Messages in dqn-list group. Page 14 of 80.

Group: dqn-list Message: 657 From: uniond Date: 1/12/2002
Subject: Re: DragonQuest
Group: dqn-list Message: 658 From: Bob Simpson Date: 2/23/2002
Subject: Yahoo is thinking of charging for use of Yahoo Groups
Group: dqn-list Message: 659 From: Anthony Ragan Date: 2/24/2002
Subject: Re: Yahoo is thinking of charging for use of Yahoo Groups
Group: dqn-list Message: 660 From: toganni Date: 3/17/2002
Subject: Introduction
Group: dqn-list Message: 661 From: King Rat Date: 3/17/2002
Subject: Re: Introduction
Group: dqn-list Message: 662 From: John Rauchert Date: 3/17/2002
Subject: Re: Introduction
Group: dqn-list Message: 663 From: Bruce Probst Date: 3/17/2002
Subject: Re: Introduction
Group: dqn-list Message: 664 From: David Vance Date: 3/18/2002
Subject: Re: Introduction
Group: dqn-list Message: 665 From: John_Rauchert Date: 3/18/2002
Subject: Re: Introduction
Group: dqn-list Message: 666 From: davis john Date: 3/18/2002
Subject: Re: Introduction
Group: dqn-list Message: 667 From: Greg Walters Date: 3/18/2002
Subject: have a spare Enchanted Wood 4 sale?
Group: dqn-list Message: 668 From: davis john Date: 3/19/2002
Subject: Re: have a spare Enchanted Wood 4 sale?
Group: dqn-list Message: 669 From: Anthony N. Emmel Date: 3/19/2002
Subject: Re: Speaking of old modules....
Group: dqn-list Message: 670 From: David Vance Date: 3/20/2002
Subject: Convention Listings
Group: dqn-list Message: 671 From: toganni Date: 3/20/2002
Subject: Open DQ list?
Group: dqn-list Message: 672 From: Stephen Lister Date: 3/20/2002
Subject: Re: have a spare Enchanted Wood 4 sale?
Group: dqn-list Message: 673 From: Jason Winter Date: 3/20/2002
Subject: Alusia Map - Was: Re: [DQN-list] have a spare Enchanted Wood 4 sale?
Group: dqn-list Message: 674 From: brainz_at_ti Date: 3/26/2002
Subject: John's Adventures
Group: dqn-list Message: 675 From: davis john Date: 3/26/2002
Subject: Re: John's Adventures
Group: dqn-list Message: 676 From: jrr_talking Date: 3/26/2002
Subject: JohnD Dragon-Newt Campaign
Group: dqn-list Message: 677 From: brainz_at_ti Date: 3/26/2002
Subject: Web RPG Town Hall Forums
Group: dqn-list Message: 678 From: Copley, Ron Date: 3/27/2002
Subject: Re: John's Adventures
Group: dqn-list Message: 679 From: Rodger Thorm Date: 3/27/2002
Subject: Re: Web RPG Town Hall Forums
Group: dqn-list Message: 680 From: Tom Tucker Date: 3/27/2002
Subject: Re: JohnD Dragon-Newt Campaign
Group: dqn-list Message: 681 From: John Rauchert Date: 3/27/2002
Subject: Re: JohnD Dragon-Newt Campaign
Group: dqn-list Message: 682 From: Tom Tucker Date: 3/31/2002
Subject: Re: JohnD Dragon-Newt Campaign
Group: dqn-list Message: 683 From: Greg Walters Date: 3/31/2002
Subject: Re: Adventures
Group: dqn-list Message: 684 From: Bruce Probst Date: 3/31/2002
Subject: Re: Adventures
Group: dqn-list Message: 685 From: King Rat Date: 4/1/2002
Subject: Re: Adventures
Group: dqn-list Message: 686 From: Steven Wiles Date: 4/1/2002
Subject: Re: Adventures
Group: dqn-list Message: 687 From: lord_kjeran Date: 4/3/2002
Subject: Arcane Wisdom
Group: dqn-list Message: 688 From: David Vance Date: 4/3/2002
Subject: Re: Arcane Wisdom
Group: dqn-list Message: 689 From: Rodger Thorm Date: 4/18/2002
Subject: Re: DragonQuest 4th Edition
Group: dqn-list Message: 690 From: Al Lowe Date: 4/19/2002
Subject: Re: DragonQuest 4th Edition
Group: dqn-list Message: 691 From: RyuMaou Date: 4/19/2002
Subject: Re: DragonQuest 4th Edition
Group: dqn-list Message: 692 From: John_Rauchert Date: 4/19/2002
Subject: Re: DragonQuest 4th Edition
Group: dqn-list Message: 693 From: Al Lowe Date: 4/19/2002
Subject: Re: DragonQuest 4th Edition
Group: dqn-list Message: 694 From: RyuMaou Date: 4/19/2002
Subject: Re: DragonQuest 4th Edition
Group: dqn-list Message: 695 From: Date: 4/19/2002
Subject: Re: DragonQuest 4th Edition
Group: dqn-list Message: 696 From: Greg Walters Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Strategicon, Anyone?
Group: dqn-list Message: 697 From: devilsmiles99 Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Hello All.
Group: dqn-list Message: 698 From: rthorm Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: Strategicon, Anyone?
Group: dqn-list Message: 699 From: Todd Douglas Date: 4/25/2002
Subject: Re: Strategicon, Anyone?
Group: dqn-list Message: 700 From: Date: 6/2/2002
Subject: Interesting item on eBay web site item#1733912385: FRONTIERS OF ALU
Group: dqn-list Message: 701 From: Date: 6/6/2002
Subject: New file uploaded to dqn-list
Group: dqn-list Message: 702 From: ed Date: 6/6/2002
Subject: Re: Arcane Wisdom
Group: dqn-list Message: 703 From: Ross Date: 6/14/2002
Subject: Testing
Group: dqn-list Message: 704 From: tearohdaktil Date: 6/16/2002
Subject: Interested in DQ - A few rules questions, though.
Group: dqn-list Message: 705 From: William Hough Date: 6/16/2002
Subject: Re: Testing
Group: dqn-list Message: 706 From: Date: 6/17/2002
Subject: Re: Interested in DQ - A few rules questions, though.

Group: dqn-list Message: 657 From: uniond Date: 1/12/2002
Subject: Re: DragonQuest
> much the rights would cost.
> I would love to have Any input from long time DQ players.
> Thanks - John Austin

I Tried this quite a few years ago when it was TSR. I'm told one of the folks involved in the early development of DQ also tried this - when he asked they came up with a somewhat 'silly' figure apparently designed just to discourage. I was never able to get a figure out of them. When they were first bought by WOTC I also sent at least two letters asking the same question - no response. With WOTC ... if it's a public company you could possibly used shareholders against them - a resource they're not using but won't sell will look bad for their management to a stock owners group. If it's private someone will just have to get their attention, and if they have no interest you're stuck. Good luck. My thought had been a 'Fifth Edition', based on several hundred pages of additional material I'd written and used for quite a few years. The effort bar was apparently higher than my interest bar - I gave up.

