character recognition from a PDF

Now I just have to justify to myself expending 400+ dollars Canadian to
purchase a license.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Rauchert []
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 8:55 AM
Subject: RE: [DQN-list] The Enchanted Wood - DQ Adventure Three

From my experience most OCR are pretty poor a maintaining layout, as
long as you get decent character recognition it is "fairly" easy to pour
the text back into a layout program and output it to pdf (I use Indesign
2.0 and Adobe Acrobat Professional).

I am willing to take a look at them, but we have to talk off the forum
around how to package and deliver these scans.

John F. Rauchert, Co-Moderator DQN-List

-----Original Message-----
From: darkislephil []
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 10:52 PM
Subject: [DQN-list] The Enchanted Wood - DQ Adventure Three

So I noticed an earlier post by someone asking about this and I went
into my game stash. Tucked away was my copy of The Enchanted Wood and
it is in pretty good condition. I have scanned all the pages into 300
dpi B&W (except color cover) PNG files but the OCR software I have
isn't doing a particularly good job of preserving the layout and it
doesn't output to PDF.

So if anyone has some decent OCR software that will retain the layout
and can bundle it up into a PDF I can make the scans available.

I also have Blade of Allectus and Palace of Ontoncle as well though
not scanned at this point.


Yahoo! Groups Links

Yahoo! Groups Links
Group: dqn-list Message: 1929 From: darkislephil Date: 3/30/2005
Subject: Re: The Enchanted Wood - DQ Adventure Three
--- In, John Rauchert <john.rauchert@s...> wrote:
> I revise my opinion on OCR packages and maintaining layout. I am
> currently reviewing ABBYY FineReader 7.0 Pro and it does a decent job of
> maintaining layout as well as good character recognition from a PDF
> document.

That's good to hear.

> Now I just have to justify to myself expending 400+ dollars Canadian to
> purchase a license.

I have the some problem. Though it seems you actually do graphic
art/layout work and have some justification. For me it would just be
another frivolous expense on a hobby. Not that I haven't done that
plenty of times before. heh.

Group: dqn-list Message: 1930 From: Chris Klug Date: 3/30/2005
Subject: Hello
Greetings, all.

I just joined the group. in fact, I just found out about it a few days

I was wondering whether any of you still play DQ much anymore?

Gerard Christopher Klug
Group: dqn-list Message: 1931 From: John Rauchert Date: 3/30/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
Welcome Chris.

I would say that I certainly don't play as much DQ as I used to (Right
now I am GMing a CoC campaign).

My regular group now only meets every other week now (as opposed to
the 3 times a week we got together in the old days). On the PnP RPG
front we rotate between D20 D&D, First Edition C&S, Lords of Creation,
Call of Cthulhu, Cyberpunk, and even the occasional game of James Bond.

John F. Rauchert
Co-Moderator DQN-List, DQ-Rules, Universe_RPG
Acting President DQPA

PS: Are you still on Faculty at ETC?

--- In, Chris Klug <eaglewing@m...> wrote:
> Greetings, all.
> I just joined the group. in fact, I just found out about it a few
> ago.
> I was wondering whether any of you still play DQ much anymore?
> Gerard Christopher Klug
Group: dqn-list Message: 1932 From: Jason Winter Date: 3/30/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
Still play here. Our group tries to get together once a month for a
marathon 2 day session.

At 06:14 PM 3/30/2005, you wrote:
>Greetings, all.
>I just joined the group. in fact, I just found out about it a few days
>I was wondering whether any of you still play DQ much anymore?
>Gerard Christopher Klug
>Yahoo! Groups Links
Group: dqn-list Message: 1933 From: Mandos Mitchinson Date: 3/31/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
> I just joined the group. in fact, I just found out about it a few days
> ago.
> I was wondering whether any of you still play DQ much anymore?

Play between one and three days a week, every week for the past 12 years.

Group: dqn-list Message: 1934 From: J. K. Hoffman Date: 3/31/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
Chris Klug wrote:
> Greetings, all.
> I just joined the group. in fact, I just found out about it a few days
> ago.
> I was wondering whether any of you still play DQ much anymore?
> Gerard Christopher Klug

Wow, how cool is this to have the creator on the list?

Well, I don't play any RPGs much any more, but if I did, I'd love to be
able to teach a crew DQ and run a campaign.

"Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that's the stuff
that life is made of."
-Ben Franklin
Group: dqn-list Message: 1935 From: Date: 3/31/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
Nice to have you on the list. There are a couple of other DQ lists out

These mailing lists are coming out of a period of hibernation.

