Hope this file isn't too big. Here is a copy of my version of the College
of Watermagics. Hopefully the formatting won't make things too bad.
The college of water magics is concerned with the shaping of the powers
in the element of water.
Mages of this college may only practice their arts if they
are in contact with or near water. They may never practice their arts in a
vacuum or a totally waterless place. They may not summon a water-dwelling
creatures into a area that does not contain a body of water large
enough for the water-dwelling creature to immerse itself totally. They
may never use their magic while on land(in a non-arid area) but suffer some
diminution in their abilities.
The following numbers are added to the base chance of
performing any talent, spell or ritual of the college of water magics:
Mage is in physical contact with a body of water +20
Mage is on board a ship on
water +10
All bodies of water in vicinity of mage are frozen +5
Mage is on land but in sight of a body of water +5
Mage is on land and not in sight of a body of water* -10
A body of water is a sea, lake, ocean, river, well, stream
or other feature containing a large amount of water (1000 gallons or more)
or existing as part of a larger system or network of waterways. A barrel,
bucket, or tun of water does not qualify as a body of water. All modifiers
are cumulative
* For a Water mages spells to function, the mage must be within 1 mile of a
body of water per mage level. Thus, a level 9 Water Mage must be within 9
miles of a body of water to cast their spells.
1. Predict Weather
The mage predicts with some accuracy what the weather will be like
over the ensuing three days in the area within the range of his
talent. The water mage must be at sea(on a ocean, sea, or large lake for
the talent to operate. The talent operates effectively within a radius of
10 miles of the adept(+10 miles per rank of the mage). The Mages player
announces that he is checking the weather and then rolls a D100. If the
roll is equal to or less than the characters modified perception he is
successful in making a prediction. In addition to other modifiers
affecting the operation of this talent, the player adds 5% for each rank
he has achieved with the talent. If the mage is unsuccessful the DM
secretly rolls a D100 to check the accuracy of the prediction. The
following results may occur.
01-15 Totally wrong (opposite of the prediction occurs)
16-45 Generally incorrect (fairly wide divergence)
46-85 Generally correct (close, but not totally accurate)
86-100 Almost totally accurate (say within 1 degree)
Following this dice roll, the DM delivers the prediction arrived at by the
characters as if it were generally correct. The workings of this talent
may not be resisted. The EXP Multiple for this talent is 75.
2. Sensing the Call of the Water
This talent allows the Adept to sense major bodies of water,
sensing all within a 10 mile range ( + 2 per Rank), with an accuracy of [PC
+ (5 * Rank)]. The Adept will not know the best route to arrive at the
water, only the exact direction and distance. The experience multiple for
this Talent is 125.
3. Ultravision
The Water Mage is able to see into the ultraviolet spectrum. As
long as he is not under ground, he may see in the dark as if it were
twilight, out to a range of 10 +10/rank (+25/rank if underwater)
feet. This talent is very effective for seeing underwater. The experience
point cost of this talent is 125.
General Knowledge Spells
1. Calm Waters
Range: 90 feet + 90 feet/rank
Duration: 30 min + 15min/rank
EXP Multiple: 100
Base Chance: 30%
Save: None
Effects: The mage reduces the height of all waves within range by 1 foot
(+1 foot per rank) and reduces the size of all swells by 1 foot per 2
ranks(minimum 1 foot). It takes 30 minutes 1 minute per rank for the
full effects of this spell to come into play. So a Water Mage who is rank
15 in this spell attempts to Calm Waters, it will take 15 minutes (30
minutes 15 ranks in this spell) for the full effects of the spell to come
into effect.
2. Wave Making
Range: 90 feet+90 feet/lvl
Duration: 30 min + 15 min/rank
EXP Multiple: 125
Base Chance: 25%
Save: None
Effects: The mage increases the size of all waves within range by 1 foot(+1
foot/rank) and increases the size of all swells within range by 1 foot(+1
foot per 2 ranks). It takes 30 minutes 1 minute per rank for the full
effects of this spell to come into play. So a Water Mage who is rank 15 in
this spell attempts to Wave Making, it will take 15 minutes (30 minutes
15 ranks in this spell) for the full effects of the spell to come into effect.
