Messages in dqn-list group. Page 27 of 80.

Group: dqn-list Message: 1307 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/8/2003
Subject: Re: Colleges of Magic
Group: dqn-list Message: 1308 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/8/2003
Subject: Re: Warrior Skill new rule
Group: dqn-list Message: 1309 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/8/2003
Subject: Re: Character Creation EXPs [mage/non-mage]
Group: dqn-list Message: 1310 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/8/2003
Subject: Updating my Links and Resources
Group: dqn-list Message: 1311 From: Bruce Probst Date: 9/8/2003
Subject: Re: Character Creation EXPs [mage/non-mage]
Group: dqn-list Message: 1312 From: Bruce Probst Date: 9/8/2003
Subject: Re: Branches of Magic
Group: dqn-list Message: 1313 From: rthorm Date: 9/8/2003
Subject: Forming a DragonQuest Canon [long]
Group: dqn-list Message: 1314 From: rthorm Date: 9/8/2003
Subject: Re: Language Ranks
Group: dqn-list Message: 1315 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/8/2003
Subject: Re: Determining Levels?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1316 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/8/2003
Subject: Crystal Balls and Divination (Was: Re: Item Questions)
Group: dqn-list Message: 1317 From: Ross Date: 9/8/2003
Subject: Ships Ahoy!?!
Group: dqn-list Message: 1318 From: Esko Halttunen Date: 9/8/2003
Subject: Re: Forming a DragonQuest Canon [long]
Group: dqn-list Message: 1319 From: Bruce Probst Date: 9/9/2003
Subject: Re: Crystal Balls and Divination (Was: Re: Item Questions)
Group: dqn-list Message: 1320 From: Bruce Probst Date: 9/9/2003
Subject: Re: Determining Levels?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1321 From: Bruce Probst Date: 9/9/2003
Subject: Re: Forming a DragonQuest Canon [long]
Group: dqn-list Message: 1322 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 9/9/2003
Subject: Re: Forming a DragonQuest Canon [long]
Group: dqn-list Message: 1323 From: James Flowers Date: 9/9/2003
Subject: Re: Forming a DragonQuest Canon [long]
Group: dqn-list Message: 1324 From: John Rauchert Date: 9/9/2003
Subject: Re: Forming a DragonQuest Canon [long]
Group: dqn-list Message: 1325 From: Rodger Thorm Date: 9/9/2003
Subject: Adventurers Guild (was: Queries for the FAQs)
Group: dqn-list Message: 1326 From: Rodger Thorm Date: 9/9/2003
Subject: Re: Branches of Magic
Group: dqn-list Message: 1327 From: Russ Jones Date: 9/9/2003
Subject: Re: Weapons rank limits
Group: dqn-list Message: 1328 From: Bruce Probst Date: 9/9/2003
Subject: Re: Forming a DragonQuest Canon [long]
Group: dqn-list Message: 1329 From: Bruce Probst Date: 9/9/2003
Subject: Re: Forming a DragonQuest Canon [long]
Group: dqn-list Message: 1330 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Mage with PS of 5 (Was: Re: Re: Character Creation EXPs [mage/non-m
Group: dqn-list Message: 1331 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: Forming a DragonQuest Canon [long]
Group: dqn-list Message: 1332 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: Branches of Magic
Group: dqn-list Message: 1333 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: Language Ranks
Group: dqn-list Message: 1334 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: Forming a DragonQuest Canon [long]
Group: dqn-list Message: 1335 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: Forming a DragonQuest Canon [long]
Group: dqn-list Message: 1336 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Increasing Ranks (Was: Re: Determining Levels?)
Group: dqn-list Message: 1337 From: John Rauchert Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: What are the Core Rules of DragonQuest >> Was Re: Forming a DragonQ
Group: dqn-list Message: 1338 From: Rodger Thorm Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Defense of a DragonQuest Canon [long]
Group: dqn-list Message: 1339 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: Defense of a DragonQuest Canon [long]
Group: dqn-list Message: 1340 From: Rodger Thorm Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: Branches of Magic
Group: dqn-list Message: 1341 From: Rodger Thorm Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: Ancient Languages in DQ (Was: Re: Determining Levels?)
Group: dqn-list Message: 1342 From: Deven Atkinson Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: Weapons rank limits
Group: dqn-list Message: 1343 From: Deven Atkinson Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: What are the Core Rules of DragonQuest >> Was Re: Forming a Dra
Group: dqn-list Message: 1344 From: Stephen Lister Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Canon/Non-Canon - a suggestion
Group: dqn-list Message: 1345 From: Rodger Thorm Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: What are the Core Rules of DragonQuest >> Was Re: Forming a Dra
Group: dqn-list Message: 1346 From: Bruce Probst Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: Mage with PS of 5 (Was: Re: Re: Character Creation EXPs [mage/n
Group: dqn-list Message: 1347 From: Bruce Probst Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: Branches of Magic
Group: dqn-list Message: 1348 From: Bruce Probst Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: Increasing Ranks (Was: Re: Determining Levels?)
Group: dqn-list Message: 1349 From: Bruce Probst Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: What are the Core Rules of DragonQuest >> Was Re: Forming a Dra
Group: dqn-list Message: 1350 From: Bruce Probst Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: What are the Core Rules of DragonQuest >> Was Re: Forming a Dra
Group: dqn-list Message: 1351 From: Bruce Probst Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: Defense of a DragonQuest Canon [long]
Group: dqn-list Message: 1352 From: Esko Halttunen Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Versions of AW >> Was Re: What are the Core Rules of DQ?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1353 From: Esko Halttunen Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: Defense of a DragonQuest Canon [long]
Group: dqn-list Message: 1354 From: John Rauchert Date: 9/11/2003
Subject: Versions of AW >> Was Re: What are the Core Rules of DQ?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1355 From: John Rauchert Date: 9/11/2003
Subject: What are the Core Rules of DragonQuest >> Was Re: Forming a DragonQ
Group: dqn-list Message: 1356 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 9/11/2003
Subject: Ancient Languages in DQ (Was: Re: Determining Levels?)

Group: dqn-list Message: 1307 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/8/2003
Subject: Re: Colleges of Magic
Hullo, Rodger,

On Fri, 5 Sep 2003 13:50:12 -0700 (PDT), Rodger Thorm wrote:

>> How many folks have added Colleges of Magic to the game
>>because they've liked what they saw in literature or because
>>they had a neat concept strike them for a new College?
>Definitely me.


>Witchcraft and Time Magics (in "Poor Brendan's Almanac")
>and a College of Sun Magics [Entities] that I am currently developing.

But Rodger, you've been developing Sun Magics for as long as I can
remember. :) Seriously, though, I am looking forward to seeing it
when you finish it up. :)

.....Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want.

web page:
Group: dqn-list Message: 1308 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/8/2003
Subject: Re: Warrior Skill new rule
Hullo, Arturo,

On Fri, 5 Sep 2003 16:02:57 -0500 (CDT), Arturo Algueiro Melo wrote:

>Sorry for the late append, but I had too many messages to catch
>up with and too little time.

Not a problem. Understand about this sort of thing all too well.

>> >adding a new rule: the ability to raise a weapon's level 1 rank
>> >above the tabulated limit, at the XP cost of that last rank, when
>> >the WARRIOR skill rk is greater or equal than the new level the
>> >character wants to attain with the weapon.
>> Now this sounds like a good addittion to the skill... Any chance
>> you can post the paragraph section of this to the mailing list? I'd
>> like to see the write-up on this, if possible.
>The original paragraph was written in Spanish, so the translation may be a
>little ackward; feel free to correct my english:

No doubt...

>12) The character who chooses the Warrior skill may increase the
>maximum level he/she can rank his/her weapons
>A Warrior may increase in 1 the tabulated maximum level he can
>rank a weapon. The XP cost needed to attain this additional rank
>is equal to the last tabulated level for that weapon; and to be able
>to get this rank, the character must have a rank with the Warrior
>skill that is greater than or equal to the new rank level with the
>weapon. So, a character must have at least rk 5 with the Warrior
>skill to be able to rank shield to level 5.

Hmm, I rather like this rule and am thinking of adding it to the
version of Warrior skill which I currently have in place. How well has
this rule been playtested and how effective is the rule in the game, in
terms of characters taking the additional weapon Ranks?

....."There are old legends that tell us we shouldn't go into caves, because we'll
encounter monsters. Why don't we ever listen to them?" - Shariana the sage

web page:
Group: dqn-list Message: 1309 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/8/2003
Subject: Re: Character Creation EXPs [mage/non-mage]
Hullo, Bruce.

On Sat, 06 Sep 2003 13:48:32 +1000, Bruce Probst wrote:

>>(One could likewise make an argument for playing a mage
>character who never, ever ever uses a weapon nor carries
>anything, and thus feels no need to have a PS of more than
>5. Having just thought of that, I think I may have to explore
>that concept as an NPC at some point.)
>One of the players in my game had a PS of 5 ... he was
>laughed at a lot for being so puny, and god help them all
>if they needed him to actually *carry* something ... but he
>*was* one heck of a powerful Celestial mage (eventually).

Just out of curiosity, Bruce, just exactly what did this Mage
character carry? I've just looked at the Weight Chart, and to be
honest, I can't see him carrying all that much at all, if anything.
Interesting concept, though. :)

....."The conscience of the King doesn't matter. His head rolling on the floor,
that's another matter entirely." - Samir Olagsson, mercenary

web page:
Group: dqn-list Message: 1310 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/8/2003
Subject: Updating my Links and Resources
Hullo, folks,

A recent post has reminded me that I need to update the various
files on my DQ Resources page and my DQ Links page. I'd appreciate it
if anyone could tell me if the links to their DQ pages are still good,
and if there are any changes or additions to the Links page that I
should make.

