Messages in dqn-list group. Page 16 of 80.

Group: dqn-list Message: 757 From: andy hopkins Date: 8/10/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
Group: dqn-list Message: 758 From: D. Cameron King Date: 8/10/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
Group: dqn-list Message: 759 From: davis john Date: 8/12/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
Group: dqn-list Message: 760 From: Date: 8/12/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
Group: dqn-list Message: 761 From: John M. Kahane Date: 8/12/2002
Subject: Re: 3rd Edition Comments, and Alchemist Skill
Group: dqn-list Message: 762 From: Jason Winter Date: 8/12/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
Group: dqn-list Message: 763 From: Viktor Haag Date: 8/12/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
Group: dqn-list Message: 764 From: D. Cameron King Date: 8/12/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
Group: dqn-list Message: 765 From: davis john Date: 8/13/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
Group: dqn-list Message: 766 From: davis john Date: 8/13/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
Group: dqn-list Message: 767 From: Viktor Haag Date: 8/13/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
Group: dqn-list Message: 768 From: viktor_haag Date: 8/13/2002
Subject: Fatigue Loss and Recovery question
Group: dqn-list Message: 769 From: runeshaper Date: 8/13/2002
Subject: I put the other file here
Group: dqn-list Message: 770 From: lofenloc Date: 8/13/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
Group: dqn-list Message: 771 From: Rune Magus Date: 8/13/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
Group: dqn-list Message: 772 From: b0g_gle Date: 8/13/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
Group: dqn-list Message: 773 From: Rune Magus Date: 8/13/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
Group: dqn-list Message: 774 From: runeshaper Date: 8/14/2002
Subject: DQ Files
Group: dqn-list Message: 775 From: jflowers1965 Date: 8/14/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
Group: dqn-list Message: 776 From: John_Rauchert Date: 8/15/2002
Subject: Re: DQ Files
Group: dqn-list Message: 777 From: D. Cameron King Date: 8/15/2002
Subject: Re: Fatigue Loss and Recovery question
Group: dqn-list Message: 778 From: Deven Atkinson Date: 8/17/2002
Subject: Re: Fatigue Loss and Recovery question
Group: dqn-list Message: 779 From: Viktor Haag Date: 8/17/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
Group: dqn-list Message: 780 From: William Hough Date: 8/17/2002
Subject: Re: Fatigue Loss and Recovery question
Group: dqn-list Message: 781 From: lord_kjeran Date: 8/17/2002
Subject: Expanded Armor Table?
Group: dqn-list Message: 782 From: Viktor Haag Date: 8/20/2002
Subject: Re: Fatigue Loss and Recovery question
Group: dqn-list Message: 783 From: John_Rauchert Date: 8/22/2002
Subject: DQN Archive gets Search Interface
Group: dqn-list Message: 784 From: Greg Walters Date: 8/23/2002
Subject: Fw: [strategicon] Vote for GenCon West!
Group: dqn-list Message: 785 From: Archangel Date: 8/24/2002
Subject: Re: 3rd Edition Comments, and Alchemist Skill
Group: dqn-list Message: 786 From: King Rat Date: 8/27/2002
Subject: Re: 3rd Edition Comments, and Alchemist Skill
Group: dqn-list Message: 787 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/3/2002
Subject: Re: 3rd Edition Comments, and Alchemist Skill
Group: dqn-list Message: 788 From: Archangel Date: 9/4/2002
Subject: Re: 3rd Edition Comments, and Alchemist Skill
Group: dqn-list Message: 789 From: Archangel Date: 9/4/2002
Subject: Re: 3rd Edition Comments, and Alchemist Skill
Group: dqn-list Message: 790 From: Stephen Lister Date: 9/4/2002
Subject: Re: 3rd Edition Comments, and Alchemist Skill
Group: dqn-list Message: 791 From: Archangel Date: 9/4/2002
Subject: Re: 3rd Edition Comments
Group: dqn-list Message: 792 From: S.M. Kelley Date: 9/4/2002
Subject: Re: 3rd Edition Comments, and Alchemist Skill
Group: dqn-list Message: 793 From: Brad Hakala Date: 9/5/2002
Subject: Flame War...
Group: dqn-list Message: 794 From: D. Cameron King Date: 9/5/2002
Subject: Re: 3rd Edition Comments
Group: dqn-list Message: 795 From: Anthony N. Emmel Date: 9/5/2002
Subject: Re: 3rd Edition Comments
Group: dqn-list Message: 796 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/5/2002
Subject: Re: 3rd Edition Comments, and Alchemist Skill
Group: dqn-list Message: 797 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/5/2002
Subject: Re: 3rd Edition Comments, and Alchemist Skill
Group: dqn-list Message: 798 From: William Hough Date: 9/5/2002
Subject: Let's be Cool
Group: dqn-list Message: 799 From: William Hough Date: 9/5/2002
Subject: Answer to Mr. Kelley's Question
Group: dqn-list Message: 800 From: Stephen Lister Date: 9/5/2002
Subject: Re: Flame War...
Group: dqn-list Message: 801 From: S.M. Kelley Date: 9/5/2002
Subject: Re: Flame War...
Group: dqn-list Message: 802 From: S.M. Kelley Date: 9/5/2002
Subject: Re: 3rd Edition Comments
Group: dqn-list Message: 803 From: S.M. Kelley Date: 9/5/2002
Subject: Re: 3rd Edition Comments, and Alchemist Skill
Group: dqn-list Message: 804 From: S.M. Kelley Date: 9/5/2002
Subject: Re: Answer to Mr. Kelley's Question
Group: dqn-list Message: 805 From: D. Cameron King Date: 9/5/2002
Subject: Re: Answer to Mr. Kelley's Question
Group: dqn-list Message: 806 From: Russ Jones Date: 9/5/2002
Subject: FW: [DQN-list] Answer to Mr. Kelley's Question

Group: dqn-list Message: 757 From: andy hopkins Date: 8/10/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
hi i seen you posted the dq rules and i do
have the room for the monster section and
that is the part i needdf to complete my
own copy of the book if you have that
sectoin i would be graetly indebited to you
if you could provide tht for me thanks andy


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Group: dqn-list Message: 758 From: D. Cameron King Date: 8/10/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
> > There isn't enough room for me to put it all so I didn't put
> > the Monsters section there, but if sombody had some extra disk
> > space I could send it there!

I've got a geocities page I'm not using. Contact me.

> > please download, mirror and distribute!
>I must admit to some curiosity as to thinking behind posting
>these files on Yahoo Groups, for two reasons, really.
>(1) Scanning in and distributing a book, even one that's out of
> print, is a clear violation of copyright law. It's almost
> certainly also against the Yahoo's usage rules, isn't it?

I'm sure it is.

>(2) Dialog Publishing's work seems to make these files a little
> irrelevant, at this point, no?

Who is "Dialog Publishing" and what work have they done?

>Just curious, really: I'm a newbie to this list, so I don't know
>the protocol around here for this sort of thing.
>I, for one, would feel a lot more comfortable if these were taken
>out of the file area. But I'm not a list moderator, or owner, and
>in the end it's there decision.

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Group: dqn-list Message: 759 From: davis john Date: 8/12/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
 Did a web search using 'google' and found their web page.  Low and behold 178 page pdf of 2nd edition rules with arcane wisdom slotted nicely into relevant bits plus frontiers of alusia including detailed bits of Thornewood and another area.  A very nice job indeed.  2Mb zipped file.  Certainly use this file on the lab top for DQ and save the covers of my rulebooks.  A number of other full games rule there as well.  Dont know how they have got around copyright etc.

>(2) Dialog Publishing's work seems to make these files a little
>     irrelevant, at this point, no?

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Group: dqn-list Message: 760 From: Date: 8/12/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
have you got a link for them?


> From: "davis john" <>
> Date: Sat 10/Aug/2002 18:21 GMT
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: [DQN-list] DQ rulebooks online
> Did a web search using 'google' and found their web page. Low and behold 178 page pdf of 2nd edition rules with arcane wisdom slotted nicely into relevant bits plus frontiers of alusia including detailed bits of Thornewood and another area. A very nice job indeed. 2Mb zipped file. Certainly use this file on the lab top for DQ and save the covers of my rulebooks. A number of other full games rule there as well. Dont know how they have got around copyright etc.
> John
> >(2) Dialog Publishing's work seems to make these files a little
> > irrelevant, at this point, no?
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Group: dqn-list Message: 761 From: John M. Kahane Date: 8/12/2002
Subject: Re: 3rd Edition Comments, and Alchemist Skill
Hullo, ArchAngel Kelley,

On Sat, 10 Aug 2002 16:19:34 -0000, archangelkelley wrote:

>This is an interesting thread to me as I have only beem playing DQ for about
>eight years and have only actually played DQ3 as it was the only edition redily
>available at the time.

For the most part, DQ v3 is still the only really readily
available edition of the game, although one can still find copies of
the seccond edition (and even the first edition) at auction sites and
collectible rpg game dealers.

>However I have read through both the second and first edition of DQ,
>both of which can be illegally downloaded from the net, and it seems
>to me as a both a game designer, and long time roleplayer that 3rd Edition
>is more streamlined, internally consistant, less hokey, montyhaul and
>adaptable than either 2nd or 1st edition.

So, let's have some examples of the streamlined, internally
consistent, less hokey, montyhaul, and adaptable aspects of the game,
please? :)

>With all of the readily available free information on the web it seems that
>you could adapt Third or any other edition to any thing you want.

I think that there are certain genres and certain fantasy
concepts that DRAGONQUEST will not work with, although an enterprising
GM could adapt them with a good deal of work. I'd love to see someone
try and use DQ to run Jack Vance's _Dying Earth_, for example.

That said, personally, I think the important thing is that
people are still playing and running DRAGONQUEST, regardless of what
edition it happens to be.

....."Good things come in small packages." - Pandora

web page:
Group: dqn-list Message: 762 From: Jason Winter Date: 8/12/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
Did a search and found the website as well. I don't see the file
though. I found the dragonquest section. Where on the site might I find it?

