Messages in dqn-list group. Page 11 of 80.

Group: dqn-list Message: 507 From: John Rauchert Date: 2/12/2001
Subject: Re: DragonQuest - White Magics
Group: dqn-list Message: 508 From: Date: 2/14/2001
Subject: Re: DragonQuest - White Magics
Group: dqn-list Message: 509 From: D. Cameron King Date: 2/14/2001
Subject: Re: Shaping Magics
Group: dqn-list Message: 510 From: John Rauchert Date: 2/14/2001
Subject: Re: DragonQuest - White Magics
Group: dqn-list Message: 511 From: Gard, Richard Date: 2/15/2001
Subject: Re: DragonQuest - White Magics
Group: dqn-list Message: 512 From: King Rat Date: 2/20/2001
Subject: Re: Shaping Magics
Group: dqn-list Message: 513 From: Todd Coy Date: 2/21/2001
Subject: Re: Shaping Magics
Group: dqn-list Message: 514 From: John M. Kahane Date: 2/23/2001
Subject: Re: Shaping Magics
Group: dqn-list Message: 515 From: Date: 2/28/2001
Subject: Creatures database
Group: dqn-list Message: 516 From: Bruce Probst Date: 3/18/2001
Subject: RuneQuest & DragonQuest (longish)
Group: dqn-list Message: 517 From: Jason Winter Date: 3/28/2001
Subject: DQ Newsletter
Group: dqn-list Message: 518 From: Date: 4/12/2001
Subject: Re: DQ Newsletter
Group: dqn-list Message: 519 From: D. Cameron King Date: 4/13/2001
Subject: Re: DQ Newsletter
Group: dqn-list Message: 520 From: Date: 4/13/2001
Subject: Re: DQ Newsletter
Group: dqn-list Message: 521 From: Bruce Probst Date: 5/5/2001
Subject: DQ Newsletter list is where?
Group: dqn-list Message: 522 From: Date: 5/5/2001
Subject: DragonQuest Newsletter Subscription
Group: dqn-list Message: 523 From: Steven Ross Date: 5/7/2001
Subject: DragonQuest: Castle Falkenstein
Group: dqn-list Message: 524 From: Date: 5/7/2001
Subject: Greetings All
Group: dqn-list Message: 525 From: John M. Kahane Date: 5/7/2001
Subject: Re: DragonQuest: Castle Falkenstein
Group: dqn-list Message: 526 From: ed Date: 5/8/2001
Subject: Re: DragonQuest: Castle Falkenstein
Group: dqn-list Message: 527 From: Date: 5/8/2001
Subject: Concerning worldly things
Group: dqn-list Message: 528 From: Ross Date: 5/8/2001
Subject: Re: DragonQuest: Castle Falkenstein
Group: dqn-list Message: 529 From: ed Date: 5/8/2001
Subject: Re: DragonQuest: Castle Falkenstein
Group: dqn-list Message: 530 From: Loki Freyr Date: 5/11/2001
Subject: Any DQ players in San Francisco?
Group: dqn-list Message: 531 From: Bruce Probst Date: 5/11/2001
Subject: Re: Concerning worldly things
Group: dqn-list Message: 532 From: Loki Freyr Date: 5/11/2001
Subject: Re: Concerning worldly things
Group: dqn-list Message: 533 From: Loki Freyr Date: 5/11/2001
Subject: Frontiers of Alusia
Group: dqn-list Message: 534 From: King Rat Date: 5/11/2001
Subject: Re: Concerning worldly things
Group: dqn-list Message: 535 From: Pishnak, Paul WO1 Date: 5/11/2001
Subject: Re: Concerning worldly things
Group: dqn-list Message: 536 From: Pishnak, Paul WO1 Date: 5/11/2001
Subject: Re: Any DQ players in San Francisco?
Group: dqn-list Message: 537 From: Pishnak, Paul WO1 Date: 5/11/2001
Subject: Re: Frontiers of Alusia
Group: dqn-list Message: 538 From: John Rauchert Date: 5/11/2001
Subject: Re: Frontiers of Alusia
Group: dqn-list Message: 539 From: Ben Davis Date: 5/12/2001
Subject: Re: Concerning worldly things
Group: dqn-list Message: 540 From: Date: 5/12/2001
Subject: Creating a CC2 map of Alusia
Group: dqn-list Message: 541 From: Snafaru Date: 5/12/2001
Subject: Re: Any DQ players in San Francisco?
Group: dqn-list Message: 542 From: Jason Winter Date: 5/12/2001
Subject: Re: Frontiers of Alusia
Group: dqn-list Message: 543 From: Snafaru Date: 5/12/2001
Subject: Re: Frontiers of Alusia
Group: dqn-list Message: 544 From: Stephen Lister Date: 5/12/2001
Subject: Alusia map
Group: dqn-list Message: 545 From: David Union Date: 5/15/2001
Subject: Re: Frontiers of Alusia
Group: dqn-list Message: 546 From: David Union Date: 5/15/2001
Subject: Fw: Unable to deliver your message
Group: dqn-list Message: 547 From: Date: 5/15/2001
Subject: Re: Frontiers of Alusia
Group: dqn-list Message: 548 From: Date: 5/15/2001
Subject: Re: Frontiers of Alusia
Group: dqn-list Message: 549 From: Date: 5/15/2001
Subject: Commando
Group: dqn-list Message: 550 From: Stephen Lister Date: 5/15/2001
Subject: Re: Digest Number 35
Group: dqn-list Message: 551 From: Date: 5/15/2001
Subject: Re: Concerning worldly things
Group: dqn-list Message: 552 From: Loki Freyr Date: 5/15/2001
Subject: Re: Frontiers of Alusia
Group: dqn-list Message: 553 From: Date: 5/15/2001
Subject: Re: Commando
Group: dqn-list Message: 554 From: Snafaru Date: 5/17/2001
Subject: Frontiers of Alusia - extended map
Group: dqn-list Message: 555 From: Bruce Probst Date: 5/17/2001
Subject: Re: Digest Number 35
Group: dqn-list Message: 556 From: Pishnak, Paul WO1 Date: 5/18/2001
Subject: Re: Frontiers of Alusia - extended map

Group: dqn-list Message: 507 From: John Rauchert Date: 2/12/2001
Subject: Re: DragonQuest - White Magics
RE: [DQN-list] DragonQuest - White Magics

>Hi I guess I was thinking I have more questions about the copyright issues...
>WTC now, I think, owns the rights to DQ, with some of the unpublished
>stuff in "Limbo".

Technically, Hasbro now owns DQ as Wizards of the Coast is a now wholly owned subsidary of Hasbro. A minor shakeout of employees and the former president of the company, may indicate a change to a more Hasbro management style (whatever that means).

