Messages in dqn-list group. Page 36 of 80.

Group: dqn-list Message: 1758 From: J. K. Hoffman Date: 5/23/2004
Subject: Re: New Project & New Guy
Group: dqn-list Message: 1759 From: Stephen Johnson Date: 5/23/2004
Subject: Re: New Project & New Guy
Group: dqn-list Message: 1760 From: J. K. Hoffman Date: 5/23/2004
Subject: Re: New Project & New Guy
Group: dqn-list Message: 1761 From: Greg Walters Date: 5/26/2004
Subject: GenCon SoCal... and a question
Group: dqn-list Message: 1762 From: Date: 5/30/2004
Subject: Re: New Project & New Guy
Group: dqn-list Message: 1763 From: Greg Walters Date: 6/9/2004
Subject: Will you GM at GenCon Socal?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1764 From: Davis, John R Date: 6/9/2004
Subject: DQ in Canada
Group: dqn-list Message: 1765 From: John Rauchert Date: 6/9/2004
Subject: Re: DQ in Canada
Group: dqn-list Message: 1766 From: Davis, John R Date: 6/9/2004
Subject: Re: DQ in Canada
Group: dqn-list Message: 1767 From: Date: 6/30/2004
Subject: ARES Magazine Compilation
Group: dqn-list Message: 1768 From: Date: 7/3/2004
Subject: New file uploaded to dqn-list
Group: dqn-list Message: 1769 From: rthorm Date: 7/26/2004
Subject: Yahoo Group Changes
Group: dqn-list Message: 1770 From: Todd A. Douglas Date: 8/3/2004
Subject: Re: Yahoo Group Changes
Group: dqn-list Message: 1771 From: rthorm Date: 8/3/2004
Subject: Re: Yahoo Group Changes
Group: dqn-list Message: 1772 From: Larry Date: 8/15/2004
Subject: Gonna sell my DQ stuff.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1773 From: J. Corey Date: 8/15/2004
Subject: Re: [dq-rules] Gonna sell my DQ stuff.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1774 From: Larry Date: 8/20/2004
Subject: DQ stuff for sale, going...going.....poof! :)
Group: dqn-list Message: 1775 From: rthorm Date: 10/28/2004
Subject: Albion: Land of Faerie
Group: dqn-list Message: 1776 From: John Rauchert Date: 10/28/2004
Subject: Re: Albion: Land of Faerie
Group: dqn-list Message: 1777 From: John Rauchert Date: 10/28/2004
Subject: Re: Albion: Land of Faerie
Group: dqn-list Message: 1778 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 10/29/2004
Subject: Re: Albion: Land of Faerie
Group: dqn-list Message: 1779 From: jcorey30 Date: 10/29/2004
Subject: Re: Albion: Land of Faerie
Group: dqn-list Message: 1780 From: rthorm Date: 11/2/2004
Subject: Orphan Works (Kahle v. Ashcroft)
Group: dqn-list Message: 1781 From: J. K. Hoffman Date: 11/2/2004
Subject: Re: Orphan Works (Kahle v. Ashcroft)
Group: dqn-list Message: 1782 From: Dean Phares (Magnus of Falkirk) Date: 11/19/2004
Subject: New to the list
Group: dqn-list Message: 1783 From: Date: 11/19/2004
Subject: Re: New to the list
Group: dqn-list Message: 1784 From: rthorm Date: 11/19/2004
Subject: Re: New to the list
Group: dqn-list Message: 1785 From: Ladius Date: 12/17/2004
Subject: Greetings all.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1786 From: Chris Short Date: 12/17/2004
Subject: Re: [inbox] [DQN-list] Greetings all.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1787 From: Dean Phares Date: 12/17/2004
Subject: Re: Greetings all.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1788 From: Scott McGinnis Date: 12/31/2004
Subject: DragonQuest Character Generator?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1789 From: Date: 12/31/2004
Subject: Re: DragonQuest Character Generator?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1790 From: Martin Gallo Date: 12/31/2004
Subject: Re: DragonQuest Character Generator?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1791 From: Keith Date: 12/31/2004
Subject: Re: DragonQuest Character Generator?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1792 From: Scott Knowles Date: 1/1/2005
Subject: Re: DragonQuest Character Generator?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1793 From: Mcginnis, Scott (NIH/NLM/NCBI) Date: 1/3/2005
Subject: Re: DragonQuest Character Generator?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1794 From: Mandos Mitchinson Date: 1/3/2005
Subject: Re: DragonQuest Character Generator?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1795 From: Mcginnis, Scott (NIH/NLM/NCBI) Date: 1/4/2005
Subject: Re: DragonQuest Character Generator?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1796 From: Mandos Mitchinson Date: 1/4/2005
Subject: Re: DragonQuest Character Generator?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1797 From: Martin Gallo Date: 1/6/2005
Subject: Re: DragonQuest Character Generator?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1798 From: Ben Davis Date: 1/11/2005
Subject: Re: DragonQuest Character Generator?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1799 From: J. K. Hoffman Date: 1/11/2005
Subject: Re: DragonQuest Character Generator?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1800 From: Mcginnis, Scott (NIH/NLM/NCBI) Date: 1/11/2005
Subject: Re: DragonQuest Character Generator?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1801 From: Date: 1/11/2005
Subject: Re: DragonQuest Character Generator?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1802 From: Chris Short Date: 1/11/2005
Subject: Re: [inbox] Re: [DQN-list] DragonQuest Character Generator?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1803 From: Mcginnis, Scott (NIH/NLM/NCBI) Date: 1/11/2005
Subject: Re: [inbox] Re: [DQN-list] DragonQuest Character Generator?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1804 From: Chris Short Date: 1/11/2005
Subject: Re: [inbox] Re: [DQN-list] DragonQuest Character Generator?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1805 From: Date: 1/11/2005
Subject: Re: [inbox] Re: [DQN-list] DragonQuest Character Generator?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1806 From: J. K. Hoffman Date: 1/11/2005
Subject: Re: [inbox] Re: [DQN-list] DragonQuest Character Generator?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1807 From: Davis, John R Date: 1/12/2005
Subject: Re: [inbox] Re: [DQN-list] DragonQuest Character Generator?

Group: dqn-list Message: 1758 From: J. K. Hoffman Date: 5/23/2004
Subject: Re: New Project & New Guy
Esko Halttunen wrote:
> Afaik, this is true. If it were not, it would be impossible for there to
> be al these game companies other than TSR making all those myriad
> supplements to the D20 system. And if some really thorny issues arise, I
> know one American lawyer on the discussion forums who
> would probably be willing to help on simple questions. I'm on good terms
> with him, so it shouldn't be a problem and as long as a question is
> formulated specifiaclly and exactly instead of in generalities, finding
> an answer is relatively easy. It's the broad questions that takea lot of
> time.