In addition, I'd like to post up the set of links on the Resources
page to the definitive versions of some of the documents out there that
reprint DQ material, like the 2nd Edition (both SPI and Bantam), as
well as Arcane Wisdom and some of the other stuff like the Ares
articles and the Dragon Magazine articles. Any help in this regard
would be appreciated.

.....A good bookshop is just a genteel Black Hole that knows how to read. (G!G!)

web page:
Group: dqn-list Message: 1311 From: Bruce Probst Date: 9/8/2003
Subject: Re: Character Creation EXPs [mage/non-mage]
On Mon, 08 Sep 2003 09:29:30 -0400, "John M. Kahane" <>

>>One of the players in my game had a PS of 5 ... he was
>>laughed at a lot for being so puny, and god help them all
>>if they needed him to actually *carry* something ... but he
>>*was* one heck of a powerful Celestial mage (eventually).
> Just out of curiosity, Bruce, just exactly what did this Mage
>character carry? I've just looked at the Weight Chart, and to be
>honest, I can't see him carrying all that much at all, if anything.
>Interesting concept, though. :)

Hardly anything. Basic personal items (which included a lot of invested
items, more as he progressed in ability).

Bruce Probst ICQ 6563830
Melbourne, Australia MSTie #72759 SCA #80160
"It says I may already be a winner!"
Group: dqn-list Message: 1312 From: Bruce Probst Date: 9/8/2003
Subject: Re: Branches of Magic
On Mon, 08 Sep 2003 09:33:35 -0400, "John M. Kahane" <>

> Well, yes, I have one of the original copies of AW. I don't
>know whether Bruce does, too.

I have a copy of a copy (of a copy etc.). It's not pretty, but it's legible
and intact <g>.

Bruce Probst ICQ 6563830
Melbourne, Australia MSTie #72759 SCA #80160
"It says I may already be a winner!"
Group: dqn-list Message: 1313 From: rthorm Date: 9/8/2003
Subject: Forming a DragonQuest Canon [long]
--- In, "John M. Kahane" <jkahane@c...> wrote
[other comments cut]:

> Because SPI went under and the game never really "developed",
> there are just so many questions and issues that arise from
> time to time with DQ. Over the years, that has been the most
> frustrating part of running the game, although I have to
> admit that I find myself in a position where, like most DQ
> GMs, I created and innovated the solutions that I needed at
> the time I needed them. :)

John brings up a point that I have been thinking about for a while.
To some extent, I suppose that this was part of the original impetus
behind starting the DragonQuest Newsletter (and subsequently these
groups and the other online resources for DragonQuest).

We have had some occasional contact with some of the original
designers of the game from time to time. In particular, I think Craig
Brain had developed a bit of a working relationship with Chris Klug,
who was SPI's lead person on DQ at the time of the company's demise.
But while they are pleased that something that they created back then
is still enjoyed by a group of people, they don't seem to be
interested in being involved in supporting it today.

At the same time, there are groups of active campaigns in several
countries, and while there may not be large numbers of players, there
is, nonetheless, an active and established fan base. If SPI was still
in business, there would certainly be an ongoing dialogue with the
experts to clarify outstanding questions and interpretations of the
rules, as well as development of new rules.

But there is not anyone at SPI to answer these questions
authoritatively. None of the original designers of the game is active
in promoting/discussing/working on the game. There is no source for
canon interpretation of DQ rules. Except among ourselves, of course.
And that is what I want to discuss.

Is it possible to have active development of DragonQuest when the
original designers are no longer involved?

There has been a lot of very good discussion lately about a lot of
topics. JohnK's return to the DQ community here, and in particular,
some of the questions he asked for his FAQ revisions forms a good
basis for some of this. Collected experience and wisdom can lead to
good solutions and interpretations of existing rules, and I think that
is one of the strengths of our DragonQuest community.

My thought is to look at the open source software community as a model.

There has been some discussion about this before. The dq-rules group
was meant to work in this fashion for the development of new rules for
DQ. But even there, the organization was always more ad-hoc than
formalized. What I am now proposing is a formal system.

Not everything needs or should be incorporated into the rules. This
is not an attempt to force everyone to accept everyone else's house
rules as canon. I think it is as important to set boundaries for what
should remain as house rules, rather than be incorporated into the
'official' canon of DragonQuest.

I think that this process should be done with the approach of 'What
would the original designers of DragonQuest have done/be doing with
this question?' I think that there are a number of people in this
group who take that perspective when considering the questions that
come up. The idea is to add clarity to the existing rules and to
allow the addition of new rules that are in the style and spirit of
the basic rules.

I can already guess how a couple of people may react to this idea,
based on comments they have made before. There is nothing that will
force anyone to adopt any of the changes this process would adopt, any
more than there is now.

I've even gone back and deleted my preliminary outline for the
process, because I don't want to get into that right now. The basic
question that I would like to lay before everyone is whether or not
this would be worthwhile. Do you think this would be beneficial, or
are you likely to ignore it?
Group: dqn-list Message: 1314 From: rthorm Date: 9/8/2003
Subject: Re: Language Ranks
Technically, I suppose I ignore the rule, because I tend to award
languages to characters based on their background and description.
(In fact, in my current campaign, none of the characters is native to
the city they are based in, and all of them speak at least one other
language besides the local Common.)

My current approach with this rule is that none of the languages I've
given them as part of their background can be counted towards
calculating Merc/Adventurer/Hero. But then I only require them to
have 6 skills (rather than 8) since the other two are automatic
through language. Functionally, it's the same thing.

Group: dqn-list Message: 1315 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/8/2003
Subject: Re: Determining Levels?
Hullo, Steven,

On Sat, 6 Sep 2003 16:43:47 -0700 (PDT), Steven Wiles wrote:

>> >When they finally completed it and returned to civilisation they took a
>> >*long* training break. Yet even then they could only improve each
>> >thing by one Rank, so they still ended up with a pile of unspent XP.
>> See even though several people have mentioned the ability to only
>> go up by one Rank in an ability that one has used, I still can't seem
>> to (re-)find this rule in the book.
>[87.1], end of section: "A character must satisfy all requirements to
>increase his Rank by one in an ability or skill before he again
>increases it by one. Thus, a character may never `skip` Ranks. A
>character must have attempted an ability or skill on the adventure
>previous to a gain in Rank in that ability or skill."

Thanks for finding the rule, and quoting it directly. :)

See, something that isn't really explicit here is how many Ranks
the character can achieve with that same skill, assuming he did use it
on the adventure, has the time to spend increasing his Rank, and can
find someone who might be willing to help him or her out with this in a
"long-term" teaching kind of arrangement. Mind you, I'd limit the
increase myself to two Ranks, no more, at any one time.

>I agree, though, that this is a rule that can be waived by appropriate
>circumstances. Apparently, so did the designers: "[87.7] The
>requirements noted above for the advancement of skills are
>ultimately up to the discretion of the GM."

That one I did see. :)

>I always perceived this rule as being more of an anti-munchkin rule.

Hmm, I can understand that, too. :)

>My old GM used to give the example of his old high-school group,
>who had their Merc characters take five years off to build up
>between-campaign XP (15 EP/day). In his case, his Earth Mage
>went from Rank 0 to Rank 20 in Diamond Javelins, and never
>feared anything again. After that, their GM enforced this rule
>and so did he. However, if one of us had used a skill/spell/weapon
>a very great deal on the previous adventure, he'd agree to let us
>do jumps of two Ranks, and rarely even three.

Hmm, I don't know whether I would have gone that far with it.
But taking five game years to do stuff seems excessive to me, since
characters need to live somehow during that time. It's not like you're
just studying - you've got to eat, sleep, and the like, and this
requires somewhere to do that, unless you're lucky enough to own land
or property.

>For mature gamers, it shouldn't be a real serious issue.

Agreed. :)

>Come to think of it, everyone saying how character progression
>is -rapid- surprised the heck out of me. I always thought of it as
>-slow- in this game. My college group gamed nearly every
>weekend with the same characters for 4 years, and we only hit
>Hero levels at the before we graduated.

However, think about that in terms of how many XPs it cost to
raise the skills that were needed to that Rank in order to become Hero

>However, it was real typical in our group to spend XP on many
>abilities, and we certainly weren't thinking in terms of reaching
>Adventurer or Hero as quickly as possible.

Exactly. :)

> A couple of us spent tons of XP on Perception as Mercs
>(probably 'cause we were tired of constantly getting jumped)
>until our GM actually asked us to stop (he couldn't surprise
>our characters anymore). :)

Actually, the surprise issue because of low Perception scores
isn't really a problem to me, simply because of how most animals have
high Perceptions (within certain limits) to begin with. What's more
important is that when one takes a typical goblin or orc and gives it
the same Rank as a starting character with the identical weapon, the
orc/goblin is going to have a higher Initiative in Engaged combat, and
thus will usually go first. That's where party tactics and strategy
come in, but raising Perception is useful too. :)

>> I think that if a character is willing to spend that long learning
>>one or two or three Ranks in the skill (and if he wants to pay
>>a teacher that much, although the teacher may not want to
>>invest that amount of time), there shouldn't be anything wrong
>>with this...other than the fellow party members all itching to
>>leave the town as soon as possible. <g>
>Exactly. That's another technique I've seen used effectively in
>some campaigns. Don't give the characters enough down-time
>to train for too long. Of course, that only works if the characters
>have obligations they can't or won't ignore.

Yes, agree with you on this. Like you said, it works well to get
them back out there (so to speak), but has the deficit that they have
some sort of obligation to begin with. Starting characters don't,
early in their careeers, and the ones who do are old enough and skilled
enough that increasing their abilities will take significant time.