Whether Hasbro is more or less open to selling the rights to DQ is up in the air. Before the purchase, Wizards were open to serious offers to license DQ but not to sell (I believe that is where things were last left). Wizards has recently sold Legend of the Five Rings property.

As to Hasbro/WOTC, Open Sourcing DQ there is really no market advantage for them to do so.  The Open Licensing of some of D&D's intellectual property came about for purely financial reasons (although some would argue this point).  The profits in D&D have always been in the core rule books. Therefore, you say to other yes you can produce content based on our core rule books, but only we can sell the core rules. It seems to be a strategy that has worked (given the number of D20 products appearing on the market).

We are currently working under an older statement by WOTC and TSR that allowed for the distribution of Fan produced material that added to the original product but did not infringe on their copyright, it has since disappeared from the net but I will dig up a copy I have somewhere.

>One of the 'neatest' pieces of work, unfortunately, I'm pretty sure
>is unlikely to get permission to see the light of day (all I can say is
>to study the list of planned suppliments very carefully and realize
>at least one more, other than arcane wisdom, was done)

If you are referring to Steve Jackson's Worldbuilding supplement, I had an opportunity to talk to Steve a few years ago.  At that time his reaction was that most of that material had been rolled into GURPS so you should be playing GURPS and not DQ.  I don't know if his attitude has changed since that time, but SJG has been reprinting a number of out-of-print games lately so who knows.  A couple of guys in their sales/marketing team are old friends of mine.

>Also there were some DQ articles in Dragon while they made
>the pretense of continuing Ares - some of them were good. I know
>the idea of the background tables made it to my list of rules I

Most of these are available in one form or another on the Internet as well as most of the key articles from the ARES magazine including at least one capsule adventure.

John F. Rauchert

Group: dqn-list Message: 508 From: Date: 2/14/2001
Subject: Re: DragonQuest - White Magics
RE: RE: [DQN-list] DragonQuest - White Magics

Hi all,
>>Also there were some DQ articles in Dragon while they made
>>the pretense of continuing Ares - some of them were good. I know
>>the idea of the background tables made it to my list of rules I
>Most of these are available in one form or another on the Internet as well as most of the key articles from   >the ARES magazine including at least one capsule adventure

Anyone know where they can be found? The only article I've managed to get my hands on so far, is the extended social status list published in Dragon.


Group: dqn-list Message: 509 From: D. Cameron King Date: 2/14/2001
Subject: Re: Shaping Magics
>Whats the difference between a shaper performing the following two
>Q-4 (Investment) and R-6 (Binding Investments)
>Q-x and R-y (x = one of 5-11, y = one of 8-20 in DQ3 or 9-21 in AW)
>As far as I can see, the Shaping Index and Magic Item Construction
>with its Endurance and Time requirements are applicable only to the
>sequence, so why would a Shaper bother with the second sequence to
>a permananent item with a magical ability?

There are several important differences. The biggest is that a
Q-4/R-6 item works just like (actually, is) an item invested with
an unlimited number of charges. This means that the user has to
make a successful Cast Check each time it is used. Q-x/R-y items,
on the other hand, operate automatically or at will. (At least,
this is how I interpret "The effect of possessing an item imbued
with a particular ability is to allow the item's wielder to use the
ability as a talent, *without the necessity of any extraordinary
effort* or expenditure of Fatigue" as opposed to the Ritual of
Investment's "An object which has a spell stored in it in this
manner may be used to cast the spell at no Fatigue cost by any
character...who knows how to activate the object.")

Secondly, only spells can be invested; talents, skills, and
characteristic increases can be added to an object only via
Q-x/R-y. Third is the chance of success; R-6 has a Base Chance
of only 5, versus the virtually automatic success of Q-x and
the Base Chance of 50 for R-y. But I think it's the first
difference (above) that you're wanting to find.

Lastly, keep in mind that "A particular object may never be
invested with more than one spell at the same time." That means
that you can't use R-6 to bind one invested spell and then add
another investment to the object. When using Q-x/R-y, however,
you can not only imbue more than one spell, you can add new
enchantments to already enchanted items.

>Would a Shaper only use the second sequence if he was placing magical
>abilities in a device which has other non-magical abilities as well?
>A second question: Any suggestions for costs for the first sequence
>(Q4 + R6)?

I've never required any costs for the performance of a ritual
unless the description called for it. Personally, I don't see
any need. The XP Multiples, time constraints, and relatively
low chance of success (especially given the consequences of
backfire for R-6) are sufficient, in my opinion.

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Group: dqn-list Message: 510 From: John Rauchert Date: 2/14/2001
Subject: Re: DragonQuest - White Magics
RE: RE: [DQN-list] DragonQuest - White Magics
True to form, most of the websites I got stuff from seem to have disappeared.
This lists file archive contains many goodies including:
In the Adventures folder:
The House of Kurin  originally published in Ares #7, March 1981, pp. 5-12 (updated to 2nd edition rules)
The Treasure of Socantri originally published in Ares #13, pp. 45-52
Also available is:
A modified version of character generation using material from Questing (Half-elves, Lizardman) originally published in  Ares #12, pp. 36,38-52
and of course,
For a fuller background by Paul Montgomery Crabaugh originally published in  Dragon Number 97 (May 1985) p. 28
More to follow...
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: February 13, 2001 1:47 AM
Subject: RE: RE: [DQN-list] DragonQuest - White Magics

Hi all,
>>Also there were some DQ articles in Dragon while they made
>>the pretense of continuing Ares - some of them were good. I know
>>the idea of the background tables made it to my list of rules I
>Most of these are available in one form or another on the Internet as well as most of the key articles from   >the ARES magazine including at least one capsule adventure

Anyone know where they can be found? The only article I've managed to get my hands on so far, is the extended social status list published in Dragon.


Group: dqn-list Message: 511 From: Gard, Richard Date: 2/15/2001
Subject: Re: DragonQuest - White Magics
They sell a Dragon Magazine CD-Rom containing issues 1-250.


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 3:47 AM
Subject: RE: RE: [DQN-list] DragonQuest - White Magics

Hi all,
>>Also there were some DQ articles in Dragon while they made
>>the pretense of continuing Ares - some of them were good. I know
>>the idea of the background tables made it to my list of rules I
>Most of these are available in one form or another on the Internet as well
as most of the key articles from >the ARES magazine including at least one
capsule adventure

Anyone know where they can be found? The only article I've managed to get my
hands on so far, is the extended social status list published in Dragon.


Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
Group: dqn-list Message: 512 From: King Rat Date: 2/20/2001
Subject: Re: Shaping Magics
>Whats the difference between a shaper performing the following two
>Q-4 (Investment) and R-6 (Binding Investments)
>Q-x and R-y (x = one of 5-11, y = one of 8-20 in DQ3 or 9-21 in AW)
>As far as I can see, the Shaping Index and Magic Item Construction
>Chart, with its Endurance and Time requirements are applicable only >to the
>second sequence, so why would a Shaper bother with the second >sequence to
>create a permananent item with a magical ability?

Shaping in abilities is used for things like 'Trollskin', 'Resistance to
Magical Fire', 'Quickness', etc. Shaping makes the item always on, and
always affecting the bearer. This means that Shaping an item with an
attack spell is not to be done.

Binding Investment is used for 'Walking Unseen', 'Dragon Flames', and other
effects that you desire to use one at a time without the burden of it being
always on.
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Group: dqn-list Message: 513 From: Todd Coy Date: 2/21/2001
Subject: Re: Shaping Magics
From my reading of the rituals, this is my understanding.

Q-4 is used to make investments of the Shaper spells, just like the
Investment ritual all the other colleges use, except this one is general
knowledge to the college.

R-6 is used to permanently bind an investment so that is no longer has
charges. This can be done to an investment from any college.

Note: R-6 can get out of hand quickly so in the campaign that I play in a
mage can only have a number of investments equal to there rank in investment
ritual. In addition a mage also has a general idea of where (what
direction) there investment is, in case it is loaned, stolen, etc... This
also has a tendency to make buying investments much more expensive, as well
as having a time limit on how long they can be kept.

Todd Coy

----- Original Message -----
From: "King Rat" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 1:25 PM
Subject: Re: [DQN-list] Shaping Magics

> >Whats the difference between a shaper performing the following two
> >sequences?
> >
> >Q-4 (Investment) and R-6 (Binding Investments)
> >
> >Q-x and R-y (x = one of 5-11, y = one of 8-20 in DQ3 or 9-21 in AW)
> >
> >As far as I can see, the Shaping Index and Magic Item Construction
> >Chart, with its Endurance and Time requirements are applicable only >to
> >second sequence, so why would a Shaper bother with the second >sequence
> >create a permananent item with a magical ability?
> Shaping in abilities is used for things like 'Trollskin', 'Resistance to
> Magical Fire', 'Quickness', etc. Shaping makes the item always on, and
> always affecting the bearer. This means that Shaping an item with an
> attack spell is not to be done.
> Binding Investment is used for 'Walking Unseen', 'Dragon Flames', and
> effects that you desire to use one at a time without the burden of it
> always on.
> _________________________________________________________________________
> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
Group: dqn-list Message: 514 From: John M. Kahane Date: 2/23/2001
Subject: Re: Shaping Magics
Hullo, Todd,

On Wed, 21 Feb 2001 08:54:26 -0500, Todd Coy wrote:

>>From my reading of the rituals, this is my understanding.

>Q-4 is used to make investments of the Shaper spells, just like the
>Investment ritual all the other colleges use, except this one is general
>knowledge to the college.
>R-6 is used to permanently bind an investment so that is no longer has
>charges. This can be done to an investment from any college.

That is certainly my interpretation of the rules for those two
Shaping rituals. So, I agree with you. :)

... Happiness is not a destination; it's a way of traveling.

Group: dqn-list Message: 515 From: Date: 2/28/2001
Subject: Creatures database
About a year and a half ago I created a database that contained all the
creatures from the third edition rulebook. In the process of leaving a
job and moving twice, I have managed to misplace the database file.
Does anybody have a copy they could email me, or an URL where it is
located? Posting it to our Yahoo groups files area would also work.

Thanks in advance.

Group: dqn-list Message: 516 From: Bruce Probst Date: 3/18/2001
Subject: RuneQuest & DragonQuest (longish)
On Fri, 16 Mar 2001 09:47:49 -0500, Robert Stancliff <>

>DQ does have some very nice combat rules, though they tend to get
>misplaced in the 'verbiage'.

As a wargame grognard, the DQ rules are refreshingly crystal-clear to me, in
most cases ... but I can see how it can put people off not used to the
"rules-case" style.

>The special maneuvers for RQ4 had the same
>problem with clutter, but the maneuvers were nice. DQ set arbitrarily low
>maximum skill levels with upper limits on nearly anything.

I did say it was the *combat* system that I liked <g> ... actually there are
many things about the DQ Skill Rank system I *do* like, but the arbitrary
cut-off at certain levels was not one of them. (Amongst other things, it
makes it bloody hard to add new weapons into the game.) One of my earliest
House Rules for DQ was removing the skill limits, just making the XP cost
for "above normal" levels very high -- so only the most dedicated would

I could waffle on about DQ for hours, but this is not the forum ... waffling
on about RQ seems slightly more productive <g>.

I would make the comment, though, that if someone was looking for a
*generic* FRPG, not tied to any particular world-system, with a "standard
D&D-like sword & sorcery approach but without arbitrary character classes
and levels", they could do much worse than study DQ -- just make sure you
get the *2nd* edition (preferably, the Bantam paperback edition). 1st
edition has a seriously flawed and clunky combat system, along with other
problems; 3rd edition was emasculated by TSR. The Bantam printing of 2nd
edition is preferable because it incorporates a number of minor changes and
errata *not* present in the SPI editions (the Bantam edition would be more
accurately described as "version 2.1"). You can also now download the
never-published-but-should-have-been "Arcane Wisdom" supplement, with
several extra Colleges of Magic and some advanced magic rules -- see the
"DQN-List" group on YahooGroups (formerly eGroups).

[What *I* would do these days if I wanted to run that type of game, would be
to use the RQ3 rules but modify the background to make use of the DQ
Colleges (as Sorcery, modified somewhat), while adding Cults (Divine Magic
only) for whatever religions I decided to use in the game, and making Spirit
Magic much, much less common.]

[CC'd to the DQN-List since people there might be interested ....]

Bruce Probst ICQ 6563830
Melbourne, Australia MSTie #72759
"Hey, someone turn off the fat rotating guy."
Group: dqn-list Message: 517 From: Jason Winter Date: 3/28/2001
Subject: DQ Newsletter
Hey all. Now that the latest newsletter is out, I was wondering if there
was any feedback any of you might have about my Column Frontiers of Alusia
- Explored. The next installment is done and turned in, but it would be
nice to hear what people thought of the current one. Also, are there any
regions you would like to see defined? I don't really have a set agenda as
to what areas I'm going to do other than perhaps the new one I have turned
in (obviously) as well as my 3rd installment. After that, im unsure, so if
some of you would like to see an area explored, let me know either here or
by email.

Anyway. I was just curious to hear what people thought.

