Here is what I use in my campaign. Hope you find it useful. (I'm
cut/pasting this out of a word doc, hope it survives the journey.) Also
note, just because something is listed with a cost, doesn't mean a player
can just walk in to a town and purchase something. There is really only
one town in my whole world where something like that might happen (The city
of Eidolon in the Shadow World campaign setting) and such things happening
are extremely rare (for stuff like buying a spell). It was just all listed
so that if/when it does come up we have hard rules for it instead of
winging it every time.
If there are any questions on what's below, don't hesitate to ask.
Bell, Book and Candle Wgt Cost Bulk
Talisman (per +1 cast chance) 25 x Mult x Bonus A
Spell Point Battery 200 + (P x 50) A
Book (50 pages, 8.5 x 11) 3 500 A
Book (50 pages, 17 x 22) 5 1000 A
supplies 1 38 A
Blank paper (8.5 x 11) (per sheet) 1 A
Primer Cost/500 Mult x MaxRank A
components 1 100 A
Talismans Talismans give a bonus to cast chance and must be bought for a
specific spell or discipline. The GM may also allow talismans that
increase range or duration. Maximum cast bonus for a talisman is 10. Cost
is 25 times the base multiple of the spell or discipline, times the
talisman bonus. Talismans can also be purchased for rituals though the
cost is doubled. Talismans must be attuned to, and the time required for
attunement is equal to 3 days times the bonus cast chance. It is also
possible to be attuned to more than one talisman at a time, although only
one talisman may be worn at any given time or all will lose their bonus's
until enough are removed so that only one is currently being worn. The
maximum number of talismans that a mage may be attuned to is equal to (MA /
5; round down) + (Mage Level/ 5; round down).
Spell Point Battery A spell point battery is a temporary vessel of spell
points. Once the points are gone, the vessel disintegrates into a fine
powder. The form of a battery can vary widely. The cost is 500 silver
base, plus 100 additional silver for each spell point in the battery. The
maximum number of spell points that a battery can hold is equal to the
level of the Alchemist making the battery. Thus, most batteries will have
somewhere between 5 and 12 spell points. These items must be attuned to
before being able to be used. The time required to attune to these items
is equal to 1 day per spell point stored in the item. A mage may only be
attuned to one of these items at a time.
Primers Primers are books that teach a skill. In game terms, the character
must still spend the experience points to learn the skill, but training
time is computed as if the character had an instructor. A primer is the
equivalent of a rank 0 instructor. If the primer is used by someone to
teach a skill, it adds 2 ranks to the teachers instruction skill (or
confers rank 2 if unranked in instruction skill). All primers have a
maximum rank that they are good for. For example, a rank 14 primer can be
used to learn a skill up to rank 14, but is useless beyond that. A primer
is good for only a single skill. The cost of a primer is equal to the
multiple of the skill times maximum rank (or possibly more for magic or
esoteric skills). Primers also exist for common professions. A character
must be able to read the language of the primer at rank 6 or higher to use
it and must also have all other requisite equipment (i.e., if using a
primer to learn horsemanship, the character must have a horse).
The weight of a primer is equal to the multiple, times maximum rank,
divided by 500, in pounds. Note that a primer could actually be more than
one physical book. Each book generally weighs not more than 5 to 10
lbs. Thus, a primer that ends up weighing 12 lbs is actually 2 or 3
physical books weighing 3 to 6 lbs each.
Primers may also exist for spells but the cost is usually higher,
sometimes double. Primers are only available for commonly available spells.
Primers can only be purchased with GM approval. As with most items,
Primers deteriorate with time and extensive use. A character who wishes to
sell a Primer will usually get, at best, half the price they paid for
it. In many cases Primers contain reference tables that someone learning a
skill may remove from the book. Thus, if a character buys a used Primer
that has not been reconditioned, they may get reduced effect (or no effect)
from the Primer.
Ritual Components Each general knowledge ritual requires one set of ritual
components while Special knowledge rituals require two sets. Ritual
components are not ritual-specific unless the ritual specifically states
that a certain ritual component is required (e.g. Ritual of Identification
requires a 100 sp pearl).
Common Magic * Wgt Cost Bulk
Healing Potion 1d2 .5 75 A
Healing Potion 1d10 .5 400 A
Healing Potion 2d4+2 .5 500 A
Healing Potion 2d10 .5 900 A
Healing Potion 3d8+3 .5 1500 A
Healing Potion 4d10 .5 2200 A
Healing Potion Full Heal .5 4500 A
Potion of Attunement .5 Varies A
Potion of Fire Resistance .5 500 A
Potion of Flying .5 1000 A
Wheybread (loaf) 1 100 A
* You must obtain permission from the GM to buy items of common
magic. These items will generally be easily available in a large city but
may not be available in a small city or town.