Actually, the whole d20 thing is a license that WotC/Hasbro came up with
that specifically allows people to make additions, etc. to the rules.
In that particular case, it has little to do with the copyright rules
surrounding games and game systems.
In fact, that was supposed to be the big genius idea behind d20. They
release a "good" game system and make their supplements, but then they
make it easy for people to use their game mechanic, requiring the use of
some of their books, and expand the overall game market. And, they were
right! It seems to be working! Even other game systems are writing d20
modules or extensions for their games.

Interesting times in RPG land...
When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left, I buy food
and clothes.
- Desiderius Erasmus
Group: dqn-list Message: 1759 From: Stephen Johnson Date: 5/23/2004
Subject: Re: New Project & New Guy
J. K. Hoffman wrote...

> > Afaik, this is true. If it were not, it would be impossible for there to
> > be al these game companies other than TSR making all those myriad
> > supplements to the D20 system. And if some really thorny issues arise, I
> > know one American lawyer on the discussion forums who
> > would probably be willing to help on simple questions. I'm on good terms
> > with him, so it shouldn't be a problem and as long as a question is
> > formulated specifiaclly and exactly instead of in generalities, finding
> > an answer is relatively easy. It's the broad questions that takea lot of
> > time.
> Actually, the whole d20 thing is a license that WotC/Hasbro came up with
> that specifically allows people to make additions, etc. to the rules.
> In that particular case, it has little to do with the copyright rules
> surrounding games and game systems.
I wrote this for the other list, but let me restate it here...

The D20 thing is very specifically crafted by the WotC legal team to do some
very specific things. See after WotC took over TSR the accounting and finance
types went through everything and determined that pretty much everything TSR
has put out, pretty much since it's founding, and especially since the first
ever Players Handbook (PHB from now on) was a sales driver to the one thing the
company made serious, for TSR, money from - selling the PHB! All the boxed
sets, the Monster Manual, DMs Guide, all the magazines, supplements and so on,
all of it didn't really make TSR any money. Selling the PHB was, and in their
current business model is, what makes TSR money, everything else just drove
demand for the PHB.
Thus the D20 concept, and then that nasty D20 License, to off load all the
stuff that doesn't make TSR money. The supplements, campaigns and other stuff,
onto the fanbase and let them kill themselves pumping it out into the market to
drive demand for the PHB. Which is what makes TSR money, it's really a
brilliant bit of commercial thinking in a way. Get your customers to go crazy
promoting your product for you.
But that D20 License is not open source, and it's restrictive in other ways as
well. I have a friend who's putting out some D20 books and some of the stuff I
hear about what it does and does not allow... ::Shudder:: Remember, it was
crafted by corporate lawyers to protect the corporate profit center and thus
it's a legal bear trap. In fact it's so bad from what I've heard that many of
the publishers that put out D20 stuff are now looking to create a separate logo
and organization to move their customer base away from the PHB and WotC.
So keep in mind that D20 is NOT Open Source, something even WotC has backed
off of saying BTW.

> In fact, that was supposed to be the big genius idea behind d20. They
> release a "good" game system and make their supplements, but then they
> make it easy for people to use their game mechanic, requiring the use of
> some of their books, and expand the overall game market. And, they were
> right! It seems to be working! Even other game systems are writing d20
> modules or extensions for their games.
I'd question the "good" game bit, but what it really reminds me of is how
Microsoft operates. Embrace the competition and include their ideas in your
products. Extend your own version of their product until you can make their
ideas your own property. Exterminate the competition with your version of
their product. In a sense what WotC has done is offer all the other game
publishers a chance to sell stuff in the larger D&D marketspace, they've
Embraced the competition. Having drawn in much of the competition and hooked
them with the D20 license they now start to Extend the terms of that license,
tweaking it every so often. Eventually they'll have their competition so
financially dependent upon the D20 marketspace, having sucked in pretty much
every part of RPGing into it, that they can Exterminate the competition at will
by revoking the D20 license, or changing it in such a way that no one else can
profitably operate under it.
Then WotC can cherry pick with companies it wants to acquire at fire sale
prices and enjoy a vastly expanded marketspace thanks to the efforts of its
competitors - who now no longer exist or are too busy struggling to survive to
bother them. I'm not saying that this is what is going to happen, but then
again this is WotC we're talking about. At the height of the Magic the
Gathering crazy they circulated a Hit List of RPG companies they wanted to
destroy or acquire. TSR was at the top of that list, and almost all of the
companies that were on that list no longer exist. ;)

> Interesting times in RPG land...
Very interesting indeed. :)

Group: dqn-list Message: 1760 From: J. K. Hoffman Date: 5/23/2004
Subject: Re: New Project & New Guy
Stephen Johnson wrote:
> I'd question the "good" game bit, ....

So would I. That's why I put it in quotes. ^_^


When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left, I buy food
and clothes.
- Desiderius Erasmus
Group: dqn-list Message: 1761 From: Greg Walters Date: 5/26/2004
Subject: GenCon SoCal... and a question

I plan to run (at least) a few sessions of DQ (and Universe) at
GenCon SoCal...

My question - will I be able to represent the DragonQuest News
Group? For that matter, would anyone else like to go too?

I envision individuals going to conventions saying that they are
part of a large gaming group (I think it helps encourage others to
at least try DQ).

Thinking further, off hand, maybe it is sufficient for me to just go
as 'myself' and mention "by the way, I'm one of a large group..."

From what I've seen at conventions, large gaming groups get better
benefits (at conventions). Who knows, maybe in the future we might
be afforded a bit of space, or ? Makes me wonder - what was the
most interest ever shown on the past when SPI was at conventions? (I
recall seeing magazine ads for GMs for - what was it - Origins 1981?)

Perhaps, when the open source version gets going, we can really make
a go of things?

- Greg W.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1762 From: Date: 5/30/2004
Subject: Re: New Project & New Guy
On 23 May 2004 at 13:34, Esko Halttunen wrote:

> >I am not a copyright lawyer. But I think all of us have become at
> >least somewhat acquainted with contemporary intellectual property law
> >as we have struggled to understand the ownership and rights issues
> >concerning DragonQuest. It is my understanding that game rules cannot
> >be copyrighted, only the expression of those rules can be
> >copyrighted.
> >
> >
> Afaik, this is true. If it were not, it would be impossible for there
> to be al these game companies other than TSR making all those myriad
> supplements to the D20 system. And if some really thorny issues arise,

Does not D20 specificly allow the use of D20 as long as it's copyright is
correctly included in the product. As I recall, Steve Jackson Games
"published" the D20 rule for a T-shirt (on a T-shirt). This is quite
different than the situation with DQ. D20 and DQ are very different
when it came to product licencing, etc.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1763 From: Greg Walters Date: 6/9/2004
Subject: Will you GM at GenCon Socal?
Will you GM at GenCon Socal?

GenCon will be at the Anaheim convention center in southern
California for four days (including the first weekend in September).