Group: dqn-list Message: 658 From: Bob Simpson Date: 2/23/2002
Subject: Yahoo is thinking of charging for use of Yahoo Groups
I've heard nothing else about fees for Yahoo Groups, and the link listed
in this message was dead (at least when I tried it), so I'm a little bit
suspicious about this. But here's the message anyhow: (--Editor)

>From YA Yahoo list:
>Dear Friends,
>As you know, this eGroup has been free of charge since its inception.
>Yahoo is now considering charging for its e-lists and eGroups and/or
>drastically limiting the services it makes available to eGroup
>This will be devastating to a number of online communities who do not
>wish to charge fees for eGroup services, and do not wish to limit
>existing services such as archived messages, files, bookmarks, and
>the like.
>I have already taken Yahoo's survey, and I wholeheartedly encourage
>everyone to do the same, especially if you do not want services to be
>reduced or charges to be levied. If we do not let Yahoo hear our
>voices now, decisions by Yahoo will certainly be made without our
>Therefore, please take a few minutes to complete this survey at
>Many thanks!
>P.S. Please pass this along to any other Yahoo!Groups which you
>subscribe to. Thank you!

Anybody need a low-to-no cost alternative, let me know. I'm familiar with a
couple of sites that might be able to handle a few more lists -- at least
until the exodus from Yahoo starts.

-- Bob Simpson
Group: dqn-list Message: 659 From: Anthony Ragan Date: 2/24/2002
Subject: Re: Yahoo is thinking of charging for use of Yahoo Groups
On Tue, 19 Feb 2002 10:46:43 -0800, while seeking to restore the Czar,
Bob Simpson <> wrote:

> Anybody need a low-to-no cost alternative, let me know. I'm familiar with a
> couple of sites that might be able to handle a few more lists -- at least
> until the exodus from Yahoo starts.

I don't know of alternative sites, but I did take the survey. It doesn't
mean that Yahoo will necessarily charge, but a bit of planning couldn't
--Anthony Ragan,
"I'm a writer. That's what I do. I routinely
prostitute what marginal talent I have in order to make a living." --Frank Fradella
Group: dqn-list Message: 660 From: toganni Date: 3/17/2002
Subject: Introduction
Greetings -

I would like to take a quick moment to introduce myself upon joining
this list.

My name is David Vance, I'm 39, and I have been an RPG and miniatures
gaming nut from way back when. I went through a period where I
bought several RPGs, DQ being one of them. I never played the game,
however--our group was small, and pretty much D&D-specific. In time,
through several 'real life adventures" my games got left behind.
Recently I purchased an excellent copy of 1st Edition from Ebay, and
am lurking around to catch a 2nd edition Hardbound (if someone has a
very clean copy of hardbound 2nd they would consider trading, I have
a 2nd copy of the limited-release, nm-to-mint condition DUNE RPG from
Last Unicorn Games ...)

All that being said, I have been gathering a lot of materials from
the web, and will be adding myself to the DQPA list here tonight as
well. I currently live near Tacoma in the rather wet state of
Washington, and if anyone is in that area and looking for a mature
gamer, let me know. Last year was my first GenCon, and I am hoping
to get to Origins or GenCon this year - anyone organizing games for

After all of that, I do have a question concerning the shapeshifter
race. The rules are rather hazy considering creating the secondary
stats list for the were form, as it says to average the human form
with the animal form, then modify the human characteristics
appropriately. What exactly does that mean--that my (for example)
tiger form would be an average of my human characteristics and the
tiger characteristics? This seems acceptable to me, but the
phrase "modify the human characteristics appropriately" lost me some.

Much thanks for the assist, and may your sword arm never tire.

Group: dqn-list Message: 661 From: King Rat Date: 3/17/2002
Subject: Re: Introduction
>I would like to take a quick moment to introduce myself upon joining
this list.


>After all of that, I do have a question concerning the shapeshifter
race. The rules are rather hazy considering creating the secondary
stats list for the were form, as it says to average the human form
with the animal form, then modify the human characteristics
appropriately. What exactly does that mean--that my (for example)
tiger form would be an average of my human characteristics and the
tiger characteristics? This seems acceptable to me, but the
phrase "modify the human characteristics appropriately" lost me some.

In steps:
1) Find the average characteristic of the approriate normal creature (wolf,
boar, bear, tiger)
2) Calculate the difference between each average statistic and an average
human statistic (being 15 for most stats, 6 for Perception, and a ??? for
3) This difference is the attribute modifier when the shapeshifter is

I've an explicit list of the stat modifiers, but they're all the way in the
other room right now. :)

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Group: dqn-list Message: 662 From: John Rauchert Date: 3/17/2002
Subject: Re: Introduction
RE: [DQN-list] Introduction

Welcome aboard David, damn I wish I had another copy of the DQ rules
because I really want to get my hands on a copy of the DUNE rules.

Anyway, a special shape changer issue of the DQ Newsletter from way back
has many alternate rules (including my take on the shape changer).  This
issue can be found at the link below:

For those who are interested the rest of the newsletters are also there
(note: that volume 6 is under construction). An index is located at:

John F. Rauchert, co-moderator, DQN-List

Group: dqn-list Message: 663 From: Bruce Probst Date: 3/17/2002
Subject: Re: Introduction
On Sat, 16 Mar 2002 04:55:05 -0000, "toganni" <> wrote:

>Recently I purchased an excellent copy of 1st Edition from Ebay, and
>am lurking around to catch a 2nd edition Hardbound

Actually, the best edition to get is the Bantam version of 2nd edition. So
far as I'm aware, it was only made in softcover, but it contained numerous
minor improvements and clarifications that were not in either the soft- or
hard-cover SPI editions (or the TSR 3rd edition, as far as I can tell).

>After all of that, I do have a question concerning the shapeshifter
>race. The rules are rather hazy considering creating the secondary
>stats list for the were form, as it says to average the human form
>with the animal form, then modify the human characteristics
>appropriately. What exactly does that mean--that my (for example)
>tiger form would be an average of my human characteristics and the
>tiger characteristics? This seems acceptable to me, but the
>phrase "modify the human characteristics appropriately" lost me some.

Average human stats are 15 for all (except TMR, obviously). Find the
average stat for the non-human race, and apply the difference.

E.G., a bear has an average PS of 37.5. I always round up, so 38. This is
23 more than the average human PS of 15. Therefore, add 23 to the PC's PS
value when he changes into a bear.

For TMR, the bear is 6 vs. the human average of 5; therefore add 1 to the
PC's TMR when in bear form.

Note that when a creature has a value of "None" (as opposed to "0"), the
stat does not apply; therefore, a shape-shifter in bear form has no MA,
regardless of what his human-form MA is.

In extreme cases assume a minimum value of "1". It's quite possible for the
shape-shifter's stats to exceed the minimum/maximum animal values; that's
OK, as the PC represents a unique individual (and a semi-magical one at
that), not an average critter.

