Messages in dqn-list group. Page 32 of 80.

Group: dqn-list Message: 1557 From: David Chappell Date: 9/24/2003
Subject: Re: Armor
Group: dqn-list Message: 1558 From: David Chappell Date: 9/24/2003
Subject: Re: Determining Levels?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1559 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 9/24/2003
Subject: Re: Breaking Down Skill Groups (was: Complementing Ski lls)
Group: dqn-list Message: 1560 From: D. Cameron King Date: 9/24/2003
Subject: Re: More on Names and Namers
Group: dqn-list Message: 1561 From: Mandos D Shadowspawn Esq Date: 9/24/2003
Subject: Re: Determining Levels?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1562 From: Steven Wiles Date: 9/24/2003
Subject: Re: More on Names and Namers
Group: dqn-list Message: 1563 From: David Chappell Date: 9/24/2003
Subject: Re: More on Names and Namers
Group: dqn-list Message: 1564 From: D. Cameron King Date: 9/26/2003
Subject: Re: More on Names and Namers
Group: dqn-list Message: 1565 From: David Chappell Date: 9/28/2003
Subject: Re: More on Names and Namers
Group: dqn-list Message: 1566 From: Rodger Thorm Date: 10/2/2003
Subject: Re: DragonQuest adventures site.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1567 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 10/3/2003
Subject: Re: New file uploaded to dqn-list
Group: dqn-list Message: 1569 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 10/6/2003
Subject: Re: New file uploaded to dqn-list
Group: dqn-list Message: 1570 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 10/6/2003
Subject: Re: New file uploaded to dqn-list
Group: dqn-list Message: 1571 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 10/6/2003
Subject: Re: Determining Levels?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1572 From: Steven Wiles Date: 10/6/2003
Subject: Re: Determining Levels?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1573 From: John Rauchert Date: 10/6/2003
Subject: Re: New file uploaded to dqn-list
Group: dqn-list Message: 1574 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 10/7/2003
Subject: Re: New file uploaded to dqn-list
Group: dqn-list Message: 1575 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 10/7/2003
Subject: Re: Determining Levels?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1576 From: Bruce Probst Date: 10/7/2003
Subject: Re: Determining Levels?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1577 From: Davis, John R Date: 10/7/2003
Subject: Troubador: Battle of Wit
Group: dqn-list Message: 1578 From: Bruce Probst Date: 10/7/2003
Subject: Re: New file uploaded to dqn-list
Group: dqn-list Message: 1579 From: Greg Walters Date: 10/7/2003
Subject: Gen Con So Cal anyone?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1580 From: John M. Kahane Date: 10/8/2003
Subject: Re: Alternate Sub-Skill Breakdown
Group: dqn-list Message: 1581 From: John M. Kahane Date: 10/8/2003
Subject: Re: Determining Levels?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1582 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 10/9/2003
Subject: Re: Alternate Sub-Skill Breakdown
Group: dqn-list Message: 1583 From: Date: 10/9/2003
Subject: New file uploaded to dqn-list
Group: dqn-list Message: 1584 From: Date: 10/9/2003
Subject: New file uploaded to dqn-list
Group: dqn-list Message: 1585 From: John Rauchert Date: 10/9/2003
Subject: Re: New file uploaded to dqn-list
Group: dqn-list Message: 1586 From: Deven Atkinson Date: 10/11/2003
Subject: DragonQuest World Generation info
Group: dqn-list Message: 1587 From: John Rauchert Date: 10/11/2003
Subject: Re: DragonQuest World Generation info
Group: dqn-list Message: 1588 From: rthorm Date: 10/15/2003
Subject: DragonNotes
Group: dqn-list Message: 1589 From: Date: 11/5/2003
Subject: DQ Report in Spanish.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1590 From: John Corey Date: 11/5/2003
Subject: Re: DQ Report in Spanish.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1591 From: Esko Halttunen Date: 11/6/2003
Subject: Compiled Weapons, Armor and Shields Project
Group: dqn-list Message: 1592 From: Eric Labelle Date: 11/6/2003
Subject: Re: DQ Report in Spanish.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1593 From: Chris Short Date: 11/7/2003
Subject: Re: [inbox] RE: [DQN-list] DQ Report in Spanish.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1594 From: D. Cameron King Date: 11/7/2003
Subject: Re: DQ Report in Spanish.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1595 From: Héctor Rosso Date: 11/7/2003
Subject: Re: DQ Report in Spanish.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1596 From: Date: 11/7/2003
Subject: DQ Report in Spanish.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1597 From: Eric Labelle Date: 11/8/2003
Subject: Re: DQ Report in Spanish.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1598 From: Chris Short Date: 11/8/2003
Subject: Re: DQ Report in Spanish.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1599 From: Don Hawthorne Date: 11/8/2003
Subject: Re: Digest Number 252
Group: dqn-list Message: 1600 From: Greg Walters Date: 11/13/2003
Subject: SPI RPG Game Group, and GenCon...
Group: dqn-list Message: 1601 From: Rodger Thorm Date: 11/15/2003
Subject: Re: SPI RPG Game Group, and GenCon...
Group: dqn-list Message: 1602 From: Ran Hardin Date: 11/17/2003
Subject: Hiya.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1603 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 11/17/2003
Subject: Re: Hiya.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1604 From: Gregg, Joseph Date: 11/17/2003
Subject: Re: SPI RPG Game Group, and GenCon...
Group: dqn-list Message: 1605 From: Greg Walters Date: 11/26/2003
Subject: GenCon SoCal Update...
Group: dqn-list Message: 1606 From: Don Hawthorne Date: 12/4/2003
Subject: CHARITY EVENT, WAY Off-Topic
Group: dqn-list Message: 1607 From: Greg Walters Date: 12/5/2003
Subject: Re: CHARITY EVENT, WAY Off-Topic

Group: dqn-list Message: 1557 From: David Chappell Date: 9/24/2003
Subject: Re: Armor
--- In, Steven Wiles <mortdemuerte@y...>
> --- Esko Halttunen <esko.halttunen@l...> wrote:
> > > I've always though it a pitty that helmets weren't
> > specifically
> > > covered in the rules, they rather neatly work if
> > you have a PC loss
> >
> > That would be nice. The problem is that DQ doesn't
> > really have a specific called shot system, where
> > this sort of thing would come into play. Something
> > like that would necessitate a hit location chart and
> > piecemeal armor rules too, though, and that'd bog
> > down the system.
> The question of helmets is an vexed one. As you say,
> the system is not really set up for hit location
> mechanics. Adding such would seriously complicate an
> elegant system, which I doubt any of us wants.
> However, I've been in campaigns where people found
> helmets, and the only reason they wore them was
> becuase they had some sort of magic in them. That is
> a bit silly.
> I'm just going to throw out a couple of suggestions
> that fit within the existing mechanics for how to
> incorporate helmets:
> 1. Helmets add to your defense rating some fixed
> amount. I can't really defend the in-game philosophy
> of this too well, other than to say that the added Def
> represents all the head buffets you took before that
> you are protected from now. The only other protection
> stat to modify is Protection Rating, and I really
> can't see helmets adding to that, i.e. subtracting
> damage from -all- hits. This may be a workable
> option, but to me it seems a little fishy. Comments?
> 2. Helmets protect against head-and-neck based
> Grievous Injuries. Admittedly, this isn't an issue
> that comes up too often. However, when a character
> does receive such an injury, it's usually either fatal
> or subtracts permanently from some character stat. In
> short, rare but nasty. Now, if a helmet prevented, or
> at least forced a reroll of these types of injuries (a
> second reroll that is also head based should
> stick...), I could see a character feeling justified
> in wearing a non-magical helmet. Again, comments?
> Mort