If interested, please let me know!
Group: dqn-list Message: 1764 From: Davis, John R Date: 6/9/2004
Subject: DQ in Canada
Attachments :
    If all goes to plan I should be working in Canada for 5 weeks, mid-september onwards near weyburn, east and south of the country. Any dq-ers in that vicinity?


    This e-mail message, and any files transmitted with it, are
    confidential and intended solely for the use of the addressee. If
    this message was not addressed to you, you have received it in error
    and any copying, distribution or other use of any part of it is
    strictly prohibited. Any views or opinions presented are solely those
    of the sender and do not necessarily represent those of the British
    Geological Survey. The security of e-mail communication cannot be
    guaranteed and the BGS accepts no liability for claims arising as a
    result of the use of this medium to transmit messages from or to the
    BGS. .
    Group: dqn-list Message: 1765 From: John Rauchert Date: 6/9/2004
    Subject: Re: DQ in Canada

    I am assuming you mean Weyburn, Saskatchewan which is in the southeast part of the Province (southeast of Regina).




    I live in Calgary, Alberta (the next province west of Saskathewan)


    According to Mapquest it is a short 10 hours, 21 minutes and 509.25 miles drive to there.




    -----Original Message-----
    From: Davis, John R []
    Wednesday, June 09, 2004 10:02 AM
    Subject: DQ in


    If all goes to plan I should be working in Canada for 5 weeks, mid-september onwards near weyburn, east and south of the country. Any dq-ers in that vicinity?



    Group: dqn-list Message: 1766 From: Davis, John R Date: 6/9/2004
    Subject: Re: DQ in Canada
    Attachments :
      Indeed i do.

      Hopefully have my weekends off so I can pop round for a cup of tea or canadian equivalent. Intend to drive from conference in Vancouver first with co-worker.

      This isnt DQ related


      What is the encounter modifier in that part of the continent...few kept it on topic.

      -----Original Message-----
      From: John Rauchert []
      Sent: Wed 09/06/2004 17:17
      Subject: [DQN-list] RE: DQ in Canada

      This e-mail message, and any files transmitted with it, are
      confidential and intended solely for the use of the addressee. If
      this message was not addressed to you, you have received it in error
      and any copying, distribution or other use of any part of it is
      strictly prohibited. Any views or opinions presented are solely those
      of the sender and do not necessarily represent those of the British
      Geological Survey. The security of e-mail communication cannot be
      guaranteed and the BGS accepts no liability for claims arising as a
      result of the use of this medium to transmit messages from or to the
      BGS. .
      Group: dqn-list Message: 1767 From: Date: 6/30/2004
      Subject: ARES Magazine Compilation
      My appologies for the crossposting. Many, but not all, are subscribed to both
      the DQN-list and to the DQ-rules groups, so I have posted this message to both

      Ian Taylor has finished his work on compiling a complete set of ARES Magazines
      on CD-ROM. These include not only all the DragonQuest material, but all of the
      other articles, as well as the games, counters, etc.

      His price for this is $9.95 US plus shipping.

      The link to Ian's page for this is:

      Since he is shipping from Australia, I have suggested that he bundle several
      orders together, send them all to one person in the US (I've volunteered to do
      this) and then re-mail them domestically to the buyers. This could help cut
      down on the cost of shipping, which is looking to be higher than the cost of
      the CD-ROM. (Ian and I would have to work out the logistics of figuring the
      final cost and reimbursing me for the cost of postage. I could probably ship
      to Canada as well in a similar fashion.)

      Ian has told me that he is only waiting to get cases to put these in, and he
      will be ready to start shipping.

      This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
      Group: dqn-list Message: 1768 From: Date: 7/3/2004
      Subject: New file uploaded to dqn-list

      This email message is a notification to let you know that
      a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the dqn-list

      File : /Roll_out_the_barrel.pdf
      Uploaded by : steve_peto <>
      Description : An adventure for beginning characters

      You can access this file at the URL

      To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit


      steve_peto <>
      Group: dqn-list Message: 1769 From: rthorm Date: 7/26/2004
      Subject: Yahoo Group Changes
      I've made some adjustments to the Yahoo Groups settings for this
      groups. It appears that there was some non-DQ activity going on using
      the dqnewsletter group.

      To discourage that sort of thing, I've turned off the chat and
      database features in all DQ groups (dqnewsletter, dqn-list, and
      dq-rules). My appologies if you get multiple copies of this message
      if you are subscribed to more than one of those groups.

      Those of you who keep other Yahoo lists with low traffic may want to
      be on the lookout for this kind of problem, and disable the unused
      features accordingly. I expect to see a couple dozen "members" drop
      out of the dqnewsletter group in the near future.

      If I have disabled any functionality in the group that you were using,
      please let me know, and I'll try to restore it.


      Rodger Thorm, moderator
      Group: dqn-list Message: 1770 From: Todd A. Douglas Date: 8/3/2004
      Subject: Re: Yahoo Group Changes
      Attachments :

        I am a member of the dqn-list, but I have serched yahoo.groups and I can't find the dqnewsletterand/dq-rules groups. Im an active DQ player and would like more access to other DQ gammers. How can I find these groups.



        From: rthorm []
        Sent: Mon 7/26/2004 2:30 PM
        Subject: [DQN-list] Yahoo Group Changes

        I've made some adjustments to the Yahoo Groups settings for this
        groups. It appears that there was some non-DQ activity going on using
        the dqnewsletter group.

        To discourage that sort of thing, I've turned off the chat and
        database features in all DQ groups (dqnewsletter, dqn-list, and
        dq-rules). My appologies if you get multiple copies of this message
        if you are subscribed to more than one of those groups.

        Those of you who keep other Yahoo lists with low traffic may want to
        be on the lookout for this kind of problem, and disable the unused
        features accordingly. I expect to see a couple dozen "members" drop
        out of the dqnewsletter group in the near future.

        If I have disabled any functionality in the group that you were using,
        please let me know, and I'll try to restore it.


        Rodger Thorm, moderator

        Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
        click here <*>


        Yahoo! Groups Links

        * To visit your group on the web, go to:

        * To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: <>

        * Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service <> .
        Group: dqn-list Message: 1771 From: rthorm Date: 8/3/2004
        Subject: Re: Yahoo Group Changes
        Hello Todd,

        I'm sorry it's taken me a couple of days to reply. I was on a short
        vacation with my family this weekend.

        You haven't found the other two groups, in part, because they are not
        public groups, so they do not appear on Yahoo's list. The links below
        should take you to the appropriate groups.


        Thanks for pointing this out. We've always assumed that the DQPA site
        links would get everyone to the other groups, but I've now added links
        to these groups to the dqn-list homepage.

        Let me know if you have any other difficulties, and welcome to the
        other DragonQuest groups. It's always good to hear from someone else
        who is in an active DQ campaign.