Bruce Probst ICQ 6563830
Melbourne, Australia MSTie #72759 SCA #80160
"It's an intriguing mix of genocide and modern dance."
Group: dqn-list Message: 664 From: David Vance Date: 3/18/2002
Subject: Re: Introduction
This, after I already spent $44.00 on a hardbound SPI version from Great Britain.  Foo.  With this in mind, I will change my DUNE RPG trade bounty to a clean Frontiers of Alusia set and adventure modules swap.  Any takers?
Thanks for the pointers on the shape-shifters.  I think this format makes the most sense to me from what I have seen.  What I had been doing was averaging from the character's stats rather than the average human's stats, but this makes more sense in accordance with the wording.
Best, David
----- Original Message -----
From: Bruce Probst
Subject: Re: [DQN-list] Introduction

On Sat, 16 Mar 2002 04:55:05 -0000, "toganni" <> wrote:

>Recently I purchased an excellent copy of 1st Edition from Ebay, and
>am lurking around to catch a 2nd edition Hardbound

Actually, the best edition to get is the Bantam version of 2nd edition.  So
far as I'm aware, it was only made in softcover, but it contained numerous
minor improvements and clarifications that were not in either the soft- or
hard-cover SPI editions (or the TSR 3rd edition, as far as I can tell).


Average human stats are 15 for all (except TMR, obviously).  Find the
average stat for the non-human race, and apply the difference.

Group: dqn-list Message: 665 From: John_Rauchert Date: 3/18/2002
Subject: Re: Introduction
--- In dqn-list@y..., Bruce Probst <bprobst@n...> wrote:
> On Sat, 16 Mar 2002 04:55:05 -0000, "toganni" <toganni@m...> wrote:
> >Recently I purchased an excellent copy of 1st Edition from Ebay,
> >am lurking around to catch a 2nd edition Hardbound
> Actually, the best edition to get is the Bantam version of 2nd
edition. So
> far as I'm aware, it was only made in softcover, but it contained
> minor improvements and clarifications that were not in either the
soft- or
> hard-cover SPI editions (or the TSR 3rd edition, as far as I can

One of my pet projects is enumerate the differences between the
hardbound second edition and the Bantam edition providing them in a
nicely word processed format. My only problem is that I don't have
a "print" copy of the Bantam edition.

The electronic version that has been floating about for awhile is
taken from the Bantam edition with some house rules of the creator
included and I have worked through most of it line by line
enumerating the differences.

Needless to say this is a long and tedious process, so it may take me
awhile to finish.
Group: dqn-list Message: 666 From: davis john Date: 3/18/2002
Subject: Re: Introduction
id have sold you a hard-bound copy from the uk for less than that!!!, well
maybe. I have spare hard and soft bound 2nd editions. Id really like the
Dune rpg. I have an immaculate copy of the enchanted wood as well as copies
of all the editions of DQ. I think i have an Alusia somewhere too and all
the other modules. Send me an email or a mention here, and it'll inspire me
to have a decent look.

Another John, who sadly doesnt play DQ anymore having fallen under the spell
of D20.

On an aside. I have about 7 home-written adventures in .pdf format that
sort of form a campaign. Would ther ebe any interest in me tidying them up
somewhat and psoting to the group as i note an adventure site on it.

>From: "David Vance" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: Re: [DQN-list] Introduction
>Date: Sun, 17 Mar 2002 21:02:36 -0800
>This, after I already spent $44.00 on a hardbound SPI version from Great
>Britain. Foo. With this in mind, I will change my DUNE RPG trade bounty
>to a clean Frontiers of Alusia set and adventure modules swap. Any takers?
>Thanks for the pointers on the shape-shifters. I think this format makes
>the most sense to me from what I have seen. What I had been doing was
>averaging from the character's stats rather than the average human's stats,
>but this makes more sense in accordance with the wording.
>Best, David
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Bruce Probst
>Subject: Re: [DQN-list] Introduction
>On Sat, 16 Mar 2002 04:55:05 -0000, "toganni" <> wrote:
> >Recently I purchased an excellent copy of 1st Edition from Ebay, and
> >am lurking around to catch a 2nd edition Hardbound
>Actually, the best edition to get is the Bantam version of 2nd edition. So
>far as I'm aware, it was only made in softcover, but it contained numerous
>minor improvements and clarifications that were not in either the soft- or
>hard-cover SPI editions (or the TSR 3rd edition, as far as I can tell).
> <snip>
>Average human stats are 15 for all (except TMR, obviously). Find the
>average stat for the non-human race, and apply the difference.

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Group: dqn-list Message: 667 From: Greg Walters Date: 3/18/2002
Subject: have a spare Enchanted Wood 4 sale?
Or, better yet, would someone GM a session at a Strategicon?

Although I have been in & out of DQ (since Action Points were used), I have purposely not read the Ench Wood scenario.

Another thing, I wonder that perhaps most of us who desire to play a PC rather than GM NPC's spend more of our times of DQing as GM's.
In any case, most of my years have been spent making a living, etc. (though I would like to have played more DQ - who wouldn't?)

Just a thought.

Greg W.

(also, )


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Group: dqn-list Message: 668 From: davis john Date: 3/19/2002
Subject: Re: have a spare Enchanted Wood 4 sale?
guess shouldnt really use this forum for selling but....I am willing to part with
2nd hardbound, 2nd softbound, 3rd softbound, all in good or better condition...also have an allectus and enchanted wood in really very very nice condition.  shattered statute, magebird quest, starsilver trek, heroes and villians in shrink-wrap.  email for specifics.  Cant find my boxed 1st, except the hex sheet, alusia or gm screen for 1st edition. ??
----- Original Message -----
From: Greg Walters
Sent: 19 March 2002 03:41
Subject: [DQN-list] have a spare Enchanted Wood 4 sale?
Or, better yet, would someone GM a session at a Strategicon?

Although I have been in & out of DQ (since Action Points were used), I have purposely not read the Ench Wood scenario.

Another thing, I wonder that perhaps most of us who desire to play a PC rather than GM NPC's spend more of our times of DQing as GM's.
In any case, most of my years have been spent making a living, etc. (though I would like to have played more DQ - who wouldn't?)

Just a thought.

Greg W.

(also, )


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Group: dqn-list Message: 669 From: Anthony N. Emmel Date: 3/19/2002
Subject: Re: Speaking of old modules....


For those who don't know, Judges Guild has an online store now and are selling old stock they still have.  They've revised City-State and are reding some of the old adventures for d20.  They still have original copies of "Heroes and Villians" and "Magebird Quest" for $7 and $10 respectively.  Apparently there are no more starsilver Trek available.\Judges%20Guild\Fantasy\Adventures\DragonQuest&s=

And the main page (index) is here:



Anthony N. Emmel

HMGMA# TX-1-00162-01

Yahoo! Messenger ID: lord_kjeran

�And suppose�suppose that when rationalism does go, it�s as if a bright dazzle has gone for a while and we could see�Dark magic�A universe of marvels where water flows uphill and trolls live in the deepest woods and dragons live under the mountains.�

Stephen King, The Stand

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Group: dqn-list Message: 670 From: David Vance Date: 3/20/2002
Subject: Convention Listings
One of the things we as a body of players has a hard time with is finding organized play.
One element that would help would be a consolidated listing of conventions and players that plan to attend.  As such, I would like to volunteer to start collecting this information and make it available.  Therefore, if anyone knows of conventions in their area--REGARDLESS OF SIZE--that they can attend and would like to see DQ games at, please drop me a line.  I will be posting this information initially at http://homepage.mac/toganni as well as making this list available to DQPA and posted to the files sections of the various DQ groups.
Convention Information I will need:
- Convention name
- URL (if it has one)
- Location (Full address and phone please)
- Date
- Convention Organizers (contact information such as phone, email, etc)
Player Information:
- Player Name
- GM, Player or Both (Mostly, would you run an event?)
- Contact information (email)
My goal is to create a list where players may contact each other and arrange to run or participate in events.  As to privacy -- I HATE SPAM.  The only purpose of the player contact information is to enable players to contact each other directly.  You do not have to list your email.
David Vance
----- Original Message -----
From: Greg Walters
Subject: [DQN-list] have a spare Enchanted Wood 4 sale?
Or, better yet, would someone GM a session at a Strategicon?