At 07:21 PM 8/10/02, you wrote:
> Did a web search using 'google' and found their web page. Low and
> behold 178 page pdf of 2nd edition rules with arcane wisdom slotted
> nicely into relevant bits plus frontiers of alusia including detailed
> bits of Thornewood and another area. A very nice job indeed. 2Mb zipped
> file. Certainly use this file on the lab top for DQ and save the covers
> of my rulebooks. A number of other full games rule there as well. Dont
> know how they have got around copyright etc.
> >(2) Dialog Publishing's work seems to make these files a little
> > irrelevant, at this point, no?
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Jason Winter
Group: dqn-list Message: 763 From: Viktor Haag Date: 8/12/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
davis john writes:
> Did a web search using 'google' and found their web page. Low
> and behold 178 page pdf of 2nd edition rules with arcane
> wisdom slotted nicely into relevant bits plus frontiers of
> alusia including detailed bits of Thornewood and another area.
> A very nice job indeed. 2Mb zipped file. Certainly use this
> file on the lab top for DQ and save the covers of my
> rulebooks. A number of other full games rule there as well.
> Dont know how they have got around copyright etc.

I suspect they have not. Althought it might be significant that
they're in New Zealand, as far as I know they're signatory to
Berne, so see first sentence.

Viktor Haag : Software & Information Design : Research In Motion
"This movie doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence
with barrels."
Group: dqn-list Message: 764 From: D. Cameron King Date: 8/12/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
> Did a web search using 'google' and found their web page. Low and behold
>178 page pdf of 2nd edition rules with arcane wisdom slotted nicely into
>relevant bits plus frontiers of alusia including detailed bits of
>Thornewood and another area. A very nice job indeed. 2Mb zipped file.
>Certainly use this file on the lab top for DQ and save the covers of my
>rulebooks. A number of other full games rule there as well. Dont know how
>they have got around copyright etc.

Would you mind giving a site address? I found and
the DragonQuest page, but the only things there are a Character Creation
Guide, Grievous Injury Translator, and Character Record Sheet. No 2nd
edition rules that I can find...

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Group: dqn-list Message: 765 From: davis john Date: 8/13/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
 Hi everyone, Just searched again and rules appear to have gone!! Says last update was 3rd August so maybe they took them off for legal reasons. 
Did a search and found the website as well.  I don't see the file
though.  I found the dragonquest section.  Where on the site might I find it?

At 07:21 PM 8/10/02, you wrote:
>  Did a web search using 'google' and found their web page.  Low and

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Group: dqn-list Message: 766 From: davis john Date: 8/13/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
Could it be uploaded this dqn list.  It is zipped 1.93Mb?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 12 August 2002 18:35
Subject: Re: Re: [DQN-list] DQ rulebooks online
have you got a link for them?


> From: "davis john" <>
> Date: Sat 10/Aug/2002 18:21 GMT
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: [DQN-list] DQ rulebooks online
>  Did a web search using 'google' and found their web page.  Low and behold 178 page pdf of 2nd edition rules with arcane wisdom slotted nicely into relevant bits plus frontiers of alusia including detailed bits of Thornewood and another area.  A very nice job indeed.  2Mb zipped file.  Certainly use this file on the lab top for DQ and save the covers of my rulebooks.  A number of other full games rule there as well.  Dont know how they have got around copyright etc.
> John
> >(2) Dialog Publishing's work seems to make these files a little
> >     irrelevant, at this point, no?
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Group: dqn-list Message: 767 From: Viktor Haag Date: 8/13/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
D. Cameron King writes:
> Would you mind giving a site address? I found
> and the DragonQuest page, but the only
> things there are a Character Creation Guide, Grievous Injury
> Translator, and Character Record Sheet. No 2nd edition rules
> that I can find...

Yup -- it has been removed. Perhaps they got a note from
someone's lawyer.

Group: dqn-list Message: 768 From: viktor_haag Date: 8/13/2002
Subject: Fatigue Loss and Recovery question
In the section about Fatigue Loss and Recovery, it says that a
fatigued character can continue to act by making "Willpower Checks"
every (2 x Endurance) minutes, and that an exhausted character must
make a "Willpower Check" to engage in any sort of strenuous exercise.

My question is -- what do people read by the phrase "Willpower
Check"? Is that (Willpower x 2), (Willpower x 3), or is it judged by
the referee at the time of the roll, based on the action the player
wants to take?

The rules in "Effects of Damage" state that to recover from being
stunned is ((Willpower x 2) + Remaining Fatigue), so (Willpower x
3) seems reasonable.

Nowhere can I find something that gives a multiplier as a "standard
Check" value, but given the range .5 through 5, x3 seems appropriate.

Comments? (Is this the right list to post this question to?)

Group: dqn-list Message: 769 From: runeshaper Date: 8/13/2002
Subject: I put the other file here
those guys took down there copy of the DQ rules. it even had the
other colleges and maps and other stuff too. so I made a copy here
fore everone to use and download it now while u can!
Group: dqn-list Message: 770 From: lofenloc Date: 8/13/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
--- In dqn-list@y..., "D. Cameron King" <monarchy2000@h...> wrote:
> > Did a web search using 'google' and found their web page. Low
and behold
> >178 page pdf of 2nd edition rules with arcane wisdom slotted nicely
> >relevant bits plus frontiers of alusia including detailed bits of
> >Thornewood and another area. A very nice job indeed. 2Mb zipped
> >Certainly use this file on the lab top for DQ and save the covers
of my
> >rulebooks. A number of other full games rule there as well. Dont
know how
> >they have got around copyright etc.
> Would you mind giving a site address? I found and
> the DragonQuest page, but the only things there are a Character
> Guide, Grievous Injury Translator, and Character Record Sheet. No
> edition rules that I can find...
> _________________________________________________________________
> Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device:

The file that was on the page was apparently
removed. Maybe the copyright lawyers caught up with them. I was able
to download the pdf file last month before it went away.
Group: dqn-list Message: 771 From: Rune Magus Date: 8/13/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
I put the other files on dqn-list files area and also
the other one that is gone now. u can download and
copy to your pages too.

--- "D. Cameron King" <>
> > > There isn't enough room for me to put it all so
> I didn't put
> > > the Monsters section there, but if sombody had
> some extra disk
> > > space I could send it there!
> I've got a geocities page I'm not using. Contact
> me.
> > > please download, mirror and distribute!
> >
> >I must admit to some curiosity as to thinking
> behind posting
> >these files on Yahoo Groups, for two reasons,
> really.
> >
> >(1) Scanning in and distributing a book, even one
> that's out of
> > print, is a clear violation of copyright law.
> It's almost
> > certainly also against the Yahoo's usage
> rules, isn't it?
> I'm sure it is.
> >(2) Dialog Publishing's work seems to make these
> files a little
> > irrelevant, at this point, no?
> Who is "Dialog Publishing" and what work have they
> done?
> >Just curious, really: I'm a newbie to this list, so
> I don't know
> >the protocol around here for this sort of thing.
> >
> >I, for one, would feel a lot more comfortable if
> these were taken
> >out of the file area. But I'm not a list moderator,
> or owner, and
> >in the end it's there decision.
> Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device:

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Group: dqn-list Message: 772 From: b0g_gle Date: 8/13/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
--- In dqn-list@y..., "D. Cameron King" <monarchy2000@h...> wrote:
> > Did a web search using 'google' and found their web page. Low
and behold
> >178 page pdf of 2nd edition rules with arcane wisdom slotted
nicely into
> >relevant bits plus frontiers of alusia including detailed bits of
> >Thornewood and another area. A very nice job indeed. 2Mb zipped
> >Certainly use this file on the lab top for DQ and save the covers
of my
> >rulebooks. A number of other full games rule there as well. Dont
know how
> >they have got around copyright etc.
> Would you mind giving a site address? I found and
> the DragonQuest page, but the only things there are a Character
> Guide, Grievous Injury Translator, and Character Record Sheet. No
> edition rules that I can find...

Not surprised you had trouble finding it. They've deleted the link
to it from their web page (scared of the number of downloads it was

You can still find the link cached on Goggle's version of the page.
Do the search as per normal and then click on the word "cached" just
below the real link. (Cached pages on google are actually really
quick to download - it worth using them first anyway!)


Group: dqn-list Message: 773 From: Rune Magus Date: 8/13/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
I put it here because no one is making these books
anymore. So why pay ebay gougers too much money for
it? Plus the other one is already gone and no one
else can see it on there site but I put a copy of it
here too. Everyone can get a copy and play DQ! If
moderators want to take it down they can. get a copy
now and post online so everyone can have a copy.
--- Viktor Haag <> wrote:
> runeshaper writes:
> > I've posted the rulebooks for everyone here:
> >
> >
> >
> > There isn't enough room for me to put it all so I
> didn't put
> > the Monsters section there, but if sombody had
> some extra disk
> > space I could send it there!
> >
> > please download, mirror and distribute!
> I must admit to some curiosity as to thinking behind
> posting
> these files on Yahoo Groups, for two reasons,
> really.
> (1) Scanning in and distributing a book, even one
> that's out of
> print, is a clear violation of copyright law.
> It's almost
> certainly also against the Yahoo's usage rules,
> isn't it?
> (2) Dialog Publishing's work seems to make these
> files a little
> irrelevant, at this point, no?
> Just curious, really: I'm a newbie to this list, so
> I don't know
> the protocol around here for this sort of thing.
> I, for one, would feel a lot more comfortable if
> these were taken
> out of the file area. But I'm not a list moderator,
> or owner, and
> in the end it's there decision.
> --
> Viktor

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Group: dqn-list Message: 774 From: runeshaper Date: 8/14/2002
Subject: DQ Files
I have been asked to move the DQ files so they are in my new group
called Dragonquestfiles. It is a yahoo group and everyone can join
and get the files there.

Group: dqn-list Message: 775 From: jflowers1965 Date: 8/14/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
Hi all,

Didn't mean to trigger so much debate. To avoid confusion...

Actually I took it (the aforementioned rules) off my site because it
was still full of errata, formatting and numbering errors from
incorporating AW into the mix.

