I use a skill system where you can get ranks in my game, but the skill
itself is based on PS, MD and EN. I'll throw in the write-up as well just
for interest.
Skill Type: Outdoor
Modifying Stats: PS, MD, EN
Base EXP Multiple: 300
Tool/Penalty: None
Bonus Equipment: None
Bonus for maneuvering in water.
Encumbrance A swimmers effective rank is reduced by 1 if clothing is worn
and by 1 (plus 2 times agility penalty) if armour is worn. This applies to
TMR and combat, but not to holding your breath.
Non-Swimmers - Characters with no levels in swimming do not know how to
swim and will lose 1 point of Fatigue cumulative every round (1 point the
first round, 2 points the second round, 3 the third, etc.). When the
character runs out of Fatigue, they start losing Endurance though the
number of points lost start at 1 again. For example, a non-swimmer with a
20 End and 22 Fat will be down to 21 FAT after the first round, 19 FAT
after the second, then 16, 12, 7, 1, 0 over the next five rounds. Then
they will lose 1 END the next round, putting them at 19 END. The next
round they are at 17 END, then 14, 10, 5, -1, -8, -16 over the next six
rounds. The following round, they will drown. Thus, it takes a total of 16
rounds for the non-swimmer to drown.
Surface TMR - A Swimmer has a base TMR of 4 in the water (2 for gnomes and
1 for dwarves). TMR increases by 1 per 3 ranks (round up). TMR can be
doubled by spending 1 FAT per round.
Subsurface TMR - TMR is halved when swimming below the surface.
Holding your Breath A swimmer can hold their breath for 15 + (WP x 3) + (2
x rank) seconds without preparation, or 30 + (WP x 3) + (3 x rank) with
Staying Afloat A swimmer can keep himself afloat for (END + Rank) hours
before they begin to lose Fatigue. Thereafter, they lose 1 point of
Fatigue, cumulative every (END + Rank) minutes (1 point after X minutes, 2
more points after another X minutes, 3 more points after another X minutes,
etc.). When the swimmer runs out of Fatigue, they will begin to lose END,
but will start again at 1. Staying afloat does not allow for any
movement. The character stays afloat in one location.
Endurance Swimming A swimmer can swim at base TMR for a number of rounds
equal to (END + Rank) before beginning to lose 1 point of Fatigue per
round. The swimmer can burn Endurance if he runs out of Fatigue. Fatigue
lost is this fashion recovers at 1 point per minutes once the swimmer can
rest (by resting on a solid surface). Endurance lost recovers at the
normal rate of recovery for Endurance.
The Effect of Turbulent Seas Turbulent seas should reduce the effective
rank of a swimmer. For example, swimming in the ocean on a relatively calm
day, but where there is still a gentle swell, might reduce the effective
rank of a swimmer by one so that someone with only one rank in swimming
will drown.
The Effects of Swimming Skill on Bottom AdventuresOn some occasions, the
adventurers may undertake adventures on the bottom of the sea, protected by
such spells as water breathing and free action. In such cases, swimming
skill might still be useful for determining subsurface swimming
speed. Free action magic will allow the character to fight normally while
standing on the bottom, regardless of whether they have swimming skill. If
the character is below the surface, but not standing on the bottom, then
free action will allow them to use the swimming skill normally for
determining combat effectiveness (i.e., a rank 6 swimmer can fight at half
SC and damage, etc.).
The Effects of Water Pressure (how deep can you go) - A character can
safely withstand the pressure of depths down to (END x 3) feet. Beyond
this, the character suffers 1 Fatigue damage per round per END feet beyond
their safedepth. For example, a character with a 20 END could safely
withstand depths down to 60 feet. Between 61 and 80 feet, they suffer 1
FAT damage per round.. Between 81 and 100 feet, they suffer 2 FAT damage
per round, etc. When Fatigue runs out, they begin taking END damage.
Rank 6 The swimmer can fight in melee while swimming on the
surface. Effective Strike Chance is equal to half normal Strike
Chance. Damage is half normal damage for all weapons (roll damage
normally but then cut the total in half). This applies to many other
action skills as well. For example, a Swimmer with Rope Mastery skill can
throw a lasso and perform other Rope Mastery abilities, but their effective
bonus is halved.
Rank 8 An endurance swimmer can "rest" in the water to recover Fatigue lost
due to Endurance Swimming. Fatigue is recovered at a rate of one point per
two minutes of rest. The endurance swimmer can recover all Fatigue except
1 per 30 minutes spent in the water. Thus, a rank 8 swimmer who has been
swimming for four hours, can recover all but 8 Fatigue. If Endurance was
burned, it cannot be recovered in this fashion.
Rank 10 A swimmers melee ability improves. Strike Chance is equal to
three quarters normal Strike Chance. Damage is reduced by 3 points, or
half damage, whichever is more (roll damage normally and then deduct 3
points or cut in half).
Rank 12 Similar to the Rank 8 ability except that the endurance swimmer
can recover all Fatigue except 1 per hour spent in the water.
Rank 15 The swimmer can fight equally effectively on shore as they can
while swimming on the surface. In addition, the swimmer can fight at half
Strike Chance and damage below the surface.
At 05:28 AM 9/16/2003, you wrote:
>Any thought on this on DQ. Not really interested in a skill rank system in
>it just a base number for an adventurer who can swim. Cant decide whether it
>should be MD, AG, PS based with a bit of FAT / EN thrown in!!!
>Maybe a way to tie in to the floatation spell?
>Scenario Im working on is a dispute between the colleges of air and water so
>may be some sea / swimming invloved..
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Jason Winter