Another thing, I wonder that perhaps most of us who desire to play a PC rather than GM NPC's spend more of our times of DQing as GM's.
Group: dqn-list Message: 671 From: toganni Date: 3/20/2002
Subject: Open DQ list?
We have a newsgroup dedicated to the DQNewsletter, and one
to the Open Source rules. Is there a general list where our
recent off-topic diversions would be more welcome?
Group: dqn-list Message: 672 From: Stephen Lister Date: 3/20/2002
Subject: Re: have a spare Enchanted Wood 4 sale?
I'm looking for the Alusia map (booklet not required) if you (or anyone
else) is willing to part with it. Or I am willing to pay for the cost of a
large scale colour photocopy of it plus shipping to here if anyone is
willing to arrange...? Extra money or consideration for time and trouble
taken gladly offered as well...

Of course, I'm happy to take the Alusia booklet as well (don't want to
split up a set.) Just saying that if anyone has only the map, then I'd
also be interested...

Off-list contacts please, to


"davis john" <> wrote on 20/03/2002 04:56:17:

> guess shouldnt really use this forum for selling but....I am willing to
part with
> 2nd hardbound, 2nd softbound, 3rd softbound, all in good or better
> condition...also have an allectus and enchanted wood in really very very

> nice condition. shattered statute, magebird quest, starsilver trek,
> heroes and villians in shrink-wrap. email for
> specifics. Cant find my boxed 1st, except the hex sheet, alusia or gm
> screen for 1st edition. ??
Group: dqn-list Message: 673 From: Jason Winter Date: 3/20/2002
Subject: Alusia Map - Was: Re: [DQN-list] have a spare Enchanted Wood 4 sale?
At 10:41 AM 3/20/02 +1000, you wrote:

>I'm looking for the Alusia map (booklet not required) if you (or anyone
>else) is willing to part with it. Or I am willing to pay for the cost of a
>large scale colour photocopy of it plus shipping to here if anyone is
>willing to arrange...? Extra money or consideration for time and trouble
>taken gladly offered as well...
>Of course, I'm happy to take the Alusia booklet as well (don't want to
>split up a set.) Just saying that if anyone has only the map, then I'd
>also be interested...
>Off-list contacts please, to
> Stephen

You might find this useful...
Group: dqn-list Message: 674 From: brainz_at_ti Date: 3/26/2002
Subject: John's Adventures
--- In dqn-list@y..., "davis john" <jrd123@h...> wrote:
> Hi,
> id have sold you a hard-bound copy from the uk for less than
that!!!, well
> maybe. I have spare hard and soft bound 2nd editions. Id really
like the
> Dune rpg. I have an immaculate copy of the enchanted wood as well
as copies
> of all the editions of DQ. I think i have an Alusia somewhere too
and all
> the other modules. Send me an email or a mention here, and it'll
inspire me
> to have a decent look.
> Another John, who sadly doesnt play DQ anymore having fallen under
the spell
> of D20.
> On an aside. I have about 7 home-written adventures in .pdf format
> sort of form a campaign. Would ther ebe any interest in me tidying
them up
> somewhat and psoting to the group as i note an adventure site on it.

I think you'll find that there would be a lot of interest in your
adventures - I enjoyed the Brass Ship, and I think you'll find others
in the same boat (sorry!)

Craig Brain
> _________________________________________________________________
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Group: dqn-list Message: 675 From: davis john Date: 3/26/2002
Subject: Re: John's Adventures
Thanks Craig, nice joke!
There are 9 linked into a campaign.  7 of them are electronic and 2 exist on bits of scrawled paper.  To my surprise i had actually written a set of notes to accompany them.  Also re-reading them has made me nostalgic to play DQ again (such a great magic and xp / character development system).  Just not many adventures out there and I find they do take an age to write.  Within the next month I will start uploading them to the site.   The final adventure never got played as 3rd edition D&D came out and we sort of got swept along with that..... 

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Group: dqn-list Message: 676 From: jrr_talking Date: 3/26/2002
Subject: JohnD Dragon-Newt Campaign
Hi everybody,
I have put pdf's of Dragon-newt's number 1 and 3 on the yahoo group
site. As im doing this as rough and ready you must forgive typo's
and the odd % error to an ability. Every bit of DQ info is based on
the 2nd edition Bantam book edition so apologies if the numbers are
different to other editions. I also make use of Arcane Wisdom. I
will post the campaign notes / 'world' background as soon as I have
electronic versions of my pencil maps. Without spoiling it too much
I make great use of 'greater summoning demons' in the adventures. Im
not saying they are in it just their cults, representatives, images,
legends, on this plane etc.


Group: dqn-list Message: 677 From: brainz_at_ti Date: 3/26/2002
Subject: Web RPG Town Hall Forums
I can't access these at the moment, have they gone down again?


[Co-Moderator Note: The entire domain appears to be currently unavailable (at least from my location)]
Group: dqn-list Message: 678 From: Copley, Ron Date: 3/27/2002
Subject: Re: John's Adventures
Please do post your adventures. It has been a long time since I've seen
anything of that sort.


"No matter where you go, there you are."

-----Original Message-----
From: brainz_at_ti []
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 2:54 PM
Subject: [DQN-list] John's Adventures

--- In dqn-list@y..., "davis john" <jrd123@h...> wrote:
> Hi,
> id have sold you a hard-bound copy from the uk for less than
that!!!, well
> maybe. I have spare hard and soft bound 2nd editions. Id really
like the
> Dune rpg. I have an immaculate copy of the enchanted wood as well
as copies
> of all the editions of DQ. I think i have an Alusia somewhere too
and all
> the other modules. Send me an email or a mention here, and it'll
inspire me
> to have a decent look.
> Another John, who sadly doesnt play DQ anymore having fallen under
the spell
> of D20.
> On an aside. I have about 7 home-written adventures in .pdf format
> sort of form a campaign. Would ther ebe any interest in me tidying
them up
> somewhat and psoting to the group as i note an adventure site on it.

I think you'll find that there would be a lot of interest in your
adventures - I enjoyed the Brass Ship, and I think you'll find others
in the same boat (sorry!)