I seem to remember the rules stating that a suit of armor included a
helmet. I know that the sap rules specifically mention that the
weapon will only render a target unconscious if they are not wearing
a metal helmet.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1558 From: David Chappell Date: 9/24/2003
Subject: Re: Determining Levels?
--- In, Steven Wiles <mortdemuerte@y...>
> --- "John M. Kahane" <jkahane@c...> wrote:
> > >When they finally completed it and returned to
> > civilisation they took a
> > >*long* training break. Yet even then they could
> > only improve each
> > >thing by one Rank, so they still ended up with a
> > pile of unspent XP.
> >
> > See even though several people have mentioned
> > the ability to only
> > go up by one Rank in an ability that one has used, I
> > still can't seem
> > to (re-)find this rule in the book.
> [87.1], end of section: "A character must satisfy all
> requirements to increase his Rank by one in an ability
> or skill before he again increases it by one. Thus, a
> character may never `skip` Ranks. A character must
> have attempted an ability or skill on the adventure
> previous to a gain in Rank in that ability or skill."
> I agree, though, that this is a rule that can be
> waived by appropriate circumstances. Apparently, so
> did the designers: "[87.7] The requirements noted
> above for the advancement of skills are ultimately up
> to the discretion of the GM."
> I always perceived this rule as being more of an
> anti-munchkin rule. My old GM used to give the
> example of his old high-school group, who had their
> Merc characters take five years off to build up
> between-campaign XP (15 EP/day). In his case, his
> Earth Mage went from Rank 0 to Rank 20 in Diamond
> Javelins, and never feared anything again. After
> that, their GM enforced this rule and so did he.
> However, if one of us had used a skill/spell/weapon a
> very great deal on the previous adventure, he'd agree
> to let us do jumps of two Ranks, and rarely even
> three.
> For mature gamers, it shouldn't be a real serious
> issue. Come to think of it, everyone saying how
> character progression is -rapid- surprised the heck
> out of me. I always thought of it as -slow- in this
> game. My college group gamed nearly every weekend
> with the same characters for 4 years, and we only hit
> Hero levels at the before we graduated. However, it
> was real typical in our group to spend XP on many
> abilities, and we certainly weren't thinking in terms
> of reaching Adventurer or Hero as quickly as possible.
> A couple of us spent tons of XP on Perception as
> Mercs (probably 'cause we were tired of constantly
> getting jumped) until our GM actually asked us to stop
> (he couldn't surprise our characters anymore). :)

The perception thing became enough of an issue that we made a house
rule that it could be bought once per session up to a score of 15.
After that, it could only be bought up once every 6 game months. The
rush to Adventurer always existed in our games, but after that people
were more intent on raising things they needed for adventuring
instead of things they needed to be Hero. When you have a large baddy
smacking your party around on the hex-grid, you want one decent
attack spell a lot more than you want eight useless (but really
cheap) ones.

Group: dqn-list Message: 1559 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 9/24/2003
Subject: Re: Breaking Down Skill Groups (was: Complementing Ski lls)
--- In, "Davis, John R" <jrda@b...> wrote:
> Seem to have taken it upon myself to break each skill group into the
> individual skill feats. Doesnt look too bad to calculate.
Question is
> thenwhat should be the weighting factors for each skill feat.
> 2nd one im doing is Astrolger.
> wf1 Make a general prediction
> wf2 Change a general prediction
> wf3 Answer a specific question
> wf1 Predict anothers aspect after
> These are my thoughts.
> Any comments?
> JohnD

Whilst in general agrement that sub skilling is useful, I'm not sure
this skill should be broken up. Certainly you can't do the second
and third without knowing how to do the first, and if you can do the
first you will want to do the other two IMHO. The only thing that
could be split off is the last, but is that worth while in its own
right? I suppose it is, you could look at someone and say "hmm
summer stars, I'll come back in the winter," but this is pritty

Please keep up the good work


PS why limit yourself to WF 3, why not 4 or even 5 for those
difficult sub skills
Group: dqn-list Message: 1560 From: D. Cameron King Date: 9/24/2003
Subject: Re: More on Names and Namers
After I wrote:

> Because Namers can loose counterspells
>without preparing them, they already have an advantage
>over other Adepts in combat.

John Davis wrote:

>Can they prepare and fire a counterspell all in one pulse? where is that
>rule hidden away? we have anamer in the party I have been GMing DQ on and
>off to for the last 10 years...he is gonna be a tad miffed if this rule

See [39.4]. It's even in italics.

Note that Namers do not Prepare *and* Loose counterspells
all in one Pulse; they can Loose counterspells without Preparing
them at all (though effectively, this is the same thing).

and John Carcutt wrote:

>I played a Namer for a number of years. We always treated
>the casting of counter spell the same as any other spell
>according the to 2nd edition rules. If you check [31.3] you
>will see the rules specifically state �A counterspell is cast in
>exactly the same manner as any other type of spell, ...�

That's certainly true as far as non-Namers are concerned.
But obviously, the special rule pertaining to Namers ([39.4])
controls over the general rule ([31.3]).

-Cameron King

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Group: dqn-list Message: 1561 From: Mandos D Shadowspawn Esq Date: 9/24/2003
Subject: Re: Determining Levels?
> The perception thing became enough of an issue that we made a house
> rule that it could be bought once per session up to a score of 15.
> After that, it could only be bought up once every 6 game months. The
> rush to Adventurer always existed in our games, but after that people
> were more intent on raising things they needed for adventuring
> instead of things they needed to be Hero. When you have a large baddy
> smacking your party around on the hex-grid, you want one decent
> attack spell a lot more than you want eight useless (but really
> cheap) ones.

In our game we have a mixture of both types of character. My main character
has been played almost constantly for twelve years and has only just reached
the top of the class, while there are other characters out there who can be
amazingly tough in just a few years. It's the mixture that makes things

Group: dqn-list Message: 1562 From: Steven Wiles Date: 9/24/2003
Subject: Re: More on Names and Namers
--- "D. Cameron King" <>
> Steven Wiles wrote:
> >I've always felt that it was too difficult to
> dispel
Actually, I do. Because Namers can loose
> counterspells
> without preparing them, they already have an
> advantage
> over other Adepts in combat. When the non-Namer
> begins preparing a spell, the Namer can simply place
> an
> area-effect counterspell over him, thus
> "interrupting"
> his spellcasting. (And then, when the non-Namer
> moves
> out of the counterspell's area, the Namer can go
> occupy
> it and get the increased Magic Resistance!)
> -Cameron King

I plumb forgot about that rule. Yeah, when you add
that into the mix, a Namer with decent rank in his
counterspells and who's on the ball should only have
to see an Adept cast one spell to be able to cripple
him. OK, I think I've heard from enough people to
feel confident that Namers are powerful enough as is.


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Group: dqn-list Message: 1563 From: David Chappell Date: 9/24/2003
Subject: Re: More on Names and Namers
--- In, Steven Wiles <mortdemuerte@y...>
> --- "D. Cameron King" <monarchy2000@h...>
> I plumb forgot about that rule. Yeah, when you add
> that into the mix, a Namer with decent rank in his
> counterspells and who's on the ball should only have
> to see an Adept cast one spell to be able to cripple
> him. OK, I think I've heard from enough people to
> feel confident that Namers are powerful enough as is.
> Mort

If he suspects the person is an Adept, he has a chance of shutting
him down before seeing him cast. If he has decent rank with his
Detect Aura ability, talents can be used as a free action. He could
use "What college of magic does this person belong to?" as his
question. This is one area where other colleges have an advantage
over the elementals. You know that the only thing that Fire mage can
hurt you with is special knowledge spells. An Enchanter, Mind mage or
Necromancer could use general -or- special knowledge spells to
attack. Control Person, Enchanted Sleep or Fire and Brimstone come to
mind pretty quickly. Since only one counterspell can affect an area
at a time, the versatile colleges cannot be fully shut down.