.....Cats took many thousands of years to domesticate humans.

web page:
Group: dqn-list Message: 1316 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/8/2003
Subject: Crystal Balls and Divination (Was: Re: Item Questions)
Hullo, Steven,

On Sat, 6 Sep 2003 16:18:01 -0700 (PDT), Steven Wiles wrote:

>> >used, and they had a 78 card Tarot deck priced at 30 sp.
>> >Sounds about right. Weight = 3 oz. Don't see anything
>> >about divination crystals, though...
>> That's not bad for a tarot deck, although 30 sp for a real
>>deck sounds a bit cheap. And that might not even be a good
>>quality deck...
>Yeah, I would say that represents a common's man deck,
>designed more for use in card games than in divination.

Yep, that's exactly what I was thinking. :)

>Probably still servicable for an Astrologer on the road, though.
>A more aesthetically pleasing deck painted by a true artist
>would, of course, be more expensive.

I would think so. Maybe 60-80 gs would be appropriate for that
sort of deck of Tarot, and some of the truly ancient decks available to
characters passed down from generation to generation for hundreds of
thousands of years wouuld be priceless.

>> >Don't see anything about weight. However, given the
>> >density of quartz (2.65 g/cm3) and assuming a six-inch
>> >diameter spherical crystal, we're talking a 10.8 lb chunk
>> >of stone, if I did my math right.
>> I have no clue on this right now, but it doesn't sound
>>right. Or maybe it does. Anyone else who wants to contribute
>> to this is surely welcome. :)
>Ho, you impugn my capacities as a natural philosopher,
>sirrah! :)

No, not at all, Steven, just merely...ah, never mind. :)

>Still, as a teacher of collegiate physics I would be remiss
>if I neglected empirical evidence. Also, it's the weekend
>and I'm bored.

Ah, okay, that's why you did the math on this, huh? :)

>So, I grabbed a brick and weighed it. It has about half
>the volume of the 6" quartz sphere [(4/3)*Pi*radius^3, 3"
>radius vs. 7.5"x3.5"x2.25" brick]. On my bathroom
>scales, it weighed 4 pounds. Brick is a little less dense
>than quartz crystal (say about 2 g/cm3). Alas, 10 pounds
>is about right. That ain't even counting the metal

I didn't actually mean to question you on this...but thanks for
providing the math. That is one *heavy* crystal ball. :)

>Man, I'm gonna miss this free time when school gets going again.

Up here in Canada, schools are now going full speed. :)

>I know what you mean when you say it sounds too heavy,
>though. I'm getting the idea that crystal balls are for home use,
>and nice light card decks (rune-carved finger bones, chicken
>entrails, etc.) are more travel friendly. :)

That was the conclusion I came to some time ago, given what I
thought the crystal balls and the like should weigh... but then what
does the travelling fortune teller that one sees in carnivals do, and
what about the travelling astrologer type of character?

.....Bring back the snakes; Ireland was better off Pagan!

web page:
Group: dqn-list Message: 1317 From: Ross Date: 9/8/2003
Subject: Ships Ahoy!?!
Hi Folks,

I was wondering, there several different types of watercraft and a friend
of mine even has a Sailer skill. Has anyone created any house rules for
ships in DQ?

Steven P. Ross
Group: dqn-list Message: 1318 From: Esko Halttunen Date: 9/8/2003
Subject: Re: Forming a DragonQuest Canon [long]
rthorm wrote:
> Is it possible to have active development of DragonQuest when the
> original designers are no longer involved?

In a word, yes. It'd be nice to have the original designers involved, but that is not strictly necessary. The active group here has some dozen or so people who've played DQ ever since it came out, and some later additions like me who only got introduced to it by accident sometime in the mid-90s, and between the lot of us, and all the material produced by the group collectively for their own campaigns, I'd say that quite a bit of the further development of DQ has already taken place. There's John's stuff on religion and several new colleges, your work on Poor Brendan's Almanac, Snafaru's contributions, Stephen Clark's DQ: Worldly Endeavor collation, Todd Coy's ton of skills (partially incorporated into some of the works mentioned above) and my work on the Aspects and the almost completely finished, expanded collation of weapons, shields and armor, and other people's work too. We'll have our job cut out for us just deciding what to take from each source and whether or not some of that stuff requires slight modification to be more generally applicable instead of fitting just into a particular campaign.

Heck, that material put together is nearly as thick as the original DQ! In any case, count me in!

> There has been a lot of very good discussion lately about a lot of
> topics. JohnK's return to the DQ community here, and in particular,
> some of the questions he asked for his FAQ revisions forms a good
> basis for some of this. Collected experience and wisdom can lead to
> good solutions and interpretations of existing rules, and I think that
> is one of the strengths of our DragonQuest community.

So I've noticed. Opening the Inbox lately has been like being buried under an avalanche every time. :-) I've certainly taken some new and critical looks at certain rules in the game (e.g. some combat rules and polearms in particular), and while I'm definitely lacking in the experience department, I'd like to think that I can offer valuable perspectives and input nonetheless.
> My thought is to look at the open source software community as a model.
> There has been some discussion about this before. The dq-rules group
> was meant to work in this fashion for the development of new rules for
> DQ. But even there, the organization was always more ad-hoc than
> formalized. What I am now proposing is a formal system.

Sounds good, as any project this big just has to be organized properly or it's going to fall apart at the seams or lag behind until it just drops dead.

> Not everything needs or should be incorporated into the rules. This
> is not an attempt to force everyone to accept everyone else's house
> rules as canon. I think it is as important to set boundaries for what
> should remain as house rules, rather than be incorporated into the
> 'official' canon of DragonQuest.

This is certainly true. Out of the body of collected work I listed above, there's a lot of stuff that I would not even think of using, or using as it currently stands anyway, and most people feel the same way, I suspect. However, there are some things that I think are downright necessary to add. Out of everyone's hard work, I think we should look at the *core* essence and strip everything else as superfluous in the first round, hash out those core rules by consensus, and only then start looking at the lesser bits. Of course, this automatically axes my work from 1st round consideration, but then again, I've only been fiddling with the peripheral stuff instead of adding to/refining anything related to the core of DQ.

> I think that this process should be done with the approach of 'What
> would the original designers of DragonQuest have done/be doing with
> this question?' I think that there are a number of people in this
> group who take that perspective when considering the questions that
> come up. The idea is to add clarity to the existing rules and to
> allow the addition of new rules that are in the style and spirit of
> the basic rules.

I agree with this 100%, and what I've said above is, I think, a reflection of this. I don't want to turn DQ into a bloated, overly complicated mess that requires me to leaf through the 2nd E and then some five or six additional supplement sort of things people have made up. Had enough of that in my days of running AD&D, before I got my hands on DQ. No thanks. *shudder*

> I can already guess how a couple of people may react to this idea,
> based on comments they have made before. There is nothing that will
> force anyone to adopt any of the changes this process would adopt, any
> more than there is now.

Of course. Problem right now being that there are things that at least my campaign needs adding, and there are two or three (or even four in some cases) variants of those things in the material I've leeched from people's sites or got sent in email. You know who you are, and you have my thanks. :-) I'd like some clarity to the confusion and see an established body of core additions such as some skills (e.g. armorer or other trade skills) that would have a wider acceptance. From what I've seen posted around on different people's sites, I think Todd Coy's work on many skills would form a very good starting point, if he agrees.

> I've even gone back and deleted my preliminary outline for the
> process, because I don't want to get into that right now. The basic
> question that I would like to lay before everyone is whether or not
> this would be worthwhile. Do you think this would be beneficial, or
> are you likely to ignore it?

I can only speak for myself, but I'm in 100%. Not having run DQ for decades, I haven't yet amassed a huge body of house rules that tend to get an inertia of their own once they are used and refined long enough, and I really feel the acute lack of certain types of things in DQ. My players, when they made their characters, remarked on the scarcity of skills, because they wanted to have characters who actually did something for a living instead of being vagabonds and ne'er-do-wells, and this is something I look at more and more when making my own characters.

Too, the weapons list is in need of review and collation, which is why I took that upon myself. It should be ready sometime by the end of the week or next weekend at the latest, at which point I'll be posting it up for review/shredding. Contents right now are all weapons from all Editions and Poor Brendan's Almanac, as well as a lot of additions (oriental weapons), their experience cost charts, a seriously expanded armor selection, optional rules for martial arts based on Michael Coyne's work (his work on oriental weapons formed some of the basis for mine) and descriptions of every weapon and armor type on the list (this is what's holding it up right now).


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Group: dqn-list Message: 1319 From: Bruce Probst Date: 9/9/2003
Subject: Re: Crystal Balls and Divination (Was: Re: Item Questions)
On Mon, 08 Sep 2003 11:52:34 -0400, "John M. Kahane" <>

> That was the conclusion I came to some time ago, given what I
>thought the crystal balls and the like should weigh... but then what
>does the travelling fortune teller that one sees in carnivals do, and
>what about the travelling astrologer type of character?

They pack their ten pounds of crystal ball in their backpack or travelling
chest, of course. It's hardly an insurmountable obstacle.

Bruce Probst ICQ 6563830
Melbourne, Australia MSTie #72759 SCA #80160
"It says I may already be a winner!"
Group: dqn-list Message: 1320 From: Bruce Probst Date: 9/9/2003
Subject: Re: Determining Levels?
On Mon, 08 Sep 2003 12:04:53 -0400, "John M. Kahane" <>

>>[87.1], end of section: "A character must satisfy all requirements to
>>increase his Rank by one in an ability or skill before he again
>>increases it by one. Thus, a character may never `skip` Ranks. A
>>character must have attempted an ability or skill on the adventure
>>previous to a gain in Rank in that ability or skill."
> See, something that isn't really explicit here is how many Ranks
>the character can achieve with that same skill, assuming he did use it
>on the adventure, has the time to spend increasing his Rank, and can
>find someone who might be willing to help him or her out with this in a
>"long-term" teaching kind of arrangement.