Jason Winter
Group: dqn-list Message: 518 From: Date: 4/12/2001
Subject: Re: DQ Newsletter
I really liked the Frontiers of Alusua Explored bit, myself.
John Hiday

--- In dqn-list@y..., Jason Winter <Alarian@u...> wrote:
> Hey all. Now that the latest newsletter is out, I was wondering if
> was any feedback any of you might have about my Column Frontiers of
> - Explored. The next installment is done and turned in, but it
would be
> nice to hear what people thought of the current one. Also, are
there any
> regions you would like to see defined? I don't really have a set
agenda as
> to what areas I'm going to do other than perhaps the new one I have
> in (obviously) as well as my 3rd installment. After that, im
unsure, so if
> some of you would like to see an area explored, let me know either
here or
> by email.
> Anyway. I was just curious to hear what people thought.
> Jason Winter
> Alarian@u...
Group: dqn-list Message: 519 From: D. Cameron King Date: 4/13/2001
Subject: Re: DQ Newsletter
Where is this latest newsletter? The Files section has them up until
vol.5 no.4, but that's it.

>I really liked the Frontiers of Alusua Explored bit, myself.
>John Hiday
>--- In dqn-list@y..., Jason Winter <Alarian@u...> wrote:
> > Hey all. Now that the latest newsletter is out, I was wondering if
> > was any feedback any of you might have about my Column Frontiers of
> > - Explored. The next installment is done and turned in, but it
>would be
> > nice to hear what people thought of the current one. Also, are
>there any
> > regions you would like to see defined? I don't really have a set
>agenda as
> > to what areas I'm going to do other than perhaps the new one I have
> > in (obviously) as well as my 3rd installment. After that, im
>unsure, so if
> > some of you would like to see an area explored, let me know either
>here or
> > by email.
> >
> > Anyway. I was just curious to hear what people thought.
> >
> >
> > Jason Winter
> > Alarian@u...
> >

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Group: dqn-list Message: 520 From: Date: 4/13/2001
Subject: Re: DQ Newsletter
--- In dqn-list@y..., "D. Cameron King" <monarchy2000@h...> wrote:
> Where is this latest newsletter? The Files section has them up
> vol.5 no.4, but that's it.

The DragonQuest Newsletter is now distributed through
the "DQNewsletter" group. (Similar to this group, which is "DQN-
list," but not the same group.) New issues are in the messages
section; back issues will eventually (someday) be collected and
indexed and filed in the Files section. Volume 6 (2001) issues 1 and
2 are out, and issue 3 will, hopefully, be out this weekend.

-- Rodger Thorm
Group: dqn-list Message: 521 From: Bruce Probst Date: 5/5/2001
Subject: DQ Newsletter list is where?
OK, I give up. I've tried, I've tried searching Yahoo, I've
tried manually paging through Yahoo's (unsorted!!) list of e-mail groups. I
can't find it. Where the heck is the e-mail group for the DQ newsletter?

Searching for "Dragonquest" brings up a few lists, but the newsletter isn't
one of them. (Interestingly, "DQ-rules" is another one that the search
doesn't discover.) Searching for "DQ" will take you to lots of Dr Quinn
Medicine Woman lists. Searching for "newsletter" finds you approximately
15000 lists, not in a searchable or sorted format, of course.

So, just call me a dummy if you like, but can someone please give me the
*explicit* location of the Newsletter e-mail homepage so I can subscribe?

Bruce Probst ICQ 6563830
Melbourne, Australia MSTie #72759
"It's gotta be humiliating to be tortured by a smurf."
Group: dqn-list Message: 522 From: Date: 5/5/2001
Subject: DragonQuest Newsletter Subscription
The name of the Yahoo Group for DragonQuest Newsletter subscription is

If you cannot add this group or are having problems in subscribing,
you can also contact me at: and I will manually add
you to the subscriber list.

-- Rodger Thorm
DQN Editor
Group: dqn-list Message: 523 From: Steven Ross Date: 5/7/2001
Subject: DragonQuest: Castle Falkenstein
Hi Folks,

After a recient discusion with my fellow players, reguarding why
they wouldn't wish to play Castle Falkenstein, which amounted to
their not liking the lack of play balance. I was toying with the idea
of converting Castle Falkenstein to 2nd Edition DragonQuest. Has
anyone tried anything like this before? Would there be any particular
problems with using DQ to run Victorian Fantasy?

Group: dqn-list Message: 524 From: Date: 5/7/2001
Subject: Greetings All
Hail DQ Junkies!

After about a 2-year break from gaming I'm back in the fray. Of
course I automatically scoured the net for new DQ material. Was
pleased to find some familiar sites as well as a few new ones. I've
been a member of the DQPA for a while, I think I'm #15 or something
around there.

I was wondering how many DQ PBEM games are out there. I see a few
campaign sites out there, but most seem to be updates to F-2-F games.

I was thinking of starting a DQ PBEM game once I finish a school I
have to attend for a few months. Would be adventuring in the World of

Is their sufficient interest in this endeavor before I start the
initial planning stages?

Group: dqn-list Message: 525 From: John M. Kahane Date: 5/7/2001
Subject: Re: DragonQuest: Castle Falkenstein
Hullo, Steve,

On Sun, 06 May 2001 04:18:18 -0000, Steven Ross wrote:

> After a recient discusion with my fellow players, reguarding why
>they wouldn't wish to play Castle Falkenstein, which amounted to
>their not liking the lack of play balance. I was toying with the idea
>of converting Castle Falkenstein to 2nd Edition DragonQuest. Has
>anyone tried anything like this before? Would there be any particular
>problems with using DQ to run Victorian Fantasy?

One of the basic problems, I suspect, would be working up the
stats for the various weapons of the Victorian Age, both stuff
specific to the game and real VA items. Character Generation would
be interesting, I think, but the major problem you migh have would be
in the context of magic and alchemy and all, and of course, having to
do up the racial stats and the like. Oh, and don't forget having to
write the skills or re-conceive them in a DQ fashion. Depending on
whether you're running DQ in Falkenstein, or running Falkenstein in

... I was as pure as the driven snow, but then I drifted.

Group: dqn-list Message: 526 From: ed Date: 5/8/2001
Subject: Re: DragonQuest: Castle Falkenstein
On Sun, 06 May 2001 04:18:18 -0000, "Steven Ross" <>

>Hi Folks,
> After a recient discusion with my fellow players, reguarding why
>they wouldn't wish to play Castle Falkenstein, which amounted to
>their not liking the lack of play balance. I was toying with the idea
>of converting Castle Falkenstein to 2nd Edition DragonQuest. Has
>anyone tried anything like this before? Would there be any particular
>problems with using DQ to run Victorian Fantasy?