Do I still play? no but i wish I did. About 9 months ago I wrapped a
campaign I was GMing. It had run for about 4 years. The other members of
the group wanted to play something with a little more power, and we
settled on D20. I desperately want to get a DQ campaign going again.
Hopefully soon.


> Greetings, all.
> I just joined the group. in fact, I just found out about it a few days
> ago.
> I was wondering whether any of you still play DQ much anymore?
> Gerard Christopher Klug
> Yahoo! Groups Links
Group: dqn-list Message: 1936 From: Date: 3/31/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
by DQ do you mean dragon quest but yes i do play dragon quest and the roleplay group is still meeting every week with around 8 members

Whatever you Wanadoo

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Group: dqn-list Message: 1937 From: rthorm Date: 3/31/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
Welcome to the group, Chris.

For those who didn't recognize the name, let me introduce our newest
member as the man who primarily carried the torch for DragonQuest at
SPI. He is credited with Design and Development of the Combat System
and Editing and Development of the Second Edition. He was also the
author of the Questing column in Ares magazine.

As John Corey already indicated, there are a few different Yahoo
groups dedicated to DragonQuest besides this one. Due to some
problems we've had with list spammers, membership requires approval,
so it might take a while before you can post there, but you will
certainly be welcome in those groups, as well.

There's a pretty large overlap between the groups, but it's not 100%,
and sometimes one or the other will have a flurry of activity, while
the others remain quiet.

There is also the DragonQuest Players Association which you should
look at:

As for playing, my own DQ campaign seems to have gone on involuntary
hiatus for a few months, but hopefully we'll be getting back to it soon.

And, if I can turn it back to you, I think the question everyone here
would like to know is, do YOU still play DragonQuest?

Rodger Thorm

--- In, Chris Klug <eaglewing@m...> wrote:
> Greetings, all.
> I just joined the group. in fact, I just found out about it a few days
> ago.
> I was wondering whether any of you still play DQ much anymore?
> Gerard Christopher Klug
Group: dqn-list Message: 1938 From: D. Cameron King Date: 3/31/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
>I was wondering whether any of you still play DQ much anymore?

My last DQ group folded in 1999, unfortunately.

Group: dqn-list Message: 1939 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 3/31/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
I do play DQ, intermittantly. I GM for my wife and children.

A question I'm itching to ask is do who have any DQ stuff left over
fromyour SPI days?


PS thanks for a great system

--- In, Chris Klug <eaglewing@m...> wrote:
> Greetings, all.
> I just joined the group. in fact, I just found out about it a few days
> ago.
> I was wondering whether any of you still play DQ much anymore?
> Gerard Christopher Klug
Group: dqn-list Message: 1940 From: darkislephil Date: 3/31/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
Holy cow. A voice from DQ's misty origins!

Welcome to the group!

DQ is still the fantasy RPG of choice among our crowd though we don't
game as much as we used to.


--- In, Chris Klug <eaglewing@m...> wrote:
> Greetings, all.
> I just joined the group. in fact, I just found out about it a few days
> ago.
> I was wondering whether any of you still play DQ much anymore?
> Gerard Christopher Klug
Group: dqn-list Message: 1941 From: Tom Miller Date: 3/31/2005
Subject: Still playing Dragonquest
Greetings all,
Wowwie, good to see some of the "Godfathers" of Dragonquest on
the list. I have been playing Dragonquest on and off since 1982 and
just recently started an adult group that plays once a month. We do a
Sunday marathon of about 7 hours of playing. I had added much
to the game and those who like the orginal game may not like all the
additions to my game. I have heavily raided the coffers of WOTC and
many D20 suppliments for the game. Anyways, for what it is worth
is the website and all the suff that has found its way into my
experience of Dragonquest.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1942 From: arielifan Date: 3/31/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
I still have my original first edition rules, preserved as they saw
a lot of use.


> I do play DQ, intermittantly. I GM for my wife and children.
> A question I'm itching to ask is do who have any DQ stuff left over
> fromyour SPI days?
> David
> PS thanks for a great system
> --- In, Chris Klug <eaglewing@m...> wrote:
> >
> > Greetings, all.
> >
> > I just joined the group. in fact, I just found out about it a
few days
> > ago.
> >
> > I was wondering whether any of you still play DQ much anymore?
> >
> > Gerard Christopher Klug
Group: dqn-list Message: 1943 From: arielifan Date: 3/31/2005
Subject: Re: DQ Gaming

My name is Jeffery, and I've been GMing/Playing DQ since it first came
out. I've been RPGing since 1979.