"satisfy all requirements to increase ... by one" seems pretty explicit to
me. I don't see any room for wishi-washiness there. "Attempting an ability
or skill on the adventure previous" is one of those requirements that must
be satisfied.

Bruce Probst ICQ 6563830
Melbourne, Australia MSTie #72759 SCA #80160
"It says I may already be a winner!"
Group: dqn-list Message: 1321 From: Bruce Probst Date: 9/9/2003
Subject: Re: Forming a DragonQuest Canon [long]
On Mon, 08 Sep 2003 19:28:36 -0000, "rthorm" <> wrote:

>I've even gone back and deleted my preliminary outline for the
>process, because I don't want to get into that right now. The basic
>question that I would like to lay before everyone is whether or not
>this would be worthwhile. Do you think this would be beneficial, or
>are you likely to ignore it?

I would likely ignore it, because IMO as an "orphaned" system even the core
rules are no longer "canon" in the sense that they must be adhered to. (Not
that any RPG has rules "that must be adhered to", of course, but if a game
has ongoing support then to stay current with that support you have to stay
current with the rules-as-written.)

IOW, it's *all* house rules and I keep what I like and ignore the rest. I
don't see any need to "formalise" this.

Bruce Probst ICQ 6563830
Melbourne, Australia MSTie #72759 SCA #80160
"It says I may already be a winner!"
Group: dqn-list Message: 1322 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 9/9/2003
Subject: Re: Forming a DragonQuest Canon [long]
> I've even gone back and deleted my preliminary outline for the
> process, because I don't want to get into that right now. The basic
> question that I would like to lay before everyone is whether or not
> this would be worthwhile. Do you think this would be beneficial, or
> are you likely to ignore it?

If it were well done I think it could be of benefit, once acceptable
rules are developed (that at least we could use as a basis to modify
to our tastes) we could save a lot of time spent developing from
scratch our own rules for a particular area.

Group: dqn-list Message: 1323 From: James Flowers Date: 9/9/2003
Subject: Re: Forming a DragonQuest Canon [long]
Hi all,

<<Content Snipped for Brevity>>

Personally, the primary reason I put the combined DragonQuest 2nd
Edition Revised (, complete with incorporated
and renumbered Arcane Wisdom together was to have a "single" document
with the (primary) "official" rules in place.

Secondly, I wanted to add to this volume in terms of what appeared to
be commonly-used "new" DQ content, materials that fitted the original
DQ vision.

Thirdly, I personally wanted to reword/rework some of the wording of
existing rules with the goals of "clarification" and "enhancement",
not a detraction from the original content.

FWIW, personally, I laud the idea of a "canon" DQ volume.

What is canon? From my point of view, this is nothing more than a
simply concensus of opinion from a group of people with a vested
professional or personal interest in the subject matter.

The original game designers effectively formed the "canon DQ
collective," if I can term it as such. I see no reason why
subscribers to this list, being representative of the current "DQ
collective" can't contribute materials as being "canon"?

Take care, JAMES
Group: dqn-list Message: 1324 From: John Rauchert Date: 9/9/2003
Subject: Re: Forming a DragonQuest Canon [long]
--- In, "rthorm" <dqn@e...> wrote:
> Not everything needs or should be incorporated into the rules.
> is not an attempt to force everyone to accept everyone else's house
> rules as canon. I think it is as important to set boundaries for
> should remain as house rules, rather than be incorporated into the
> 'official' canon of DragonQuest.

I think that we need a consistent body of rules that act as a basis
for common play. When is DragonQuest no longer DragonQuest?

As an extreme example:

I may not like the Characteristic MA (Magical Aptitude) so I change
it to Luck and all the other rules that use MA now use Luck. So
when I start discussing on the List about how the character's chance
to effectively cast a spell increased by 1 for each point their Luck
is greater than 15, people start to get confused.

Now I also don't like percentage dice so I change everything to D20.
So now the chance for a thief to pick a lock is ([2 x MD] + [6 x
Rank] - [6 x Lock Rank])/20 (round nearest).

The question becomes, am I at this point still playing DragonQuest?

I personally think that there ARE a group of "Core Rules" that
clearly identify a game called DragonQuest. Things like the use of
percentile dice and set base characteristics form the most obvious
basis of this core rule set.

Adding and changing these rules should involve the DQ Community as a
whole (such as the discussion at DragonQuestCathedral around whether
we need to add a characteristic like JohnK's Devoutness in order to
develop a set of religion rules).

Outside of these "Core Rules" lies the arena of the rules
supplements, variants and House Rules. But even here it is possible
create some Guidelines, such as, how to add a New Skill, College of
Magic, Monster or Weapon.

I think that what most frustrates returning and new players is that
they are unable to find a single consistent set of rules that are
considered the basic set required for play. All the current
electronic versions are to some extent the personal vision of their
creators with modifications or house rules added and print editions
are becoming more difficult to obtain (with four editions of them as

Group: dqn-list Message: 1325 From: Rodger Thorm Date: 9/9/2003
Subject: Adventurers Guild (was: Queries for the FAQs)
I did some back-of-envelope calculations about the AG
many, many years ago. Assuming that many private
bodyguards, caravan guards and the like were all
members, and that the guild offered a number of
services (including postal and banking services), it
made sense to pay the guild its tithe in order to be a
member, and the guild was a profitable institution.

I wish I'd kept those calculations. There are a lot
of assumptions to be made, and maybe some of them I
made back then were faulty. But my sense of it is
that it can work.

Here's a quick attempt at re-creating it:

If you assume 200 members per guildhall earning
1000SP/year on adventure and they pay only the minimum
200SP/year, that is 40,000SP/year gross income for the
guild to operate with.

Some of the services you get for your 5% tithe
* Contract arbitration and support
* Guildhall is an inn 10% cheaper than standard
* Guild mail service to send messages to any other
* Guild members undertaking work under Guild contract
get a few days travel rations at beginning of the job.
* Free accommodations (1-3 days typically) for party
members returning from successful (paying) adventure
* Guild assistance with debt collection and
* etc.


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Group: dqn-list Message: 1326 From: Rodger Thorm Date: 9/9/2003
Subject: Re: Branches of Magic
In "Poor Brendan's Almanac" Witchcraft is an Entities
college and Time Magics is an Elemental college.

I think a case could be made for Time Magics as a
Thaumaturgy, though.


--- Steven Wiles <> wrote:

> My natural inclination
> would be to put Time into the Elemental branch. My
> rationale for this is that the Elemental colleges
> all
> have to do with manipulation of -material- reality,
> whether of an earthly or celestial nature.
> Thaumaturgies seems distinguished by manipulation of
> intangibles and abstracts (mind, intrinsic essence
> [True Names], subjective perception, and magic
> itself), the things that lie behind the material
> universe, while Entities is of course about dealing
> with things that lie outside the material universe.
> What's more intrinsic to the nature of the
> -material-
> universe than the concepts of Time and Space, the
> stage upon which all matter and energy perfoms its
> dances?
> I have no idea what to do with Spider. Of course,
> I'm
> an arachnophobe, so I don't even like thinking about
> it... :O ;>
> Mort

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Group: dqn-list Message: 1327 From: Russ Jones Date: 9/9/2003
Subject: Re: Weapons rank limits
Something we've been trying out, for several years now, was a doubling
of the weapon ranks, modifying the rank gain effects (strike chance,
evade, shield defense,...) and spreading the experience costs. To
compensate for the initiative effect, creatures using natural weapons
get a +5 to initiative.

We figured, since magic goes to 20, why not do the same for weapons?
This makes it possible for grunts to make Master Adventurer (we decided
Hero was a title of acclamation, not advancement), without having to
pile on the language skills or change to less effective weapons with
higher rank limits.

I believe there are details still sitting on my old AOL website (not
sure why it's still there - I left AOL years ago.).

Russ Jones

-----Original Message-----
From: Loki Freyr []
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 2:49 PM
Subject: [DQN-list] Weapons rank limits

I considered removing the weapon rank limits, but decided they probably
reflected reality. Weapons have different techniques that vary in
complexity. Perhaps there isn't as much to be learned about a wooden
club as there is a fencing foil? Please let me know what reasoning you
used in making that alteration; I might talk myself into removing the
limits after all.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Probst []
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 9:54 PM
Subject: Re: [DQN-list] Mages and Warriors

On Tue, 26 Aug 2003 13:52:27 -0500 (CDT), Arturo Algueiro Melo
<> wrote:

>I was following the mage-warrior discussion, and I want to raise a
point: I
>think it takes more or less the same effort for a mage or warrior to
>adventurer, but it is very hard for a warrior to become a hero. There
are very
>few weapons that can be raised to rk 8, and it is very very expensive
in XPs to
>get rk 8 with skills.

This is very true. In my game, I removed the upper limit on Ranks with
weapons; all weapons can advance to Rank 10 (although for most they
start to
get *very* expensive to push them higher than the limits imposed by the

I also expanded the Skills list with a bunch of relatively-cheap but
important options (e.g., Climbing for non-thieves).

Bruce Probst ICQ 6563830
Melbourne, Australia MSTie #72759 SCA #80160
"Well, look at that. 'Breach hull, all die.' Even had it underlined."

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Group: dqn-list Message: 1328 From: Bruce Probst Date: 9/9/2003
Subject: Re: Forming a DragonQuest Canon [long]
On Tue, 09 Sep 2003 06:16:10 -0000, "James Flowers"
<> wrote:

>What is canon? From my point of view, this is nothing more than a
>simply concensus of opinion from a group of people with a vested
>professional or personal interest in the subject matter.