Craig Brain
> _________________________________________________________________
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Group: dqn-list Message: 679 From: Rodger Thorm Date: 3/27/2002
Subject: Re: Web RPG Town Hall Forums
It appears so. I'm unable to connect to that site


--- brainz_at_ti <> wrote:
> I can't access these at the moment, have they gone
> down again?
> Craig
> [Co-Moderator Note: The entire domain
> appears to be currently unavailable (at least from
> my location)]

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Group: dqn-list Message: 680 From: Tom Tucker Date: 3/27/2002
Subject: Re: JohnD Dragon-Newt Campaign
And could you possibly email those to me? or give me the link to the site. I seem to have lost it..

>>> 03/26/02
05:26PM >>>
Hi everybody,
I have put pdf's of Dragon-newt's number 1 and 3 on the yahoo group
site.  As im doing this as rough and ready you must forgive typo's
and the odd % error to an ability.  Every bit of DQ info is based on
the 2nd edition Bantam book edition so apologies if the numbers are
different to other editions.  I also make use of Arcane Wisdom.  I
will post the campaign notes / 'world' background as soon as I have
electronic versions of my pencil maps.  Without spoiling it too much
I make great use of 'greater summoning demons' in the adventures.  Im
not saying they are in it just their cults, representatives, images,
legends, on this plane etc.



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Group: dqn-list Message: 681 From: John Rauchert Date: 3/27/2002
Subject: Re: JohnD Dragon-Newt Campaign
The link to the site is:
You have to log on to Yahoo using the Sign in to Yahoo! link in the top middle of the page or the Sign In link in the top right-hand-side
This will give you access to the Files link on the left-hand-side menu
Files >> Adventures
Under Adventures in the Files listing you will find these two files:
DQNewt1a.pdf and DQNewt3a.pdf
John F. Rauchert, Co-Moderator DQN-list
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Tucker []
Sent: March 27, 2002 6:54 AM
Subject: Re: [DQN-list] JohnD Dragon-Newt Campaign

And could you possibly email those to me? or give me the link to the site. I seem to have lost it..
Group: dqn-list Message: 682 From: Tom Tucker Date: 3/31/2002
Subject: Re: JohnD Dragon-Newt Campaign
Could someone email me those pdf's... I cannot get into the newsgroups.. it wants me to verify my email, yet it never sends me the verification. I have been trying for some time

Thanks in advance..

Tom Tucker

>>> 03/27/02 12:03 PM >>>
The link to the site is:

You have to log on to Yahoo using the Sign in to Yahoo! link in the top
middle of the page or the Sign In link in the top right-hand-side

This will give you access to the Files link on the left-hand-side menu

Files >> Adventures

Under Adventures in the Files listing you will find these two files:

DQNewt1a.pdf and DQNewt3a.pdf

John F. Rauchert, Co-Moderator DQN-list

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Tucker []
Sent: March 27, 2002 6:54 AM
Subject: Re: [DQN-list] JohnD Dragon-Newt Campaign

And could you possibly email those to me? or give me the link to the site. I
seem to have lost it..
Group: dqn-list Message: 683 From: Greg Walters Date: 3/31/2002
Subject: Re: Adventures

I like making up my own adventures (and monsters).  My argument about the use of published scenarios (and monsters) is that players tend to "de-reoleplay" adventures (and monters).  Although this is mainly widespread among D&Ders, my game gets spoiled with thinking characterized by such comments as "oh, that's just room #B-21, it has a 2 or 3 type six demons in it."  Basically, with little or no mystery, there is no wonder.

All that haveing been said, I should try to make some helpful suggestion(s) (and monsters) commensurate with whatever chaos I may have created.  GM's should be adept at improvising "on the fly" with the DQ mechanics.  In particular, I think an adventure should be more outlined rather than detailed, particularly where the dispositions of the NPCs (and monsters) are concerned.

Oh well, I'm still at work.  My apologies for throwing out ideas without fully developing them.

Anyone involed in a good DQ campaign lately?  Sounds like most of us are not.

 - Greg W.


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Win the Ultimate Hawaiian Experience from Travelocity.

Group: dqn-list Message: 684 From: Bruce Probst Date: 3/31/2002
Subject: Re: Adventures
On Wed, 27 Mar 2002 22:47:24 -0500, "Greg Walters"
<> wrote:

>Anyone involed in a good DQ campaign lately?  Sounds like most of us are not.

I've been running a DQ campaign for the better part of a year now. The guys
playing it had never played DQ before and seem to be really enjoying it,
which is always gratifying. One of the guys was inspired enough to run his
own campaign, which is nice for giving me time off as GM <g>.

Bruce Probst ICQ 6563830
Melbourne, Australia MSTie #72759 SCA #80160
"Perhaps booze would alleviate this situation."
Group: dqn-list Message: 685 From: King Rat Date: 4/1/2002
Subject: Re: Adventures
Attachments :
    >GM's should be adept at improvising "on the fly" with the DQ mechanics. In
    >particular, I think an adventure should be more outlined rather than
    >detailed, particularly where the dispositions of the NPCs (and monsters)
    >are concerned.

    Absoutely. I love mystifying the mechanics of villians (perhaps an
    NPC-created special knowledge spell, maybe a strange magical artifact,
    etc.). As well, I personally make great use of 'outlined' adventures -- its
    always good to have SOMETHING held back, so that when the players dazzle you
    or outwit you, you still have a bit of a game to run.

    >Anyone involved in a good DQ campaign lately? Sounds like most of us are

    I just put on hold a 3 year game. The players had all gone through the
    first half of the campaign swimmingly (best campaign I've ever run!) in 2.5
    years, and I was beginning the second half (being different in execution but
    identical in tone) but decided to cut it off. The characters were
    sufficently powerful that they were split up all the time, roleplaying great
    characters, but it makes for a poorer game when you can only play a few
    players at a time while the rest wait their turn(sigh). I put it on hold
    until I can figure out a way to hurry up the unification of the heroes...
    but there's so much story to cover until that point I'm not sure how to
    bring it off to my satisfaction.

    So, we've been playing White Wolf's Street Fighter roleplaying game instead.
    Its a welcome change from my GM-imposed moral ambiguities and inherent
    looming mortality of DragonQuest. Lots of chop-socky action (a la Feng Shui
    without the timetravel business or Hong Kong Action Theater without the poor
    mechanics), high adventure, and plenty of quibbling details I would agonize
    over in a DQ game are convienently 'swept under the carpet' by the Street
    Fighter genre. I'll go back to DQ eventually, but I (and the players, I
    think) need some time. With a little luck, some of the minor players will
    drop off and I can run a tighter DQ game.


    Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
    Group: dqn-list Message: 686 From: Steven Wiles Date: 4/1/2002
    Subject: Re: Adventures
    >Anyone involed in a good DQ campaign lately? Sounds
    >like most of us are not.
    >- Greg W.

    Actually, I'm involved in one right now. Its
    "goodness" has yet to be determined (we've only met
    three times), but so far its been entertaining. Our
    DM is running us as absolutely new characters (most of
    us don't even have rank in weapons) through Blade of
    Allectus. So far, we've been running around totally
    clueless, and I know enough about the module to know
    that the waste product is rapidly approaching the fan.
    Should be wild!