Can I suggest having a look at my own "Vis Imperia Victoriana" and the
"essence Gun System"

-- | Dragons Rescued | _//// | Maidens Slain | o_/o ///
For devilbunnies, Diplomacy, RPGs, | Quests P.O.A. | __\ ///__
Science-Fiction and other stuff | | <*>
Group: dqn-list Message: 527 From: Date: 5/8/2001
Subject: Concerning worldly things
Concerning worldly things

Hi everyone,

As you all know, the latest issues of the newsletter have mainly been concerned with the world of Alusia. As I have invented a world of my own, I don't use Alusia myself, but the quality of the stuff (great job Jason) made me pull out my old copy of "The Frontiers of Alusia" (something I haven't done in a veeeeeery long time. The last time I used the setting was about 10 years ago) and try to find the mentioned places (like I said, I haven't even looked at the map for several years).

       All this got me thinking about RPG-worlds in general and what I wonder is: How many of you use Alusia as your campaign-setting? Those of you who don't, do you use home-made worlds or other world-supplements for other games? If you use home-made worlds, would you mind letting us know a little bit about them? I for one would think that would be very interesting.


Group: dqn-list Message: 528 From: Ross Date: 5/8/2001
Subject: Re: DragonQuest: Castle Falkenstein
-----Original Message-----
From: John M. Kahane []
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 5:07 AM
Subject: Re: [DQN-list] DragonQuest: Castle Falkenstein

> Hullo, Steve,

> One of the basic problems, I suspect, would be working up the
>stats for the various weapons of the Victorian Age, both stuff
>specific to the game and real VA items. Character Generation would
>be interesting, I think, but the major problem you migh have would be
>in the context of magic and alchemy and all, and of course, having to
>do up the racial stats and the like. Oh, and don't forget having to
>write the skills or re-conceive them in a DQ fashion. Depending on
>whether you're running DQ in Falkenstein, or running Falkenstein in

Well, the plan was to run Falkenstein in DQ. How would you go about
creating Victorian weapons in DQ? The magic lodges work close enougth to
the way colleges from DQ work that conversion should just be a matter of
grouping spells together. The rest will take a little more work.

Steven P. Ross
Group: dqn-list Message: 529 From: ed Date: 5/8/2001
Subject: Re: DragonQuest: Castle Falkenstein
On Sun, 06 May 2001 04:18:18 -0000, "Steven Ross" <>

>Hi Folks,
> After a recient discusion with my fellow players, reguarding why
>they wouldn't wish to play Castle Falkenstein, which amounted to
>their not liking the lack of play balance. I was toying with the idea
>of converting Castle Falkenstein to 2nd Edition DragonQuest. Has
>anyone tried anything like this before? Would there be any particular
>problems with using DQ to run Victorian Fantasy?

Can I suggest having a look at my own "Vis Imperia Victoriana" and the
"essence Gun System"

-- | Dragons Rescued | _//// | Maidens Slain | o_/o ///
For devilbunnies, Diplomacy, RPGs, | Quests P.O.A. | __\ ///__
Science-Fiction and other stuff | | <*>
Group: dqn-list Message: 530 From: Loki Freyr Date: 5/11/2001
Subject: Any DQ players in San Francisco?
If you live anywhere nearby, and might be interested in playing, I have
recently started a new campaign.

--Loki Freyr
Group: dqn-list Message: 531 From: Bruce Probst Date: 5/11/2001
Subject: Re: Concerning worldly things
On Tue, 8 May 2001 15:26:29 +0200 , wrote:

>As you all know, the latest issues of the newsletter have mainly been
>concerned with the world of Alusia. As I have invented a world of my own, I
>don't use Alusia myself, but the quality of the stuff (great job Jason) made
>me pull out my old copy of "The Frontiers of Alusia" (something I haven't
>done in a veeeeeery long time. The last time I used the setting was about 10
>years ago)

You young whipper-snapper you. (Last time I played DQ would have been ca.
1986?) But local interest is prompting me to start the organ grinder's
monkey dancing again ....

> All this got me thinking about RPG-worlds in general and what I
>wonder is: How many of you use Alusia as your campaign-setting? Those of you
>who don't, do you use home-made worlds or other world-supplements for other
>games? If you use home-made worlds, would you mind letting us know a little
>bit about them? I for one would think that would be very interesting.

I used Alusia; it's surprisingly good value when compared to all those
multi-map gargantuan AD&D supplements -- my campaign ran for several years
and the players had explored hardly any of it, really.

A friend of mine ran DQ in the Hârn setting -- it needed a lot of work, but
went well enough.

All of us, of course, shamelessly stole whatever nice bits we liked from
every other game supplement/setting we came across.

Bruce Probst ICQ 6563830
Melbourne, Australia MSTie #72759
"Finally we meet, sack of mucous."
Group: dqn-list Message: 532 From: Loki Freyr Date: 5/11/2001
Subject: Re: Concerning worldly things
Concerning worldly things

I use a custom setting.  The map encompasses an area roughly equivalent in size to Western Europe, the Mediterranean, and Scandinavia.  In about 5 years of consistent playing, it is still only vaguely defined, except for a couple of cities, and a pretty general outline of each country.  I’m thinking of switching to the D&D Forgotten Realms setting, since this has been so thoroughly fleshed out by so many people over a few decades.  I’ve never tried running Alusia.


The thing that has kept me from switching to date is the fantasy I harbor, of one day writing a fantasy novel based on one or more of the campaigns I’ve run.  I’m sure most gamers have thought the same thing.  In this case, I would need to be totally original.  Lately, though, I have started to think that it might be fun to try to write up my most successful campaign as a module and try to sell it to WotC.  To succeed, I believe it would have to be consistent with the Forgotten Realms setting.




-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 6:26 AM
Subject: [DQN-list] Concerning worldly things


Hi everyone,

As you all know, the latest issues of the newsletter have mainly been concerned with the world of Alusia. As I have invented a world of my own, I don't use Alusia myself, but the quality of the stuff (great job Jason) made me pull out my old copy of "The Frontiers of Alusia" (something I haven't done in a veeeeeery long time. The last time I used the setting was about 10 years ago) and try to find the mentioned places (like I said, I haven't even looked at the map for several years).

       All this got me thinking about RPG-worlds in general and what I wonder is: How many of you use Alusia as your campaign-setting? Those of you who don't, do you use home-made worlds or other world-supplements for other games? If you use home-made worlds, would you mind letting us know a little bit about them? I for one would think that would be very interesting.


Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
Group: dqn-list Message: 533 From: Loki Freyr Date: 5/11/2001
Subject: Frontiers of Alusia
Concerning worldly things

Anders, or anyone who has a copy of Frontiers of Alusia:  Would you be willing to sell yours?  I’ve never been able to get one, on Ebay or elsewhere.