You have a distorted definition of "canon". It need not represent any sort
of "consensus" at all; it merely represents a document issued by someone
with recognised authority to do so. In the context of "game rules", that
"authority" is vested in those who actually own the game system, which
currently (and probably always) will be Wizards of the Coast.

Now, we all know that WOTC have no intention of doing anything with DQ.
That doesn't stop us from proposing any number of house rules that we
desire. We can rewrite the rules for our own games to our heart's content,
of course, and we can share those rewrites with others if we so desire (as
long as no-one is making any monetary gain from it).

However, calling ourselves "controller of canon" is inaccurate, and will
remain inaccurate for so long as somebody else retains the ownership.

I have no objection to "house rules" in fact I think any decent RPG needs
house-rules, on the assumption that no game can cover *everything*. But we
shouldn't delude ourselves into thinking that house rules produced by a
consensus are somehow "superior" to house rules used by a single gaming
group. They're just better-known, is all.

Bruce Probst ICQ 6563830
Melbourne, Australia MSTie #72759 SCA #80160
"I need to be pinker and moister."
Group: dqn-list Message: 1329 From: Bruce Probst Date: 9/9/2003
Subject: Re: Forming a DragonQuest Canon [long]
On Tue, 09 Sep 2003 10:36:24 -0000, "John Rauchert" <>

>I think that we need a consistent body of rules that act as a basis
>for common play.

Yes, that's the version(s) printed in the rule book(s). Everything after
that is a personal customisation.

>Adding and changing these rules should involve the DQ Community as a

The "DQ Community" can do no more than discuss customisations. Even if
everyone agrees to use a particular customisation (and I would consider that
*highly* unlikely) it doesn't alter the "core rules" (i.e., the printed
rules) in any way.

>I think that what most frustrates returning and new players is that
>they are unable to find a single consistent set of rules that are
>considered the basic set required for play.

Right -- which is why the widely-disseminated printed versions must remain
the "core rules" by which every modification is compared to.

Bruce Probst ICQ 6563830
Melbourne, Australia MSTie #72759 SCA #80160
"I need to be pinker and moister."
Group: dqn-list Message: 1330 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Mage with PS of 5 (Was: Re: Re: Character Creation EXPs [mage/non-m
Hullo, Bruce,

On Tue, 09 Sep 2003 00:13:27 +1000, Bruce Probst wrote:

>>>One of the players in my game had a PS of 5 ... he was laughed
>>>at a lot for being so puny, and god help them all if they needed
>>>him to actually *carry* something ... but he *was* one heck of
>>>a powerful Celestial mage (eventually).
>> Just out of curiosity, Bruce, just exactly what did this Mage
>>character carry? I've just looked at the Weight Chart, and to be
>>honest, I can't see him carrying all that much at all, if anything.
>>Interesting concept, though. :)
>Hardly anything. Basic personal items (which included a lot of invested
>items, more as he progressed in ability).

Hmm, I suspect that the character wasn't even able to carry any
extra equipment that he might have needed for stuff, simply because
with a PS of 5, you just can't carry anything around with you. Of
course, I assume that he got someone else to carry some of his
belongings, right?

.....Please, clean your screen! I can't see out!

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Group: dqn-list Message: 1331 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: Forming a DragonQuest Canon [long]
Hullo, Rodger,

On Mon, 08 Sep 2003 19:28:36 -0000, rthorm wrote:

>> Because SPI went under and the game never really "developed",
>> there are just so many questions and issues that arise from
>> time to time with DQ. Over the years, that has been the most
>> frustrating part of running the game, although I have to
>> admit that I find myself in a position where, like most DQ
>> GMs, I created and innovated the solutions that I needed at
>> the time I needed them. :)
>John brings up a point that I have been thinking about for a while.
>To some extent, I suppose that this was part of the original impetus
>behind starting the DragonQuest Newsletter (and subsequently these
>groups and the other online resources for DragonQuest).

Oh, dear, Rodger, that old can 'o worms, again... :)

>We have had some occasional contact with some of the original
>designers of the game from time to time. In particular, I think Craig
>Brain had developed a bit of a working relationship with Chris Klug,
>who was SPI's lead person on DQ at the time of the company's demise.
>But while they are pleased that something that they created back then
>is still enjoyed by a group of people, they don't seem to be
>interested in being involved in supporting it today.

Which is one of the major stumbling blocks towards creating a
definitive set of rules for DQ with answers to some of those questions
about rules and elements of the game that are highly unclear, murky at

>Is it possible to have active development of DragonQuest when the
>original designers are no longer involved?

Honestly, Rodger, I don't believe that it is. :(
>There has been a lot of very good discussion lately about a lot of
>topics. JohnK's return to the DQ community here, and in particular,
>some of the questions he asked for his FAQ revisions forms a good
>basis for some of this. Collected experience and wisdom can lead to
>good solutions and interpretations of existing rules, and I think that
>is one of the strengths of our DragonQuest community.

While that is the one of the strengths of the DQ community, that is
also the primary weakness. With each GM running their own variant of
the game, there may not be a way to get a consensus on the FAQs, any
revisions, and other materials along those lines.

>There has been some discussion about this before. The dq-rules group
>was meant to work in this fashion for the development of new rules for
>DQ. But even there, the organization was always more ad-hoc than
>formalized. What I am now proposing is a formal system.

While it's a terrific idea, Rodger, a more formal system means
people making a committment to the project. The reason that the
previous attempt may have fallen apart at the seams is there was a lack
of cohesive organisation, and agreement on what constituted the rules
in the first place.

>Not everything needs or should be incorporated into the rules. This
>is not an attempt to force everyone to accept everyone else's house
>rules as canon. I think it is as important to set boundaries for what
>should remain as house rules, rather than be incorporated into the
>'official' canon of DragonQuest.

Agreed. :) Part of the problem may stem from deciding what is
"canon" and what isn't.

>I've even gone back and deleted my preliminary outline for the
>process, because I don't want to get into that right now. The basic
>question that I would like to lay before everyone is whether or not
>this would be worthwhile. Do you think this would be beneficial, or
>are you likely to ignore it?

I think the project would be beneficial if done right, but at the
same time, a lot of folks who run or play this game may still end up
ignoring any of the rules that are presented during this project that
they don't like. However, at this moment and time, I can't tell you
how much time I'll likely have for the project, what with all the
personal stuff that I've got going on right now.

....."Violence never settled anything!" - Genghis Khan

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Group: dqn-list Message: 1332 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: Branches of Magic
Hullo, Bruce,

On Tue, 09 Sep 2003 00:16:37 +1000, Bruce Probst wrote:

>> Well, yes, I have one of the original copies of AW. I don't
>>know whether Bruce does, too.
>I have a copy of a copy (of a copy etc.). It's not pretty, but it's legible
>and intact <g>.

hehe Legible and intact are all that count. :)

.....What do you call thirteen witches in a hot-tub? A self-cleaning coven!

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Group: dqn-list Message: 1333 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: Language Ranks
Hullo, Rodger,

On Mon, 08 Sep 2003 19:46:25 -0000, rthorm wrote:

>Technically, I suppose I ignore the rule, because I tend to award
>languages to characters based on their background and description.
>(In fact, in my current campaign, none of the characters is native to
>the city they are based in, and all of them speak at least one other
>language besides the local Common.)

Yes, this is pretty much the approach that I've taken to the game
in the past as well, although a player who writes a highly detailed
background (say 9 pages! <g>) is going to be able to obtain a few more
languages possibly than one who write five paragraphs of background.

>My current approach with this rule is that none of the languages I've
>given them as part of their background can be counted towards
>calculating Merc/Adventurer/Hero. But then I only require them to
>have 6 skills (rather than 8) since the other two are automatic
>through language. Functionally, it's the same thing.

With the exception of the latter part here, I agree with you. I
hadn't even really considered the idea of cutting it down from 8 skills
to 6 skills because of the two language skills. Hmm...

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Sounds like paradise." - Rygel (FS: JC)

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Group: dqn-list Message: 1334 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: Forming a DragonQuest Canon [long]
Hullo, Edi,

On Tue, 9 Sep 2003 08:25:08 +0300 (EEST), Esko Halttunen wrote:

[Lots of stuff snipped]
>So I've noticed. Opening the Inbox lately has been like being
>buried under an avalanche every time. :-)

Yeah, but hasn't it been fun? <g>

>I don't want to turn DQ into a bloated, overly complicated mess
>that requires me to leaf through the 2nd E and then some five
>or six additional supplement sort of things people have made up.

Interesting that you would make that observation, since a lot of
folks who run so-called "generic" rpgs have that problem anyway.
However, I'm using the 2nd Edition SPI version of the game, with an
extra binder of material on character creation, skills, beasties,
equipment, weapons, armour, and the like, and a second binder wtih
Arcane Wisdom and other magic materials that I've created over the
years. Personally, I have no desire to add any more binders at this
time. <g>

.....Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties.

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Group: dqn-list Message: 1335 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: Forming a DragonQuest Canon [long]
Hullo, James,

On Tue, 09 Sep 2003 06:16:10 -0000, James Flowers wrote:

[Stuff snipped for brevity]

>FWIW, personally, I laud the idea of a "canon" DQ volume.
>What is canon? From my point of view, this is nothing more than a
>simply concensus of opinion from a group of people with a vested
>professional or personal interest in the subject matter.

Frankly, that is not the definition of "canon" that I would use.
In the case of a roleplaying game, I would say the term applies to a
document or rulebook for the game written and issued by someone or
several people who have a recognised authority to do so. For the most
part, that would be the people who own the game, currently Wizards of
the Coast (or perhaps Hasbro, since they own WotC?) - and they don't
have any intention of reprinting the game, let alone publishing the
game anew.