        Rodger Thorm

        --- In, "Todd A. Douglas" wrote:
        > Rodger,
        > I am a member of the dqn-list, but I have serched yahoo.groups and I
        can't find the dqnewsletterand/dq-rules groups. Im an active DQ
        player and would like more access to other DQ gammers. How can I find
        these groups.
        Group: dqn-list Message: 1772 From: Larry Date: 8/15/2004
        Subject: Gonna sell my DQ stuff.
        Hey guys,

        Having some money troubles and am forced to sell off my DQ stuff.
        Not happy about the idea, but as much as I love the game, the fact
        is that I really don't have any opportunity to play it anyway, and
        if I do, I can track everything down again in the future. I'm
        planning on putting everything up on eBay, but I wanted to give
        the groups here a shot at everything first. I'm broke, but I'm
        loyal. :)

        Here's what I've got. I'll consider any fair offers.

        DragonQuest - original boxed set. Box is shiny, like new, but has
        a slight bowing to it, and a small area near the top right corner
        that looks like something was pressed against it in storage.
        Contents are mint, like new. Chits are even, amazingly, un-punched.

        DragonQuest 2nd ed. - hardcover. Virtually perfect condition. One
        corner has a slight amount of wear (looks like it bumped into
        something). Pages are crisp and white, and smell like they were
        just printed thanks to being kept sealed in plastic (I keep it in
        a plastic bag). Took years to find a copy, but I finally found one
        that had made its way to England, and had it shipped back over. In
        complete honesty, in 25 years, I've never seen another copy in as
        good of condition as this one. Definite collector's copy. (I just
        saw one on eBay that wasn't as clean sell for 85 bucks. Amazing.)

        DragonQuest Gamemaster's Screen. Still sealed. I believe it's for
        1st edition. Copyright 1980. Stock #: 331P11.

        Arena of Death. New & unused. Cellophane was removed to look at
        contents, but otherwise was set on the shelf. Chits un-punched.

        The Blade of Allectus (adventure two). Like new. Shows slight
        signs of wear along the spine, and there are a few subtle markings
        on the cover that can be seen by tilting it to the light that look
        like a few very tiny sprinkles of moisture made contact. Looking
        directly at the book you can't see anything, though.

        The Enchanted Wood (adventure three). Shiny, like new (definitely
        un-used). A few very subtle indents from having been looked

        Ares magazine. Number 3. Two copies. One in good condition,
        complete with game and map. Another spare copy in fair condition
        that has had the game removed.

        Worldkiller. Boxed game. Not DQ, but I include this because the
        rulebook was lost, and was replaced by a copy of Ares number 1,
        where the game originally came from. Boxtop has a couple of splits
        and is bowed. Box bottom is fine. Magazine is intact, but shows
        some signs of reading, and one corner is bent a little where,
        apparently, someone wasn't paying attention when they put it back
        in the box. Chits, however, are still un-punched. Actually was a
        pretty cool find.

        Well, that's it, unless you want my old, beat-up softcover copy of
        2nd edition that I leave out for reading and use, but I kinda
        doubt anyone would be interested in it, and that'll leave me
        something to read. :)

        Best regards,

        Group: dqn-list Message: 1773 From: J. Corey Date: 8/15/2004
        Subject: Re: [dq-rules] Gonna sell my DQ stuff.
        For those who do not have it, the enchanted wood is one of the great
        adventures for any RPG.

        On Aug 15, 2004, at 9:23 AM, Larry wrote:

        > Hey guys,
        >     Having some money troubles and am forced to sell off my DQ stuff.
        >     Not happy about the idea, but as much as I love the game, the fact
        >     is that I really don't have any opportunity to play it anyway, and
        >     if I do, I can track everything down again in the future. I'm
        >     planning on putting everything up on eBay, but I wanted to give
        >     the groups here a shot at everything first. I'm broke, but I'm
        >     loyal. :)
        >     Here's what I've got. I'll consider any fair offers.
        >     DragonQuest - original boxed set. Box is shiny, like new, but has
        >     a slight bowing to it, and a small area near the top right corner
        >     that looks like something was pressed against it in storage.
        >     Contents are mint, like new. Chits are even, amazingly,
        > un-punched.
        >     DragonQuest 2nd ed. - hardcover. Virtually perfect condition. One
        >     corner has a slight amount of wear (looks like it bumped into
        >     something). Pages are crisp and white, and smell like they were
        >     just printed thanks to being kept sealed in plastic (I keep it in
        >     a plastic bag). Took years to find a copy, but I finally found one
        >     that had made its way to England, and had it shipped back over. In
        >     complete honesty, in 25 years, I've never seen another copy in as
        >     good of condition as this one. Definite collector's copy. (I just
        >     saw one on eBay that wasn't as clean sell for 85 bucks. Amazing.)
        >     DragonQuest Gamemaster's Screen. Still sealed. I believe it's for
        >     1st edition. Copyright 1980. Stock #: 331P11.
        >     Arena of Death. New & unused. Cellophane was removed to look at
        >     contents, but otherwise was set on the shelf. Chits un-punched.
        >     The Blade of Allectus (adventure two). Like new. Shows slight
        >     signs of wear along the spine, and there are a few subtle markings
        >     on the cover that can be seen by tilting it to the light that look
        >     like a few very tiny sprinkles of moisture made contact. Looking
        >     directly at the book you can't see anything, though.
        >     The Enchanted Wood (adventure three). Shiny, like new (definitely
        >     un-used). A few very subtle indents from having been looked
        >     through.
        >     Ares magazine. Number 3. Two copies. One in good condition,
        >     complete with game and map. Another spare copy in fair condition
        >     that has had the game removed.
        >     Worldkiller. Boxed game. Not DQ, but I include this because the
        >     rulebook was lost, and was replaced by a copy of Ares number 1,
        >     where the game originally came from. Boxtop has a couple of splits
        >     and is bowed. Box bottom is fine. Magazine is intact, but shows
        >     some signs of reading, and one corner is bent a little where,
        >     apparently, someone wasn't paying attention when they put it back
        >     in the box. Chits, however, are still un-punched. Actually was a
        >     pretty cool find.
        >     Well, that's it, unless you want my old, beat-up softcover copy of
        >     2nd edition that I leave out for reading and use, but I kinda
        >     doubt anyone would be interested in it, and that'll leave me
        >     something to read. :)
        > Best regards,
        >    Larry             
        > To Post a message, send it to:
        > To Unsubscribe, send a blank message to:
        > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
        > <image.tiff>
        > <image.tiff>
        > Yahoo! Groups Links
        > • To visit your group on the web, go to:
        > • To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
        > • Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
        > Service.
        Group: dqn-list Message: 1774 From: Larry Date: 8/20/2004
        Subject: DQ stuff for sale, going...going.....poof! :)
        Hey guys,

        In case no one saw the last post (I sort of buried the info way
        down in the post), here's the info again. This will be my final
        post on the subject. :) One "bid" is in for the bundle below
        already, but no one's made an offer for the hardcover yet. I'll
        wrap this all up tomorrow with whomever contacts me. Thanks. :)

        DragonQuest 2nd ed. - hardcover.