3. Speak to Seabirds
Range: 15 feet+10 feet/lvl
Duration: Concentration/no max
EXP Multiple: 100
Base Chance: 60%
Save: None
Effects: The spell allows the Mage to communicate verbally with gulls,
terns, penguins, pelicans, and other seabirds.
4. Speak to Fish
Range: 10 feet+5 feet/lvl
Duration: Concentration/no max
EXP Multiple: 150
Base Chance: 40%
Save: None
Effects: The spell allows the Mage to communicate verbally with Fish. They
will be able to answer simple questions as to whats in their area, what
they might have seen recently, etc.
5. Floatation
Range: Touch
Duration: 10 min + 10 min/lvl
EXP Multiple: 75
Base chance: 45%
Save: None
Effects: Gives targets the ability to swim even if target has never swum
before. Target cannot drown unless some outside force forces him under.
6. Navigation
Range: Works at any range
Duration: 1 hour + 1 hour/rank
EXP Multiple: 125
Base Chance: 15%
Save: None
Effects: The spell attunes the caster's mind to the sea and the winds,
allowing him to sail with less chance of mishap. For every 3 ranks with
this spell, the targets Navigating skill is raised one rank. If the target
has no Navigating skills at all (i.e. no ranks in Navigating) the effects
of this spell are halved. In addition, any rolls made in conjunction with
steering the ship are made with a bonus of 5% +(1% per rank) to all die
rolls. This could include things like veering off course, running aground,
7. Liquid Purification
Range: 1 foot per rank
Duration: Immediate/Permanent
EXP Multiple: 350
Base Chance: 30%
Save: None
Effects: Turns 1 gallon (+1 per rank) of any liquid into potable water.
8. Speak with Aquatic Mammals
Range: 15 feet + 15 feet/lvl
Duration: Concentration no max
EXP Multiple: 125
Base Chance: 35%
Save: None
Effects: The spell gives the caster the ability to communicate
verbally(through sounds) with dolphins, whales, porpoises, sealions, seals
ant other aquatic mammals.
9. Summon Aquatic Mammals
Range: Special
Duration: Immediate
EXP Multiple: 100
Base Chance: 20%
Save: None
Effects: The mage may summon 1 aquatic mammal (+1 additional mammal per 3
ranks above rank 5). It will take about 30 minutes-1min per rank for the
mammal to arrive. The mammal must be native to the area summoned. Note:
this spell will not work on land or in water where the summoned creature
could not survive or would be in great discomfort or pain.
10. Mage Wind
Range: 10 feet + 10 feet per rank
Duration: 5 min x D10 X rank
EXP Multiple: 125
Base Chance: 30%
Save: None
Effects: The mage may summon a wind strong enough to power a Lugger (a boat
up to 45 feet in length) at the rate of 1 TMR (+1 additional TMR per rank).
Unless the ship is facing into the wind. If facing into the wind, the
speed of the prevailing wind is subtracted from the ships speed ( the rate
at which it is propelled by the mage wind). The mage may freely alter the
direction of the mage wind during the spell.
11. Water Creation
Range: Mage must touch substance from which water is drawn
Duration: Immediate
EXP Multiple: 150
Base Chance: 35%
Save: None
Effects: The spell allows the mage to extract moisture from the air or from
plants(providing there is moisture available to be extracted) in the amount
of 1 pint (+1 pint per rank).
12. Watersight
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour + 1 hour/lvl
EXP Multiple: 100
Base Chance: 50%
Save: None
Effects: Spell forms a transparent film over the targets eyes enabling him
to see underwater as if he were wearing goggles or a diving mask.