I'm hoping to make contact with a group in/around Corvallis, OR. I've
also run online groups. I have two participants in my online group
that post so frequently they have scared off others.

I'm looking for either additional players, or a campaign I can join.

Thank you,

Group: dqn-list Message: 1944 From: Chris Klug Date: 3/31/2005
Subject: Re: Hello

Let's see, so many things I want to say...

First off, yes I'm still on the ETC faculty. For the time being.

And, just to give credit where credit is due, I didn't create the game.
Eric Goldberg waa the architect, Ted Woods designed the magic system,
and I did the second edition combat system.

But I certainly was the biggest advocate.

Are the other DQ groups worth subscribing to?

I'll take a look at the players association, for sure.

The biggest 'lost' document was Arcane Wisdom, but I assume you've all
got that one.

How many of you use the rules straight, as opposed to wholesale
changes? I mean, we all tinker, but I'd be curious what has stood the
ravages of time...

Have any of you heard of the second unpublished fantasy RPG that
Goldberg and Woods were working on? I playtested it, and am curious
whether word of that has leaked out over the years.

Group: dqn-list Message: 1945 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 4/1/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
--- In, Chris Klug <eaglewing@m...> wrote:
> <snip>
> Are the other DQ groups worth subscribing to?

Dq-rules certainly is, although it's going through a quiet-ish phase
at the moment

> I'll take a look at the players association, for sure.
> The biggest 'lost' document was Arcane Wisdom, but I assume you've all
> got that one.
> How many of you use the rules straight, as opposed to wholesale
> changes? I mean, we all tinker, but I'd be curious what has stood the
> ravages of time...

I once tried to re-write the combat system (sorry), it actually worked
out to be more like the arena of death system, but it was un-playable.
The only thing left is the unarmed combat system, modified to suit
the original DQ rules.

Other that that and minor tweaks I'm an adder. I've written a
Religion, spirits and planes system, but I've been at pains to keep it
compatible to the original DQ in term of rules, style and feel

> Have any of you heard of the second unpublished fantasy RPG that
> Goldberg and Woods were working on? I playtested it, and am curious
> whether word of that has leaked out over the years.

First I've heard of it, was it any good?

Group: dqn-list Message: 1946 From: John Rauchert Date: 4/1/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
Damn, now I'll have to get off my butt and start working actively on
DQPA again :) Actually I was thinking that about one the first projects
that I would like to undertake just this morning.

The other lost document would be the World Generation System by Steve
Jackson that was mentioned in the designer's notes of Ares NR 11.


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Klug []
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 10:31 PM
Subject: [DQN-list] Re: Hello

I'll take a look at the players association, for sure.

The biggest 'lost' document was Arcane Wisdom, but I assume you've all
got that one.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1947 From: Rich Spainhour, M.Sc., MAJ, USA Date: 4/1/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
-----Original Message-----
From: John Rauchert <>
Sent: Apr 1, 2005 8:12 AM
Subject: RE: [DQN-list] Re: Hello

The other lost document would be the World Generation System by Steve
Jackson that was mentioned in the designer's notes of Ares NR 11.


For which I would gladly pay an embarrassing amount of money. :)

Rich Spainhour
Soldier, Operations Research Analyst, Gamer Geek

"Sometimes the best way to find out what nega-rays do is to aim them at Nazi-bred dinosaurs."
--David Noonan, Pulp Heroes d20 Modern minigame, Polyhedron #161
Group: dqn-list Message: 1948 From: John Rauchert Date: 4/1/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
The last time I got the chance to talk to Steve was at a local
convention a while back and the closest I got to a straight answer was
that most of that document was rolled into GURPS (with the implication
being, so go play it instead).


-----Original Message-----
From: Rich Spainhour, M.Sc., MAJ, USA []
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 9:23 AM
Subject: RE: [DQN-list] Re: Hello

For which I would gladly pay an embarrassing amount of money. :)

Rich Spainhour
Soldier, Operations Research Analyst, Gamer Geek

"Sometimes the best way to find out what nega-rays do is to aim them at
Nazi-bred dinosaurs."
--David Noonan, Pulp Heroes d20 Modern minigame, Polyhedron #161

-----Original Message-----
From: John Rauchert <>
Sent: Apr 1, 2005 8:12 AM
Subject: RE: [DQN-list] Re: Hello

The other lost document would be the World Generation System by Steve
Jackson that was mentioned in the designer's notes of Ares NR 11.