    Three of the players are newbies to DQ, and its been
    fun seeing their reactions to the new system vs. the
    D&D 3ed we'd played previously. Newbies always make
    the experience enjoyable and fresh, as long as they
    are flexible in their thinking. The DM and I had been
    trying to get them to try DQ for about a year. :)

    I'm kind of curious (if anyone else out there is
    running a group), what's the weirdest group you've
    played in? So far, our group consists of a dwarven
    warrior, a human pirate, a shapeshifting nobleman, an
    orc druid, and a butt-ugly elven necromancer. The
    group interactions are.... still sorting themselves
    out. :)

    I kind of wish I could get another newbie friend of
    mine to join as a giant. That would only leave a
    halfling to complete the set. Although my
    giant-playing friend said he'd be happy to carry a
    halfling with him into the group.... in his belly. :D

    Do You Yahoo!?
    Yahoo! Greetings - send holiday greetings for Easter, Passover
    Group: dqn-list Message: 687 From: lord_kjeran Date: 4/3/2002
    Subject: Arcane Wisdom

    I just had AW printed out and bound at school today and I must
    say...SWEET!!! The cover looks REALLY good behind the clear plastic

    And the ability to read the text like a book and to cart it
    around...sheer heaven.

    Group: dqn-list Message: 688 From: David Vance Date: 4/3/2002
    Subject: Re: Arcane Wisdom
    For the cover, I printed mine out at 600dpi on photo paper with a real nice quality printer.  The results were fantastic!
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: lord_kjeran

    I just had AW printed out and bound at school today and I must
    say...SWEET!!!  The cover looks REALLY good behind the clear plastic
    Group: dqn-list Message: 689 From: Rodger Thorm Date: 4/18/2002
    Subject: Re: DragonQuest 4th Edition
    Hi Jim--

    I thought there was some popular acclaim to see the
    letter you got from WotC earlier, or maybe you scanned
    and posted the letter, but I didn't see it. In any
    case, I'd be interested in seeing it still.

    If you need space to post/host the scan, I would be
    glad to put it in this group's file space on Yahoo
    Groups where everyone in the group could access it.

    Rodger THORM

    --- ryumaou01 <> wrote:
    > --- In dqn-list@y..., taichimaster_2001@y... wrote:
    > to have to get an
    > > attorney who can tell me the status of the
    > copyright. The trademark
    > > would only be for the name and not the game system
    > as we know it. At
    > Hi,
    > I'm *brand* new to the list, but I should be able to
    > help you with the
    > copyright issue. TSR acquired the copyright when
    > they bought SPI.
    > Now, Wizards of the Coast picked it up when they
    > acquired TSR, since
    > it would be considered a corporate asset. So, that
    > means that Hasbro
    > owns it, because they bought Wizards of the Coast.
    > Several years ago (1996), I sent a letter to TSR's
    > legal department to
    > ask about the possibility of getting the rights to
    > publish the game
    > again. They politely declined. I still have the
    > letter. If anyone's
    > interested, I could scan it for y'all.
    > Cheers!
    > Jim

    Do You Yahoo!?
    Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax
    Group: dqn-list Message: 690 From: Al Lowe Date: 4/19/2002
    Subject: Re: DragonQuest 4th Edition
    As I remember, I think the last time that TSR/WoTC used the name it was for
    a board game, not the RPG.

    But that was a while ago. I don't know if they used it for any thing else.

    Al Lowe
    Al Lowe's Compleatly UN-Official Harn Page
    ICQ - 16532469

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Rodger Thorm" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 9:17 AM
    Subject: Re: [DQN-list] Re: DragonQuest 4th Edition

    > Hi Jim--
    > I thought there was some popular acclaim to see the
    > letter you got from WotC earlier, or maybe you scanned
    > and posted the letter, but I didn't see it. In any
    > case, I'd be interested in seeing it still.
    > If you need space to post/host the scan, I would be
    > glad to put it in this group's file space on Yahoo
    > Groups where everyone in the group could access it.
    > Regards,
    > Rodger THORM
    > --- ryumaou01 <> wrote:
    > > --- In dqn-list@y..., taichimaster_2001@y... wrote:
    > ...
    > > to have to get an
    > > > attorney who can tell me the status of the
    > > copyright. The trademark
    > > > would only be for the name and not the game system
    > > as we know it. At
    > ...
    > >
    > > Hi,
    > >
    > > I'm *brand* new to the list, but I should be able to
    > > help you with the
    > > copyright issue. TSR acquired the copyright when
    > > they bought SPI.
    > > Now, Wizards of the Coast picked it up when they
    > > acquired TSR, since
    > > it would be considered a corporate asset. So, that
    > > means that Hasbro
    > > owns it, because they bought Wizards of the Coast.
    > > Several years ago (1996), I sent a letter to TSR's
    > > legal department to
    > > ask about the possibility of getting the rights to
    > > publish the game
    > > again. They politely declined. I still have the
    > > letter. If anyone's
    > > interested, I could scan it for y'all.
    > >
    > > Cheers!
    > > Jim
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > __________________________________________________
    > Do You Yahoo!?
    > Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax
    > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

    Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
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    Version: 6.0.350 / Virus Database: 196 - Release Date: 4/17/02
    Group: dqn-list Message: 691 From: RyuMaou Date: 4/19/2002
    Subject: Re: DragonQuest 4th Edition
    They did actually publish a Third Edition, but I can't say if that came
    before or after the board game. I know they kept it pretty quiet and
    really limited the print run. I have a couple of copies, but it took
    some time to track them down.

    P.S. I posted the scanned letter to the archive, if you're interested.

    Al Lowe wrote:

    > As I remember, I think the last time that TSR/WoTC used the name it was for
    > a board game, not the RPG.
    > But that was a while ago. I don't know if they used it for any thing else.
    > Al Lowe
    > Al Lowe's Compleatly UN-Official Harn Page
    > ICQ - 16532469

    "The future isn't what it used to be."
    -Arthur C. Clarke
    Group: dqn-list Message: 692 From: John_Rauchert Date: 4/19/2002
    Subject: Re: DragonQuest 4th Edition
    --- In dqn-list@y..., "Al Lowe" <grandpoobah@h...> wrote:
    > As I remember, I think the last time that TSR/WoTC used the name it
    was for
    > a board game, not the RPG.

    It is my belief that TSR published the Third Edition of the game in
    1989 and the Shattered Statue in 1989 in order to show that they we
    maintaining the DragonQuest Trademark which must be renewed every 10
    years. In order, to maintain the Trademark you must show that it is
    being used on actual products.

    The Shattered Statue
    -- Paul Jaquays
    (TSR, Inc.) 1988. Booklet; DQ1; TSR #9221
    A dual DragonQuest/AD&D module by Paul Jaquays which has as its major
    claim to fame unedited versions of The College of Rune Magics and The
    College of Shaping Magics taken from the original (and near mythical)
    Arcane Wisdom supplement.