        -- Best offer =/> $75.

        DragonQuest - original boxed set.
        DragonQuest Gamemaster's Screen.
        Arena of Death.
        The Blade of Allectus
        The Enchanted Wood
        Ares magazine #3. Two copies.
        Worldkiller (with Ares #1)

        -- Best offer =/> $50 for everything else as a bundle.

        Buyer pays actual shipping based on whatever method preferred.
        Insurance is at buyer's discretion.

        Best regards,

        Group: dqn-list Message: 1775 From: rthorm Date: 10/28/2004
        Subject: Albion: Land of Faerie
        Things have been awfully quiet here of late. I've been busy with
        other projects, but I'm turning back to DQ now.

        Is there any interest in the Albion: Land of Faerie (basically a
        fantasy England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales) setting for
        DragonQuest? This was a map that was included in an issue of Ares
        magazine, and which SPI later put out some rules to coordinate and use
        the setting with DragonQuest.

        I don't want to put the time into it if no one is going to use it, but
        if there's some interest, I may spend a little time to gather the info
        and make it available (and perhaps even add some more to it myself).

        --Rodger Thorm
        Group: dqn-list Message: 1776 From: John Rauchert Date: 10/28/2004
        Subject: Re: Albion: Land of Faerie
        Awhile ago I started writing what I called "Songs of the Mythic Earth" (then people came out with similar material).

        Some of the Pendragon material and GURPS Celtic Myth are good starting points (other than Albion).

        I also own THE BOOK OF CONQUESTS (tells the story of Nuada, king of the Tuatha Dé Danann, and the First Battle of Moy Tura) by Jim Fitzpatrick

        As well as, The Mabinogion (Welsh Myth) and the retellings (The Children of Llyr, The Song of Rhiannon, Island of the Mighty, Prince of Annwn) by Evangeline Walton

        which I use for inspiration.

        The Poems of Ossian by James MacPherson (a fakedup Scottish Myth cycle) might also be grist for this mill.


        -----Original Message-----
        From: rthorm []
        Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 2:07 PM
        Subject: [DQN-list] Albion: Land of Faerie

        Things have been awfully quiet here of late. I've been busy with
        other projects, but I'm turning back to DQ now.

        Is there any interest in the Albion: Land of Faerie (basically a
        fantasy England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales) setting for
        DragonQuest? This was a map that was included in an issue of Ares
        magazine, and which SPI later put out some rules to coordinate and use
        the setting with DragonQuest.

        I don't want to put the time into it if no one is going to use it, but
        if there's some interest, I may spend a little time to gather the info
        and make it available (and perhaps even add some more to it myself).

        --Rodger Thorm
        Group: dqn-list Message: 1777 From: John Rauchert Date: 10/28/2004
        Subject: Re: Albion: Land of Faerie

        A great resource for Irish Myth
        Group: dqn-list Message: 1778 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 10/29/2004
        Subject: Re: Albion: Land of Faerie
        I'm definitely interested as I use a fantasy sub-roman setting for my
        campaign. This is why I have done the Celtic, GreacoRoman and Norse
        (Germanic) religions in "Spirits religion and planes v1_2.pdf". I also
        have with some British monsters in DQ MonsterQuest
        ( If these are of any
        use feel free to use them.

        I do already have the Ares in question and I posted the DQ adaptation
        up in the file section as:-
        Ares12 Adventures in Albion.pdf

        However it doesn't include the original game (including map) so its of
        limited value by itself.


        PS Some Great links, thanks John

        --- In, "rthorm" <rthorm@c...> wrote:
        > Things have been awfully quiet here of late. I've been busy with
        > other projects, but I'm turning back to DQ now.
        > Is there any interest in the Albion: Land of Faerie (basically a
        > fantasy England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales) setting for
        > DragonQuest? This was a map that was included in an issue of Ares
        > magazine, and which SPI later put out some rules to coordinate and use
        > the setting with DragonQuest.
        > I don't want to put the time into it if no one is going to use it, but
        > if there's some interest, I may spend a little time to gather the info
        > and make it available (and perhaps even add some more to it myself).
        > --Rodger Thorm
        Group: dqn-list Message: 1779 From: jcorey30 Date: 10/29/2004
        Subject: Re: Albion: Land of Faerie
        I have been too quiet, and I am looking to help with a project. I
        would be interested in it, and in helping out. My track record on
        following through has just been ok, but i think i can help. I dug
        out my copy of the Ares mag and game (I still have both in good
        condition), and if that helps you can borrow it. I also am reading
        through it again,so I might help you add to it. Finally, I can
        provide some web support on my website. This could be my opportunity
        to get motivated on that.

        John C

        --- In, "rthorm" <rthorm@c...> wrote:
        > Things have been awfully quiet here of late. I've been busy with
        > other projects, but I'm turning back to DQ now.
        > Is there any interest in the Albion: Land of Faerie (basically a
        > fantasy England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales) setting for
        > DragonQuest? This was a map that was included in an issue of Ares
        > magazine, and which SPI later put out some rules to coordinate and
        > the setting with DragonQuest.
        > I don't want to put the time into it if no one is going to use it,
        > if there's some interest, I may spend a little time to gather the
        > and make it available (and perhaps even add some more to it myself).
        > --Rodger Thorm
        Group: dqn-list Message: 1780 From: rthorm Date: 11/2/2004
        Subject: Orphan Works (Kahle v. Ashcroft)
        Thanks to J. K. Hoffman for posting on this item (which I pointed out
        a while ago). I've thrown in my own two cents on the matter.

        I am the moderator for some websites and online discussion groups
        related to DragonQuest. There is a small but interested core of fans
        who still play this game. Print copies are becoming rarities because
        it has been out of print for so long, and attracting new players is
        more difficult because the rules are not readily available.

        There are also a number of these players and fans of the game who
        would like to develop new rules and additional material for use with
        this game. However, because of the uncertain legal status of the game
        (the number of times that ownership of the rights has been transferred
        now makes it impossible to identify who owns the rights to the game,
        even if we posessed enough money to get the attention of the corporate
        rights attorneys who have the responsibility for this sort of thing.
        For them, unless there is enough money in it, it is simpler (and more
        economically sensible) to ignore the works than to deal with how the
        rights to this game have been transferred.)

        Games that are still in print can continue to grow and attract new
        players by putting out new materials. As a community, our activity is
        essentially stifled because of the uncertain legal standing with
        regard to revising or rewriting the rules to make them more
        contemporary and up do date.

        Because game rules are something that is more prone to revision over
        time than a work of fiction, this is a much more severe effect on the
        community of fans and players of this game than if the item in
        question were a novel or some other work of fiction.

        (This refers to the DragonQuest role-playing game originally published
        by Simulations Publications, Inc. in 1980. A novel by Anne McCaffrey
        and a series of videogames share the same name but none are related to
        each other.)