Group: dqn-list Message: 1564 From: D. Cameron King Date: 9/26/2003
Subject: Re: More on Names and Namers
David Chappell wrote:

>Since only one counterspell can affect an area
>at a time, the versatile colleges cannot be fully shut down.

Wrong. [31.3] says: "A character or area may never have
counterspells affecting more than one College cast over
him at the same time." You can cast *both* counterspells
of a given College over a single area, just not (for example)
the GK Counterspell of Black Magics and the SK Counterspell
of Fire Magics.

-Cameron King

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Group: dqn-list Message: 1565 From: David Chappell Date: 9/28/2003
Subject: Re: More on Names and Namers
--- In, "D. Cameron King"
<monarchy2000@h...> wrote:
> David Chappell wrote:
> >Since only one counterspell can affect an area
> >at a time, the versatile colleges cannot be fully shut down.
> Wrong. [31.3] says: "A character or area may never have
> counterspells affecting more than one College cast over
> him at the same time." You can cast *both* counterspells
> of a given College over a single area, just not (for example)
> the GK Counterspell of Black Magics and the SK Counterspell
> of Fire Magics.
> -Cameron King

Thanks. I'm not sure how I misread that. I'm not the only one,
though. Our group always read it that way. It still makes it a more
difficult guessing game to shut down a versatile Adept. I have never
considered Namers to be weak; this just confirms that opinion.

Group: dqn-list Message: 1566 From: Rodger Thorm Date: 10/2/2003
Subject: Re: DragonQuest adventures site.
Hi John--

In addition to having packaged adventures, you might
also provide campaign settings. For example, with
some of the different discussions about schools of
magic that we've had recently, there could be
write-ups of different variants for different flavors
of campaign settings.

For example, my short lived Arabian camapign was to
have all the usual colleges of magic (2nd edition,
Arcane Wisdom, Poor Brendan's Almanac), but Celestial
Magics was not going to be an elemental; it was going
to be a fourth branch. It is by no means a mainstream
version of the DQ colleges of magic, but it might be
interesting and useful for someone else to see that

Frankly, I only have about a paragraph or so on the
topic right now, but if you think you'd like to also
include some things like this, I'll try to work it up
a little bit more.


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Group: dqn-list Message: 1567 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 10/3/2003
Subject: Re: New file uploaded to dqn-list
I have just uploaded the Questing article from Ares 13. Questing is
what was called dragonnotes in previous magazines

Its quite a good one on Greater Summonings. It says in the article
it will explain the compas point the triangle should be drawn later
in the article. I can't find it, can anyone help?

Group: dqn-list Message: 1569 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 10/6/2003
Subject: Re: New file uploaded to dqn-list
I have up-loaded stuff from Ares 12
This is a Questing article and a description of how to use Albion
(pull-out game in Ares 11) as a DQ campaign setting. I don't have
the mag, these were from photocopies. If there was other stuff in
the Mag I don't know about it, so could some one please check


Group: dqn-list Message: 1570 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 10/6/2003
Subject: Re: New file uploaded to dqn-list
I have up-loaded DragonNotes from Ares 8. The rather odd ordering of
the sections is as it is in the magazine. The Adenda is for the 1st
edition, but it may have some relavance to 2nd for clarification

Group: dqn-list Message: 1571 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 10/6/2003
Subject: Re: Determining Levels?
I know this thread has died a little, but here's something I came
across whilst putting an Ares on the web. It was a list of Adenda
for the 1st edition, but I think it relavant here

"[87.1] A character must have used an ability on the previous
adventure in order to gain Rank with that ability. He need not have
done so successfully. Thus, it is merely necessary to attempt a spell
(not to actually successfully cast it) in an adventure in order to
subsequently gain Rank with that spell."

Why this clarification was not included the second I don't know,
perhaps they changed their mind

The full article is in the files section now

Group: dqn-list Message: 1572 From: Steven Wiles Date: 10/6/2003
Subject: Re: Determining Levels?
--- dbarrass_2000 <> wrote:
> I know this thread has died a little, but here's
> something I came
> across whilst putting an Ares on the web. It was a
> list of Adenda
> for the 1st edition, but I think it relavant here
> "[87.1] A character must have used an ability on the
> previous
> adventure in order to gain Rank with that ability.
> He need not have
> done so successfully. Thus, it is merely necessary
> to attempt a spell
> (not to actually successfully cast it) in an
> adventure in order to
> subsequently gain Rank with that spell."
> Why this clarification was not included the second I
> don't know,
> perhaps they changed their mind
> The full article is in the files section now
> David

That is an interesting change. I, too, wonder if this
indicates that the designers implicitly meant you
needed a -successful- use of a skill to Rank it. The
wording of this rule in 2nd ed is a tad ambiguous. I
find that idea both harsh and unlikely, given how
difficult it is to successfully use many lower Rank
abilities (spells particularly), and how dire the
consequences of failure often are. In my groups we
always ran it that any attempt, successful or not, was
sufficient for ranking. One learns from one's
mistakes as much as one's successes, if not more.


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Group: dqn-list Message: 1573 From: John Rauchert Date: 10/6/2003
Subject: Re: New file uploaded to dqn-list
--- In, "dbarrass_2000"
<david.barrass@e...> wrote:
> I have up-loaded DragonNotes from Ares 8. The rather odd ordering
> the sections is as it is in the magazine. The Adenda is for the
> edition, but it may have some relavance to 2nd for clarification
> David

According to my notes about now all we are missing are:

Issue No. 9
p. 34
DragonNotes -
PS chart

Issue No. 10 (September 1981)
pp. 24, 29
DragonNotes - Gerry Klug
Horsemanship & Overland Movement. Contains more rumors of
DragonQuest products (which never saw the light of day) and a first
version of the Horsemanship adventure skill eventually published in
2nd edition DragonQuest.

Issue No. 12
p. 19
Designer's Notes

Group: dqn-list Message: 1574 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 10/7/2003
Subject: Re: New file uploaded to dqn-list
> According to my notes about now all we are missing are:
> Issue No. 9
> p. 34
> DragonNotes -
> PS chart

NO LONGER - its now in the files section.
However that's all the Ares I have (apart from a damaged #10, a
previous owner thoughtfully removed an insert taking the DragonNotes
with them)

> Issue No. 10 (September 1981)
> pp. 24, 29
> DragonNotes - Gerry Klug
> Horsemanship & Overland Movement. Contains more rumors of
> DragonQuest products (which never saw the light of day) and a first
> version of the Horsemanship adventure skill eventually published in
> 2nd edition DragonQuest.

> Issue No. 12
> p. 19
> Designer's Notes

As I said in a previous post I only have photocopies of this, but it
does include the end of the Designer's Notes article, and it doesn't
look like a DQ article to me. Could someone check?

I'm also interested in the
"Different Worlds Magazine (Chaosium)
# 28
"The Angels" - Paul Cranbaugh.
(p 12) New character race."

Article. Does anyone have it


Group: dqn-list Message: 1575 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 10/7/2003
Subject: Re: Determining Levels?
--- In, Steven Wiles <mortdemuerte@y...>
> --- dbarrass_2000 <david.barrass@e...> wrote:
> > "[87.1] A character must have used an ability on the
> > previous
> > adventure in order to gain Rank with that ability.
> > He need not have
> > done so successfully. Thus, it is merely necessary
> > to attempt a spell
> > (not to actually successfully cast it) in an
> > adventure in order to
> > subsequently gain Rank with that spell."
> That is an interesting change. I, too, wonder if this
> indicates that the designers implicitly meant you
> needed a -successful- use of a skill to Rank it. The
> wording of this rule in 2nd ed is a tad ambiguous. I
> find that idea both harsh and unlikely, given how
> difficult it is to successfully use many lower Rank
> abilities (spells particularly), and how dire the
> consequences of failure often are. In my groups we
> always ran it that any attempt, successful or not, was
> sufficient for ranking. One learns from one's
> mistakes as much as one's successes, if not more.