13. Water Breathing
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour + 1 hour/lvl
EXP Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 25%
Save: None
Effects: Spell forms a set of gills in the subjects neck allowing him to
operate underwater without affecting his ability to operate on the surface.
14. Shipbuilding
Range: 90 feet
Duration: Concentration/max of 2 hours + 1 hour per rank
EXP Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 20%
Save: None
Effects: This spell may be used to strengthen the structure of any ship or
boat, repair leaks and holes, restep masts, etc.. At rank 10 and above, a
small sail craft may be constructed instantly out of available wood using
this spell. At rank 15 and above, a large craft may be constructed (one 40
feet or more in length ). The effects of this spell are canceled if the
mage fails to maintain it by concentrating on it. At the end of the spell,
all of its effects are undone. If the spell was used to build a ship or
boat, the craft immediately falls apart(even in mid-ocean). As the
Duration states, the mage must concentrate on this spell for the entire
time the spell is in effect. If the mage stops concentrating or his
concentration is lost for any reason, the boat/ship will immediately fall
apart. It is also important to note that while this spell will build a
ship at higher levels, it wont build a multi-level ship, or a ship with
multiple cabins and such below. It will basically build something similar
to a longship. A large long boat with a flat deck and no real hold below.
15. Sea Blessing
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 week + 1 week/lvl
EXP Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 15%
Save: None
Effects: This spell may be cast on a character or seagoing craft at the
beginning of a seagoing journey. It will decrease the chances that the
character or craft will randomly encounter sea monsters, pirates, or face
typhoons by 5% +1% per rank. Note: If the GM has a specific encounter
planned, this spell obviously will have no effect on it.
General Knowledge Rituals
1. Ritual of Binding Water
The mage may bind the elements of water within a radius of
10 feet(+15 feet per rank) for a period equal to 1 hour (+1 hour/rank)
while maintaining concentration. It takes an hour to perform this ritual,
which has a base chance of success of the casters MA +(4 per rank). It may
not be resisted unless the area contains a water elemental(which gets a
save). The results are similar to the binding of all other elements. The
mage gains control of all facets of the elements. He can, for example,
create an intelligent water sprite(which will always have characteristics
several points lower than the mage). Its every action would have to be
directed by the mage, however. At rank 10 or higher the mage can create a
free willed water sprite that will be loyal to him but not require that its
every move be directed. Such entities will never leave the water. The EXP
Multiple is 750.
Special Knowledge Spells
1. Speak with Water
Range: 45 ft. + 15 per Rank
Duration: 10 min. + 10 per Rank
EXP Multiple.: 100
Base Chance: 60%
Save: None
Effects: This spell allows the Adept to converse freely with any body of
water. The water body will answer questions freely about goings-on in and
near it to the best of its ability; however, the water may request ( a [50%
- (Rank * 2)] chance) a favor of the Adept.
2. Water Purification
Range: Caster must touch the water being purified
Duration: Immediate
EXP Multiple: 150
Base Chance: 40%
Save: None
Effects: Turns 1 gallon per rank of undrinkable water into drinkable water.
3. Walk on Water
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hr. + 1 per Rank
EXP Multiple: 175
Base Chance: 50%
Save: Negates (if desired)
Effects: The target of this spell can walk on water. Strong waves will
knock the target down, but they only land on a soft cushion of water, from
which they buoy up to the surface like a cork. The spell can be cast on
animals, wagons, items, etc., as well as unwilling targets. When walking
on water, the target has one-half their normal TMR.
4. Underwater Action
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour + 1 hour/rank
EXP Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 20%
Save: None
Description: This spell allows the recipient to move freely underwater with
no penalties. Thus weapons may be swung with no penalty. In addition, the
recipient may survive at great depths without fear of being crushed by the
pressure of the water. A character protected by this spell need not fear
decompression sickness (the "bends").
5. Liquid Transformation
Range: touch
Duration: immediate
EXP Multiple: 350
Base Chance: 70%
Save: none
Effects: The caster may turn 1 pint of potable water into a general
antidote for venom. The number of doses created by the spell is equal to 1
+ 1 per 3 ranks of caster. Each dose causes any venom to become inactive
and will cure 1 hp of damage caused by venom.