>The original game designers effectively formed the "canon DQ
>collective," if I can term it as such. I see no reason why
>subscribers to this list, being representative of the current "DQ
>collective" can't contribute materials as being "canon"?

The only real point to make here is: *Who* establishes that the
material is canon? None of the game designers have an interest in
turning their attention back to a dead rpg...

.....Pagans are born again...and again...and again...

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Group: dqn-list Message: 1336 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Increasing Ranks (Was: Re: Determining Levels?)
Hullo, Bruce,

On Tue, 09 Sep 2003 17:27:09 +1000, Bruce Probst wrote:

>>>[87.1], end of section: "A character must satisfy all requirements to
>>>increase his Rank by one in an ability or skill before he again
>>>increases it by one. Thus, a character may never `skip` Ranks. A
>>>character must have attempted an ability or skill on the adventure
>>>previous to a gain in Rank in that ability or skill."
>> See, something that isn't really explicit here is how many Ranks
>>the character can achieve with that same skill, assuming he did use it
>>on the adventure, has the time to spend increasing his Rank, and can
>>find someone who might be willing to help him or her out with this in a
>>"long-term" teaching kind of arrangement.
>"satisfy all requirements to increase ... by one" seems pretty explicit to
>me. I don't see any room for wishi-washiness there. "Attempting an ability
>or skill on the adventure previous" is one of those requirements that must
>be satisfied.

Ah, but the argument could be made that if one has satisfied the
requirements to increase one's Rank by one, isn't the requirement
satisfied to increase one's Rank by an additional one? The second
point that you note here might allow one to refute this point, but I
think it's a moot matter. Everyone will make a different ruling on
this point for their own campaigns, so... However, in the end, I
might as well add that I have never allowed player characters to
increase the abilities by more than one Rank between scenarios, simply
because my interpretation of the rule is the same as yours. I was just
needing to play devil's advocate for a few posts on this. :)

.....Sleep (n.): The fleeting moment just before the alarm goes off.

web page:
Group: dqn-list Message: 1337 From: John Rauchert Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: What are the Core Rules of DragonQuest >> Was Re: Forming a DragonQ
What do people consider to be the Core Rules Set of DragonQuest?

I have taken as my core rules set as being the Bantam 2nd Edition
(which I don't have btw) and Craig Brain's Arcane Wisdom.

I know that there has been and is some work towards creating an
accurate complete set of these rules electronically.

I have done some of the line-by-line proofreading of previous
electronic versions (using my old hardcover 2nd Edition). It is
tedious undertaking but one that I strangely enjoy.

Would there be support for a DQPA approved version of such a Core
Rules Set?

Then we could shift our concentration on producing rule
clarifications, variants and supplements to our heart's content.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Probst []
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 7:52 PM
Subject: Re: [DQN-list] Re: Forming a DragonQuest Canon [long]

Right -- which is why the widely-disseminated printed versions must
the "core rules" by which every modification is compared to.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1338 From: Rodger Thorm Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Defense of a DragonQuest Canon [long]
I disagree with Bruce and JohnK as to the definition
of what can or cannot be canon (which is why I brought
this matter up in the first place).

To my mind, canon is what is broadly accepted by a
majority of those concerned. While the publisher may
have some influence in the matter, I don't see their
position as exclusive and absolute. In any case, they
have abandoned it, and if there is a will to replace
that void, rather than to accept it as henceforth
unchanging, then I think it is fair for us to fill
that void.

TSR published 3rd edition DQ, but I know very few
players who accept those changes or who use those
rules by preference. Among much of the existing DQ
community, 2nd edition, and not 3rd, is canon, so the
case for the publisher as ultimate arbiter doesn't
stand well there, either.

For that matter, when TSR subsequently produced a
completely unrelated fantasy game about characters
going through a dungeon and fighting monsters and
called it 'DragonQuest,' should that have become the
new canon?

There have been so many business changes that
'ownership' of DragonQuest is questionable at this
point. And I don't see that as the most valid
criterion for determining the legitimacy of the canon
at this point, since DQ has not been a viable
commerical concern for over a decade.

We can never know what would have happened if SPI had
not gone out of business and kept supporting
DragonQuest. But at this point, I don't think anyone
accepts the idea that any set of the DQ rules is

If there is sufficient consensus, accepted canon can
go beyond what was published in 1980. In order for
that to happen, it will be necessary for there to be
general agreement. It doesn't have be unanimous;
there will certainly be disagreements and differences
of opinion. But if a large enough group concurs, then
I think it is a project worth doing.

The DragonQuest Newsletter has become moribund. I've
not published much of late because there have been few
submittals and very little general interest.
(Arguably there have been few submittals of late
because there have been few new issues, but that's a
whole chicken-and-egg thing I won't bother with here.)
Discussion groups such as this one have served to
largely replace the need for a more directed magazine
style publication.

As much as anything else, I am looking for a new
impetus and a new direction with which to revive the
DQN. If the other view is correct, and there can be
no extention of the canon beyond the once commercially
published version, then the DQN has no further use.
Discussion groups such as this one suffice. But if
there is a program to extend the existing canon, then
the Newsletter's longer publication cycle and editing
standards become reasonable measures to be used, and
there is some value in its continuation.

--Rodger Thorm

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Group: dqn-list Message: 1339 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: Defense of a DragonQuest Canon [long]
--- In, Rodger Thorm <rodger_thorm@y...>

> To my mind, canon is what is broadly accepted by a
> majority of those concerned. While the publisher may
> have some influence in the matter, I don't see their
> position as exclusive and absolute. In any case, they
> have abandoned it, and if there is a will to replace
> that void, rather than to accept it as henceforth
> unchanging, then I think it is fair for us to fill
> that void.

I think we as a comunity can take charge of DQ, lets face it no one
else will (and probably no one will stop us).

perhaps Canon is an emotive word; try artillary -err no wrong cannon
how about "a standard" or "basic" or "consensus" modules of rules

We all have our own rules that fit our world best and no one would
even think about imposing these rules on individual GMs. But it
would be usefull if there was a core of commonly accepted rules in
addition to the book. This would have the advantages of:-

1) Allowing every one to talk the same language ( eg spell in the
[99.] version of the College of White magic rather than the [98.]
2) A central reposotory of alternative rules you could pick and mix
3) Sets of rules you could refer to when you come across an area you
have just found out you need
4) A firm and argued basis on which to expand, possibly even taking
account of diferences of opinion
5) Avoiding things like umpteen colleges of White magics when
probably if those interested had got together we would have 1
consensus college put together with the combined knowledge of those
experts in a much shorter time

I personally am in favour of it, but its not going to be easy, and I
have a feeling in my thumbs that it probably won't happen - sadly.
It all depends on what the objectives are and how its organised

Group: dqn-list Message: 1340 From: Rodger Thorm Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: Branches of Magic
Remember that the copies of AW that are floating
around were proof copies, IIRC. That seems like a
typo to me.
What does 3rd edition classify those colleges as? I
think that would be the more definitive information.

(Heaven help me I'm citing 3rd edition for something


--- "John M. Kahane" <> wrote:
> Hullo, Steven,
> On Tue, 2 Sep 2003 22:32:54 -0700 (PDT), Steven
> Wiles wrote:
> >> >I have no idea what to do with Spider. Of
> course, I'm an
> >> >arachnophobe, so I don't even like thinking
> about it... :O ;>
> >>
> >> hehe Not so crazy about spiders myself.
> In any event,
> >>that College so obviously belongs in the Entities.
> Imnsho. :)
> >
> >Heh. Yeah, it's a basically evil, corrupting
> college, so it would
> >be in good... er... appropriate company.
> Exactly. :)
> >That brings up a question, though. I can't seem to
> find in the
> >ArcWis (with my cursory searches) where it defines
> the Branch
> >to which each of the new colleges (Lesser
> Summonings,
> >Rune Magics, Shaping) belongs. If someone with
> sharper
> >eyes or a better memory can find where that info
> is, I'd appreciate
> >it.
> I figure you'll get a few answers to this one,
> but what the heck..
> I believe it's in Section 88. Lesser Summonings is
> a Thaumaturgy,
> Rune and Shaping are in the Entities. Never did
> understand the
> rationale for that with the Shaper College, but...
> .....Virus found - Windows95. (C)lean (W)ipe
> (I)nstall OS/2 Warp
> JohnK
> e-mail:
> web page:

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Group: dqn-list Message: 1341 From: Rodger Thorm Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: Ancient Languages in DQ (Was: Re: Determining Levels?)
Another language idea to incorporate is "Alchemist's
Script." This is a great idea that I've shamelessly
taken from Steve/Mort and his group, although I
haven't done nearly as much with it as they had worked

There may be other written-form-only languages, as
well. Alchemy and astrology both have historical
precedents for at least a rudimetary written language.