Indeed! I trhink I at least will adopt the "any Attempt rule"

Group: dqn-list Message: 1576 From: Bruce Probst Date: 10/7/2003
Subject: Re: Determining Levels?
On Mon, 06 Oct 2003 16:04:59 -0000, "dbarrass_2000" <>

>Why this clarification was not included the second I don't know,
>perhaps they changed their mind

Or perhaps they decided that the rule was crystal-clear as written.

Certainly I never had any problem interpreting it correctly.

Bruce Probst ICQ 6563830
Melbourne, Australia MSTie #72759 SCA #80160
"Of course it's phallic. Why wouldn't it be?"
Group: dqn-list Message: 1577 From: Davis, John R Date: 10/7/2003
Subject: Troubador: Battle of Wit
Ok, in part of next adventure party are vying to write tale / memoirs of a
great hero. Below are a list of proverbs, and similar, they have to fill in
a fantasy / DQ style, to show how clever and wise-thinking they are. Some
have an obvious answer, and I have my own answers, just wondered if any
budding 'wits' out there can come up with some very clever pieces of
word-play / witicism (sp?), etc. Also if u could create others I can steal
so I have 10 I quite like.

Hope that makes sense

1. In the Land Of the Blind the _________ is God

2. A ________ in the Hand is worth 3 Score in the Bush

3. Never look a mighty gift _________ in the Mouth

4. Like a _________ in a mithril shop

5. ____________ heads are much better than one

6. Let Sleeping _________ lie, (and run away fast)

7. The _____________ is much mightier than the sword

8. Definitely looks like it got out of the wrong side of the ________

9. If you play with _____________ you will get incinerated

10. Many a true ________ spoken in mischief

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Group: dqn-list Message: 1578 From: Bruce Probst Date: 10/7/2003
Subject: Re: New file uploaded to dqn-list
On Tue, 07 Oct 2003 07:51:55 -0000, "dbarrass_2000" <>

>> Issue No. 12
>> p. 19
>> Designer's Notes
>As I said in a previous post I only have photocopies of this, but it
>does include the end of the Designer's Notes article, and it doesn't
>look like a DQ article to me. Could someone check?

p.19 is the first page of the "Startrader!" comic strip. The "Designer's
Notes" are on p.18 (cont. on p.38). The only DQ-related material in
"Designer's Notes" was a short section on planned supplement releases -- no
information there that isn't common knowledge already (and since none of it
came to pass any way ...).

>I'm also interested in the
>"Different Worlds Magazine (Chaosium)
># 28
>"The Angels" - Paul Cranbaugh.
>(p 12) New character race."
>Article. Does anyone have it

I have it. Not especially interesting I'm afraid.

Bruce Probst ICQ 6563830
Melbourne, Australia MSTie #72759 SCA #80160
"Of course it's phallic. Why wouldn't it be?"
Group: dqn-list Message: 1579 From: Greg Walters Date: 10/7/2003
Subject: Gen Con So Cal anyone?

I just mentioned in the SPI Universe newsgroup that I'd run some SPI
RPG scenarios (If I can afford to attend).

Pre-reg is open now.

- Greg W.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1580 From: John M. Kahane Date: 10/8/2003
Subject: Re: Alternate Sub-Skill Breakdown
Hullo, Rodger,

On Mon, 22 Sep 2003 07:56:05 -0700 (PDT), Rodger Thorm wrote:

>> I'm not saying here that every sub-skill from the
>>DQ skill groups should be broken out as single skills
>>in this manner. I can't see an Assassin, Alchemist, or
>>Healer (taking several that come to mind immediately)
>>teaching certain of their abilities (if not al of them) to
> someone as individual skills, but the homeless kid
> growing up on the streets of the big fantasy city should
>>be able to pickpocket and perhaps one or two other
>>thieving abilities without having to know how to open
>>safes or pick locks. I'm sure others would also find
>>this to be true of some of the other skills, but this
>>should be personal interpretation (as most GMing is

>These are the kind of examples I was thinking about
>when we were discussing subskills several months back.
> And in each of these examples, I don't see a problem
>with a character having an extra skill, even if it is
>at a low level. Why would the farmer's
>son-turned-Mercahnt only know how to track animals,
>and not the whole of the Ranger skill?

I can see where the farmer's son would certainly have a knowledge
of true north, perhaps, but some of the other sub-skills seem outside
the bounds of what the farmer's son would know for this purpose. On
the other hand, I can see the arguments being made to counter this as
well. Again, this seems to be a subject of GM interpretation more than
anything else. :)

>Troubador is inexpensive enough that I don't have any
>problem with a character taking that skill in order to
>play an instrument, even if he is really a Ranger by
>trade. Likewise, where else would the Thief learn
>disguise if not from a Troubador? There is nothing
>that requires that they attain mastery of those skills.
>It can remain a skill in which they have some small ability.

The question with both examples above of the Troubador skill is
how many Ranks would the Ranger or the Thief have to purchase for the
skill? Even so, there is a difference here of a different magnitude.
The Ranger wants to purchase the playing of an instrument as a personal
interest or hobby skill, whereas the Thief wants to purchase the
disguise ability as a tool for adding to their thief-ly arsenal. That,
in and of itself, makes one of these a non-adventuring skill and the
other an adventurning skill, respectively. I feel that the costs of
the skill should reflect that.

>Thief (and spy) do incorporate a number of abilities that
>might more readily break out as subskills, I will agree.
>But if the character is going to have more than Rank 1
>in that ability, I would generally expect the character to
>have the whole skill.

Probably. All I'm saying is that the street pickpocket who never
develops any of the other Thiefly skills should have another option
other than buying the whole skill. Furthermore, he shouldn't have to
pay a number of Silver Pennies per year on the Thief skill to maintain
one of a number of sub-skills from that main skill. This is where the
minor or secondary skills come into effect and play.

>There are certainly going to be some exceptions. The
>examples above are such. But are the exceptions more
>prevalent than the rule such that the rule should be
>changed? I think the exceptions are rare, and the
>rules work as they stand.

Oh, the rules do work as they are. Otherwise, someone (possibly
you or I) would have changed them years ago for our own campaigns. :)
What I'm saying is that there should be an alternative for players and
GMs who feel there is a need, and a use, for this sort of thing, and to
allow for mroe characters who can be equated to characters from fiction
and the like.

It's been good to share ideas and concepts with you on this
subject, Rodger. :)

.....If I buy the steel wool, can you knit me a Lambourghini?

web page:
Group: dqn-list Message: 1581 From: John M. Kahane Date: 10/8/2003
Subject: Re: Determining Levels?
Hullo, Bruce,

On Tue, 07 Oct 2003 18:02:59 +1000, Bruce Probst wrote:

>On Mon, 06 Oct 2003 16:04:59 -0000, "dbarrass_2000" <>
>>Why this clarification was not included the second I don't know,
>>perhaps they changed their mind
>Or perhaps they decided that the rule was crystal-clear as written.

I would certainly think this might have been the thought at the

>Certainly I never had any problem interpreting it correctly.

Nor have I during all my years of running DQ.

As a side note, can you imagine what might have occurred if DQ
had been published today with some of the rules interpretations that
would be needed for some sections that folks find to be either vague or
opaque? Would certainly be interesting, and debates-cum-arguments
would be prevalent, I suspect. :) Of course, the game would have been
playtested "rigourously" (whatever that term means these days with some
of the game companies out there).