The intent of the work was, and still is, to have a *complete*
version of the Second Edition rulebook in a format that would easily
allow additional house rules, or submitted content, to be added and

The version on this site is riddled with errors (

Also, note that the content of the document has been changed from
the original, so it's definitely not a "pure" Second Edition. This
is intentional--while I'm not an expert in grammar, I know what I
like in a set of rules and am working toward producing a version of
the DQ rules that suits my purposes.

This may also suit others, perhaps not.

In answer to separate email questions I have received? I haven't
purchased the rules from the current owners. Would love to, but
haven't (and I know others have also tried...) been able to. Yes, it
probably is a breach of copyright, but see the content on
dq_rules... And AW has been downloadable for years in various forms.
If the authors have a problem, I will remove the offending work
forthwith, but in the interim... I have yet to add the appropriate
credits page--but it is in the pipeline.

In addition, the document is in protected PDF format. WYSIWYG. And
yes, I know it can be cracked, but I will not be posting any
editable (read: DOC) versions.

I have a more recent version forthcoming. This will be on my site in
the near future.

Hope this clears things up (not opens up more cans of worms...

Take care, JAMES
Group: dqn-list Message: 776 From: John_Rauchert Date: 8/15/2002
Subject: Re: DQ Files
A couple of emails were received having difficulty finding the
runeshaper files group, below is the link and pertinent information.

John F. Rauchert, co-moderator DQN-List.

--- In dqn-list@y..., "runeshaper" <runeshaper@y...> wrote:
> I have been asked to move the DQ files so they are in my new group
> called Dragonquestfiles. It is a yahoo group and everyone can join
> and get the files there.
> RuneShaper

The direct link to this group is the following:

the files area contains:

Under the Bantam 2nd Edition PDF folder is:
DQBook1a.pdf Character Creation
DQBook1b.pdf Combat and Weapons
DQBook2a.pdf Magic and Colleges
DQBook2b.pdf Greater Summonings and Demons
DQBook3a.pdf Skills
DQBook3b.pdf Monsters
DQBook3c.pdf Adventure


From: Martin Gallo <>
Date: Wed Aug 14, 2002 1:38pm
Subject: Re: [DQN-list] DQ Files

I tried to find the group, but it does not appear to exist yet.

From: "D. Cameron King" <>
Date: Wed Aug 14, 2002 5:13pm
Subject: Re: [DQN-list] DQ Files

I can't find your group.

Is the Monsters section going to be available there? I still have
geocities space available if you want to use it...
Group: dqn-list Message: 777 From: D. Cameron King Date: 8/15/2002
Subject: Re: Fatigue Loss and Recovery question
>In the section about Fatigue Loss and Recovery, it says that a
>fatigued character can continue to act by making "Willpower Checks"
>every (2 x Endurance) minutes, and that an exhausted character must
>make a "Willpower Check" to engage in any sort of strenuous exercise.

Not quite. What it says is that an exhausted character (i.e., one
whose Fatigue Points are reduced to zero) can continue to exercise
at any rate less than Strenuous for a period of time during which
he would normally expend, if he had them, one-half of his initial
Fatigue Points. This requires no Willpower Check at all. If he
attempts to engage in Strenuous Exercise, however, he must first
succeed at a Willpower Check. At the end of this period of time
during which he would normally expend, if he had them, one-half of
his initial Fatigue Points, and every (2 x EN) minutes thereafter
(if he continues to exercise at *any* rate), he must succeed at
Willpower Checks every (2 x EN) minutes or collapse.

>My question is -- what do people read by the phrase "Willpower
>Check"? Is that (Willpower x 2), (Willpower x 3), or is it judged by
>the referee at the time of the roll, based on the action the player
>wants to take?

It's a stat check as explained in [4.1], and thus the Difficulty
Factor should be based on the action the player wants to take.

>The rules in "Effects of Damage" state that to recover from being
>stunned is ((Willpower x 2) + Remaining Fatigue), so (Willpower x
>3) seems reasonable.
>Nowhere can I find something that gives a multiplier as a "standard
>Check" value, but given the range .5 through 5, x3 seems appropriate.

I'd assign the Difficulty Factor based on the rate of exercise
attempted: 1.0 for Strenuous, 2.0 for Hard, 3.0 for Medium, and
4.0 for Light. (5.0 would be the appropriate DF for "leisurely
walking" or less, if any Check were required to engage in such

>Comments? (Is this the right list to post this question to?)

I can't think of a better place to post this question. :-)

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Group: dqn-list Message: 778 From: Deven Atkinson Date: 8/17/2002
Subject: Re: Fatigue Loss and Recovery question
Not only is this the best place to ask this kind of question, it is the best
place to get the best, and correct, answer!

----- Original Message -----
From: "D. Cameron King" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: [DQN-list] Fatigue Loss and Recovery question

> >In the section about Fatigue Loss and Recovery, it says that a
> >fatigued character can continue to act by making "Willpower Checks"
> >every (2 x Endurance) minutes, and that an exhausted character must
> >make a "Willpower Check" to engage in any sort of strenuous exercise.
> Not quite. What it says is that an exhausted character (i.e., one
> whose Fatigue Points are reduced to zero) can continue to exercise
> at any rate less than Strenuous for a period of time during which
> he would normally expend, if he had them, one-half of his initial
> Fatigue Points. This requires no Willpower Check at all. If he
> attempts to engage in Strenuous Exercise, however, he must first
> succeed at a Willpower Check. At the end of this period of time
> during which he would normally expend, if he had them, one-half of
> his initial Fatigue Points, and every (2 x EN) minutes thereafter
> (if he continues to exercise at *any* rate), he must succeed at
> Willpower Checks every (2 x EN) minutes or collapse.
> >My question is -- what do people read by the phrase "Willpower
> >Check"? Is that (Willpower x 2), (Willpower x 3), or is it judged by
> >the referee at the time of the roll, based on the action the player
> >wants to take?
> It's a stat check as explained in [4.1], and thus the Difficulty
> Factor should be based on the action the player wants to take.
> >The rules in "Effects of Damage" state that to recover from being
> >stunned is ((Willpower x 2) + Remaining Fatigue), so (Willpower x
> >3) seems reasonable.
> >
> >Nowhere can I find something that gives a multiplier as a "standard
> >Check" value, but given the range .5 through 5, x3 seems appropriate.
> I'd assign the Difficulty Factor based on the rate of exercise
> attempted: 1.0 for Strenuous, 2.0 for Hard, 3.0 for Medium, and
> 4.0 for Light. (5.0 would be the appropriate DF for "leisurely
> walking" or less, if any Check were required to engage in such
> activity.)
> >Comments? (Is this the right list to post this question to?)
> I can't think of a better place to post this question. :-)
> _________________________________________________________________
> Join the world's largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
Group: dqn-list Message: 779 From: Viktor Haag Date: 8/17/2002
Subject: Re: DQ rulebooks online
Rune Magus writes:
> I put it here because no one is making these books
> anymore. So why pay ebay gougers too much money for
> it?

Because someone (Hasbro) owns the rights to copy that material,
and it's their decision as to whether they want to distribute
copies or not.

> Plus the other one is already gone and no one else can see it
> on there site but I put a copy of it here too. Everyone can
> get a copy and play DQ! If moderators want to take it down
> they can. get a copy now and post online so everyone can have
> a copy.

I believe that encouraging others to break the law is, in some
jurisdictions, itself an offence.

Anyhoo, getting off my hobby horse now. Still hoping someone can
provide an answer to my question about Fatigue Loss and
Recovery... 8)

Group: dqn-list Message: 780 From: William Hough Date: 8/17/2002
Subject: Re: Fatigue Loss and Recovery question

Speaking from a strictly neutral viewpoint (I do not
bother with the Encumbrance rules), I would say that,
as the gamesmaster, it is your decision.

After reviewing the following sections in the 2nd
Edition Rules (3.6, 4.1, 19, 64.1, and all of 82,
especially 82.6), I did in fact find the use of the
words "Willpower check" defined in 64.1, describing
the resistance procedure against rolling on the Fright
Table when encountering particularly ugly monsters:

[64.1] "...Whenever characters encounter a
monster whose Physical Beauty is less than 6, they
must make a Willpower check of (4 x Willpower)..."

Looks like the rules agree with your interpretation.

I have also consulted with two other GMs who run
DragonQuest with a fair degree of regularity. Only one
uses the Encumbrance rules, the other, like me, has a
much simpler method for dealing with too much stuff
carried by characters. The one who uses the
Encumbrance rules agrees as well; his "Willpower
check" for his game is 3 x Willpower for exhausted
characters to exert themselves.

As a rather interesting aside to the subject, you may
be intrigued to learn that the rules for Stun recovery
vary from edition to edition.

- The Bantam version of 2nd Edition states, in rule 19
(The Effects of Damage) that the chance of recovery is
equal to (2 x Willpower) plus current Fatigue.

- The non-Bantam version of 2nd Edition (published by
SPI directly) states in rule 19 that the chance of
recovery is equal to Willpower (x 1!) plus current

- Finally, the 3rd Edition (TSR) states, in the very
same procedure, that the chance of recovery is equal
to (3 x Willpower) plus current Fatigue.

Food for thought, and good day.

Pat Hough

P.S. I'm OK with your question posted on this
newsgroup but you may also want to try dqn-rules next

Viktor Haag said:

In the section about Fatigue Loss and Recovery, it
says that a fatigued character can continue to act by
making "Willpower Checks" every (2 x
Endurance)minutes, and that an exhausted character
must make a "Willpower Check" to engage in any sort of
strenuous exercise.

My question is -- what do people read by the phrase
"Willpower Check"? Is that (Willpower x 2), (Willpower
x 3), or is it judged by the referee at the time of
the roll, based on the action the player wants to

The rules in "Effects of Damage" state that to recover
from being stunned is ((Willpower x 2) + Remaining
Fatigue), so (Willpower x 3) seems reasonable.

Nowhere can I find something that gives a multiplier
as a "standard Check" value, but given the range .5
through 5, x3 seems appropriate.

Comments? (Is this the right list to post this
question to?)

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Group: dqn-list Message: 781 From: lord_kjeran Date: 8/17/2002
Subject: Expanded Armor Table?