    DragonQuest, 3rd Edition
    (TSR, Inc.) 1989. Purple cover. One softcover 8-1/2" x 11" book. TSR
    This edition removed the Colleges of Greater Summoning and Black
    Magics, and added Colleges of Summoning (without the Greater and very
    unlike it as well) and Shapings. The College of Summoning seems to
    correspond to the legendary College of Lesser Summonings and the
    College of Shaping was changed to remove any reference to the College
    of Greater Summoning. Other than these heresies, there are only
    cosmetic changes in the body of rules (addition of parts of the
    Herbal Lore section from Arcane Wisdom Rule 94, may be noteworthy).
    The note for Saps is changed and spells that have words like evil and
    hell in them are renamed. Contains the adventure The Camp of Alla-
    Akabar. Note: a complete list of differences from the 2nd ed. is
    available at Drake Stanton's archive(see below).

    The board game came after this, see below:

    From The Alchemist's Bench: Fantasy Boardgame Profiles

    DragonQuest, released in 1992, was TSR's first attempt at a HeroQuest-
    inspired board game. Unfortunately for a product that was represented
    to be a board game, its rules are much more complex than HeroQuest's,
    it includes only one 3-level adventure, and it was distributed to the
    book and hobby trades rather than to toy stores. All of these factors
    likely contributed to its failure in the marketplace. Certainly, TSR
    handled all of those considerations differently in DragonStrike,
    their much-improved second bid for the HeroQuest market.

    John F. Rauchert, co-moderator
    Group: dqn-list Message: 693 From: Al Lowe Date: 4/19/2002
    Subject: Re: DragonQuest 4th Edition
    If I recall correctly, the 3rd Edition of the RPG came out before the board
    I also have a copy of the LAST edition of the RPG. I was disappointed that
    they took out Black Magics, among other things.

    That, and they didn't correct the killer ferrets.

    Al Lowe - ICQ 16532469
    Al Lowe's Compleatly UN-Official Harn Page

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "RyuMaou" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 2:24 PM
    Subject: Re: [DQN-list] Re: DragonQuest 4th Edition

    > They did actually publish a Third Edition, but I can't say if that came
    > before or after the board game. I know they kept it pretty quiet and
    > really limited the print run. I have a couple of copies, but it took
    > some time to track them down.
    > Thanks,
    > Jim
    > P.S. I posted the scanned letter to the archive, if you're interested.
    > Al Lowe wrote:
    > > As I remember, I think the last time that TSR/WoTC used the name it was
    > > a board game, not the RPG.
    > >
    > > But that was a while ago. I don't know if they used it for any thing
    > >
    > > Al Lowe
    > >
    > > Al Lowe's Compleatly UN-Official Harn Page
    > > ICQ - 16532469
    > >
    > --
    > "The future isn't what it used to be."
    > -Arthur C. Clarke
    > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

    Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
    Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
    Version: 6.0.350 / Virus Database: 196 - Release Date: 4/17/02
    Group: dqn-list Message: 694 From: RyuMaou Date: 4/19/2002
    Subject: Re: DragonQuest 4th Edition
    Actually, no one else has expressed an interest in seeing it. But, if
    you'd like it, I'll post the scanned GIF to the Yahoo space.


    Rodger Thorm wrote:

    > Hi Jim--
    > I thought there was some popular acclaim to see the
    > letter you got from WotC earlier, or maybe you scanned
    > and posted the letter, but I didn't see it. In any
    > case, I'd be interested in seeing it still.
    > If you need space to post/host the scan, I would be
    > glad to put it in this group's file space on Yahoo
    > Groups where everyone in the group could access it.
    > Regards,
    > Rodger THORM
    > --- ryumaou01 <> wrote:
    >>--- In dqn-list@y..., taichimaster_2001@y... wrote:
    > ...
    >>to have to get an
    >>>attorney who can tell me the status of the
    >>copyright. The trademark
    >>>would only be for the name and not the game system
    >>as we know it. At
    > ...
    >>I'm *brand* new to the list, but I should be able to
    >>help you with the
    >>copyright issue. TSR acquired the copyright when
    >>they bought SPI.
    >>Now, Wizards of the Coast picked it up when they
    >>acquired TSR, since
    >>it would be considered a corporate asset. So, that
    >>means that Hasbro
    >>owns it, because they bought Wizards of the Coast.
    >>Several years ago (1996), I sent a letter to TSR's
    >>legal department to
    >>ask about the possibility of getting the rights to
    >>publish the game
    >>again. They politely declined. I still have the
    >>letter. If anyone's
    >>interested, I could scan it for y'all.
    > __________________________________________________
    > Do You Yahoo!?
    > Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax
    > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

    "The future isn't what it used to be."
    -Arthur C. Clarke
    Group: dqn-list Message: 695 From: Date: 4/19/2002
    Subject: Re: DragonQuest 4th Edition
    >They did actually publish a Third Edition, but I can't say if that came
    >before or after the board game. I know they kept it pretty quiet and
    >really limited the print run. I have a couple of copies, but it took
    >some time to track them down.

    According to my copy of Third ed the copywrite notice goes as follows:

    (c) 1980, 1981, 1982 by SPI Inc
    (c) 1989 by TSR Inc, All Rights Reserved.

    I'm fairly sure this came out before the board game.


    Do You Yahoo!?
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    Group: dqn-list Message: 696 From: Greg Walters Date: 4/23/2002
    Subject: Strategicon, Anyone?
    If I am able to attend Gamex 2002 (inside of next month at Los Angeles), I will see if I might GM either DQ or Universe (or both?). By the way, is there a similar sort of group to this "yahoogroup" that is for Universe?

    Greg W.

    Sign-up for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at
    Group: dqn-list Message: 697 From: devilsmiles99 Date: 4/23/2002
    Subject: Hello All.
    I'm new hare and was wondering if there are any players in the
    Cincinnati Ohio area? I am attempting to start a multi-gm game
    useing the rules by the large DQ group in New Zeland. Anyone out
    there? I have always been to find a few players, but someone to GM
    besides me has been a challenge. The three of us had arena fights to
    get everyone up on combat. Needless to say all characters were

    Group: dqn-list Message: 698 From: rthorm Date: 4/23/2002
    Subject: Re: Strategicon, Anyone?
    --- In dqn-list@y..., "Greg Walters" <Greg_G_Walters@e...> wrote:

    By the way, is there a similar sort of group to this "yahoogroup"
    that is for Universe?

    Found it! Here's John K's original posting announcing the group on

    }Hullo, folks,
    }Just thought I would let you know that I have re-launched the
    }Universe RPG Group over on Yahoo! Groups. The URL for joining the
    }list is
    }and you can join up from there. Hope to see various folks who are
    }fans of the game system on the new list, which is just starting out
    }once more.

    Group: dqn-list Message: 699 From: Todd Douglas Date: 4/25/2002
    Subject: Re: Strategicon, Anyone?
    When I click on the link I get a message that
    Universe-RPG dose not exist.