.....I'm just a humble bookseller trying to make a living.

web page:
Group: dqn-list Message: 1582 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 10/9/2003
Subject: Re: Alternate Sub-Skill Breakdown
All of the arguments presented here have a great deal of merit.
Personally I am in favour of some break down while encouraging people
to take the whole skill (for simplicity if nothing else) There are
clear sub skills that could be split off, and they appear mainly in
spy/thief and troubadour. Therefore I have just posted my breakdown
for these skills in the files section.

The split has been done using John Davis' method, and I posted this
stuff to him a bit ago and he hasn't panned it. There are a few
changes, the max rank is 10-the weighting factor and I've added a
column saying if they can be sub-skilled. These are my additions.
feel free to object

This has been dificult, getting the similar skills for spy and theif
with appropriate costs (spy is generally poorer so should pay less).

The troubadour's general skills, eg play instrument, tell tales etc,
count as one sub skill for working out the cost, but have to be
bought individually

As always the weighting factors are my ideas of what they should be.
If we come up with consensus I can change the numbers no problem

Group: dqn-list Message: 1583 From: Date: 10/9/2003
Subject: New file uploaded to dqn-list

This email message is a notification to let you know that
a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the dqn-list

File : /DW28_Angels.pdf
Uploaded by : John_Rauchert <>
Description : Different Worlds Angels Article

You can access this file at the URL

To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit


John_Rauchert <>
Group: dqn-list Message: 1584 From: Date: 10/9/2003
Subject: New file uploaded to dqn-list

This email message is a notification to let you know that
a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the dqn-list

File : /Ares12_DesignersNotes.pdf
Uploaded by : John_Rauchert <>
Description : Ares Designer's Notes + AW Ad

You can access this file at the URL

To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit


John_Rauchert <>
Group: dqn-list Message: 1585 From: John Rauchert Date: 10/9/2003
Subject: Re: New file uploaded to dqn-list
Thanks goes out to Bruce Probst for sending me pdfs of the two
missing items on our list of DQ related material so I could convert

Now available is the Angels article from Different Worlds. Possibly
inspired by the Thieves' World story "Looking for Satan" by Vonda N.
McIntyre in Shadows of Sanctuary.

The Designer's Notes gives a tantalizing look at DragonQuest circa
1982 plus an Ad for the upcoming Arcane Wisdom.

Group: dqn-list Message: 1586 From: Deven Atkinson Date: 10/11/2003
Subject: DragonQuest World Generation info
The proposed World Generation supplement for DQ has been mentioned here. I
decided to search for any information I could find. I found the following
on the Steve Jackson Games website. (Steve was listed as the author for
this supplement.)
URL reference:

I reformatted the Q&A to include only the DQ question. The Q&A is dated
November 1986:

(Q) I know you did a World Generation Supplement for DragonQuest, but it was
never published. Is there any way you can use those ideas without treading
on copyrights?
-- Kent Reuber

(A) TSR very courteously returned all rights in the unpublished material.
Some of it went into the GURPS Basic Set < >; other parts may be used later.
Of course, all specific Dragonquest game material has been removed.
-- Steve Jackson

When GURPS first arrived on the scene, I told a gaming friend of mine that
it had the feel of DQ on steroids. Perhaps this is why. Part of what was
to be DQ became part of what is GURPS. I can only imagine how popular DQ
would have become with Jackson as one of the forces behind it.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1587 From: John Rauchert Date: 10/11/2003
Subject: Re: DragonQuest World Generation info
I got to talk to Steve when he was a guest at a local gaming

I asked him about the world generation system and this was the same
answer got as well (hmm, now what part of Gurps basic??? Have to dig
out my first edition set).


--- In, "Deven Atkinson" <deven@b...> wrote:
> The proposed World Generation supplement for DQ has been mentioned
here. I
> decided to search for any information I could find. I found the
> on the Steve Jackson Games website. (Steve was listed as the
author for
> this supplement.)
> URL reference:
> I reformatted the Q&A to include only the DQ question. The Q&A is
> November 1986:
> (Q) I know you did a World Generation Supplement for DragonQuest,
but it was
> never published. Is there any way you can use those ideas without
> on copyrights?
> -- Kent Reuber
> (A) TSR very courteously returned all rights in the unpublished
> Some of it went into the GURPS Basic Set <
> >; other parts may be
used later.
> Of course, all specific Dragonquest game material has been removed.
> -- Steve Jackson
Group: dqn-list Message: 1588 From: rthorm Date: 10/15/2003
Subject: DragonNotes
I just posted the text of the DragonNotes column from Ares #10. It
announces and introduces Gerry Klug as the DQ lead for SPI, and
included the Horsemanship skill and overland movement, both which were
incorporated into 2nd edition (and thus are old hat to most everyone

There is a tantalizing reference to "continuing the design work for
Alusia follow-ups as well as boxed city, boxed world, and the
DragonQuest II projects."

I'll send the original scans to John R who can turn them into PDFs.

Do we have a complete set now? I think most of them are in the files
area now.

--Rodger Thorm
Group: dqn-list Message: 1589 From: Date: 11/5/2003
Subject: DQ Report in Spanish.
Dear friends:
I try to expand the DQ rules arround the world equal than you, and my fist sand grain is here.
It is the biggest role web page in Argentina and I recived a lot of questions, but the people remarc the combat rules like very playable.
If your spanish is poor tahn my english, you can transalete by
Best regards.
PS: If someone want to give some valuable contribution (not money!) to this, please send me an e-mail. Thanks for your colaboration.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1590 From: John Corey Date: 11/5/2003
Subject: Re: DQ Report in Spanish.
this is fantastic. My spanish is much worse than your english, but I
think this was a great thing to do. I am really excited to see
enthusiasm this high! congrats.

On Nov 5, 2003, at 1:43 PM, wrote:

> Dear friends:
> I try to expand the DQ rules arround the world equal than you, and my
> fist sand grain is here.
> It is the biggest role web page in Argentina and I recived a lot of
> questions, but the people remarc the combat rules like very playable.
> If your spanish is poor tahn my english, you can transalete by
> Best regards.
> Gabriel.
> PS: If someone want to give some valuable contribution (not money!) to
> this, please send me an e-mail. Thanks for your colaboration.
> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> <image.tiff>
> <image.tiff>
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1591 From: Esko Halttunen Date: 11/6/2003
Subject: Compiled Weapons, Armor and Shields Project
Hello, all.

Some of you may remember me mentioning on DQN-list a project I had going
a few months back, one to compile all weapons, armor and shields from
the various editions of DQ and a couple of fan-made supplements such as
the PBA into one comprehensive listing. Well, that's done, and uploaded
to the files section of the DQ-Rules group. Grab a copy, read it through
and then pick it apart. The document is in MS Word, Open Office and
plain text format. Plain text files containing tables are in duplicate,
because my chosen text edit program, Crimson Editor, just does not agree
with Wordpad on table formatting, they both screw up column alignment in
a file optimized for the other, so there are two versions.

Besides the actual document (referred to as CWT, short for Compiled
Weapons Table), there is a readme file and another text file with a
detailed breakdown of what has changed from 2E (or 1E) and the reasons why.

The weapons list is expanded from what it was, there is a large section
on oriental weapons besides the new additions to the basic list, and
some rules (e.g. crossbows) have been heavily revamped so that they are
actually useful now. Armor list is twice as long as it used to be, with
old armors from 1E making a comeback and completely new armor types
introduced. Shield list is relatively intact, but there are a lot more
defensive weapons now, not just the main gauche, and there are optional
rules for martial arts.

I'd appreciate feedback on this and if you find any typos, please report
them so I can correct them.