        --Rodger Thorm
        Group: dqn-list Message: 1781 From: J. K. Hoffman Date: 11/2/2004
        Subject: Re: Orphan Works (Kahle v. Ashcroft)
        rthorm wrote:
        > Thanks to J. K. Hoffman for posting on this item (which I pointed out
        > a while ago). I've thrown in my own two cents on the matter.

        You're welcome, Rodger. I did that some time ago and had forgotten
        about it. I'm not sure what, if anything, will come of it, but it
        seemed like the right thing to do at the time.

        Here's hoping!

        "Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that's the stuff
        that life is made of."
        -Ben Franklin
        Group: dqn-list Message: 1782 From: Dean Phares (Magnus of Falkirk) Date: 11/19/2004
        Subject: New to the list

        I'm new to Dragonquest, just downloaded the 2nd edition recently, but
        have had a copy of Universe for over 20 years and am currently
        playing in two Yahoo Group Universe games.

        Just one thing for the group owner or one of the Moderators. You
        might want tot take a look at your automatic e-mail to new members,
        because it still lists thios group as existing as part of E-groups,
        and Yhaoo bought them out years ago.

        Group: dqn-list Message: 1783 From: Date: 11/19/2004
        Subject: Re: New to the list
        Welcome to the group, and thanks for the heads up. Things have been a bit
        quiet here lately, but new memebers are usually good for shaking things
        up. Feel free to post any questions you may have, or thoughts about how
        to improve the game! we love a good debate here.

        John C.

        > Greetings,
        > I'm new to Dragonquest, just downloaded the 2nd edition recently, but
        > have had a copy of Universe for over 20 years and am currently
        > playing in two Yahoo Group Universe games.
        > Just one thing for the group owner or one of the Moderators. You
        > might want tot take a look at your automatic e-mail to new members,
        > because it still lists thios group as existing as part of E-groups,
        > and Yhaoo bought them out years ago.
        > Dean
        > Yahoo! Groups Links
        Group: dqn-list Message: 1784 From: rthorm Date: 11/19/2004
        Subject: Re: New to the list
        Thanks for pointing that out.

        --- In, "Dean Phares (Magnus of Falkirk)"
        <magnusfalkirk@y...> wrote:

        > Just one thing for the group owner or one of the Moderators. You
        > might want tot take a look at your automatic e-mail to new members,
        > because it still lists thios group as existing as part of E-groups,
        > and Yhaoo bought them out years ago.
        > Dean
        Group: dqn-list Message: 1785 From: Ladius Date: 12/17/2004
        Subject: Greetings all.
        Does anyone know where I can buy a second edition DragonQuest book?

        Group: dqn-list Message: 1786 From: Chris Short Date: 12/17/2004
        Subject: Re: [inbox] [DQN-list] Greetings all.
        just to show there is life here....hello.....and sorry - i dont know.
        It all depends whare you are based.
        -----Original Message-----
        From: Ladius []
        Sent: 17 December 2004 05:00
        Subject: [inbox] [DQN-list] Greetings all.

        Does anyone know where I can buy a second edition DragonQuest book?


        Group: dqn-list Message: 1787 From: Dean Phares Date: 12/17/2004
        Subject: Re: Greetings all.

        I'd suggest trying E-bay or go to Google and type in
        "Dragonquest 2nd edition" and see what links that
        comes up with as there are RPG stores with web sites
        and it might bring up one of those.


        --- Ladius <> wrote:

        > Does anyone know where I can buy a second edition
        > DragonQuest book?
        > Ladius
        > ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
        > --------------------~-->
        > $4.98 domain names from Yahoo!. Register anything.
        > Yahoo! Groups Links

        "I don't know half of you half as well as I should like and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve". - Bilbo Baggins, Lord of the Rings, Fellowship of the Ring

        Do you Yahoo!?
        All your favorites on one personal page � Try My Yahoo!
        Group: dqn-list Message: 1788 From: Scott McGinnis Date: 12/31/2004
        Subject: DragonQuest Character Generator?
        I found a couple links that are dead. Is there no software to generate
        Group: dqn-list Message: 1789 From: Date: 12/31/2004
        Subject: Re: DragonQuest Character Generator?
        There is no generator that I am aware of. There is a great spreadsheet here:

        Scroll down a little, and you will find it. If you find an actrual
        generator, please share it with the group.


        > I found a couple links that are dead. Is there no software to generate
        > characters?
        > Yahoo! Groups Links
        Group: dqn-list Message: 1790 From: Martin Gallo Date: 12/31/2004
        Subject: Re: DragonQuest Character Generator?
        I almost started to write one when I thought I was going to get to play
        again last year. I had a concept for a character/creature generator/GM
        aide that I was going to use to help get the new players up to speed.

        The project is on hiatus unless I get to play again, which does not
        appear likely.


        On Dec 31, 2004, at 12:27 PM, wrote:

        > There is no generator that I am aware of. There is a great
        > spreadsheet here:
        > Scroll down a little, and you will find it. If you find an actrual
        > generator, please share it with the group.
        > Thanks
        > JohnC
        >> I found a couple links that are dead. Is there no software to generate
        >> characters?
        >> Yahoo! Groups Links
        > Yahoo! Groups Links

        "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't
        matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss

        Love is a full time job, with fringe benefits.

        "Learn from the mistakes of others. You won't live long enough to make
        them all yourself."
        Group: dqn-list Message: 1791 From: Keith Date: 12/31/2004
        Subject: Re: DragonQuest Character Generator?
        >I almost started to write one when I thought I was going to get to play
        >again last year. I had a concept for a character/creature generator/GM
        >aide that I was going to use to help get the new players up to speed.
        >The project is on hiatus unless I get to play again, which does not appear

        I'm working on one for online D3.5 at the moment in PHP. One for DQ
        shouldn't be too much more difficult ... If there's demand I'll have a look
        and make it open-source.

        Group: dqn-list Message: 1792 From: Scott Knowles Date: 1/1/2005
        Subject: Re: DragonQuest Character Generator?
        Try Ed's at
        It it really well done!
        ----- Original Message -----
        From: Keith
        Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 14:23
        Subject: Re: [DQN-list] DragonQuest Character Generator?

        >I almost started to write one when I thought I was going to get to play
        >again last year. I had a concept for a character/creature generator/GM
        >aide that I was going to use to help get the new players up to speed.
        >The project is on hiatus unless I get to play again, which does not appear

        I'm working on one for online D3.5 at the moment in PHP. One for DQ
        shouldn't be too much more difficult ... If there's demand I'll have a look
        and make it open-source.


        Group: dqn-list Message: 1793 From: Mcginnis, Scott (NIH/NLM/NCBI) Date: 1/3/2005
        Subject: Re: DragonQuest Character Generator?
        This it nice. But I was looking for something were I could create like 10
        NPCs quicker.