Potion of Attunement - The cost of a Potion of Attunement is 1000 silver,
plus 50 times the bonus (thus, a potion that confers a +80 bonus would cost
5,000 silver).
Potion of Fire Resistance Grants +20 to magic saves vs. fire. Immune to
normal fire. Magical fire damage is reduced by 50% is save is failed, or
75% if save is made. Protection lasts for 10 minutes.
Potion of Flying Imbiber can fly at a speed of 10 MPH for 1 hour.
Wheybread Wheybread comes in many flavors but all have the same magical
properties. One slice of wheybread will provide full sustenance for one
person for one full day. A loaf of wheybread contains 10
slices. Whyebread is magically preserved to last for 5 years before it
will begin to spoil.
Buying Spells
There are three ways to buy spells from a mage. In all cases, permission
must be obtained from the GM to buy the spell. The GM will check to see if
a mage is available that might have the spell and whether the mage is
willing to sell the spell. The prices listed can be used for guidance in
determining cost. It is certainly possible that the mage may charge more,
maybe even a lot more, to buy the spell. In the case of counterspells, it
is highly unlikely that a mage will sell a counterspell to his own college
unless it is in his best interest to do so. All costs listed are in silver.
1. Buy a spell to write in a spell book.
2. Buy a spell invested in an item.
3. Have the mage cast a spell directly.
4. Pay for an Attunement Ritual.
Buy a spell to write in a Spell Book
Spell or Ritual
General Knowledge Spell
20 x EXP Multiple
General Knowledge Ritual
40 x EXP Multiple
Special Knowledge Spell
40 x EXP Multiple
Special Knowledge Ritual
80 x EXP Multiple
Circle of Protection vs. GK Spells
Circle of Protection vs. SK Spells
Circle of Protection vs. GK Disciplines
Circle of Protection vs. SK Disciplines
Circle of Protection vs. Minor Clerical Magic
Circle of Protection vs. Major Clerical Magic
Circle of Protection vs. Ritual Magic
Circle of Protection vs. Illusions
Circle of Protection vs. Summonings
Circle of Protection vs. Detection
Circle of Protection vs. Undead/Lycanthropes
Circle of Protection vs. Black Magic
Circle of Protection vs. Missiles
Circle of Protection vs. Animals
Circle of Protection vs. Elementals
Circle of Protection vs. Gargoyles
Circle of Protection vs. Efreeti/Djinn
Circle of Protection vs. Constructs
Circle of Protection vs. Demons
Circle of Protection vs. Faeries
Circle of Protection vs. Dragons
Greater Circle of Protection
Buy a spell invested in an Item The cost to buy a spell invested in an item
is 200 + (EXP Multiple x Rank). Thus, to have a mage invest a spell with a
multiple of 250 that he is rank 8 in would cost 2200 silver (200 + (250 x
8)) = 2200. This assumes that the buyer is providing the item for the
investment (BMR E). If not, add 250 silver to the cost.
Have the mage cast a spell directly The cost to have a mage cast a spell on
the buyer is (100 + (Half EXP Multiple x Rank). Thus, to have a mage cast
a spell with a multiple of 250 that he is rank 8 in would cost 1100 silver
(100 + (125 x 8)) = 1100.
Pay for an Attunement Ritual The cost to have a Shaper perform an
attunement ritual is 300 x Rank silver. This improves chance of attunement
by 3% per rank. Shapers cast chance is base 25% (+3% per Rank; + MA 15).
At 12:46 PM 4/10/2003, you wrote:
>I said I had another question; here it is:
>Along the same lines as the discussion about magic shops and magic-rich
>versus magic-poor, do any of you have standard rates for various magical
>I finally made a note for myself regarding the cost to have a counterspell
>for Black Magics cast. In my campaign world, the one source for that they
>have located charges 500 SP.
>There are some other services that adventuring types may want to call on
>fairly regularly, such as identification of magic items, reading magical
>texts, healing spells, invested counterspells, invested items generally,
>truespeaking, remove curse, etc. The rules offer no guideline for pricing
>these, which is both good and bad. It doesn't force you into an economic
>model that doesn't work for your campaign, but at the same time, it forces
>the GM to come up with his own prices for these services. And that is
>something that I have never kept track of before; I always did it rather
>haphazardly, but now I am trying to set a more stable and consistent set
>of answers.
>So, my question is this:
> What do various magical services cost in your campaign?
> Rodger
>-------Original Message-------
>This leads to a whole other question, which I will post separately.
> --Rodger
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Jason Winter