Group: dqn-list Message: 1592 From: Eric Labelle Date: 11/6/2003
Subject: Re: DQ Report in Spanish.
Maybe someone should have asked before ripping all my scans off of my DragonQuest web page.  Sorry Gabriel, I would like you to take those scans off of those web pages.  Using a lot of someone else's scans without asking for permission first and also without posting credits is not nice.
No hard feelings, I am not angry, but this was just not... nice.
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 1:43 PM
Subject: [DQN-list] DQ Report in Spanish.

Dear friends:
I try to expand the DQ rules arround the world equal than you, and my fist sand grain is here.
It is the biggest role web page in Argentina and I recived a lot of questions, but the people remarc the combat rules like very playable.
If your spanish is poor tahn my english, you can transalete by
Best regards.
PS: If someone want to give some valuable contribution (not money!) to this, please send me an e-mail. Thanks for your colaboration.

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1593 From: Chris Short Date: 11/7/2003
Subject: Re: [inbox] RE: [DQN-list] DQ Report in Spanish.

Woot – thus is the death of yet another person efforts!


Why not just ask for a credit ?





From: Eric Labelle []
Sent: 07 November 2003 03:49




Maybe someone should have asked before ripping all my scans off of my DragonQuest web page.  Sorry Gabriel, I would like you to take those scans off of those web pages.  Using a lot of someone else's scans without asking for permission first and also without posting credits is not nice.


No hard feelings, I am not angry, but this was just not... nice.



-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 1:43 PM
Subject: [DQN-list] DQ Report in Spanish.

Dear friends:


I try to expand the DQ rules arround the world equal than you, and my fist sand grain is here.


It is the biggest role web page in Argentina and I recived a lot of questions, but the people remarc the combat rules like very playable.


If your spanish is poor tahn my english, you can transalete by



Best regards.




PS: If someone want to give some valuable contribution (not money!) to this, please send me an e-mail. Thanks for your colaboration.



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Group: dqn-list Message: 1594 From: D. Cameron King Date: 11/7/2003
Subject: Re: DQ Report in Spanish.
If the "scans" Eric is referring to are what I *think* they are, the irony
here is...staggering. (I'll reserve any vitriol in case I'm mistaken.)

And if they're not, I agree with Chris Short: why not just ask for a credit
on Gabriel's page? If we're not all involved with this listserv to promote
and distribute DQ materials, what *are* we doing here? Because I for one am
not really interested in glorifying any particular individuals.

-Cameron King

>From: "Eric Labelle" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: RE: [DQN-list] DQ Report in Spanish.
>Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2003 22:49:25 -0500
>Maybe someone should have asked before ripping all my scans off of my
>DragonQuest web page. Sorry Gabriel, I would like you to take those
>scans off of those web pages. Using a lot of someone else's scans
>without asking for permission first and also without posting credits is
>not nice.
>No hard feelings, I am not angry, but this was just not... nice.

From Beethoven to the Rolling Stones, your favorite music is always playing
on MSN Radio Plus. No ads, no talk. Trial month FREE!
Group: dqn-list Message: 1595 From: Héctor Rosso Date: 11/7/2003
Subject: Re: DQ Report in Spanish.
Son una manga se momias, no les calienta la difusion
de un juegazo como es el DQ.
Hace unos años me mataba buscando paginas, info, modulos,
y sitios donde uno tambien pudiera cooperar. Mientras las paginas
de D&D se reproducian como conejos dia a dia, los sitios de DQ no existian.
uno ingresaba "DragonQuest" en el browser y solo aparecian fichines chinos y alguna que otra pagina porno
Ahora, un tipo se digna en hacer algo constructivo, y las muy mariconas de murga llorisquean porque les "afanaron" los dibujitos scaneados y un par de alcahuetes saltan en su defensa.
gabriel: haceles caso che, pone en la pagina los creditos, no jodas, yo pondria "Creditos: agradecemos estos escaneos chotos que se los afanamos a un forro llorisqueta y que sin ellos esta pagina no seria lo que es"
Traduccion take it easy boys, stop crying and let the show go on. ok?

¡Navegá y ayudá a los chicos!.
En noviembre, Yahoo! dona un plato de comida por cada usuario que se conecte a Internet con Yahoo! Conexión.
Conectate ya aquí.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1596 From: Date: 11/7/2003
Subject: DQ Report in Spanish.
Foward in english
Estimados colegas:

Dado que el señor Snafaru objeta la publicación de los scanns que "yo tomé de su página web" (Lo confieso), y en función de ser una persona merecedora de mi respeto por su trabajo, he decidido retirar TODAS las imágenes que de él venían, tal como se me pidiera por este medio.
Por el momento, el artículo no tendrá NINGUNA imagen. Pero evidentemente, invertiré mi fin de semana en escanear todas las tapas de los módulos que poseemos para poder completar nuevamente el artículo referido.
Lo único que puedo decir es que no fue mi intención ofender a nadie, y esto es fácilmente comprobable, dado que si fuera con mala intención, no publicaría la dirección donde están las imágenes, las que usé solamente porque estaban a disposición.
Quiero que quede en claro que mi intención siempre fue la de la difusión de este exelente juego, y lo único que se consigue con esto es perder un poco de tiempo, dando explicaciones y pidiendo disculpas, nada más.
Pero además, quiero hacer público mi reconocimiento a Eric Labelle (Snafaru), por su trabajo y su página web.
Como dije en el mail anterior, sigo esperando sus "aportes", los que consideren oportunos para la difusión del DragonQuest.
Invito a todos ustedes a chequear la página del artículo para comprobar que cumplí con lo solicitado.
Saluda atentamente.
Gabriel Martinez.
PD: Sin remordimientos.
English Version.
Dear colleagues:
Since Mr. Snafaru objects the publication of scanns
that "I took from his page Web" (I confess It), and based on being a
deserving person of my respect by his work, I have decided to retire
ALL the images that of him came, as it was requested to me by this
At the moment, the article will not have ANY image. But evidently, I
will invest my weekend in scanning all the covers of the modules that
we have to be able to again complete the referred article.
The only thing that I can say is that my intention did not go to
offend nobody, and this is easily comprobable, since if outside with
bad intention, would not publish the direction where they are the
images, those that I only used because they were to disposition.
I want put this clear that my intention always was the one of the
diffusion of this exelente game, and the only thing that is obtained
with this is to lose a little time, giving explanations and requesting
excuses, nothing else.
But in addition, I want to make public my recognition to Eric Labelle
(Snafaru), by its work and its page Web.
As I said in the previous mail, I continue waiting for its
"contributions", those that consider opportune for the diffusion of
the DragonQuest.
I beg you to check I accomplished whith the request at...
Best regards.
Gabriel Martinez.
PS: No hard feelings.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1597 From: Eric Labelle Date: 11/8/2003
Subject: Re: DQ Report in Spanish.
I accept your explanations.  You can put the scans back on the web page.  If you could mention where they came from it would be good.
My point was that it is better to ask first before posting someone else's materiel.  If you had asked first, I would have said ok, I want to promote DragonQuest as much as anybody else.
Best regards
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 1:27 PM
Subject: [DQN-list] DQ Report in Spanish.