-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 6:26 AM
Subject: [DQN-list] Concerning worldly things


Hi everyone,

As you all know, the latest issues of the newsletter have mainly been concerned with the world of Alusia. As I have invented a world of my own, I don't use Alusia myself, but the quality of the stuff (great job Jason) made me pull out my old copy of "The Frontiers of Alusia" (something I haven't done in a veeeeeery long time. The last time I used the setting was about 10 years ago) and try to find the mentioned places (like I said, I haven't even looked at the map for several years).

       All this got me thinking about RPG-worlds in general and what I wonder is: How many of you use Alusia as your campaign-setting? Those of you who don't, do you use home-made worlds or other world-supplements for other games? If you use home-made worlds, would you mind letting us know a little bit about them? I for one would think that would be very interesting.


Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
Group: dqn-list Message: 534 From: King Rat Date: 5/11/2001
Subject: Re: Concerning worldly things
All this got me thinking about RPG-worlds in general and what I
wonder is: How many of you use Alusia as your campaign-setting? Those of you
who don't, do you use home-made worlds or other world-supplements for other
games? If you use home-made worlds, would you mind letting us know a little
bit about them? I for one would think that would be very interesting.

I've got a world based on cycles of time, with a simple structure like this:


In each age, various races are ascendant, others are descendent. I've
developed a general map of the world, and have centered my campaign around a
single continent (given that I havd to come up with a history spanning
several ages). It started out as a framework as to why faeries, gods, and
magic all seem limited in DQ -- i.e., no extreme magic that can level a
mountain, no explicit priest skill (though I use my own), etc. From that, I
took the framework, forgot about details, and began running. Over the
course of a few years, I managed to figure everything out in a very cohesive
and self-iterative story structure, and I'm pretty proud of it.

At the moment, the campaign has stopped with the heroes triumphant at the
apex of the age of Men, preventing the advent of the age of Beasts. My
players are clamoring for more, but I'm happy where the campaign stopped --
it was a great, epic tale. In any case, if I did run the same characters
again, the tale would center around the problems associated with Men being
ascendent -- i.e., felling of elven forests for arable land, the rampaging
of warlords, famine, etc.

The only problem is that I've managed to structure the history around DQ,
which limits me to only using the age of Men (as there's no real DQ
framework for an age of Magic or Gods, though I could fudge the Demons and
Beasts). But what a great world it is!

S Peter Cordner
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
Group: dqn-list Message: 535 From: Pishnak, Paul WO1 Date: 5/11/2001
Subject: Re: Concerning worldly things
RE: [DQN-list] Concerning worldly things

I too played DQ using Harn for approximately 3 years. It went very well.

    -----Original Message-----
    From:   Bruce Probst []
    Sent:   Tuesday, May 08, 2001 7:59 PM
    Subject:        Re: [DQN-list] Concerning worldly things

    On Tue, 8 May 2001 15:26:29 +0200 , wrote:

    >As you all know, the latest issues of the newsletter have mainly been
    >concerned with the world of Alusia. As I have invented a world of my own, I
    >don't use Alusia myself, but the quality of the stuff (great job Jason) made
    >me pull out my old copy of "The Frontiers of Alusia" (something I haven't
    >done in a veeeeeery long time. The last time I used the setting was about 10
    >years ago)

    You young whipper-snapper you.  (Last time I played DQ would have been ca.
    1986?)  But local interest is prompting me to start the organ grinder's
    monkey dancing again ....

    >       All this got me thinking about RPG-worlds in general and what I
    >wonder is: How many of you use Alusia as your campaign-setting? Those of you
    >who don't, do you use home-made worlds or other world-supplements for other
    >games? If you use home-made worlds, would you mind letting us know a little
    >bit about them? I for one would think that would be very interesting.

    I used Alusia; it's surprisingly good value when compared to all those
    multi-map gargantuan AD&D supplements -- my campaign ran for several years
    and the players had explored hardly any of it, really.

    A friend of mine ran DQ in the Hârn setting -- it needed a lot of work, but
    went well enough.

    All of us, of course, shamelessly stole whatever nice bits we liked from
    every other game supplement/setting we came across.

    Bruce Probst        ICQ 6563830
    Melbourne, Australia      MSTie #72759
    "Finally we meet, sack of mucous."
    ASL FAQ    


    Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

Group: dqn-list Message: 536 From: Pishnak, Paul WO1 Date: 5/11/2001
Subject: Re: Any DQ players in San Francisco?
RE: [DQN-list] Any DQ players in San Francisco?

Well that's the closest offer I've heard of yet, though it's a long drive from the Reno area to SF!

    -----Original Message-----
    From:   Loki Freyr []
    Sent:   Wednesday, May 09, 2001 5:13 PM
    Subject:        [DQN-list] Any DQ players in San Francisco?

    If you live anywhere nearby, and might be interested in playing, I have
    recently started a new campaign.

    --Loki Freyr


    Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

Group: dqn-list Message: 537 From: Pishnak, Paul WO1 Date: 5/11/2001
Subject: Re: Frontiers of Alusia
RE: [DQN-list] Frontiers of Alusia

Is there a map online for the Frontiers of Alusia? I see a one-pager on Eric's site, but something tells me that's but a small portion. I have many of the Profantasy products and would like to see if I can map the world for everyone. Any help is appreciated in locating a full image.

    -----Original Message-----
    From:   Loki Freyr []
    Sent:   Wednesday, May 09, 2001 5:15 PM
    To:     ''
    Subject:        [DQN-list] Frontiers of Alusia

    Anders, or anyone who has a copy of Frontiers of Alusia:  Would you be willing to sell yours?  I've never been able to get one, on Ebay or elsewhere.




    -----Original Message-----
    From: []
    Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 6:26 AM
    Subject: [DQN-list] Concerning worldly things


    Hi everyone,

    As you all know, the latest issues of the newsletter have mainly been concerned with the world of Alusia. As I have invented a world of my own, I don't use Alusia myself, but the quality of the stuff (great job Jason) made me pull out my old copy of "The Frontiers of Alusia" (something I haven't done in a veeeeeery long time. The last time I used the setting was about 10 years ago) and try to find the mentioned places (like I said, I haven't even looked at the map for several years).

           All this got me thinking about RPG-worlds in general and what I wonder is: How many of you use Alusia as your campaign-setting? Those of you who don't, do you use home-made worlds or other world-supplements for other games? If you use home-made worlds, would you mind letting us know a little bit about them? I for one would think that would be very interesting.


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    Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service <>.

Group: dqn-list Message: 538 From: John Rauchert Date: 5/11/2001
Subject: Re: Frontiers of Alusia
Jason Winter posted this message to the DragonQuest-rpg Group a while

From: Pheyn_Vyata@y...
Date: Thu Feb 15, 2001 8:45 am
Subject: Re: DQ Newsletter

Currently I actually have the entire map scanned in. In it's full
glory, its a
rather large file at the moment (47 meg if I remember correctly), but
I do have
several scaled down versions as well that come in at 2 meg and ~200K
or so. I
even have the small version on my web site if you would like to take
a peek at
it. The link is:

Let me know what you think. And, although I haven't used it at all
in ragards
to this map, I do have Campaign Cartographer 2 with almost all the
add-ons, so
doing mapping in that for the project is a possibility as well.