I once found an expanded armor table on the Net, bt can't seem to
find the link now. Anyone know where it is?


Group: dqn-list Message: 782 From: Viktor Haag Date: 8/20/2002
Subject: Re: Fatigue Loss and Recovery question
Deven Atkinson writes:
> Not only is this the best place to ask this kind of question,
> it is the best place to get the best, and correct, answer!

'scool; I was kinda wondering whether the 'dq rules' list
wouldn't be a better place...

Viktor Haag : Software & Information Design : Research In Motion
"Everytime I see you grin, I'm such a koo koo individual... "
Group: dqn-list Message: 783 From: John_Rauchert Date: 8/22/2002
Subject: DQN Archive gets Search Interface
Using Google's search engine the DragonQuest Newsletter Archive has
now has a simple fulltext search interface.

Just enter your keywords and your search is automatically narrowed to
results found within the newsletter archive.

John F. Rauchert, Co-moderator DQN-List
Group: dqn-list Message: 784 From: Greg Walters Date: 8/23/2002
Subject: Fw: [strategicon] Vote for GenCon West!
Those of us on the west coast of the continental United States might benefit from this.

Greg W.

----- Original Message -----
From: "virtualelder" <>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2002 06:57:48 -0000
Subject: [strategicon] Vote for GenCon West!

> The new owners of the GenCon game convention are mulling over a West
> coast version of GenCon. Go to here...

... to send in your comments.
> Inform all the gamers you know about this and maybe, just maybe, we
> can get GenCon out here.
> - Denys
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Group: dqn-list Message: 785 From: Archangel Date: 8/24/2002
Subject: Re: 3rd Edition Comments, and Alchemist Skill

Hullo Mr. Kahane

     Sorry, I don't check out the mail very often. So what I meant by More streamlined (or mor compact if you wish) is that the entire game is now in one volume, instead of several small books, colleges which seemed to introduce magic rules contrary to the designers previous colleges (ie. Greater summonings and Dark Magic) were removed... which also removed the hokiness value of these seriously monty haul spell colleges... and spell cast chances were altered so that some of the more abusable and overly powerful spells became less easy to abuse to to lower, even negative cast chances... therefore providing game balance. This is just my opinion, you may of course disagree if you like, most people who like second or even first edition do, lthough they can never explain what heroic characters would need or gain from the two removed colleges, and a creative GM can come up with far more sinister and less unbalancing effects for the bad guys anyway. As for adaptable, I have managed to adapt much of the rolemaster/Merp material to use in my DQ campaign as well as some Chivalry and sorcery, Gurps, and Dnd (including Magic
Items, monsters and NPC's). That's about it for now, as I stated before, this is MHO, I didn't like the material removed anyway, it was unbalanceing and unnecessary , and I like the need to work harder for certain spells, skills etc, as well as wording changes in certain parts of the book, other than thta it seems identicle to 2nd ed, and can pretty much be used close to interchangably.

Come to me in my dreams and then,
by Day I shall be well again
For so the dark of night shall more than pay
the hopeless longing of the day...

All that is gold does not glitter
Not all those who wander are lost...

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Group: dqn-list Message: 786 From: King Rat Date: 8/27/2002
Subject: Re: 3rd Edition Comments, and Alchemist Skill
Interesting. Most of the reasons you cite you like 3rd edition are the
reasons I *dislike* it.

I happen to like playing Greater Summoners and Black Magicians (I always
would look bemused at the game's tagline, "A Game of Heroic (?) Adventure").
I also think that one spell aside (Summon Efreet), the 2nd edition cast
chances were acceptable, especially if one were to play by the 'must cast
successfully to advance in Rank' rule. 10 hours for the loving right of
attempting to kill yourself for a few Ranks in a worthwhile spell seems like
a bad bet.

To each their own, and happy gaming!

----Original Message Follows----
From: Archangel <>
Subject: Re: [DQN-list] Re: 3rd Edition Comments, and Alchemist Skill
Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2002 07:14:57 -0700 (PDT)

Hullo Mr. Kahane
Sorry, I don't check out the mail very often. So what I meant by More
streamlined (or mor compact if you wish) is that the entire game is now in
one volume, instead of several small books, colleges which seemed to
introduce magic rules contrary to the designers previous colleges (ie.
Greater summonings and Dark Magic) were removed... which also removed the
hokiness value of these seriously monty haul spell colleges... and spell
cast chances were altered so that some of the more abusable and overly
powerful spells became less easy to abuse to to lower, even negative cast
chances... therefore providing game balance. This is just my opinion, you
may of course disagree if you like, most people who like second or even
first edition do, lthough they can never explain what heroic characters
would need or gain from the two removed colleges, and a creative GM can come
up with far more sinister and less unbalancing effects for the bad guys
anyway. As for adaptable, I have managed to adapt much of the
rolemaster/Merp material to use in my DQ campaign as well as some Chivalry
and sorcery, Gurps, and Dnd (including Magic
Items, monsters and NPC's). That's about it for now, as I stated before,
this is MHO, I didn't like the material removed anyway, it was unbalanceing
and unnecessary , and I like the need to work harder for certain spells,
skills etc, as well as wording changes in certain parts of the book, other
than thta it seems identicle to 2nd ed, and can pretty much be used close to

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Group: dqn-list Message: 787 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/3/2002
Subject: Re: 3rd Edition Comments, and Alchemist Skill
Hullo, Archangel,

In a message of Sat, 24 Aug 2002 07:14:57 -0700 (PDT), you wrote,

> Sorry, I don't check out the mail very often.

Hey, it's all right... I don't have my answering e-mail as a priority in my life (other than at work, since that's a different context to begin with), so this message is somewhat...late as well. :)

>So what I meant by More streamlined (or mor compact if you wish) is that the
>entire game is now in one volume, instead of several small books,

Umm, err, the 2nd Edition of DRAGONQUEST was in one volume, but the volume was divided up into books, such as the Book of Magic, Character Generation and so forth. So that's not a valid point here.

>colleges which seemed to introduce magic rules contrary to the designers
>previous colleges (ie. Greater summonings and Dark Magic) were removed...
>which also removed the hokiness value of these seriously monty haul spell

The second edition of the game had no Colleges which "semed to introduce magic rules contrary to the designers' previous colleges." Necromantic Conjurations, Black Magic and Greater Summonings were part of both the 1st Edition and the 2nd Edition, and neither of these Colleges were "Monty Haul" Colleges at all. The 3rd Edition of the game, the TSR version of it, removed these Colleges for other reasons - primarily ones that had to do with the powers that be there no longer wishing to have Colleges that dealt with the "dark arts" in the game; their own D&D at the time had the same thing going on with it, as did most of the rpgs they were doing at the time.

>and spell cast chances were altered so that some of the more abusable and
>overly powerful spells became less easy to abuse to to lower, even negative
>cast chances...

The problem here is that Arcane Wisdom, the additional supplement on magic which had the design rules for talents, spells, and rituals also specified that spells cannot have a negative cast chance; if the spell in design were to have a negative cast chance, the spell must be designed as a ritual. Frankly, there aren't all that many abusable spells and rituals in the game, and to be honest, the costs to increase Ranks on these makes them all the more diifficult to achieve. And any common sense GM is likely to set limits on what spells that he or she deems too powerful the player can pick up.

>therefore providing game balance.

Game balance? So you're saying that a College like Water Magics is balanced when compared to Fire Magics or Ensorcelments and Enchantments? Riiiiight....

>This is just my opinion, you may of course disagree if you like,

Of course this is all opinion. When push comes to shove, the reasons you state for liking the 3rd Edition are exactly the reasons that most of us who prefer the 2nd Edition like that one better. And some of us have been running this game for over twenty years using the 2nd Edition, and have never really had any problems with the game mechanics or other stuff in it.

>As for adaptable, I have managed to adapt m uch of the rolemaster/Merp
>material to use in my DQ campaign as well as some Chivalry and sorcery,
>Gurps, and Dnd (including Magic Items, monsters and NPC's).

Ah, so you've gotten away from the mythology-based origins and designs of the DQ material? Oh well, that's okay too, since everyone will run their campaign differently.

Like you said, it's all a matter of opinion and subjectivity. :)

....."Oh, bother!" said Pooh, and deleted his message base.

     web page:   
Group: dqn-list Message: 788 From: Archangel Date: 9/4/2002
Subject: Re: 3rd Edition Comments, and Alchemist Skill


no, actually what I have done is go through Mythology and mythological books and create things that were more in line with exisiting mythological data bases.  Acurate Mythology is very impotant to me in fantasy games, and it was my personal opinion that while much in DQ was good, it could be improved upon, so I used all the resources at my disposal to attempt and do so. Your arguments do not seem to stand up to the DQ texts I have read, and while I liked the book of arcane knowledge, it was never published so I do not consider it to be cannon.

As far as the removed colleges not being against the grain of the rest of the colleges in the system, they had soecial abilites and requirements which from what I read were completly contrary to the other spell colleges in the same book.

I spent the last too many years since 1978 playing as many games as I can get my hands on, so while I haven't spent all of that time playing DQ, I have enjoyed it, and based on my experiences with hundreds of other systems, there are serious inconsistancies in the first and second edition, which does not mean I don't enjoy the game, it means it could be a lot better and that I like third edition better.. no room for rebtals or counter arguments, I don't expect you to like third edition and don't expect me to like first edition.

Ah, so you've gotten away from the mythology-based origins and designs of the DQ material? Oh well, that's okay too, since everyone will run their campaign differently.

 Sometimes it is just necessary to be silent, and rest in the fact that we are in the arms of God

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Group: dqn-list Message: 789 From: Archangel Date: 9/4/2002
Subject: Re: 3rd Edition Comments, and Alchemist Skill

Hey John, Just wanted to finish my e-mail to you becuase I got interupted and diodn't quite finsh... my remarks are interspersed so you might have to hunt.

 "John M. Kahane" wrote:

Umm, err, the 2nd Edition of DRAGONQUEST was in one volume, but the volume was divided up into books, such as the Book of Magic, Character Generation and so forth. So that's not a valid point here.