Foward in english
Estimados colegas:

Dado que el señor Snafaru objeta la publicación de los scanns que "yo tomé de su página web" (Lo confieso), y en función de ser una persona merecedora de mi respeto por su trabajo, he decidido retirar TODAS las imágenes que de él venían, tal como se me pidiera por este medio.
Por el momento, el artículo no tendrá NINGUNA imagen. Pero evidentemente, invertiré mi fin de semana en escanear todas las tapas de los módulos que poseemos para poder completar nuevamente el artículo referido.
Lo único que puedo decir es que no fue mi intención ofender a nadie, y esto es fácilmente comprobable, dado que si fuera con mala intención, no publicaría la dirección donde están las imágenes, las que usé solamente porque estaban a disposición.
Quiero que quede en claro que mi intención siempre fue la de la difusión de este exelente juego, y lo único que se consigue con esto es perder un poco de tiempo, dando explicaciones y pidiendo disculpas, nada más.
Pero además, quiero hacer público mi reconocimiento a Eric Labelle (Snafaru), por su trabajo y su página web.
Como dije en el mail anterior, sigo esperando sus "aportes", los que consideren oportunos para la difusión del DragonQuest.
Invito a todos ustedes a chequear la página del artículo para comprobar que cumplí con lo solicitado.
Saluda atentamente.
Gabriel Martinez.
PD: Sin remordimientos.
English Version.
Dear colleagues:
Since Mr. Snafaru objects the publication of scanns
that "I took from his page Web" (I confess It), and based on being a
deserving person of my respect by his work, I have decided to retire
ALL the images that of him came, as it was requested to me by this
At the moment, the article will not have ANY image. But evidently, I
will invest my weekend in scanning all the covers of the modules that
we have to be able to again complete the referred article.
The only thing that I can say is that my intention did not go to
offend nobody, and this is easily comprobable, since if outside with
bad intention, would not publish the direction where they are the
images, those that I only used because they were to disposition.
I want put this clear that my intention always was the one of the
diffusion of this exelente game, and the only thing that is obtained
with this is to lose a little time, giving explanations and requesting
excuses, nothing else.
But in addition, I want to make public my recognition to Eric Labelle
(Snafaru), by its work and its page Web.
As I said in the previous mail, I continue waiting for its
"contributions", those that consider opportune for the diffusion of
the DragonQuest.
I beg you to check I accomplished whith the request at...
Best regards.
Gabriel Martinez.
PS: No hard feelings.

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1598 From: Chris Short Date: 11/8/2003
Subject: Re: DQ Report in Spanish.

Well said to both of you!


Long live DQ.



From: Eric Labelle []
Sent: 08 November 2003 14:51




I accept your explanations.  You can put the scans back on the web page.  If you could mention where they came from it would be good.


My point was that it is better to ask first before posting someone else's materiel.  If you had asked first, I would have said ok, I want to promote DragonQuest as much as anybody else.


Best regards



-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 1:27 PM
Subject: [DQN-list] DQ Report in Spanish.

Foward in english


Estimados colegas:

Dado que el señor Snafaru objeta la publicación de los scanns que "yo tomé de su página web" (Lo confieso), y en función de ser una persona merecedora de mi respeto por su trabajo, he decidido retirar TODAS las imágenes que de él venían, tal como se me pidiera por este medio.


Por el momento, el artículo no tendrá NINGUNA imagen. Pero evidentemente, invertiré mi fin de semana en escanear todas las tapas de los módulos que poseemos para poder completar nuevamente el artículo referido.


Lo único que puedo decir es que no fue mi intención ofender a nadie, y esto es fácilmente comprobable, dado que si fuera con mala intención, no publicaría la dirección donde están las imágenes, las que usé solamente porque estaban a disposición.


Quiero que quede en claro que mi intención siempre fue la de la difusión de este exelente juego, y lo único que se consigue con esto es perder un poco de tiempo, dando explicaciones y pidiendo disculpas, nada más.


Pero además, quiero hacer público mi reconocimiento a Eric Labelle (Snafaru), por su trabajo y su página web.


Como dije en el mail anterior, sigo esperando sus "aportes", los que consideren oportunos para la difusión del DragonQuest.


Invito a todos ustedes a chequear la página del artículo para comprobar que cumplí con lo solicitado.



Saluda atentamente.


Gabriel Martinez.


PD: Sin remordimientos.



English Version.


Dear colleagues:


Since Mr. Snafaru objects the publication of scanns
that "I took from his page Web" (I confess It), and based on being a
deserving person of my respect by his work, I have decided to retire
ALL the images that of him came, as it was requested to me by this


At the moment, the article will not have ANY image. But evidently, I
will invest my weekend in scanning all the covers of the modules that
we have to be able to again complete the referred article.


The only thing that I can say is that my intention did not go to
offend nobody, and this is easily comprobable, since if outside with
bad intention, would not publish the direction where they are the
images, those that I only used because they were to disposition.


I want put this clear that my intention always was the one of the
diffusion of this exelente game, and the only thing that is obtained
with this is to lose a little time, giving explanations and requesting
excuses, nothing else.


But in addition, I want to make public my recognition to Eric Labelle
(Snafaru), by its work and its page Web.


As I said in the previous mail, I continue waiting for its
"contributions", those that consider opportune for the diffusion of
the DragonQuest.


I beg you to check I accomplished whith the request at...


Best regards.


Gabriel Martinez.


PS: No hard feelings.

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Group: dqn-list Message: 1599 From: Don Hawthorne Date: 11/8/2003
Subject: Re: Digest Number 252
All's well that ends well.
Don Hawthorne

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2003 11:57 AM
Subject: [DQN-list] Digest Number 252

There is 1 message in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. RE: DQ Report in Spanish.
From: "Eric Labelle" <>


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2003 09:50:36 -0500
From: "Eric Labelle" <>
Subject: RE: DQ Report in Spanish.


I accept your explanations. You can put the scans back on the web page.
If you could mention where they came from it would be good.

My point was that it is better to ask first before posting someone
else's materiel. If you had asked first, I would have said ok, I want
to promote DragonQuest as much as anybody else.

Best regards


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 1:27 PM
Subject: [DQN-list] DQ Report in Spanish.

Foward in english

Estimados colegas:

Dado que el señor Snafaru objeta la publicación de los scanns que "yo
tomé de su página web" (Lo confieso), y en función de ser una persona
merecedora de mi respeto por su trabajo, he decidido retirar TODAS las
imágenes que de él venían, tal como se me pidiera por este medio.

Por el momento, el artículo no tendrá NINGUNA imagen. Pero
evidentemente, invertiré mi fin de semana en escanear todas las tapas de
los módulos que poseemos para poder completar nuevamente el artículo

Lo único que puedo decir es que no fue mi intención ofender a nadie, y
esto es fácilmente comprobable, dado que si fuera con mala intención, no
publicaría la dirección donde están las imágenes, las que usé solamente
porque estaban a disposición.

Quiero que quede en claro que mi intención siempre fue la de la difusión
de este exelente juego, y lo único que se consigue con esto es perder un
poco de tiempo, dando explicaciones y pidiendo disculpas, nada más.

Pero además, quiero hacer público mi reconocimiento a Eric Labelle
(Snafaru), por su trabajo y su página web.

Como dije en el mail anterior, sigo esperando sus "aportes", los que
consideren oportunos para la difusión del DragonQuest.

Invito a todos ustedes a chequear la página del artículo para comprobar
que cumplí con lo solicitado.

Saluda atentamente.

Gabriel Martinez.

PD: Sin remordimientos.

English Version.

Dear colleagues:

Since Mr. Snafaru objects the publication of scanns
that "I took from his page Web" (I confess It), and based on being a
deserving person of my respect by his work, I have decided to retire
ALL the images that of him came, as it was requested to me by this

At the moment, the article will not have ANY image. But evidently, I
will invest my weekend in scanning all the covers of the modules that
we have to be able to again complete the referred article.

The only thing that I can say is that my intention did not go to
offend nobody, and this is easily comprobable, since if outside with
bad intention, would not publish the direction where they are the
images, those that I only used because they were to disposition.

I want put this clear that my intention always was the one of the
diffusion of this exelente game, and the only thing that is obtained
with this is to lose a little time, giving explanations and requesting
excuses, nothing else.