--- "John M. Kahane" <> wrote:
> Hullo, Deven,
> On Thu, 4 Sep 2003 20:30:24 -0400, Deven Atkinson
> wrote:
> >Dead languages... cool idea. In our real world
> there are dead
> >languages where all we know are the texts, no
> chance of
> >speaking it because that knowledge has passed away
> (Myan
> >glyphs, cuniform). Then there are languages like
> Navajo
> >that have (or at least had) no written text.
> [Devious GM mind
> >kicks into full gear] :)
> Yes, the business of dead languages is
> something that fascinates
> me in real life, too, and so naturally it spills
> over into the
> roleplaying games, especially the fantasy ones. I
> ran one plot where
> an understanding of a phrase from an ancient
> language was the central
> element to the plot, and the party had to track down
> the only known
> person who understood the language (and there was a
> secret behind that
> as well, much to the party's surprise for some
> reason), and that worked
> out kind of well.
> ....."The only good gargoyle is one decorating the
> top of a church." - Willem Anders,
> city guard
> JohnK
> e-mail:
> web page:

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Group: dqn-list Message: 1342 From: Deven Atkinson Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: Weapons rank limits
Well my master adventurer did so by adding useful skills that
fleshed out the character.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Russ Jones" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 9:46 PM
Subject: RE: [DQN-list] Weapons rank limits

> Something we've been trying out, for several years now, was a doubling
> of the weapon ranks, modifying the rank gain effects (strike chance,
> evade, shield defense,...) and spreading the experience costs. To
> compensate for the initiative effect, creatures using natural weapons
> get a +5 to initiative.
> We figured, since magic goes to 20, why not do the same for weapons?
> This makes it possible for grunts to make Master Adventurer (we decided
> Hero was a title of acclamation, not advancement), without having to
> pile on the language skills or change to less effective weapons with
> higher rank limits.
> I believe there are details still sitting on my old AOL website (not
> sure why it's still there - I left AOL years ago.).
> Russ Jones
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Loki Freyr []
> Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 2:49 PM
> To:
> Subject: [DQN-list] Weapons rank limits
> I considered removing the weapon rank limits, but decided they probably
> reflected reality. Weapons have different techniques that vary in
> complexity. Perhaps there isn't as much to be learned about a wooden
> club as there is a fencing foil? Please let me know what reasoning you
> used in making that alteration; I might talk myself into removing the
> limits after all.
> --Loki
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bruce Probst []
> Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 9:54 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [DQN-list] Mages and Warriors
> On Tue, 26 Aug 2003 13:52:27 -0500 (CDT), Arturo Algueiro Melo
> <> wrote:
> >I was following the mage-warrior discussion, and I want to raise a
> point: I
> >think it takes more or less the same effort for a mage or warrior to
> become
> >adventurer, but it is very hard for a warrior to become a hero. There
> are very
> >few weapons that can be raised to rk 8, and it is very very expensive
> in XPs to
> >get rk 8 with skills.
> This is very true. In my game, I removed the upper limit on Ranks with
> weapons; all weapons can advance to Rank 10 (although for most they
> start to
> get *very* expensive to push them higher than the limits imposed by the
> rules).
> I also expanded the Skills list with a bunch of relatively-cheap but
> still
> important options (e.g., Climbing for non-thieves).
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Bruce Probst ICQ 6563830
> Melbourne, Australia MSTie #72759 SCA #80160
> "Well, look at that. 'Breach hull, all die.' Even had it underlined."
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
Group: dqn-list Message: 1343 From: Deven Atkinson Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: What are the Core Rules of DragonQuest >> Was Re: Forming a Dra
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Rauchert" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 11:58 AM
Subject: [DQN-list] What are the Core Rules of DragonQuest >> Was Re:
Forming a DragonQuest Canon

> What do people consider to be the Core Rules Set of DragonQuest?
> I have taken as my core rules set as being the Bantam 2nd Edition
> (which I don't have btw) and Craig Brain's Arcane Wisdom.

I agree with these two. I would add any ARES articles or DragonNotes that
clarify rules, add skills, monsters, etc. Most of these were written by the
core development team for the second edition.
After this I would add any rules clarifications, skills, monsters, etc. that
are in the three SPI modules.

In my opinion, once we step away from SPI published material, we are
stepping away from "canon", and thus stepping away from the core rules.

Should the information in the Chaosium's "Thieves' World" article by Eric
Goldberg be part of the core? Perhaps. Should the information in articles
in other magazines (like Dragon) written by members of the core team be
added? Likely. Should info in non-Ares articles by non-core team members
be added. I don't think so. But they are nice Optional rules.

> I know that there has been and is some work towards creating an
> accurate complete set of these rules electronically.
> I have done some of the line-by-line proofreading of previous
> electronic versions (using my old hardcover 2nd Edition). It is
> tedious undertaking but one that I strangely enjoy.
> Would there be support for a DQPA approved version of such a Core
> Rules Set?
> Then we could shift our concentration on producing rule
> clarifications, variants and supplements to our heart's content.
> JohnR
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bruce Probst []
> Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 7:52 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [DQN-list] Re: Forming a DragonQuest Canon [long]
> Right -- which is why the widely-disseminated printed versions must
> remain
> the "core rules" by which every modification is compared to.
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
Group: dqn-list Message: 1344 From: Stephen Lister Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Canon/Non-Canon - a suggestion
Instead of arguing over what is or is not canon, or indeed over whether
what we could produce here can be regarded that way, why not just produce
a set of consensual Optional Rules, binding all of the clarifications and
additions into one place?

All we're arguing here is terminology. There's nothing to stop us creating
a set of common rules - the only question is whether it can be called
'official' or not. Frankly - who cares what it's called? If it exists,
then it can be referred to as a basis for further discussion and work, and
people are free to takes as much or as little out of it for their own
games as they like. If anyone disagrees violently with the concept (Hi
Bruce) then there's no requirement for them to be involved, or to use the
final product if/when it ever eventuates.

Stephen Lister
Group: dqn-list Message: 1345 From: Rodger Thorm Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: What are the Core Rules of DragonQuest >> Was Re: Forming a Dra
I think you're right about the ARES articles and
related material, but I disagree on other points.

While some of the Dragon articles are worthwhile,
others (such as the recently debated "Warrior's
Alternative") are pretty far from standard DQ. No one
from SPI authored any of the DQ articles in Dragon.

On the other hand, over the years, I've seen many good
suggestions from the these groups. I think that we
should evaluate all of these on the basis of their
content, rather on who published it.


--- Deven Atkinson <> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "John Rauchert" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 11:58 AM
> Subject: [DQN-list] What are the Core Rules of
> DragonQuest >> Was Re:
> Forming a DragonQuest Canon
> > What do people consider to be the Core Rules Set
> of DragonQuest?
> >
> > I have taken as my core rules set as being the
> Bantam 2nd Edition
> > (which I don't have btw) and Craig Brain's Arcane
> Wisdom.
> I agree with these two. I would add any ARES
> articles or DragonNotes that
> clarify rules, add skills, monsters, etc. Most of
> these were written by the
> core development team for the second edition.
> After this I would add any rules clarifications,
> skills, monsters, etc. that
> are in the three SPI modules.
> In my opinion, once we step away from SPI published
> material, we are
> stepping away from "canon", and thus stepping away
> from the core rules.
> Should the information in the Chaosium's "Thieves'
> World" article by Eric
> Goldberg be part of the core? Perhaps. Should the
> information in articles
> in other magazines (like Dragon) written by members
> of the core team be
> added? Likely. Should info in non-Ares articles by
> non-core team members
> be added. I don't think so. But they are nice
> Optional rules.
> >
> > I know that there has been and is some work
> towards creating an
> > accurate complete set of these rules
> electronically.
> >
> > I have done some of the line-by-line proofreading
> of previous
> > electronic versions (using my old hardcover 2nd
> Edition). It is
> > tedious undertaking but one that I strangely
> enjoy.
> >
> > Would there be support for a DQPA approved version
> of such a Core
> > Rules Set?
> >
> > Then we could shift our concentration on producing
> rule
> > clarifications, variants and supplements to our
> heart's content.
> >
> > JohnR
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Bruce Probst
> []
> > Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 7:52 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [DQN-list] Re: Forming a DragonQuest
> Canon [long]
> >
> >
> >
> > Right -- which is why the widely-disseminated
> printed versions must
> > remain
> > the "core rules" by which every modification is
> compared to.

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Group: dqn-list Message: 1346 From: Bruce Probst Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: Mage with PS of 5 (Was: Re: Re: Character Creation EXPs [mage/n
On Wed, 10 Sep 2003 08:20:51 -0400, "John M. Kahane" <>

> Hmm, I suspect that the character wasn't even able to carry any
>extra equipment that he might have needed for stuff, simply because
>with a PS of 5, you just can't carry anything around with you. Of
>course, I assume that he got someone else to carry some of his
>belongings, right?

Oh yes.

Bruce Probst ICQ 6563830
Melbourne, Australia MSTie #72759 SCA #80160
"I need to be pinker and moister."
Group: dqn-list Message: 1347 From: Bruce Probst Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: Branches of Magic
On Wed, 10 Sep 2003 14:19:43 -0700 (PDT), Rodger Thorm
<> wrote:

>Remember that the copies of AW that are floating
>around were proof copies, IIRC. That seems like a
>typo to me.
>What does 3rd edition classify those colleges as? I
>think that would be the more definitive information.

"Summonings" (the 3rd ed. version of "Lesser Summonings"), "Shaping", and
"Rune" are *all* listed as "Entities".

Which makes even less sense than the AW categories, IMO, and is yet again
something else in 3rd ed. that should be ignored.

Bruce Probst ICQ 6563830
Melbourne, Australia MSTie #72759 SCA #80160
"I need to be pinker and moister."
Group: dqn-list Message: 1348 From: Bruce Probst Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: Increasing Ranks (Was: Re: Determining Levels?)
On Wed, 10 Sep 2003 08:51:07 -0400, "John M. Kahane" <>

> Ah, but the argument could be made that if one has satisfied the
>requirements to increase one's Rank by one, isn't the requirement
>satisfied to increase one's Rank by an additional one?

Sorry, that argument makes absolutely no sense to me at all. Before you can
increase it by an *additional* Rank, you must satisfy the requirements,
which involve using it on an adventure -- which you can't have done if
you've only just increased it a moment before!

>I was just needing to play devil's advocate for a few posts on this. :)

I have no objections to "Devil's Advocate" as a general principle, but in
this case the DA argument is simply wrong, sorry.