I would like to do some of the off map stuff as well, at the moment
though I
was going to concentrate on the areas of the map that were already
Once I had finished with that, I was going to start creating off map

Jason Winter

Also Craig Brain posted this message to the DQArchivist Group a while

>From: cjbrain@b...
>Date: Fri Jan 19, 2001 4:09pm
>Subject: CC2 Template - Frontiers of Alusia

>I am in the process of moving and thought that since I don't know
>long I will be off-line, I would post this - a CC2 template, fully
>numbered, ready for someone to start putting detail onto. I don't
>actually expect that this would occur, but I Thought that maybe
>someone else might benefit.

This is basically just a hex template waiting for terrain and stuff
to be
put down.

I have uploaded the hex template to:

--- In dqn-list@y..., "Pishnak, Paul WO1" <paul.pishnak@n...> wrote:
> Is there a map online for the Frontiers of Alusia? I see a one-
pager on
> Eric's site, but something tells me that's but a small portion. I
have many
> of the Profantasy products and would like to see if I can map the
world for
> everyone. Any help is appreciated in locating a full image.
Group: dqn-list Message: 539 From: Ben Davis Date: 5/12/2001
Subject: Re: Concerning worldly things
> I used Alusia; it's surprisingly good value when compared to all those
> multi-map gargantuan AD&D supplements -- my campaign ran for several years
> and the players had explored hardly any of it, really.
> A friend of mine ran DQ in the Hârn setting -- it needed a lot of work, but
> went well enough.

My players have been playing on a combination of Harn & Alusia for 7
years now, and they're still entertained ! I've got Harn as an Island a
weeks sail or so off the west coast of Alusia, which allows for some
nice trading trips & suchlike. Didn't have any trouble adapting it at
all, but then again I ignored anything that didn't fit, and lied about
the rest.

Ben Davis
"You can make me do it, but you can't make me do it with dignity"
Group: dqn-list Message: 540 From: Date: 5/12/2001
Subject: Creating a CC2 map of Alusia
I'm going to work on the Alusia map in my spare deadlines
or anything. Are there any suggestions, ideas or comments anyone has
before I jump into it?

Group: dqn-list Message: 541 From: Snafaru Date: 5/12/2001
Subject: Re: Any DQ players in San Francisco?
Hi Loki,

You may be interested to put this message on the DragonQuest Players'
Association web site at There is a Players
Wanted section there. Also, I would take this opportunity to invite you to
become a member.

Sincerely yours

Eric (Snafaru) Labelle
WebMaster in interim
DragonQuest Players Association

-----Original Message-----
From: Loki Freyr []
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 8:13 PM
Subject: [DQN-list] Any DQ players in San Francisco?

If you live anywhere nearby, and might be interested in playing, I have
recently started a new campaign.

--Loki Freyr

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
Group: dqn-list Message: 542 From: Jason Winter Date: 5/12/2001
Subject: Re: Frontiers of Alusia
Actually. I have the entire map scanned into my computer at the moment as
well as a PDF file of the booklet that came with the map. If anyone is
interested, I might be persuaded to send a copy their way. It's what I
have been using to further expand my Frontiers of Alusia - Explored column
I've been writing. Be warned though that map and pdf file come in at a bit
under 3 meg.

At 07:34 AM 5/11/01, you wrote:

>Is there a map online for the Frontiers of Alusia? I see a one-pager on
>Eric's site, but something tells me that's but a small portion. I have
>many of the Profantasy products and would like to see if I can map the
>world for everyone. Any help is appreciated in locating a full image.
>-----Original Message----- From: Loki Freyr
>[] Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 5:15
>PM To: '' Subject: [DQN-list]
>Frontiers of Alusia
>Anders, or anyone who has a copy of Frontiers of Alusia: Would you be
>willing to sell yours? I've never been able to get one, on Ebay or elsewhere.
>-----Original Message----- From:
>Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 6:26 AM To: Subject:
>[DQN-list] Concerning worldly things
>Hi everyone, As you all know, the latest issues of the newsletter have
>mainly been concerned with the world of Alusia. As I have invented a world
>of my own, I don't use Alusia myself, but the quality of the stuff (great
>job Jason) made me pull out my old copy of "The Frontiers of Alusia"
>(something I haven't done in a veeeeeery long time. The last time I used
>the setting was about 10 years ago) and try to find the mentioned places
>(like I said, I haven't even looked at the map for several years).
> All this got me thinking about RPG-worlds in general and what I
> wonder is: How many of you use Alusia as your campaign-setting? Those of
> you who don't, do you use home-made worlds or other world-supplements for
> other games? If you use home-made worlds, would you mind letting us know
> a little bit about them? I for one would think that would be very interesting.
>Thanks /Anders
>Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
>Service. Yahoo! Groups Sponsor Click Here!
>Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service
>Yahoo! Groups
>Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the
><>Yahoo! Terms of Service.

Jason Winter
Group: dqn-list Message: 543 From: Snafaru Date: 5/12/2001
Subject: Re: Frontiers of Alusia
Hi everyone,

Well, the problem with FOA is that it is copyrighted, I dare not post it on
the web. I have the Travel Guide that you find inside the map in Word 97
format just like the original. It If anybody cares to have it I'll e-mail
it to you. Here's the introduction text:


The Frontiers of Alusia is the first in a series of adventure maps designed
for use with SPI's DragonQuest. The enclosed map was developed to fulfill
the functions out-lined in 77.3 of the DragonQuest rules, and the enclosed
folder describing the features on the map is keyed to those rules. The
Frontiers of Alusia is fully compatible (with some alteration) with all
currently available Fan-tasy Role-Playing games, but it is not a
stand-alone product. You must have DragonQuest or some other FRP game to
use the map.
The area portrayed in The Frontiers of Alusia is a semi-explored border
area be-tween the Confederated Baronies to the north and the ancient and
decadent kingdoms of the south. To the east lies the great Sea of Grass, a
vast steppe inhabited by savage nomads, and to the west is the limit-less
Alusian Ocean. Subsequent maps in this series will portray these areas and
will con-nect directly with the map showing the fron-tiers. Eventually, SPI
hopes to portray an en-tire continent in this manner and to include in
future booklets information on the history, religions, economies, political
systems, and social structures prevalent on that continent.
The complete Frontiers of Alusia package contains these rules printed on
the coversheet, a Travel Guide comprising descriptions of the areas
portrayed on the map, and the map of Alusia itself.