        *-----Original Message-----
        *From: []
        *Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 1:27 PM
        *Subject: Re: [DQN-list] DragonQuest Character Generator?
        *There is no generator that I am aware of. There is a great spreadsheet
        *Scroll down a little, and you will find it. If you find an actrual
        *generator, please share it with the group.
        *> I found a couple links that are dead. Is there no software to generate
        *> characters?
        *> Yahoo! Groups Links
        *Yahoo! Groups Links
        Group: dqn-list Message: 1794 From: Mandos Mitchinson Date: 1/3/2005
        Subject: Re: DragonQuest Character Generator?
        > This it nice. But I was looking for something were I could create like 10
        > NPCs quicker.

        I have some NPC generators at that are being updated
        at the moment. Currently they are a bit crap, but a new version will be
        along in a few weeks.

        Group: dqn-list Message: 1795 From: Mcginnis, Scott (NIH/NLM/NCBI) Date: 1/4/2005
        Subject: Re: DragonQuest Character Generator?
        These are pretty sweet and will help a lot. But I would be interested in
        your updates, keep up posted.

        One other thing: your Allusia maps do not unzip on my PC. I get errors
        claiming they are part of a multifile and the rest of the archive I missing.


        *-----Original Message-----
        *From: Mandos Mitchinson []
        *Sent: Monday, January 03, 2005 4:07 PM
        *Subject: RE: [DQN-list] DragonQuest Character Generator?
        *> This it nice. But I was looking for something were I could create like 10
        *> NPCs quicker.
        *I have some NPC generators at that are being updated
        *at the moment. Currently they are a bit crap, but a new version will be
        *along in a few weeks.
        *Yahoo! Groups Links
        Group: dqn-list Message: 1796 From: Mandos Mitchinson Date: 1/4/2005
        Subject: Re: DragonQuest Character Generator?
        > These are pretty sweet and will help a lot. But I would be interested in
        > your updates, keep up posted.
        > One other thing: your Allusia maps do not unzip on my PC. I get errors
        > claiming they are part of a multifile and the rest of the archive
        > I missing.

        Our Maps are being looked at at the moment, there is a hidden site at the
        moment with our Maps on it and we are looking for a standard to use for our
        maps. At the moment small chunks of the world have been done in a highly
        detailed fashion and the rest is really sketchy.

        The Site itself is due for an update and I will get on with that soon as
        well :-)

        Group: dqn-list Message: 1797 From: Martin Gallo Date: 1/6/2005
        Subject: Re: DragonQuest Character Generator?
        Somewhere in my personal archives I have a WingZ spreadsheet that
        creates 12 creatures at a time. I included the character races for
        that, but it does not outfit them, just the character stats. If you
        beg, I suppose I could dig it out and run a few pages for you. Normally
        I would not offer this, but since my scanner is broken I have some free
        time - finally.


        On Jan 3, 2005, at 8:47 AM, Mcginnis, Scott (NIH/NLM/NCBI) wrote:

        > This it nice. But I was looking for something were I could create like
        > 10
        > NPCs quicker.
        > Scott.
        > *-----Original Message-----
        > *From: []
        > *Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 1:27 PM
        > *To:
        > *Subject: Re: [DQN-list] DragonQuest Character Generator?
        > *
        > *
        > *There is no generator that I am aware of. There is a great
        > spreadsheet
        > *here:
        > *
        > *
        > *Scroll down a little, and you will find it. If you find an actrual
        > *generator, please share it with the group.
        > *
        > *Thanks
        > *JohnC
        > *
        > *>
        > *>
        > *>
        > *> I found a couple links that are dead. Is there no software to
        > generate
        > *> characters?
        > *>
        > *>
        > *>
        > *>
        > *>
        > *>
        > *>
        > *>
        > *>
        > *>
        > *>
        > *>
        > *> Yahoo! Groups Links
        > *>
        > *>
        > *>
        > *>
        > *>
        > *>
        > *>
        > *
        > *
        > *
        > *
        > *
        > *Yahoo! Groups Links
        > *
        > *
        > *
        > *
        > *
        > Yahoo! Groups Links

        "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't
        matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss

        Love is a full time job, with fringe benefits.

        "Learn from the mistakes of others. You won't live long enough to make
        them all yourself."
        Group: dqn-list Message: 1798 From: Ben Davis Date: 1/11/2005
        Subject: Re: DragonQuest Character Generator?
        I have some perl scripts to generate large numbers of NPCs, weather
        (based on some old Chivalry & Sourcery tables) and encounters. They're
        not necessarily web friendly though - they were an exercise to teach
        myself perl - but if anyone is interested in making them web friendly
        I'm happy to share them.

        On an entirely unrelated note, my DQ days may be put on hold for a
        while. We had our first child last week; much fun, but could cramp the
        old GM'ing ! Shame, I'd just got a new campaign going.


        On 3 Jan 2005, at 14:47, Mcginnis, Scott (NIH/NLM/NCBI) wrote:

        > This it nice. But I was looking for something were I could create like
        > 10
        > NPCs quicker.
        > Scott.
        Group: dqn-list Message: 1799 From: J. K. Hoffman Date: 1/11/2005
        Subject: Re: DragonQuest Character Generator?
        Ben Davis wrote:
        > I have some perl scripts to generate large numbers of NPCs, weather
        > (based on some old Chivalry & Sourcery tables) and encounters. They're
        > not necessarily web friendly though - they were an exercise to teach
        > myself perl - but if anyone is interested in making them web friendly
        > I'm happy to share them.
        > On an entirely unrelated note, my DQ days may be put on hold for a
        > while. We had our first child last week; much fun, but could cramp the
        > old GM'ing ! Shame, I'd just got a new campaign going.
        > Ben


        Congratulations! Don't worry, you'll get some sleep again when your kid
        is, oh, say 35.

        If you wouldn't mind sending me your PERL scripts, I'll see about
        webifying them. I did that with a bunch of language creation scripts at It may take me a while, since
        I'm in the middle of an unpleasant divorce and I may have to travel for
        work, but I'd love to take a crack at them!