6. Waters of Strength
Range: Touch
Duration: Immediate
EXP Multiple: 350
Base Chance: 30%
Save: none
Effects: This spell will produce 1 dose of a Strength potion out of a pint
of potable water. When drunk the potion adds a D6 (+1 per two ranks with
spell) to the drinkers PS for a period of 15 minutes. Note that the
duration begins as soon as the potion is created, not when its drunk. So
a Mage could not create a strength potion and then save it for use at a
later time.
7. Summon Fish
Range: Works at any range
Duration: Immediate
EXP Multiple: 100
Base Chance: 25%
Save: None
Effects: The spell summons 1 fish native to the area at ranks 1-9. At rank
10 and above it summons a D10 fish. The spell may only be cast while on a
body of water or standing within 100 feet of water.
8. Control Fish
Range: 10 feet + 10 feet per rank
Duration: Concentration/ no max
EXP Multiple: 100
Base Chance: 20%
Save: Negates
Effects: The caster may control 1 fish (+1 per every 2 ranks). The fish
will continue to serve him only so long as he concentrates or until the
fish goes away (i.e. moves out of range of the spell). A fish that is no
longer in controlled but still in the vicinity of the group may still attack.
9. Wall of Water
Range: 5 feet + 5 feet/rank
Duration: 10 rounds + 1 round per rank
EXP Multiple: 150
Base: 30%
Save: None
Effects: This brings into effect an immobile wall of continuously churning
water that looks very much like a tidal wave stuck in place. The wave does
no damage unless someone attempts to pass through it. If a creature
attempts to pass though it, they must make a saving throw. If successful,
target passes through the wall with no damage. If unsuccessful, the
effects depend on the casters rank. At ranks 1-10, the target cannot pass
through the wall. At rank 11 or higher, the target gets sucked into the
wall and takes 1d4 (+1 per 3 ranks) per round until they are able to free
themselves of the wall. To free themselves of the wall, they must roll
their AG+PS or less on percentile. If the target frees themselves of the
wall, they have a 50% chance of landing on either side of the wall. They
have no say in where they land. It is possible to cast this spell on top
of a target, but the target, unless they choose to stay where they stand,
has the option of being pushed out of the wall with no ill effects. If
this happens, they may choose which side of the wall they are pushed to.
10. Bolt of Water
Range: 15 feet + 15 feet/rank
Duration: Immediate
EXP Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 15%
Save: None
Effects: A bolt of water springs from the caster's palm and strikes the
target causing 1 point damage per rank of the caster. This spell is
effective both in and out of water.
11. Control Sea Mammals
Range: 10 feet + 10 feet per rank
Duration: Concentration/ no max
EXP Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 25%
Save: Negates
Effects: The caster may control 1 sea mammal (+1 per every 2 ranks). The
sea mammal will continue to serve him only so long as he concentrates or
until the sea mammal goes away (moves out of range of the spell). A sea
mammal that is no longer in controlled but still in the vicinity of the
group may still attack.
12. Waters of Vision
Range: Touch
Duration: 10 seconds
EXP Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 25%
Save: None
Effects: The caster must touch a pool of still water with his hand. He
will then experience visions(usually precognitive in nature) concocted by
the GM. At rank 5 and above, he my use this technique to spy into a area
to see what is going on there. The distance from the character to the area
being spied into is 5 miles(+5 miles per rank).
13. Windsail
Range: 10 feet + 10 feet per rank
Duration: 5 minutes + 3 minutes per rank
EXP Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 25%
Save: None
Effects: The mage casts this spell over any watercraft of a surface type
equal to 10 feet in length (+10 feet per rank) or less in size. It creates
a sail of bound water sprites which will not rip or break the mast and
which will carry the ship in the direction of the casters choice and at the
speed equal to the ships normal movement (TMR) given prevailing conditions
+1 additional TMR per 3 ranks of the caster with this spell (rounded up).