SHawn: Well actually it IS VALID.. ie, I never had access to 2nd edition, and the only copies I have are loose printed copies from the internet, very unwieldy to use, although I am spiral binding my Second edition revised with some other works that I have compiled. The copy of first edition which I have is coming apart and I got it from a friend, it is in two books, and I think  there may be other things missing... so having everything available in a single volume is necessary just fro the ability to smoothly teach people the system and run it.. Once I have about four copies of the second edition revised compiled them I will probably switch to using those, plus some of the mythological creatures I have converted or translated from literature. I may incorperate some of the information from poor Brendans Almanac as well, but I have not had the opportunity to read it

>colleges which seemed to introduce magic rules contrary to the designers
>previous colleges (ie. Greater summonings and Dark Magic) were removed...
>which also removed the hokiness value of these seriously monty haul spell

The second edition of the game had no Colleges which "semed to introduce magic rules contrary to the designers' previous colleges." Necromantic Conjurations, Black Magic and Greater Summonings were part of both the 1st Edition and the 2nd Edition, and neither of these Colleges were "Monty Haul" Colleges at all. The 3rd Edition of the game, the TSR version of it, removed these Colleges for other reasons - primarily ones that had to do with the powers that be there no longer wishing to have Colleges that dealt with the "dark arts" in the game; their own D&D at the time had the same thing going on with it, as did most of the rpgs they were doing at the time.

>and spell cast chances were altered so that some of the more abusable and
>overly powerful spells became less easy to abuse to to lower, even negative
>cast chances...
>therefore providing game balance.

Game balance? So you're saying that a College like Water Magics is balanced when compared to Fire Magics or Ensorcelments and Enchantments? Riiiiight....

Shawn Hmmm.. I have never had a single problem with running water magics, do you think it is too powerful  or too weak? I am interested to what what you would do to balnce it out either way.

>This is just my opinion, you may of course disagree if you like,

Of course this is all opinion. When push comes to shove, the reasons you state for liking the 3rd Edition are exactly the reasons that most of us who prefer the 2nd Edition like that one better. And some of us have been running this game for over twenty years using the 2nd Edition, and have never really had any problems with the game mechanics or other stuff in it.

Shawn: I disagree, if no one had any probelms with game mechanics then there would not be thousands of pages of material on the net. Just as an example, I have alway felt that the Military scientist got cheated when Adventuring skills were made, and apparently so do many other people because I have seen several modifications to the Skill on the net. In fact, I have seen house rules, skill modifications and mechanics changes in abundance, now while you may not use any of these, it is easy to see that everyone who has been playing for 20 years does not think the system is just fine. The main problem seems to be that a newbie is having problems with the system, and the old guard doesn't like it. One of the things I have most often read by people who have been playing since time began is that TSR didn't fix the things they thought needed fixed, so to tell me the mechanics are "just fine" disagrees greatly with what I have read, I just have different problems with the system thatn you do, but maybe later I will have some of the same ones... who knows. I like the system... I even like 2nd Edition (but NOT first) but I like 3rd edition a slight bit better.


 Sometimes it is just necessary to be silent, and rest in the fact that we are in the arms of God

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Group: dqn-list Message: 790 From: Stephen Lister Date: 9/4/2002
Subject: Re: 3rd Edition Comments, and Alchemist Skill
Archangel <archangelkell> wrote on 04/0
9/2002 03:37:38:

> Hey John, Just wanted to finish my e-mail to you becuase I got
> interupted and diodn't quite finsh... my remarks are interspersed so
> you might have to hunt. > "John M. Kahane" wrot
e: > Umm, err, the 2nd Edition of DRAGONQUEST was in one volume, but the
> volume was divided up into books, such as the Book of Magic,
> Character Generation and so forth. So that's not a valid point here.

> SHawn: Well actually it IS VALID.. ie, I never had access to 2nd
> edition, and the only copies I have are loose printed copies from
> the internet, very unwieldy to use, although I am spiral binding my
> Second edition revised with some other works that I have compiled.
> The copy of first edition which I have is coming apart and I got it
> from a friend, it is in two books, and I think there may be other
> things missing... so having everything available in a single volume
> is necessary just fro the ability to smoothly teach people the
> system and run it.. Once I have about four copies of the second
> edition revised compiled them I will probably switch to using those,
> plus some of the mythological creatures I have converted or
> translated from literature. I may incorperate some of the
> information from poor Brendans Almanac as well, but I have not had
> the opportunity to read it

Just because *YOU* created your version in more than one volume doesn't
make the point valid in any way. That's like saying "Oh, I cut mine into
confetti, and so it's inconvenient to use."

The OFFICIAL RELEASED version was in ONE (and only one) volume. That's how
it was published; that's how it was supplied. So your argument is, to put
it bluntly, a stinking pile of manure. QED.

(Apologies to everyone if this sounds rude, but the sheer arrogance of
this guy pissed me off.)

> Of course this is all opinion. When push comes to shove, the reasons
> you state for liking the 3rd Edition are exactly the reasons that
> most of us who prefer the 2nd Edition like that one better. And some
> of us have been running this game for over twenty years using the
> 2nd Edition, and have never really had any problems with the game
> mechanics or other stuff in it.
> Shawn: I disagree, if no one had any probelms with game mechanics
> then there would not be thousands of pages of material on the net.
> Just as an example, I have alway felt that the Military scientist
> got cheated when Adventuring skills were made, and apparently so do
> many other people because I have seen several modifications to the
> Skill on the net. In fact, I have seen house rules, skill
> modifications and mechanics changes in abundance, now while you may
> not use any of these, it is easy to see that everyone who has been
> playing for 20 years does not think the system is just fine. The
> main problem seems to be that a newbie is having problems with the
> system, and the old guard doesn't like it. One of the things I have
> most often read by people who have been playing since time began is
> that TSR didn't fix the things they thought needed fixed, so to tell
> me the mechanics are "just fine" disagrees greatly with what I have
> read, I just have different problems
with the system thatn you do,
> but maybe later I will have some of the same
s... who knows. I
> like the system... I even like 2nd Edition (but NOT first) but I
> like 3rd edition a slight bit better.>

And so your opinion is more valid than everyone else's? You, by virtue of
being you, are automatically right in all things?

The person whose opinions you're ripping apart politely stated that his
and your opinions differed, and that that was fine - everyone's will. Yet
you have the gall to tell him that he's outright wrong, and that he's
biased against you? Firstly, he didn't say that "it is easy to see that
everyone who has been playing for 20 years thinks the system is just
fine." He said that "some of us have been running this game for over
twenty years using the 2nd Edition, and have never really had any problems
with the game mechanics or other stuff in it."

Note that bit - *Some of us* Not everyone.

No game system is perfect. *EVERY* game system ever published has
thousands of pages of material on the web. There are house rules for every
game. That doesn't make them "bad" or "wrong" - it just means that
different people play the games different ways. You yourself stated that
you made changes to your beloved 3rd Edition - does that make it wrong and
not worth playing?

You're right - many people complain that TSR didn't fix things that needed
fixing. But you conveniently ignore the fact that most of those people
also state that TSR broke things that *didn't* need fixing, and should
have been left alone.

No-one here gives a damn how you play your game, or which version you
prefer. That's your business and your opinion, and you are fully entitled
to it. However I, and I'd guess many others, take offence when we are told
that our own opinions are wrong, simply because they don't agree with
yours. And worse, that the 'old guard' is causing problems for a 'newbie'
deliberately. That's crap. People here are simply stating their opinions,
just as you are, with the only difference being that they accept your
right to have an opinion and you don't return them that courtesy.

In case you're interested (which I doubt, as your own opinions seem to be
all that are important to you) I have played all three editions, and find
all of them to have different strengths and flaws. Those differences are
what give each version its own particular flavour, and I tend to use a
blend of what I consider best from all of them. So - what am I playing?
First, Second or Third Edition? Am I to be raised up because I play
exactly what you do? Or am I to be cast down because I don't? I'll let you
in on a secret - I DON'T CARE. I play what *I* and *my players* enjoy. And
whether you approve of it or not is completely irrelevant to us.

Stephen Lister
Group: dqn-list Message: 791 From: Archangel Date: 9/4/2002
Subject: Re: 3rd Edition Comments

Shawn                       No Stephen, you did not understand the purpose of my post, and you attacked for which I am sorry. I was merely talking with the other DQ lover to see why he felt as he did, he disagreed with my statements quite strongly, which is why I felt inclined expand upon my staetments so that he could do so on his and we could have an intelligent discource discussing which things he felt were valid and why, which were invalid and why and I can do the same. It is a long discussion, and I fully expect that he will rebut some if not all of what I have said. This will, I hope, bring some examples of what he would like to change into the conversation. You missed the entire point of the post which is in part but not whole, everyone makes modifications to suit their own needs so like every system it needs modification. Basically exactly what you stated. The apparent arrogance and rudeness you seem to display merely because you disagree with my opinon is luckily not the attitude of most players of this game, or even most people on the list thankfully. Most people seem to respect than anyone can post an opinon without being flamed. I was merely pointing out my opinon, and asking about inconsistences I saw in his (Johns) arguemnets against me. Since I am new and he is old at this, I thought he could explain his position of the college of water magics for example, and explain what if anything could be done to fix the imbalance he percieved. If you felt any of my comments were directed at you in some unseen way then I apologise that you were offended. From your reply it seems that you may be assuming some things about my statements which are not true... if I had meant to be rude, I assure you I would have used profanity and told everyone they were full of. Instead I disagreed, as I sometimes do when I don't share someones opinion.