        "Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that's the stuff
        that life is made of."
        -Ben Franklin
        Group: dqn-list Message: 1800 From: Mcginnis, Scott (NIH/NLM/NCBI) Date: 1/11/2005
        Subject: Re: DragonQuest Character Generator?
        Actually, I am an amateur PERL hack myself. I was thinking of writing my own
        also, but I'd love to see your scripts. I do not know how to webify them,
        but as a standalone PERL project I'd like to play with them if you do not


        *-----Original Message-----
        *From: Ben Davis []
        *Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 4:59 AM
        *Subject: Re: [DQN-list] DragonQuest Character Generator?
        *I have some perl scripts to generate large numbers of NPCs, weather
        *(based on some old Chivalry & Sourcery tables) and encounters. They're
        *not necessarily web friendly though - they were an exercise to teach
        *myself perl - but if anyone is interested in making them web friendly
        *I'm happy to share them.
        *On an entirely unrelated note, my DQ days may be put on hold for a
        *while. We had our first child last week; much fun, but could cramp the
        *old GM'ing ! Shame, I'd just got a new campaign going.
        *On 3 Jan 2005, at 14:47, Mcginnis, Scott (NIH/NLM/NCBI) wrote:
        *> This it nice. But I was looking for something were I could create like
        *> 10
        *> NPCs quicker.
        *> Scott.
        *Yahoo! Groups Links
        Group: dqn-list Message: 1801 From: Date: 1/11/2005
        Subject: Re: DragonQuest Character Generator?
        Congrats Ben! My first is 11 months old, and it is a blast. I have
        finally started playing RPGs again, but as a player, because you are right
        about the GM thing. When your baby is 3 months of so, he/she will have a
        more regular bed time, and you can spend some time in the evenings... If
        she starts sleeping ;-). Good luck and enjoy it!
        John C

        > I have some perl scripts to generate large numbers of NPCs, weather
        > (based on some old Chivalry & Sourcery tables) and encounters. They're
        > not necessarily web friendly though - they were an exercise to teach
        > myself perl - but if anyone is interested in making them web friendly
        > I'm happy to share them.
        > On an entirely unrelated note, my DQ days may be put on hold for a
        > while. We had our first child last week; much fun, but could cramp the
        > old GM'ing ! Shame, I'd just got a new campaign going.
        > Ben
        > On 3 Jan 2005, at 14:47, Mcginnis, Scott (NIH/NLM/NCBI) wrote:
        >> This it nice. But I was looking for something were I could create like
        >> 10
        >> NPCs quicker.
        >> Scott.
        > Yahoo! Groups Links
        Group: dqn-list Message: 1802 From: Chris Short Date: 1/11/2005
        Subject: Re: [inbox] Re: [DQN-list] DragonQuest Character Generator?
        Congratulations!!!  welcome to the wonderful world of parenthood!
        heh - yup - my two are now 5 and 3...where has the time gone?
        However I found I COULD get on with online gaming as the kids would sit on my knee and tell me wheich way to go and what to kill - a great blast.
        As for actual gaming, once you have the baby settled, you will find it will do you good to have a night off.  Just remember your better half als has to have a night off (although mine preferred to stay with the babies) its a different matter - heheh, but at least friday nights are stillsacrosanct as the gaming group night.  20 years now and still going strong....
        -----Original Message-----
        From: []
        Sent: 11 January 2005 14:48
        Subject: [inbox] Re: [DQN-list] DragonQuest Character Generator?

        Congrats Ben!  My first is 11 months old, and it is a blast.  I have
        finally started playing RPGs again, but as a player, because you are right
        about the GM thing.  When your baby is 3 months of so, he/she will have a
        more regular bed time, and you can spend some time in the evenings... If
        she starts sleeping ;-).  Good luck and enjoy it!
        John C

        > I have some perl scripts to generate large numbers of NPCs, weather
        > (based on some old Chivalry & Sourcery tables) and encounters. They're
        > not necessarily web friendly though - they were an exercise to teach
        > myself perl - but if anyone is interested in making them web friendly
        > I'm happy to share them.
        > On an entirely unrelated note, my DQ days may be put on hold for a
        > while. We had our first child last week; much fun, but could cramp the
        > old GM'ing ! Shame, I'd just got a new campaign going.
        > Ben
        > On 3 Jan 2005, at 14:47, Mcginnis, Scott (NIH/NLM/NCBI) wrote:
        >> This it nice. But I was looking for something were I could create like
        >> 10
        >> NPCs quicker.
        >> Scott.
        > Yahoo! Groups Links

        Group: dqn-list Message: 1803 From: Mcginnis, Scott (NIH/NLM/NCBI) Date: 1/11/2005
        Subject: Re: [inbox] Re: [DQN-list] DragonQuest Character Generator?
        What's with this group? My kid just turned one year. Are we just a bunch of
        old rpgers?
        Group: dqn-list Message: 1804 From: Chris Short Date: 1/11/2005
        Subject: Re: [inbox] Re: [DQN-list] DragonQuest Character Generator?
        -----Original Message-----
        From: Mcginnis, Scott (NIH/NLM/NCBI) []
        Sent: 11 January 2005 16:48
        To: ''
        Subject: RE: [inbox] Re: [DQN-list] DragonQuest Character Generator?

        What's with this group? My kid just turned one year. Are we just a bunch of
        old rpgers?
        Group: dqn-list Message: 1805 From: Date: 1/11/2005
        Subject: Re: [inbox] Re: [DQN-list] DragonQuest Character Generator?
        We do play a 24 year old game!

        > yup
        > -----Original Message-----
        > From: Mcginnis, Scott (NIH/NLM/NCBI) []
        > Sent: 11 January 2005 16:48
        > To: ''
        > Subject: RE: [inbox] Re: [DQN-list] DragonQuest Character Generator?
        > What's with this group? My kid just turned one year. Are we just a bunch
        > of
        > old rpgers?
        > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        > --
        > Yahoo! Groups Links
        > a.. To visit your group on the web, go to:
        > b.. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
        > c.. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
        > Service.
        > --
        > No virus found in this outgoing message.
        > Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
        > Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 265.6.10 - Release Date: 10/01/2005
        Group: dqn-list Message: 1806 From: J. K. Hoffman Date: 1/11/2005
        Subject: Re: [inbox] Re: [DQN-list] DragonQuest Character Generator?
        Well, I don't know about you old farts, but "my" kid is a
        step-daughter who's 12 1/2. Currently, I'm getting divorced, but
        next time around, if there is one, I hope to have my own spawn.
        I love kids. My future ex-wife used to call me the Pied Piper
        because everywhere I went little kids showed up to play with me.
        I must give off some kind of pheremone or something. Little
        kids and animals all love me.

        As for the other bit, well, when was the last time you saw a new
        or current version of DragonQuest? ^_^ Anyone old enough to know
        about it and remember it from "the old days" is, by default, an
        old rgper! LOL.


        --- Original Message ---
        From: "Mcginnis, Scott (NIH/NLM/NCBI)" <>
        To: "''" <>
        Subject: RE: [inbox] Re: [DQN-list] DragonQuest Character Generator?

        >What's with this group? My kid just turned one year. Are we just
        a bunch of
        >old rpgers?

        "It's better to light one candle
        than to curse the darkness."
        -Chinese Proverb and The Motto of the Christophers
        Group: dqn-list Message: 1807 From: Davis, John R Date: 1/12/2005
        Subject: Re: [inbox] Re: [DQN-list] DragonQuest Character Generator?
        mine are 6 and 12, so yep we are a bunch of old farts!!

        -----Original Message-----
        From: Mcginnis, Scott (NIH/NLM/NCBI) []
        Sent: 11 January 2005 16:48
        To: ''
        Subject: RE: [inbox] Re: [DQN-list] DragonQuest Character Generator?

        What's with this group? My kid just turned one year. Are we just a bunch of
        old rpgers?

        Yahoo! Groups Links

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