14. Call Rain
Range: 15 miles + 1 mile per rank
Duration: 1 day
EXP Multiple: 300
Base Chance: 15%
Save: None
Effects: Will gather any rain clouds within range of spell and cause a
localized squall to follow the mage for 1 day.
15. Maelstrom
Range: 10 feet + 2 feet per rank
Duration: 10 seconds + 5 sec per rank
EXP Multiple: 500
Base Chance: 10%
Save: Negates
Effects: The mage creates a horrifying watery vortex with a diameter of 2
feet + 2 feet per rank which exists entirely within the spells range. All
objects and entities within the vortex must save or they are sucked into
the vortex and down to the sea bottom. All those within 10 feet must save
or they get sucked towards the vortex and take a D4 damage per rank if they
miss a second save they are sucked down also. This spell will only be
effective if cast over a large body of water(sea, ocean, or large lake).
16. Torrential Geyser
Range: 15 ft. + 15 per Rank
Duration: Concentration (max. 1 round + 1 per rank)
EXP Multiple: 575
Base Chance: 5%
Save: Negates
Effects: This spell summons a geyser of water and fires it at a single
target for the duration of the spell. The water does 1D6 (+ 2 per Rank)
damage unless saved against, in which case it does no damage for that round
only. In addition, the target is forced back 5 feet each pulse the spray
strikes the target. The spell can only be cast on a body of water, it will
not be able to summon a geyser on land.
17. Waterspout
Range: 60 feet + 10 feet per rank
Duration: 1 Pulse per rank
EXP Multiple: 750
Base Chance: 5%
Save: Reduced damage
Effects: The mage creates a tornado like formation over a body of water
which has a radius of 5 feet +1 foot per rank. The tornado tears apart
anything in its path that fails to save. The tornado does a D6 damage per
rank to all who save instead of destroying them and scattering the bloody
pieces to the winds. The mage may move the tornado in any direction he
wishes at a rate of 1 TMR per rank of caster. It may never be moved onto
dry land.
18. Spell of Fireproofing
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 minutes + 1 minute per 2 ranks
Save: None
EXP Multiple: 500
Base Chance: 9%
Area: 1 object
Effects: This spell was designed to protect ships from their worse enemy:
fire. The mage is able to provide 10% protection vs. normal fires and 5%
protection vs. magical fires to any one object that is standing or floating
in water. The protection affords total protection, so if there is 30%
normal protection (15 magic) on a ship and a roll of 30% or less is made,
the fire does not even get started. This spell will protect a single
sea-going vessel, including masts, rigging and sails, up to 10 feet in
length at rank 0. This spell will NOT protect the crew members on a
protected ship, as the ship is considered one object, and each crew member
would be an additional object. As rank improves, the mages ability to
protect larger ships and provide more protection also increases. For every
rank with this spell, the mage may protect an additional 10 feet in length
of ships and increase the protection of verses normal fires by 10% and
magic by 5%. So a mage rank 5 in this spell would give 60% normal fire
protection and 30% magic fire protection to a 60 foot ship. At rank 22,
the mage can protect any size seagoing vessel with 100% protection against
normal and magical fires. It should also be pointed out that this effects
ALL fires. Existing fires that are on the ship when the spell is cast have
a chance of being extinguished as well. This includes lanterns, a fire in
the stove, etc. It also effects the lighting of fires as well by friendly
crew members. So it would become very difficult for fire use against your
enemy once this spell was cast as well as all attempts to light the ammo to
launch would have a chance of not lighting.
This spell can also be cast on a living creature and will give a 10%
bonus per rank from normal fires at ranks 1-10 and a 5% protection per rank
from magical fires at ranks 11+. So a mage rank 15 in this spell that cast
it on a person would give the target 100% protection verses normal fires
and 75% protection verses magical fires. The protection extends to worn
clothing and carried gear as well. The protected person must be standing
or floating in water (i.e., some significant portion of their anatomy must
be physically in the water).