                    As far as the second edition is concerned you missed the point of my post again.. my point is that the only way second edition has been available to me is in that form, I never had access to the "original second edition in a book", and in fact never new one existed as I started playing after third edition came out. ... I did not choose to make it that way, and I did not create anything. If you chose do see my staement as invalid becuase you had access to differnet rule sets than i, you are of course in your rights to do so.  I believe a DQ lover on the internet created the files I have access too, and the fact that I don't like having to use them that way, but perhaps once I have been able to bind them I may use them since the person spent a lot of time adding in material... now if it offends you that I want to bind them before I enjoy using or that I didn't have access to the real second edition as you did then I am sorry. It wasn't arogance, and there was no need to be rude, it is simply a fact that this is the only version that was ever available to me. I have never even seen and original copy of the second edition book, since most poeple I know who play second edition ,which is remarkably like third edition,  use a copy printed from the net. My point was also that if the second edition had been available to me in it's original form then I may have liked it better, although I still thought the special requirements for some of the removed colleges were out of the norm when compared to the colleges in the rest of the book, ie. comparing the College of Black magics to the College of fire magics was concerned. If they are consistant, then I am missing it, becuase they don't seem so to me... that is only an example.

And so your opinion is more valid than everyone else's? You, by virtue of
being you, are automatically right in all things?

Shawn       No, I never said that, however you did throughout this post. If you don't care what someone elses opinon is or what they do, than I wonder why you would even take the time to attack them with a responce. I obviously offended you by having a differing opinion which was not the purpose at all. All I said was that I disagre and stated why, it wasn't an attack, it was merely a statement of opinon, I can state my opinons and hear other peoples opinions at the same time without becomeing emotionally distraught or attached to them. As a matter of fact, I used to hate DQ entirely, but several people with whom I have had wonderful disagreements about the system were able to convince me it was worth trying. As I stated, I enjoy the system, so I don't see what the attack is all about.. I certainly wasn't disagreeing with you, I don't even remember talking to you before. No I did not say he was wrong, I said I disagree, and that is neither a staement of right or wrong, as I said earllier, I fully expect he will send a reply and state more completly what he meant, which is unfortunatly how internet discussions must be conducted. I fully expect that after talking to a calm and well spoken player and GM of DQ that perhaps some of my opinions may change as they have in the past, I am not attached to opinons that can be logically argued away. I do however, expect that they be argued away by example.
   I value the opinions that people on this DQ list have, except when they seem to be as inflamitory as this one, and yes I have had problems with some people, like yourself, becomeing rude because I disagree with them, many of them from the "old guard of DQ". ... My opinion was asked for by the person with whom I was speaking, I believe his name is John, and I was doing my best to give it. It does not mean however, that I disvalue the things he is saying, in fact, during every conversation, I am flipping through my rule books and comparing what he says and what I say so that I can try to have a good frame of reference since mine is different from his. It doesn't always work however. I believe he has been playing from first edition and I only came in at third, so it would be somtimes difficult for me to understand his frame of referenece and visa versa.  Again, I appologise that you were obviously quite offended that I would try to rebut John's arguements with what I experienced. I appologise if you think I disvalue your opinon. As far as I know, I have never heard your opinon on DQ rules, and I would never disvalue it, although I might differ with it at times.

  Now, you stated that I was ignoring the fact that people said that TSR broke DQ or some similar thing? I don't remember the exact phrase so forgive me. No I wasn't ignoring that, I have never heard anyone say that, or perhaps I just missed it... so I will pose the question to John tell me what things you feel TSR broke, what were they like before being broken, and why do you feel that they were obviously better before hand. Were the things broken necessary to the game mechanics or were they aditional items which added flavor to the game but the game could still be played without them? WHat things was it that poeple hoped TSR would change in the third edition becuase no one has ever stated that either and I am curious to hear.

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Group: dqn-list Message: 792 From: S.M. Kelley Date: 9/4/2002
Subject: Re: 3rd Edition Comments, and Alchemist Skill

Now this seems interesting Stephen, hmmm, I am a bit curious...

    Which things are strengths of say first edition vice second or third, andwhich things in third are strengths or weaknesses concerning the other two in your opinon? Since you are using a combined version of Dq, as I am sure many people though not all are attempting to do, which things have you combined for your use, and why do you prefer them?



 Stephen Lister wrote:

I have played all three editions, and find
all of them to have different strengths and flaws. Those differences are
what give each version its own particular flavour, and I tend to use a
blend of what I consider best from all of them.

 Sometimes it is just necessary to be silent, and rest in the fact that we are in the arms of God

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Group: dqn-list Message: 793 From: Brad Hakala Date: 9/5/2002
Subject: Flame War...
Can this argument please be taken to private email rather than broadcast
to the entire list? This ground has been covered.

Group: dqn-list Message: 794 From: D. Cameron King Date: 9/5/2002
Subject: Re: 3rd Edition Comments
>From: Archangel <>
>No Stephen, you did not understand the purpose of my post

The purpose of your posts seems to be to annoy and provoke others.
Sadly, it's working. I suggest that everyone simply ignore any
further posts from Shawn on this topic.

>and you attacked for which I am sorry. I was merely talking with
>the other DQ lover to see why he felt as he did, he disagreed with
>my statements quite strongly, which is why I felt inclined expand
>upon my staetments so that he could do so on his and we could have
>an intelligent discource discussing which things he felt were
>valid and why, which were invalid and why and I can do the same.
>It is a long discussion, and I fully expect that he will rebut
>some if not all of what I have said. This will, I hope, bring some
>examples of what he would like to change into the conversation.
>You missed the entire point of the post which is in part but not
>whole, everyone makes modifications to suit their own needs so
>like every system it needs modification. Basically exactly what
>you stated. The apparent arrogance and rudeness you seem to
>display merely because you disagree with my opinon is luckily not
>the attitude of most players of this game, or even most people on
>the list thankfully.

The only person who has been arrogant or rude so far is you,

>Most people seem to respect than anyone can post an opinon
>without being flamed.

You haven't been "flamed." Others have politely disagreed with
you. That's all.

>I was merely pointing out my
>opinon, and asking about inconsistences I saw in his (Johns)
>arguemnets against me. Since I am new and he is old at this, I
>thought he could explain his position of the college of water
>magics for example, and explain what if anything could be done to
>fix the imbalance he percieved. If you felt any of my comments
>were directed at you in some unseen way then I apologise that you
>were offended. From your reply it seems that you may be assuming
>some things about my statements which are not true... if I had
>meant to be rude, I assure you I would have used profanity and
>told everyone they were full of. Instead I disagreed, as I
>sometimes do when I don't share someones opinion.
>As far as the second edition is concerned you missed the point
>of my post again.. my point is that the only way second edition
>has been available to me is in that form, I never had access to
>the "original second edition in a book", and in fact never new
>one existed as I started playing after third edition came out.

This is completely irrelevant. You complained that the 2nd
edition was broken up into different books. The fact is that
the 2nd edition was NOT so published. That it has only been
available *to you* in that form is not a valid criticism of
the 2nd edition rules!

<snip remainder>

>My point was also that if the second edition had been available
>to me in it's original form then I may have liked it better,

If that was your point, I missed it, too.

>although I still thought the special requirements for some of
>the removed colleges were out of the norm when compared to the
>colleges in the rest of the book, ie. comparing the College of
>Black magics to the College of fire magics was concerned. If
>they are consistant, then I am missing it, becuase they don't
>seem so to me... that is only an example.

An example of WHAT? You haven't given any basis for your opinion.
You think the College of Black Magics is overpowered or "Monty
Haul." Fine. All of us agree that you have the right to think
so. Some of us disagree with you. Now, if you really want to
have a discussion about it, you should start by giving a specific
example of how Black Magics is overpowered (e.g., "46G-3 is too
powerful because it has a Base Chance of 60, while the Earth
Magics version, 43G-5, has a Base Chance of only 50 with the
same Experience Multiple.").

>If you don't care what someone elses opinon is or what they do,
>than I wonder why you would even take the time to attack them with
>a responce. I obviously offended you by having a differing opinion
>which was not the purpose at all. All I said was that I disagre
>and stated why, it wasn't an attack, it was merely a statement of
>opinon, I can state my opinons and hear other peoples opinions at
>the same time without becomeing emotionally distraught or attached
>to them.

You wrote: "...there are serious inconsistancies in the first and
second edition, which does not mean I don't enjoy the game, it means
it could be a lot better and that I like third edition better.. no
room for rebtals or counter arguments,"

If there is, in your mind, "no room" for rebuttals or counter-
arguments, why are you asking for other opinions? You think there
are "serious inconsistancies" in the 2nd edition. No one begrudges
you that opinion. Some of us do not share it, however, and this
seems to be a problem for you. WHY, I have no idea!


>I am not attached to opinons that can be logically argued away.
>I do however, expect that they be argued away by example.

Try to understand: we don't CARE if you agree with us. If you
would like to point to some *specific* problem with the 2nd ed.
rules and ask us for our opinions, I'm sure we'd give them.
But if you're just going to claim that there are "serious
inconsistancies" (without bothering to tell us what you think
they are) and expect us to "argue away" that statement by
example, you're quite mistaken.

And if you're going to claims such as that the 2nd edition rules
are somehow deficient because *your* copy has been divided into
several volumes, prepare to be completely ignored.

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Group: dqn-list Message: 795 From: Anthony N. Emmel Date: 9/5/2002
Subject: Re: 3rd Edition Comments


 Archangel wrote:

  Now, you stated that I was ignoring the fact that people said that TSR broke DQ or some similar thing? I don't remember the exact phrase so forgive me. No I wasn't ignoring that, I have never heard anyone say that, or perhaps I just missed it...

Let me weigh in as someone who thinks that T$R broke DQ with 3e.

First, the penalties involved in being a non-human were doubled.

Two, the exclusion of the "dark arts" and the "negative cast chances" (already cited) was an attempt to bring a D&D style magic system into existance.  Nobody who knew anything about DQ was ever consulted.

The magic system in 2e was designed to have a "sword & sorcery" feel to it...not a classic fantasy style.  The colleges were never meant to be balanced.  The Namers especially, as per the design notes of Arcane Wisdom, were meant to be the most powerful mages.

Three, there was an early attempt made at "poltical correctness"--courtesan skill was changed to "courtier."  Assassin was excluded. Again, this is contrary to the S&S feel.

Four, there was never any attempt made to support the line (see below).  One (poorly done) module ("Shattered Statue"), set in the Forgooten Realms, does not constitute support by any strectch of the imagination.

The only reason T$R published DQ 3e was to retain control of the TM and copyright status.