But in addition, I want to make public my recognition to Eric Labelle
(Snafaru), by its work and its page Web.

As I said in the previous mail, I continue waiting for its
"contributions", those that consider opportune for the diffusion of
the DragonQuest.

I beg you to check I accomplished whith the request at...

Best regards.

Gabriel Martinez.

PS: No hard feelings.

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor



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Group: dqn-list Message: 1600 From: Greg Walters Date: 11/13/2003
Subject: SPI RPG Game Group, and GenCon...
I will be GMing Universe and DragonQuest scenarios at GenCon Southern
California (about a month from now - this'll be their first SoCal

The idea occurred to me that it would good for The Universe & DQ
groups to unite into a SPI RPG gaming group. We could be represented
by having individuals GM at this (or any other) convention.

There is already a DQPA. Could we get a SPIPA? Or, perhaps, it
would simply be easier to 'foot note' Universe players in the DQPA?

The basic idea is that individuals may GM at a con and (usually)
wouldn't have to pay admission, and, of course, we should be able to
get more people along the way.

NOTE: to prevent confusion, I think it would be best to discuss this
in the DQ news group (since there are more people, and I am not any
sort of moderator there).

- Hope to see Ya' at the gaming tables!
Group: dqn-list Message: 1601 From: Rodger Thorm Date: 11/15/2003
Subject: Re: SPI RPG Game Group, and GenCon...
Hi Greg--

I don't want to speak for others, but I think that there is generally not a lot of overlap between Universe and DragonQuest players. Since both were SPI games, I think it's more likely that a DQ player played Universe and vice-versa, but I don't think there's enough crossover and common interest to warrant having a separate group. When events like this come up, it's easy enough to have cross-postings to cover the event.

(Accordingly, I am cross-posting this in both groups, as well)

You're a bit too far there in So. Cal. for me to be there. But good luck with the events and let us know what turnout is and how your events go.

If you are running a new DQ adventure, I'd certainly be interested in seeing that at some point (and John C's forthcoming DragonQuestAdventures site would also be a good place to think about.

--Rodger Thorm
Group: dqn-list Message: 1602 From: Ran Hardin Date: 11/17/2003
Subject: Hiya.
Just joined the group, thought I'd better introduce myself and say
hello. I've been playing DQ since the 1st edition boxed set ("Action
Point Allowance," anyone?), and am getting together a new group of
players after a long sabbatical. Anyway, greetings everyone, and long
live DQ.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1603 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 11/17/2003
Subject: Re: Hiya.
Hi and Welcome

--- In, "Ran Hardin" <dantalion64@e...> wrote:
> Just joined the group, thought I'd better introduce myself and say
> hello. I've been playing DQ since the 1st edition boxed set ("Action
> Point Allowance," anyone?), and am getting together a new group of
> players after a long sabbatical. Anyway, greetings everyone, and long
> live DQ.

I've also just returned to it, now my chilren are old enough to play

Other interesting groups you could join are:-
Currently discussing a consensus Weapons, Armor and shields list

(its been quiet for a bit, but there have been interesting discussions
on a Religion system for DQ

Group: dqn-list Message: 1604 From: Gregg, Joseph Date: 11/17/2003
Subject: Re: SPI RPG Game Group, and GenCon...
Decades ago our RPG groups tried out DQ and Universe. Eventually we decided that most of the fun in playing Universe was generating the characters; our experienced GM's couldn't make an interesting scenario that used the wild variety of skills the players generated. (I am one of both classes, GM and player, so the complaint is mostly about myself.) But until we abandoned it, I had my star map fully populated with planetary systems - and one was named "Dekew", where the laws of physics were a little bent. The players never got there so my crossover rules didn't get tested, but it was fun to think about. Did anyone else try this concept?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1605 From: Greg Walters Date: 11/26/2003
Subject: GenCon SoCal Update...
GenCon SoCal Update...

Looks like I'll be running five scenarios - two Universe, and three

My goal is (as ever) to dredge up new players.

Will anyone else here attend?

- Greg W.

PS-This post is in the Universe group and in the DragonQuest group
Group: dqn-list Message: 1606 From: Don Hawthorne Date: 12/4/2003
Subject: CHARITY EVENT, WAY Off-Topic
Dear Friends:
    Sorry for this mass mailing, but it's for a good cause.
    To any of you out there who play computer games, specifically "Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault".
    A very nice bunch of guys called "The [DaDs] Army" is hosting a charity event on their server on Saturday, December 13. You can learn all the details about it here:
  For 24 hours, donating guests will play against members of  "The [DaDs] Army" who will rotate into the game according to their respective time zones and availability.
[DaDs] has members all over the world; from Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Germany, the Netherlands, Canada and the United States, and all of them have one thing in common. To be in the [DaDs], you have to be a dad.
    Basically, for a $10 donation, one person can play for one hour, or for $100 a team of up to 15 can play for one hour. All proceeds -- and that's every penny -- will go to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital to aid in the fight against serious diseases that strike down children every day. St. Jude's is world renowned for its treatment of these diseases, primarily pediatric cancers, especially leukemia. You can learn more about St. Jude's here:
    ...but the most important thing this site will tell you about St. Jude's is summed up in this pargraph:
"ALSAC / St. Jude covers all costs not covered by insurance for medical treatment rendered at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Families without insurance are never asked to pay."
    This means that St. Jude's appreciates all the help it can get from outside donations and charity events like these. If you would like to play "Medal of Honor" against the [DaDs], they would love to have you, and you might win one of the many prizes they have drummed up from among themselves nd corporate sponsors.
    Even if you don't know a mouse pad from a mouse trap, please check out or and give whatever you can. No donation is too small.
Thanks for putting up with this SPAM; we now return you to your regularly scheduled e-mails.
Yours truly,
Don Hawthorne
Group: dqn-list Message: 1607 From: Greg Walters Date: 12/5/2003
Subject: Re: CHARITY EVENT, WAY Off-Topic
Sounds good to me.

Could you forward this to the Univwerse group too?


Greg W.

--- In, "Don Hawthorne" <ravenglass@e...>
> Dear Friends:
> Sorry for this mass mailing, but it's for a good cause.
> To any of you out there who play computer games,
specifically "Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault".
> A very nice bunch of guys called "The [DaDs] Army" is hosting a
charity event on their server on Saturday, December 13. You can learn
all the details about it here:
> For 24 hours, donating guests will play against members of "The
[DaDs] Army" who will rotate into the game according to their
respective time zones and availability.
> [DaDs] has members all over the world; from Australia, New Zealand,
the United Kingdom, Portugal, Germany, the Netherlands, Canada and
the United States, and all of them have one thing in common. To be in
the [DaDs], you have to be a dad.
> Basically, for a $10 donation, one person can play for one
hour, or for $100 a team of up to 15 can play for one hour. All
proceeds -- and that's every penny -- will go to St. Jude's
Children's Research Hospital to aid in the fight against serious
diseases that strike down children every day. St. Jude's is world
renowned for its treatment of these diseases, primarily pediatric
cancers, especially leukemia. You can learn more about St. Jude's
> ...but the most important thing this site will tell you about
St. Jude's is summed up in this pargraph:
> "ALSAC / St. Jude covers all costs not covered by insurance for
medical treatment rendered at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
Families without insurance are never asked to pay."
> This means that St. Jude's appreciates all the help it can get
from outside donations and charity events like these. If you would
like to play "Medal of Honor" against the [DaDs], they would love to
have you, and you might win one of the many prizes they have drummed
up from among themselves nd corporate sponsors.
> Even if you don't know a mouse pad from a mouse trap, please
check out or and give whatever you can. No
donation is too small.
> Thanks for putting up with this SPAM; we now return you to your
regularly scheduled e-mails.
> Yours truly,
> Don Hawthorne