19. Change Form
Range: Self
Duration: 1 hour per rank
Save: None
EXP Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 20%
Area: 1 object
Effects: The mage is able to, after much time and study, able to change
into another form with which they have a strong bond with. This form must
be picked when the spell is first learned and can never be changed. Adepts
are restricted to common underwater dwelling creatures of not more than 4
times their normal weight nor less than ¼ their normal weight. (i.e. you
cant change into a minnow or a whale.) The more common forms include
things like Dolphins, Sharks, Sea Turtles, etc. When the form is chosen,
it must also be declared if the animal is a freshwater or seawater creature
and the Adept is restricted to that type of water when changed. When in
changed form, they gain all the abilities of that creature. The Adept may
not cast spells while in this changed form.
The Adept may not change into this shape until they have
reached rank 10 in this spell. Once the spell is successfully cast, it
takes 25 -1 per rank rounds (1 round at rank 22) for the transformation to
take place. For every rank that Adept is with this ritual, they may stay
in their changed form for 1 hour. At rank 22, they may stay changed as
long as they desire. At the end of the duration, the Adept will revert to
their normal form no matter where they may be located at the
time. Also, an Adept must rest at least 1 hour after changing before
being able to change again.
Special Knowledge Rituals
1. Ritual of Curing Decompression Sickness
This ritual completely cure decompression sickness and all of its
associated affects on the target. The ritual takes 1 hour to perform and
may take no other actions during the time the ritual is being
performed. The base chance for success with this ritual is 20%. The EXP
Multiple is 100.
2 Ritual of Summoning and Binding a Water Elemental
The mage may summon a Water Elemental and bind him to temporary
service by performing this ritual. The ritual takes two hours. It may
only be performed if the summoner remains stationary and takes no other
action during the time the ritual is being performed. At the end of the
two hour ritual the summoners player rolls a D100. If the resulting number
is less than or equal to the summoners MA (modified), then the elemental is
summoned and controlled. If the result is 30 or more higher than the
modified chance of summoning, then the ritual backfires and the elemental
appears but is uncontrolled and will attack the summoner and his
friends. Any other result has no effect. The chance that the ritual will
be entirely successful is modified by the addition of the following numbers:
+5% per rank of the caster.
+1% for each point the casters WP is above 15
A water elemental always appears within 20 feet of a summoner. It has a
combined EN and FT equal to 15 (+15 per rank of ritual) and, unless
controlled by the summoner will attack until dispelled by a Spell
Counterspell of the College of Water Magic or killed. Once controlled, the
Water Elemental remains controlled until the summoners concentration is
broken or he chooses to send the elemental to his own dimension with a
Spell Counterspell of his college. To successfully perform this ritual the
mage must be within 20 feet of a large body of water. The EXP Multiple is 250.
3 Ritual of Conjuring Sea Storm
This spell summons elemental forces of nature in a fierce sea
storm. Waves range from 20 to 50 feet in height, heavy rains obscure
vision for more than a few feet, winds blow at 25 to 60 MPH. The storm may
be delayed up to 2 (+1/rank) hours after casting. The storm may be
summoned anywhere within 1 mile (+1/4 mile per rank) and will last 1 hour
(+1 hour/rank). It effects a 10 mile radius (+2/rank). The EXP Multiple
for this ritual is 350. The base cast chance for this ritual is 15%.
4 Ritual of Destiny Sail
The mage may command the body of water to carry the target vessel
to a specified and known destination. The caster will be entranced for the
duration of the journey as he concentrates on this spell. The vessel's
speed is increased by 2 TMR (+1 per rank) knots while the spell is in
effect. The destination must be a place which is in contact with the water
(a bank, coast, etc.). The size of the vessel that may be transported with
this ritual is based on the skill the mage has with this ritual. The size
is 25 feet (+5 feet/rank for ranks 1-10, and +20 feet for ranks 11-21, and
at rank 22 the mage may transport any ship). The casting time for this
ritual is 5 hours. The base cast chance is 15%. The EXP Multiple is 700.