Bruce Probst ICQ 6563830
Melbourne, Australia MSTie #72759 SCA #80160
"I need to be pinker and moister."
Group: dqn-list Message: 1349 From: Bruce Probst Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: What are the Core Rules of DragonQuest >> Was Re: Forming a Dra
On Wed, 10 Sep 2003 15:58:01 -0000, "John Rauchert" <>

>Would there be support for a DQPA approved version of such a Core
>Rules Set?

The DQPA doesn't have the "authority" to "approve" anything.

If, however, what you mean is, that the DQPA *assumes* that the "core rules"
are (whatever), then that would work fine, I think, as a basis on which to
build further "recommended" house rules.

The obvious problem with accepting the PDF-version of AW as "core" is that
it's incomplete, since it is missing text from the original. Does anyone
know if it is in any other ways different to the original? I've never
bothered doing a comparison myself.

Bruce Probst ICQ 6563830
Melbourne, Australia MSTie #72759 SCA #80160
"I need to be pinker and moister."
Group: dqn-list Message: 1350 From: Bruce Probst Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: What are the Core Rules of DragonQuest >> Was Re: Forming a Dra
On Wed, 10 Sep 2003 21:48:51 -0400, "Deven Atkinson" <>

>I would add any ARES articles or DragonNotes that
>clarify rules, add skills, monsters, etc.

As best as I can recall, the only one of these that was significant for 2nd
edition was the modifications to Greater Summoning that appeared in the
"Questing" article in Ares 13. I can't recall if those modifications were
incorporated into the Bantam edition or not.

The other DragonNotes/Questing articles in other issues were either
suggesting purely optional stuff (like the half-elf and lizard-man PC types)
or were modifying 1st edition (and were subsequently incorporated into 2nd

Note that although I really liked the idea of the new PC types, I don't like
the specific rules that Gerry Klug used, especially since they assumed the
(IMO) extreme "double the characteristic modifier" that Klug liked to use,
and which subsequently turned up in 3rd ed.

Bruce Probst ICQ 6563830
Melbourne, Australia MSTie #72759 SCA #80160
"I need to be pinker and moister."
Group: dqn-list Message: 1351 From: Bruce Probst Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: Defense of a DragonQuest Canon [long]
On Wed, 10 Sep 2003 09:39:30 -0700 (PDT), Rodger Thorm
<> wrote:

>To my mind, canon is what is broadly accepted by a
>majority of those concerned.

That's very interesting, but what it is *not* is a definition of "canon".
The word that you seem to be looking for is "recommended".

>In any case, they have abandoned it

I rather suspect that the Hasbro lawyers would not agree that they have
"abandoned" anything that they retain ownership of.

>TSR published 3rd edition DQ, but I know very few
>players who accept those changes or who use those
>rules by preference. Among much of the existing DQ
>community, 2nd edition, and not 3rd, is canon, so the
>case for the publisher as ultimate arbiter doesn't
>stand well there, either.

No, both editions are "canon". (*Every* printed edition is "canon".) Not
every edition is *preferred* or (there's that word again) *recommended*.

>There have been so many business changes that
>'ownership' of DragonQuest is questionable at this

Uh, no, it's not. SPI created it. TSR bought SPI. WOTC bought TSR.
Hasbro bought WOTC. There's nothing "questionable" in that line of

>since DQ has not been a viable
>commerical concern for over a decade.

Which has nothing to do with the question of "ownership". Without ownership
there is no authority. This isn't a difficult concept.

Example: Suppose I design a new game, from scratch. I don't sell it, but
instead I distribute it to other people. Those other people may use the
rules that I've written, or they modify them to suit themselves. Either
way, there's obviously no "commercial concern" involved here; no money is
changing hands. But I still *own* the game, and will continue to own it for
many years to come, even if I never do anything with it. No-one else has
the legal right to claim anything different. You can't claim that you own
something that belongs to someone else!

>But if a large enough group concurs, then
>I think it is a project worth doing.

A consensus can certainly produce a set of *recommended* rules, and there is
some merit in the effort (IMO, not *enough* merit, but that's just MY
opinion). It's still not *canon*. Please be aware of the difference!

Bruce Probst ICQ 6563830
Melbourne, Australia MSTie #72759 SCA #80160
"I need to be pinker and moister."
Group: dqn-list Message: 1352 From: Esko Halttunen Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Versions of AW >> Was Re: What are the Core Rules of DQ?
Bruce Probst wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Sep 2003 15:58:01 -0000, "John Rauchert"
> <> wrote:
> The obvious problem with accepting the PDF-version of AW as "core"
> is that it's incomplete, since it is missing text from the original. Does
> anyone know if it is in any other ways different to the original? I've never
> bothered doing a comparison myself.

Just how many versions of AW are there? There is the pdf that is available on Snafaru's site and a couple of other places, but I've got a crapload of Word documents that each have one of the chapters, and those are based on some text file versions I got from someplace. Some of the AW stuff was also officially published prior to 3E in the dual system module Shattered Statue, which I also have in my possession. Namely it contained Rune Magics and Shaping, and some other stuff, as well as several new monsters, some of which were rather cool.


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Group: dqn-list Message: 1353 From: Esko Halttunen Date: 9/10/2003
Subject: Re: Defense of a DragonQuest Canon [long]
dbarrass_2000 wrote:
> --- In, Rodger Thorm <rodger_thorm@y...> wrote:
> I think we as a comunity can take charge of DQ, lets face it no one
> else will (and probably no one will stop us).

This is certainly true. DQ is limited to such a small community that Hasbro and WotC don't really have any practical interest in what we do with it, because it has no commercial impact whatsoever. Their plan seems to be to just sit on it and keep it buried, so they really couldn't care less if we develop some additional stuff for DQ for our own use and define a core group of rules interpretations and so forth.

> perhaps Canon is an emotive word; try artillary -err no wrong cannon
> how about "a standard" or "basic" or "consensus" modules of rules

Well, later date of publication does not automatically mean a higher status in the canon hierarchy (witness 3E) if almost everyone uses the earlier product (2E). Besides, I think this whole sidetrack of canon/non-canon is just a nitpick to the real thrust behind this discussion, and while Bruce is correct in the legal sense, I don't see that point as really relevant to what Rodger intended with his post.

> We all have our own rules that fit our world best and no one would
> even think about imposing these rules on individual GMs. But it
> would be usefull if there was a core of commonly accepted rules in
> addition to the book. This would have the advantages of:-
> 1) Allowing every one to talk the same language ( eg spell in the
> [99.] version of the College of White magic rather than the [98.] version
> 2) A central reposotory of alternative rules you could pick and mix from
> 3) Sets of rules you could refer to when you come across an area you
> have just found out you need
> 4) A firm and argued basis on which to expand, possibly even taking
> account of diferences of opinion
> 5) Avoiding things like umpteen colleges of White magics when
> probably if those interested had got together we would have 1
> consensus college put together with the combined knowledge of those
> experts in a much shorter time
> I personally am in favour of it, but its not going to be easy, and I
> have a feeling in my thumbs that it probably won't happen - sadly.
> It all depends on what the objectives are and how its organised

I like this outline for things, it's much the same thing I was thinking when I read the original post. It won't be easy or quick to do, but usually nothing worthwhile is easy. I'm willing to give it a shot.


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Group: dqn-list Message: 1354 From: John Rauchert Date: 9/11/2003
Subject: Versions of AW >> Was Re: What are the Core Rules of DQ?
As far as I know there are four different versions of the material
that was to be included in Arcane Wisdom.

A text version that has been floating around for many years taken
from a playtest release.

The material in the Shattered Statue Module.

The material put into 3rd Editon DragonQuest.

Craig Brain's Version [Snaf's PDF] (creating in consultation with
Gerry Klug, I believe).


--- In, Esko Halttunen
<esko.halttunen@l...> wrote:

> Just how many versions of AW are there? There is the pdf that is
available on Snafaru's site and a couple of other places, but I've
got a crapload of Word documents that each have one of the chapters,
and those are based on some text file versions I got from someplace.
Some of the AW stuff was also officially published prior to 3E in
the dual system module Shattered Statue, which I also have in my
possession. Namely it contained Rune Magics and Shaping, and some
other stuff, as well as several new monsters, some of which were
rather cool.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1355 From: John Rauchert Date: 9/11/2003
Subject: What are the Core Rules of DragonQuest >> Was Re: Forming a DragonQ
Of course the DQPA doesn't have the authority to approve!

It does have the ability to say as far as we are concerned this is
as close to a standard basic DQ rules set you can get given the
current environment. Basically the DQPA House Rules.

I envision that this would include a carefully proofed electronic
version of the 2nd Edition Rules (Bantam probably) and a carefully
proofed electronic version of Arcane Wisdom.

I know that another person is currently working on complete
unrevised version of the 2nd Edition Rules.

I will first spend my time sorting out differences between versions
of Arcane Wisdom and compile a little report.


--- In, Bruce Probst <bprobst@n...> wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Sep 2003 15:58:01 -0000, "John Rauchert"
> wrote:
> >Would there be support for a DQPA approved version of such a Core
> >Rules Set?
> The DQPA doesn't have the "authority" to "approve" anything.
Group: dqn-list Message: 1356 From: dbarrass_2000 Date: 9/11/2003
Subject: Ancient Languages in DQ (Was: Re: Determining Levels?)
--- In, Rodger Thorm <rodger_thorm@y...>
> Another language idea to incorporate is "Alchemist's
> Script." This is a great idea that I've shamelessly
> taken from Steve/Mort and his group, although I
> haven't done nearly as much with it as they had worked
> out.
> There may be other written-form-only languages, as
> well. Alchemy and astrology both have historical
> precedents for at least a rudimetary written language.

There may also be spoken only languages appropriate to skills, such
as theives cant, stricly a dialect, but incomprehensible to most