I don't even have my 3e...I tossed onto the trash heap and burned it.  My 2e feel apart a few years back...I dismembered it, put the pages in protectors and put them into a binder.  Still more accessible than any other rpg on the market.

Just my thoughts....

Anthony N. Emmel

HMGMA# TX-1-00162-01

Yahoo! Messenger ID: lord_kjeran

�And suppose�suppose that when rationalism does go, it�s as if a bright dazzle has gone for a while and we could see�Dark magic�A universe of marvels where water flows uphill and trolls live in the deepest woods and dragons live under the mountains.�

Stephen King, The Stand

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Group: dqn-list Message: 796 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/5/2002
Subject: Re: 3rd Edition Comments, and Alchemist Skill
Hullo, Archangel,

In a message of Tue, 3 Sep 2002 10:01:49 -0700 (PDT), you said,

>>Ah, so you've gotten away from the mythology-based origins and
>>designs of the DQ material? Oh well, that's okay too, since everyone
>>will run their campaign differently.
>no, actually what I have done is go through Mythology and mythological books
>and create things that were more in line with exisiting mythological data bases.

DRAGONQUEST, in both the 1st and 2nd Editions, did exactly that.
D&D certainly did not.

>Acurate Mythology is very impotant to me in fantasy games, and it was
>my personal opinion that while much in DQ was good, it could be improved

So let's see some examples of this so-called "improvement."

>Your arguments do not seem to stand up to the DQ texts I have read,
>and while I liked the book of arcane knowledge, it was never

Of course it was published, otherwise how would playtesters have
been able to work with it and see it and playtest it? :)

>so I do not consider it to be cannon.

Moreso the pity for you then, especially given all the versions
of it available on the web.

>As far as the removed colleges not being against the grain of the rest
>of the colleges in the system, they had soecial abilites and requirements
>which from what I read were completly contrary to the other spell colleges
>in the same book.

Not at all. Most Colleges of magic used a monastic environment
to teach and train others. Black Magics and Necromancy could not do
this because of social mores and the like (although some cultures might
have encouraged them). But that's moot, since it's merely your
interpreting them that way that leads to your feeling they're wrong for
the game.

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Group: dqn-list Message: 797 From: John M. Kahane Date: 9/5/2002
Subject: Re: 3rd Edition Comments, and Alchemist Skill
Hullo, Archangel,

In a message of Tue, 3 Sep 2002 10:37:38 -0700 (PDT),

>>Umm, err, the 2nd Edition of DRAGONQUEST was in one volume,
>>but the volume was divided up into books, such as the Book of
>>Magic, Character Generation and so forth. So that's not a valid point here.
>Well actually it IS VALID.. ie, I never had access to 2nd edition,

It is still available on the internet through merchants such as Noble Knight Games or through auctions on eBay.

>and the only copies I have are loose printed copies from the internet, very
>unwieldy to use, although I am spiral binding my Second edition revised
>with some other works that I have compiled.

*sigh* Doesn't make my point any less valid at all.

> having everything available in a single volume is necessary just fro
>the ability to smoothly teach people the system and run it..

I don't teach people a game system, I let them experience it. Nothing beats experience with a system. The only rules the players have to know is those that pertain to creating their characters and understanding the magic system and the combat system and the actual game mechanics rules. Nothing more, nothing less. The purpose of the game is roleplaying, not roll-playing.

>Game balance? So you're saying that a College like Water Magics is
>balanced when compared to Fire Magics or Ensorcelments and
>Enchantments? Riiiiight....
>Hmmm.. I have never had a single problem with running water magics,
>do you think it is too powerful or too weak? I am interested to what
>what you would do to balnce it out either way.

What do you think DQ is, D&D? There never was a sense of balance to magic in the Colleges, and there never was intended to be. It's one thing to run a game where a player is playing a Water Mage. It's another thing to be the player playing the Water Mage. :)

>This is just my opinion, you may of course disagree if you like,

Of course it's your opinion. And of course, I disagree with it. :)

>>Of course this is all opinion. When push comes to shove, the reasons
>>you state for liking the 3rd Edition are exactly the reasons that most of
>>us who prefer the 2nd Edition like that one better. And some of us
>>have been running this game for over twenty years using the 2nd
>>Edition, and have never really had any problems with the game
>>mechanics or other stuff in it.

>I disagree, if no one had any probelms with game mechanics then
>there would not be thousands of pages of material on the net.

That's not a reason for there being a lot of DQ websites out there. That's related to the fact that people wanted to put websites up and liked the DQ system enough to put pages up devoted to that system. Besides, no game system is perfect - and if you think that one is, well, what can I say? :)

>Just as an example, I have alway felt that the Military scientist got
>cheated when Adventuring skills were made,

How so?

>and apparently so do many other people because I have seen several
>modifications to the Skill on the net.

I haven't, and I've surfed pretty much all the DQ sites in my time.

>In fact, I have seen house rules, skill modifications and mechanics changes
>in abundance,

So what? Everyone has House Rules that work for them, and Skill mods and mechanics changes are part of the game, especially given that it's not in print.

>now while you may not use any of these,

I use my own changes, plus the additional Colleges, Skills, and other material that I've added to the game system over the years.

>it is easy to see that everyone who has been playing for 20 years does
>not think the system is just fine.

You should really read over what I wrote above in the original statement before, you know. But someone else addressed that problem in their (albeit rude) post to you, so I won't go into that again.

>The main problem seems to be that a newbie is having problems with
>the system, and the old guard doesn't like it.

So why are you running DQ if you're having "such problems with the system"?

>One of the things I have most often read by people who have
>been playing since time began is that TSR didn't fix the things
>they thought needed fixed,

There's an old saying about "if it ain't broken, don't fix it." What TSR did was to breaking things that weren't broken to begin with.

>so to tell me the mechanics are "just fine" disagrees greatly with

But I've been using those mechanics for 20+ years, so... if it ain't broke, don't fix it. :)

>what I have read, I just have different problems with the system thatn
>you do, but maybe later I will have some of the same ones... who
>knows. I like the system... I even like 2nd Edition (but NOT first) but
>I like 3rd edition a slight bit better.

Like I said, different strokes for different folks. :)

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Group: dqn-list Message: 798 From: William Hough Date: 9/5/2002
Subject: Let's be Cool
Hmmm. This place is starting to sound like Slashdot.
Let's cool our heads, folks, as well as our
rapidly-typing fingers.

If I may be so bold, let us again review one of the
top five unwritten but established protocols of
e-transmission (includes chat rooms and particularly
message boards) that civilized folks have more or less
agreed upon. Many of us (I don't dare say "Most")
don't have a PC-cam or even a microphone hooked up to
our boxes or laptops and, in our emails and e-posts,
are therefore deprived of two essential cues of
communication that humans have become accustomed to
over the last 25,000 years: Tonal quality and facial
expression. All we've got left here in cyberspace are
the words.

I'm just asking for a little tolerance. The real
pisser about the so-called "Information Age" is that
you (meaning you, me, everyone) have to qualify every
word, every sentence in a futile effort not to offend
someone. And politically-correct sucks! That's right,
it sucks. It's a waste of our time and energy, and
instead of making us better communicators, it's
turning us into watchdogs. It's also the reason that
"IMHO" came into widespread use.

Alright, one qualifier, but that's all. To all
electronic wags: Please do not ask me what the other
four of the top five unwritten rules regarding
e-communication are. I haven't the faintest idea; I
just thought the use of it made good copy.


Pat Hough

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Group: dqn-list Message: 799 From: William Hough Date: 9/5/2002
Subject: Answer to Mr. Kelley's Question
--- "S.M. Kelley" <> wrote:
> Now this seems interesting Stephen, hmmm, I am a bit
> curious...
> Which things are strengths of say first edition
> vice second or third, andwhich things in third are
> strengths or weaknesses concerning the other two in
> your opinon? Since you are using a combined version
> of Dq, as I am sure many people though not all are
> attempting to do, which things have you combined for
> your use, and why do you prefer them?

OK, my assessment of 1st/2nd/3rd (sounds like someone
hit a triple in the bottom of the eighth inning):

I have to say that the only thing I use out of the 1st
edition are the Oriental weapons listed on the weapons
chart since every now and then an Oriental Adventures
dropout wants to play a ninja or samurai in my DQ

I used to think that APA (Action Point Allowance) in
the 1st edition was inferior to the present 2nd/3rd
combat system, being mostly replaced by TMR and
"Actions of (Non) Engaged Figures". But now I'm not so
sure. The one thing that impressed me about the
Fallout PC games was a similar system (also called
Action Points). It seems that assigning a certain
point value to various actions in DQ is not so
illogical. But I still don't use it. Perhaps 4th?

2nd Ed Strengths: A much stronger balance of magic
than in 3rd; there is as much "dark" as there is
"light". All spells have positive cast chances. And,
silly as it sounds, I prefer the actual photos of the
Tactical Display showing real miniatures in combat
examples versus the "overhead" drawings in the 3rd.
Plus, there's just an overall aura of fantasy that the
2nd seems to exude which the 3rd just falls short of;
maybe it's that TSR logo on 3rd's cover.

2nd Ed Weaknesses: Too much emphasis on balancing the
character races through their respective stat
adjustments; that was already accomplished with the
percentage chances to be that race. Example: Dwarves
(25%) with +2 to PS, not +4 as in 3rd. Wimpish. Too
low a chance to recover (WP + current FT in Bantam,
2xWP + current FT in non-Bantam); believe me,
statistically, the fact that 3 out of 5 PCs who never
recovered from their first moment of being Stunned and
ending up dead simply because the chance was too low
is a major bummer. Finally, even though I like 2nd ed
magic a lot better, the damned Fire College has GOT to
be toned down. 7 summoned efreets at the Adventurer
level? Every other pulse? Get the fugg outta here!