Personal Spells created by Water Mages.
These special knowledge spells were created for personal use by Water Mages
and are not available to starting mages. They may only be traded for by
someone that has them.
1. Sashelan Blessing
Range: Touch
Duration: 2 hours/rank
EXP Multiple: 100
Base Chance: 30%
Save: None
Effects: This spell places the target person into a state of deep slumber
as its most immediate effect. It infuses the target(s) with the ability
to breath water, survive underwater pressure, and remain dry (including
all belongings held when spell was cast) while under the effects of the
Sashelan blessing. If the target of the spell remains above water, he
continues to breathe air, but the spell only lasts for two rounds per level
if the target is not submerged.
The spell leaves a minor coral pink glamour over the target that is visible
only in the upper fifty feet of water. Once submerged below that point, the
shifts in color make it invisible except by detect magic spells. This spell
cannot be cast on someone who already has some active water breathing magic
(or the innate ability) active in her system, nor does it work on any
creatures larger than man size. The target's slumber can be broken by
damage or loud noises, but the hum of the deep (the constant background
noise of the sea and its inhabitants) or any non damaging impacts (with
dolphins or the like) are not enough to break the spell. If the target is
awakened, the water breathing effect remains for only 1d6 rounds.
2. Aura of the Sea
Range: Touch
Duration: 2 hours +1 hour /rank
EXP Multiple: 350
Base Chance: 25%
Save: None
Effects: This spell surrounds the target in a 2 foot thick nimbus of green
energy that quickly turns invisible in more than ten feet of water, as it
lights up a 30 foot radius around the caster. This aura provides the target
with all the adjustments and aid needed for a surface dweller to venture
deep into a body of water with little problem. It handles the usual problem
areas of breathing, sight, hearing, speech, warmth, and undersea movement
all at once.
Breathing: The aura makes the water within it breathable and keeps the
caster dry as if in air, but is still water.
Sight: Looking out through the aura, the bearer of this magic sees
normally for the depth in all conditions (including having a heightened
chance at blindness while under the influence of this spell). In addition,
the basic glow of the aura that provides a 60 foot diameter space of its
own light never drops below the conditions of moonlit night (see "Undersea
Facts of Life").
Speech and Hearing: PCs within aura of the sea hear normally. They can
also engage in conversation, as the aura automatically translates both
aquatic Elvish or the merfolk language into Common for the PC's ears and
any PCs speech to aquatic Elvish. If neither speaker or listener understand
these tongues, they at least have no problem clearly hearing the other's
attempts at communication.
Warmth: The aura provides a basic level of warmth equal to the air
temperature at the water's surface when cast, regardless of the depth of
the water.
Movement: Rather than force a person to learn how to swim, the aura
actually allows the target to move simply by thinking and with small body
movements. In other words, the target gains a TMR 9 without any effort. In
terms of other movement (including combat), the bearer has the effects of
Underwater Action, allowing freedom of movement and the negation of the
standard underwater combat penalties.
3. Invisibility of the Sea
Range: Touch
Duration: 5 min + 5 min/rank
EXP Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 20%
Save: None
Effects: While the creature is in the water, they are invisible. At rank
10 creatures under the effect my attack without the spell ending. At rank
15 that become invisible to some of the special senses of sea creatures
(i.e. sonar, elctro-sense of sharks, etc). exiting the water for any
reason, ends the spell.
4. Draxinors Breathing Sphere
Range: Self
Duration: 1 hour + 10 minutes per rank
EXP Multiple: 300
Base Chance: 40%
Save: None
Effects: An sphere 10 feet +1 foot per rank in diameter forms around the
caster and the water inside the sphere becomes breathable. Just as if the
person inside the sphere was under the effects of a water breathing spell.
Jason Winter