Group: dqn-list Message: 1949 From: D. Cameron King Date: 4/1/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
>From: Chris Klug <>
>How many of you use the rules straight, as opposed to wholesale
>changes? I mean, we all tinker, but I'd be curious what has stood the
>ravages of time...

The group I played with from the time DQ (2nd ed.) came out until 1989 used
the rules absolutely straight. I often said that DQ was such a
well-designed system that I didn't feel the need to "tinker" with it.

Sometime after '89, I got hold of the Arcane Wisdom rules online and we
added them in, modifying them slightly based on TSR's 3rd edition DQ rules,
but otherwise kept the game pure 2nd edition.

Group: dqn-list Message: 1950 From: Gabriel Martinez Date: 4/1/2005
Subject: Re: Hello
We're palying a mix of 2nd. and 3rd Ed.
We're running two parties, one since 2000 and other since 2003, and our new players started new DQ groups.
I didn't find a reason yet to stop playing DQ. Time pass, systems fall down..., but DQ still alive...!!!!
Long live to DQ.
Buenos Aires.
-----Mensaje original-----
De: D. Cameron King []
Enviado el: Viernes, 01 de Abril de 2005 03:07 p.m.
Asunto: RE: [DQN-list] Re: Hello

>From: Chris Klug
>How many of you use the rules straight, as
opposed to wholesale
>changes?  I mean, we all tinker, but I'd be
curious what has stood the
>ravages of time...

The group I played with from the time DQ (2nd ed.) came out until 1989 used
the rules absolutely straight.  I often said that DQ was such a
well-designed system that I didn't feel the need to "tinker" with it.

Sometime after '89, I got hold of the Arcane Wisdom rules online and we
added them in, modifying them slightly based on TSR's 3rd edition DQ rules,
but otherwise kept the game pure 2nd edition.


Group: dqn-list Message: 1951 From: Chris Klug Date: 4/2/2005
Subject: Various DQ thoughts

> I still have my original first edition rules, preserved as they saw
> a lot of use.

Wow. The first edition rules. I'd thought there wouldn't be too many
of those left these days.
> I once tried to re-write the combat system (sorry), it actually worked
> out to be more like the arena of death system, but it was un-playable.
> The only thing left is the unarmed combat system, modified to suit
> the original DQ rules.

No offense taken. My first job for DQ was to re-do the combat system
as the management thought it was un-playable. It was literally my
first job in the game business, so the fact that it had some issues is
to be expected. Although I thought it worked pretty well. My group at
the time used it for a long period after publication and it held up
quite well.

> Other that that and minor tweaks I'm an adder. I've written a
> Religion, spirits and planes system, but I've been at pains to keep it
> compatible to the original DQ in term of rules, style and feel

That's humerous in that the original design was such a hodge-podge of
stuff. Woods' magic system came in from his D&D campaign, the combat
system was designed whole-cloth by Dave Ritchie and he wasn't a RPGer
but rather a a wargamer, and the skills system was designed by two
interns. It's amazing that it held together so well.

>> Have any of you heard of the second unpublished fantasy RPG that
>> Goldberg and Woods were working on? I playtested it, and am curious
>> whether word of that has leaked out over the years.
> First I've heard of it, was it any good?

Yeah, it was pretty wonderful. I playtested it for a while, and I've
begged Eric to give me a copy of the rules so i could run them for my
house campaign, but he's never relented. The main issue with it was
whether it would be quite so wonderful if Ted Woods wasn't GM-ing.

> Damn, now I'll have to get off my butt and start working actively on
> DQPA again :) Actually I was thinking that about one the first projects
> that I would like to undertake just this morning.
> The other lost document would be the World Generation System by Steve
> Jackson that was mentioned in the designer's notes of Ares NR 11.

I talked at length with Steve about it, and I was very nervous. Steve
wasn't gonna take any time to learn DQ, so whatever was going to arrive
would have had to be seriously edited to make it more DQ-ish.

The really painful thing that never saw the light of day was an
adventure pack designed by Ray Feist. This was long before he books
were published. But, given the quality of his novels, I'd have bet his
adventure would've been wonderful.

Speaking of which, does anyone on the list have a copy of the Enchanted

> The group I played with from the time DQ (2nd ed.) came out until 1989
> used
> the rules absolutely straight. I often said that DQ was such a
> well-designed system that I didn't feel the need to "tinker" with it.

See my comment above about the system and its development.

> Sometime after '89, I got hold of the Arcane Wisdom rules online and we
> added them in, modifying them slightly based on TSR's 3rd edition DQ
> rules,

You know, I'm ashamed to say I was employed by TSR to 'edit' those
rules. That they lobotomized the game made me very angry. I can't
remember what things they did to it other than take out the demons.