3rd Ed Strengths: Dwarves and Orcs now kick the ass
that Tolkien intended them too. Nice Shaping College.
It means magic items cost what they should cost, if
anyone can actually put such a thing as an SP value on
a truesilver glaive that can permanently shoot
DragonFlames (also, kind of a weakness as well...see
below). Can't offer opinion on Rune Magics; someday I
really oughtta read through that. Good idea to add an
Herb list along with their properties. Much better
chance to Recover from being Stunned...and people
still don't make that roll. Giant Glaive requires a 26
PS to wield in 3rd, as opposed to 22 in 2nd Edition
(no wonder no-one ever picked up the two handed sword
at +7 with it's max RK of 5 when they could have the
ass-kicking Giant Glaive at +9 with its max RK of 9).

3rd Ed Weaknesses: Hey, where are the Black Magics and
Greater Summonings Colleges? Caved in to the Moral
Majority, huh? Negative cast chances?? Naaaahhh...2nd
Edition is plenty low for my group, else how do you
explain liberal consultation of the Backfire Table
every other week? Again, statistically, if the
modified cast chance of a spell is less than 50%,
chances are excellent that the player will backfire
that spell at least 1 out of 4 times. Boy, nothing
like seeing a grown man cry over a Minor Curse...
Also, a poorly-edited book...folks, trust me, the
humble weasel does NOT do +4 damage with its
bite...very likely it was meant to be -4.


Here's what we use from each Edition:

1st: Oriental Weapons

2nd: All Magic, including rules governing the magic
system. This includes the Major Curse, Remove
Minor/Major Curse Rituals, and anything else remotely

3rd: All remaining rules, especially Combat, Skills,
and Adventuring sections. Also use the Shaping college
and any other college not found in 2nd. Monsters
too...sans the afore-mentioned weasel.


Pat Hough

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Group: dqn-list Message: 800 From: Stephen Lister Date: 9/5/2002
Subject: Re: Flame War...
I've said all I intend to on the subject.

Stephen Lister
And now, the sound of John Denver being strangled

Brad Hakala <> wrote on 05/09/2002 07:48:10:

> Can this argument please be taken to private email rather than broadcast
> to the entire list? This ground has been covered.
> Omaq
Group: dqn-list Message: 801 From: S.M. Kelley Date: 9/5/2002
Subject: Re: Flame War...


certainly, did not realise you had already discussed this as I am new. Sorry



 Brad Hakala wrote:

Can this argument please be taken to private email rather than broadcast
to the entire list?  This ground has been covered.


 Sometimes it is just necessary to be silent, and rest in the fact that we are in the arms of God

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Group: dqn-list Message: 802 From: S.M. Kelley Date: 9/5/2002
Subject: Re: 3rd Edition Comments

Hullo Anthony,

     Okay, in the copy of 3rd ed I have the name courtier is still used instead of cortesean, but assasin is included. Mine must be a slightly later printing or some such. I have played several assasins in DQ, so I would probably be annoyed if that had happened while I was Playing as well.

   And TSR not supporting the DQ stuff... yes... if I had been playing at the time it was published that would have torqued me off too. That no one who ever played or originally worked on DQ was consulted was another tidbit of which I was unaware.

  I don't know that I would have thrown my Dq 3rd Ed away at that point as you did, but I certainly would have been miffed.

    Thanks for the insights from your point of view, very enlightening.

 "Anthony N. Emmel" wrote:


 Archangel wrote:

  Now, you stated that I was ignoring the fact that people said that TSR broke DQ or some similar thing? I don't remember the exact phrase so forgive me. No I wasn't ignoring that, I have never heard anyone say that, or perhaps I just missed it...

Let me weigh in as someone who thinks that T$R broke DQ with 3e.

First, the penalties involved in being a non-human were doubled.

Two, the exclusion of the "dark arts" and the "negative cast chances" (already cited) was an attempt to bring a D&D style magic system into existance.  Nobody who knew anything about DQ was ever consulted.

The magic system in 2e was designed to have a "sword & sorcery" feel to it...not a classic fantasy style.  The colleges were never meant to be balanced.  The Namers especially, as per the design notes of Arcane Wisdom, were meant to be the most powerful mages.

Three, there was an early attempt made at "poltical correctness"--courtesan skill was changed to "courtier."  Assassin was excluded. Again, this is contrary to the S&S feel.

Four, there was never any attempt made to support the line (see below).  One (poorly done) module ("Shattered Statue"), set in the Forgooten Realms, does not constitute support by any strectch of the imagination.

The only reason T$R published DQ 3e was to retain control of the TM and copyright status.

I don't even have my 3e...I tossed onto the trash heap and burned it.  My 2e feel apart a few years back...I dismembered it, put the pages in protectors and put them into a binder.  Still more accessible than any other rpg on the market.

Just my thoughts....

Anthony N. Emmel

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�And suppose�suppose that when rationalism does go, it�s as if a bright dazzle has gone for a while and we could see�Dark magic�A universe of marvels where water flows uphill and trolls live in the deepest woods and dragons live under the mountains.�

Stephen King, The Stand

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Group: dqn-list Message: 803 From: S.M. Kelley Date: 9/5/2002
Subject: Re: 3rd Edition Comments, and Alchemist Skill

Hullo John

  Well, I never liked DnD to begin with, just some of there monsters. But as an axample of a creture which I felt was a slight bit out of mythological perspective, one was dragons. They seemed to easy to defeat for me. Many of the Mytholocial storeis I had read about dragons had them destroying villages towns and armies before a hero found a way to defeat them, but my first DQ party defeated several. Since that may not be your experience I won't go into detail, but Increased ED and FT and made the scales absorb more damage.

     DRAGONQUEST, in both the 1st and 2nd Editions, did exactly that. 
D&D certainly did not.

>Acurate Mythology is very impotant to me in fantasy games, and it was
>my personal opinion that while much in DQ was good, it could be improved

      So let's see some examples of this so-called "improvement."

Shawn      More cannon adventuring skills to choose from, more spell colleges which covered different types of mythological abilities, little things like that.

      Of course it was published, otherwise how would playtesters have
been able to work with it and see it and playtest it? :)

Hmm, then I recieved disinformation from the site I downloaded it at. They said it had been palytested but never officially published and therefore the net was the only place you could get it. If it was in fact a published book from 2nd ed DQ then of cource it would be cannon, my apologies.

>As far as the removed colleges not being against the grain of the rest
>of the colleges in the system, they had soecial abilites and requirements
>which from what I read were completly contrary to the other spell colleges
>in the same book.

       Not at all.  Most Colleges of magic used a monastic environment
to teach and train others.  Black Magics and Necromancy could not do
this because of social mores and the like (although some cultures might
have encouraged them).  But that's moot, since it's merely your
interpreting them that way that leads to your feeling they're wrong for
the game.

Hmmm.. okay that perspective does make sense as well. Where would I find the bit in Arcane knowledge about negative cast chances? can't seem to locate it.

 Sometimes it is just necessary to be silent, and rest in the fact that we are in the arms of God

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Group: dqn-list Message: 804 From: S.M. Kelley Date: 9/5/2002
Subject: Re: Answer to Mr. Kelley's Question

Thanks William,

     So those things are what you have found useful from each system. Question, for your group do you use the backfire tables from the book or something else, I have seen one or two modified backfire tables on the net. The ones  in the book are the ones I currently use, but another group I play with uses backfire results from MERP with their DQ and it can be very harsh indeed.. even more so than the current tables.

   Thanks for the perspective on the spell cast chances, I have only one adept, a water college adept, and he does backfire quite often, but I still hadn't really thought of it that way. Also, is their a way to make it easier for non adepts to get 8 at 4, 4 at 8 etc?



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Group: dqn-list Message: 805 From: D. Cameron King Date: 9/5/2002
Subject: Re: Answer to Mr. Kelley's Question
>From: William Hough <>

>Finally, even though I like 2nd ed
>magic a lot better, the damned Fire College has GOT to
>be toned down. 7 summoned efreets at the Adventurer
>level? Every other pulse? Get the fugg outta here!

I don't understand this comment. What do you mean,
"7 summoned efreets at the Adventurer level?"

>Giant Glaive requires a 26
>PS to wield in 3rd, as opposed to 22 in 2nd Edition
>(no wonder no-one ever picked up the two handed sword
>at +7 with it's max RK of 5 when they could have the
>ass-kicking Giant Glaive at +9 with its max RK of 9).

As long as they *also* have the 18 MD required...

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Group: dqn-list Message: 806 From: Russ Jones Date: 9/5/2002
Subject: FW: [DQN-list] Answer to Mr. Kelley's Question

We found the backfire tables a good deterrent to over-use of magic (except for those with dice lice), but found that players would find themselves stuck without a character to play for a good part of the evening as a result of some of the backfires.  We, therefore, instituted a policy of making backfires, other than the additional fatigue backfires, resist-able by the affected character, without any same/different branch modifiers.  This also provides opportunity and motivation to rank the Purification ritual and those counterspells.  It also adds the entertainment value of watching a player blow his brains out casting the counterspell before he gets around to the “risky” spell, and hearing a player groan about a low roll on the counterspell that would have resulted in a success with the spell he was protecting himself against.


We did have to make a modification to the Fire Magics G-8 Protection Against Magical Fire to stipulate that backfires happen inside the protection and don’t make the fire mage immune to the damage effects of his own backfires.  (btw, we also have established a Guild of Fire Mages law against casting that spell on anyone but a fire mage, except in catastrophic situations.  Don’t want to make a habit of gutting your own college.  Ya break da law, Vinnie breaks ya legs.)


Russ Jones


-----Original Message-----
From: S.M. Kelley []
Thursday, September 05, 2002 8:43 AM
Subject: Re: [DQN-list] Answer to Mr. Kelley's Question


Thanks William,

     So those things are what you have found useful from each system. Question, for your group do you use the backfire tables from the book or something else, I have seen one or two modified backfire tables on the net. The ones  in the book are the ones I currently use, but another group I play with uses backfire results from MERP with their DQ and it can be very harsh indeed.. even more so than the current tables.

   Thanks for the perspective on the spell cast chances, I have only one adept, a water college adept, and he does backfire quite often, but I still hadn't really thought of it that way. Also, is their a way to make it easier for non adepts to get 8 at 4, 4 at 8 etc?




 Sometimes it is just necessary to be silent, and rest in the fact that we are in the arms of God


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