    --- rthorm <> wrote:
    > --- In dqn-list@y..., "Greg Walters"
    > <Greg_G_Walters@e...> wrote:
    > <cut>
    > By the way, is there a similar sort of group to this
    > "yahoogroup"
    > that is for Universe?
    > >
    > Found it! Here's John K's original posting
    > announcing the group on
    > WebRPG:
    > }Hullo, folks,
    > }
    > }Just thought I would let you know that I have
    > re-launched the
    > }Universe RPG Group over on Yahoo! Groups. The URL
    > for joining the
    > }list is
    > }
    > }
    > }
    > }and you can join up from there. Hope to see various
    > folks who are
    > }fans of the game system on the new list, which is
    > just starting out
    > }once more.
    > }
    > }JohnK
    > --RT

    Do You Yahoo!?
    Yahoo! Games - play chess, backgammon, pool and more
    Group: dqn-list Message: 700 From: Date: 6/2/2002
    Subject: Interesting item on eBay web site item#1733912385: FRONTIERS OF ALU
    About 5hrs left (at the time of this writting) for this one...

    You might consider $14 to be cheap, if youv'e been wanting to get it.

    Greg W.

    Seller: frannchas
    Starts: May-22-02 07:08:03 PDT
    Ends: Jun-01-02 07:08:03 PDT
    Price: Starts at GBP 9.99
    To bid on the item, go to:

    Item Description:
    On 22-May-02 at 17:42:30 BST, seller added the following information:

    Pay me securely with any major credit card through PayPal!

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    Group: dqn-list Message: 701 From: Date: 6/6/2002
    Subject: New file uploaded to dqn-list

    This email message is a notification to let you know that
    a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the dqn-list

    File : /Archive/Arcane_Wisdom.pdf
    Uploaded by : John_Rauchert <>
    Description : Arcane Wisdom 19 April 2002 edition

    You can access this file at the URL

    To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit


    John_Rauchert <>
    Group: dqn-list Message: 702 From: ed Date: 6/6/2002
    Subject: Re: Arcane Wisdom
    On Wed, 03 Apr 2002 10:50:49 -0000, "lord_kjeran"
    <> wrote:

    >I just had AW printed out and bound at school today and I must
    >say...SWEET!!! The cover looks REALLY good behind the clear plastic
    >And the ability to read the text like a book and to cart it
    >around...sheer heaven.

    Where is there a version with a cover sheet?

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    Group: dqn-list Message: 703 From: Ross Date: 6/14/2002
    Subject: Testing
    Hi Folks,

    I haven't received any posts from any of the yahoogroups lists I subscribe
    to in the last few days, so I'm testing to see if this post is getting

    Steven P. Ross
    Group: dqn-list Message: 704 From: tearohdaktil Date: 6/16/2002
    Subject: Interested in DQ - A few rules questions, though.
    While I have been a long-time rpg gamer, I have yet to play (or GM)
    Dragonquest. However, I have read, with considerable interest and
    pleasure, my copy of the 3rd edition of the Dragonquest rulebook.
    For a number of reasons I have been drawn to it over the years -
    seemingly in a vacuum considering the market domination of xD&D over
    the years.

    Please, be kind. I'm a bit confused over how the issue of Adepts and
    their "acqusition" of Talents, Spells, and Rituals is handled, per
    the rules of DQ, 3rd Ed.

    Rule 34.4 "A character is assumed to have mastered all of the General
    Knowledge of his College . . . [it] is always at Rank 0."

    Does this mean that a beginning Adept would know (i.e. be able to
    cast) all General Knowledge Spells and Rituals? Only that they would
    be cast at Rank 0? And while I understand that to improve individual
    spells one should use their "Experience: Multiple" costs, what is the
    cost of learning, or having access to, a particular college?

    Rule 34.6 ". . . but can only know a number of spells and rituals of
    Rank 5 or lower equal to his Magical Aptitude. He can know an
    unlimited number of spells and rituals of Rank 6 or higher."

    Huh? An Adept can know some spells at a lower proficiency, but any
    number at higher mastery? This rule, in conjunction with 34.7, has
    me really scratching my head. Please, someone, help!

    Rule 34.7 "cannot acquire additional spells . . . unless he attains
    Rank 6 or higher with spells already learned so as to make room . . ."

    Make room for new spells or "additioanl knowledge." What's up wit

    Finally, how does all of this work with 8.6. and spending your 100
    ExP to acquire any one skill at Rank 0?

    Thanks, to everyone who might help me. If you guys are there for my
    questions, you might just have another DQ devotee on your hands. :)
    Group: dqn-list Message: 705 From: William Hough Date: 6/16/2002
    Subject: Re: Testing
    Hi Ross

    I am on the DQN Yahoo group only, so I can tell you
    with all sincerity that this one still receives posts.

    Pat Hough

    --- Ross <> wrote:
    > Hi Folks,
    > I haven't received any posts from any of the
    > yahoogroups lists I subscribe
    > to in the last few days, so I'm testing to see if
    > this post is getting
    > though.
    > Steven P. Ross

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    Group: dqn-list Message: 706 From: Date: 6/17/2002
    Subject: Re: Interested in DQ - A few rules questions, though.
    >Please, be kind. I'm a bit confused over how the issue of Adepts and
    >their "acqusition" of Talents, Spells, and Rituals is handled, per
    >the rules of DQ, 3rd Ed.
    >Rule 34.4 "A character is assumed to have mastered all of the General
    >Knowledge of his College . . . [it] is always at Rank 0."
    >Does this mean that a beginning Adept would know (i.e. be able to
    >cast) all General Knowledge Spells and Rituals? Only that they would
    >be cast at Rank 0? And while I understand that to improve individual
    >spells one should use their "Experience: Multiple" costs, what is the
    >cost of learning, or having access to, a particular college?
    >Rule 34.6 ". . . but can only know a number of spells and rituals of
    >Rank 5 or lower equal to his Magical Aptitude. He can know an
    >unlimited number of spells and rituals of Rank 6 or higher."
    >Huh? An Adept can know some spells at a lower proficiency, but any
    >number at higher mastery? This rule, in conjunction with 34.7, has
    >me really scratching my head. Please, someone, help!

    OK. You'll probably get a flood of replies on this....

    The MA requirement for a College is equal to the number of General
    Knowledge Spells & Rituals + 2 (for the Counterspells). To join a College
    an Adapt must have an MA equal or greater than the minimum requirement.
    Talents don't count towards this total.

    When joining a College, the Adept has all their Talents, GK spells and
    rituals, as well as the two Counterspells at Rank 0. (Purification ritual?
    - might be +3 if that is the case)

    If there are MA slots available, the Adept can learn Special Knowledge
    spells and rituals but must always have enough MA to cover all the spells
    and rituals that are below Rank 6 otherwise some start dropping off
    randomly until the number of spells and rituals below Rank 6 equals the
    PC's MA. It's best to start off with a few extra points of MA spare just in
    case as at least one backfire starts reducing it (Creeping Selinity).

    >Rule 34.7 "cannot acquire additional spells . . . unless he attains
    >Rank 6 or higher with spells already learned so as to make room . . ."
    >Make room for new spells or "additioanl knowledge." What's up wit

    (see above) Basically that means Ranking some General Knowledge spells or
    rituals up to six so that they no longer count for the MA requirement. That
    frees up MA slots for special knowledge.

    >Finally, how does all of this work with 8.6. and spending your 100
    >ExP to acquire any one skill at Rank 0?

    Skills are a completely separate matter. Unfortunately my 3rd ed DQ
    rulebook has gone walkies at the moment and I can't remember clause 8.6 at
    the moment - sorry.

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