> We're palying a mix of 2nd. and 3rd Ed.

What are you using from the 3rd?

> I didn't find a reason yet to stop playing DQ. Time pass, systems fall
> down..., but DQ still alive...!!!!

I've been playing a mixture of DQ and Runequest for quite a number of
years now.

>> GCK
Group: dqn-list Message: 1952 From: darkislephil Date: 4/2/2005
Subject: Re: Various DQ thoughts
--- In, Chris Klug <eaglewing@m...> wrote:

> > The other lost document would be the World Generation System by Steve
> > Jackson that was mentioned in the designer's notes of Ares NR 11.
> I talked at length with Steve about it, and I was very nervous. Steve
> wasn't gonna take any time to learn DQ, so whatever was going to arrive
> would have had to be seriously edited to make it more DQ-ish.

I have a copy of a draft version of it and it certainly could use some
editing to make it more DQ-ish. From my reading of the Group Magic
section Steve must have acquired at least some familiarity with DQ
during the writing.

> The really painful thing that never saw the light of day was an
> adventure pack designed by Ray Feist.

Wow. Sure would be nice to track down that.

Any idea of whatever happened to the playtest copies of the colleges
of White and Fairy Magic? When I spoke with Robert Kern many years
ago he mentioned some playtesters had them but I lost touch with him
before I could find out more.

> Speaking of which, does anyone on the list have a copy
> of the Enchanted Wood?

I scanned in my copy a couple weeks back and another fellow here
converted it to a PDF of images. Look back a few pages an you should
see a group of posts with Enchanted Wood in the title.

In regards to your question about playing by the rules just a few
weeks I also stumbled across this group and posted a few questions
along those lines. Look back a few pages and you'll see a few threads
I started on that subject. In general I've felt little need to expand
upon the DQ rules beyond using the copy of Arcane Wisdom I managed to
weasel out of a sympathetic soul at TSR.

You probably don't remember but I corralled you many years ago at the
Origins where the James Bond RPG was launched to answer some rules
questions about DQ. I still have those pages in my DQ box.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1953 From: Jeffery K. McGonagill Date: 4/2/2005
Subject: Re: Various DQ thoughts
<much snipping>

> Speaking of which, does anyone on the list have a copy of the Enchanted
> Wood?

Yes, and I've run it many times.

> > We're palying a mix of 2nd. and 3rd Ed.
> What are you using from the 3rd?

I still use shields from 1st edition and Military Science from 3rd, and
combat is a mix of 1st & 2nd and the rest is 2nd editiion.

Group: dqn-list Message: 1954 From: Jeffery K. McGonagill Date: 4/2/2005
Subject: Re: Various DQ thoughts
> In regards to your question about playing by the rules just a few
> weeks I also stumbled across this group and posted a few questions
> along those lines. Look back a few pages and you'll see a few threads
> I started on that subject. In general I've felt little need to expand
> upon the DQ rules beyond using the copy of Arcane Wisdom I managed to
> weasel out of a sympathetic soul at TSR.

The biggest expansion I've done is coming up with retail pricing for
Potions, Investments, and Artifacts that are comparable to each other.

Group: dqn-list Message: 1955 From: Chris Klug Date: 4/3/2005
Subject: Re: Digest Number 358

> I still use shields from 1st edition and Military Science from 3rd, and
> combat is a mix of 1st & 2nd and the rest is 2nd editiion.
I can't even remember. How did shields work in 1st edition?

Group: dqn-list Message: 1956 From: J. Corey Date: 4/3/2005
Subject: Re: Digest Number 358
Ok Chris,

This has been killing me. And I don't want to start an avalanche of
questions, but...
Why is PC 5 in the hard cover, and 8 in the bantam soft cover? We use

On Apr 3, 2005, at 10:03 PM, Chris Klug wrote:

> Hello
>> I still use shields from 1st edition and Military Science from 3rd,
>> and
>> combat is a mix of 1st & 2nd and the rest is 2nd editiion.
> I can't even remember. How did shields work in 1st edition?
> Chris
> Yahoo! Groups Links
Group: dqn-list Message: 1957 From: Jeffery K. McGonagill Date: 4/3/2005
Subject: Re: Digest Number 358
They absorb damage rather than reduce the chance of being hit.


> > I still use shields from 1st edition and Military Science from 3rd, and
> > combat is a mix of 1st & 2nd and the rest is 2nd editiion.
> >
> >
> I can't even remember. How did shields work in 1st edition?
> Chris
> Yahoo! Groups Links