Eric (Snafaru) Labelle
WebMaster in interim
DragonQuest Players Association

-----Original Message-----
From: John Rauchert []
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 12:16 PM
Subject: [DQN-list] Re: Frontiers of Alusia

Jason Winter posted this message to the DragonQuest-rpg Group a while

From: Pheyn_Vyata@y...
Date: Thu Feb 15, 2001 8:45 am
Subject: Re: DQ Newsletter

Currently I actually have the entire map scanned in. In it's full
glory, its a
rather large file at the moment (47 meg if I remember correctly), but
I do have
several scaled down versions as well that come in at 2 meg and ~200K
or so. I
even have the small version on my web site if you would like to take
a peek at
it. The link is:

Let me know what you think. And, although I haven't used it at all
in ragards
to this map, I do have Campaign Cartographer 2 with almost all the
add-ons, so
doing mapping in that for the project is a possibility as well.

I would like to do some of the off map stuff as well, at the moment
though I
was going to concentrate on the areas of the map that were already
Once I had finished with that, I was going to start creating off map

Jason Winter

Also Craig Brain posted this message to the DQArchivist Group a while

>From: cjbrain@b...
>Date: Fri Jan 19, 2001 4:09pm
>Subject: CC2 Template - Frontiers of Alusia

>I am in the process of moving and thought that since I don't know
>long I will be off-line, I would post this - a CC2 template, fully
>numbered, ready for someone to start putting detail onto. I don't
>actually expect that this would occur, but I Thought that maybe
>someone else might benefit.

This is basically just a hex template waiting for terrain and stuff
to be
put down.

I have uploaded the hex template to:

--- In dqn-list@y..., "Pishnak, Paul WO1" <paul.pishnak@n...> wrote:
> Is there a map online for the Frontiers of Alusia? I see a one-
pager on
> Eric's site, but something tells me that's but a small portion. I
have many
> of the Profantasy products and would like to see if I can map the
world for
> everyone. Any help is appreciated in locating a full image.

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
Group: dqn-list Message: 544 From: Stephen Lister Date: 5/12/2001
Subject: Alusia map
Hi John

Any chance of that full-size scan being put up for download anywhere?
Perhaps as a zip file? Please? :-)

Group: dqn-list Message: 545 From: David Union Date: 5/15/2001
Subject: Re: Frontiers of Alusia
If you send a copy to
that would be cool. Because I used my own
campaign world this was one of the few DQ
things I never picked up.

If you were looking for something else let me
know I might have it.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jason Winter" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 5:34 PM
Subject: RE: [DQN-list] Frontiers of Alusia

> Actually. I have the entire map scanned into my computer at the moment as
> well as a PDF file of the booklet that came with the map. If anyone is
> interested, I might be persuaded to send a copy their way. It's what I
> have been using to further expand my Frontiers of Alusia - Explored column
> I've been writing. Be warned though that map and pdf file come in at a
> under 3 meg.
> At 07:34 AM 5/11/01, you wrote:
> >Is there a map online for the Frontiers of Alusia? I see a one-pager on
> >Eric's site, but something tells me that's but a small portion. I have
> >many of the Profantasy products and would like to see if I can map the
> >world for everyone. Any help is appreciated in locating a full image.
> >-----Original Message----- From: Loki Freyr
> >[] Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 5:15
> >PM To: '' Subject: [DQN-list]
> >Frontiers of Alusia
> >
> >Anders, or anyone who has a copy of Frontiers of Alusia: Would you be
> >willing to sell yours? I've never been able to get one, on Ebay or
> >
> >
> >
> >--Loki
> >
> >
> >
> >-----Original Message----- From:
> >[<>]
> >Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 6:26 AM To: Subject:
> >[DQN-list] Concerning worldly things
> >
> >
> >
> >Hi everyone, As you all know, the latest issues of the newsletter have
> >mainly been concerned with the world of Alusia. As I have invented a
> >of my own, I don't use Alusia myself, but the quality of the stuff (great
> >job Jason) made me pull out my old copy of "The Frontiers of Alusia"
> >(something I haven't done in a veeeeeery long time. The last time I used
> >the setting was about 10 years ago) and try to find the mentioned places
> >(like I said, I haven't even looked at the map for several years).
> >
> > All this got me thinking about RPG-worlds in general and what I
> > wonder is: How many of you use Alusia as your campaign-setting? Those of
> > you who don't, do you use home-made worlds or other world-supplements
> > other games? If you use home-made worlds, would you mind letting us know
> > a little bit about them? I for one would think that would be very
> >
> >Thanks /Anders
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
> >Service. Yahoo! Groups Sponsor Click Here!
> >
> >
> >Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service
> ><<>>.
> >
> >
> >Yahoo! Groups
> >
> >
> >Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the
> ><>Yahoo! Terms of Service.
> Jason Winter
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
Group: dqn-list Message: 546 From: David Union Date: 5/15/2001
Subject: Fw: Unable to deliver your message
Attachments :
    Group: dqn-list Message: 547 From: Date: 5/15/2001
    Subject: Re: Frontiers of Alusia
    Well just hard hard would it be to persued you to send it my way? I'd
    like to see it in order to discern how large of an undertaking
    mapping this thing is going to be!

    --- In dqn-list@y..., Jason Winter <Alarian@u...> wrote:
    > Actually. I have the entire map scanned into my computer at the
    moment as
    > well as a PDF file of the booklet that came with the map. If
    anyone is
    > interested, I might be persuaded to send a copy their way.
    Group: dqn-list Message: 548 From: Date: 5/15/2001
    Subject: Re: Frontiers of Alusia
    Concerning worldly things

    Hi Loki,

    No, I'm not willing to part with my copy of The Frontiers of Alusia, sorry. But is it really that hard to come by? Although I haven't actively looked for it, I have faint recollections of seeing copies for sale on different action sites like Ebay.




    -----Original Message-----
    From: Loki Freyr []
    Sent: den 10 maj 2001 02:15
    To: ''
    Subject: [DQN-list] Frontiers of Alusia

    Anders, or anyone who has a copy of Frontiers of Alusia:  Would you be willing to sell yours?  I've never been able to get one, on Ebay or elsewhere.




    -----Original Message-----
    From: []
    Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 6:26 AM
    Subject: [DQN-list] Concerning worldly things


    Hi everyone,

    As you all know, the latest issues of the newsletter have mainly been concerned with the world of Alusia. As I have invented a world of my own, I don't use Alusia myself, but the quality of the stuff (great job Jason) made me pull out my old copy of "The Frontiers of Alusia" (something I haven't done in a veeeeeery long time. The last time I used the setting was about 10 years ago) and try to find the mentioned places (like I said, I haven't even looked at the map for several years).

           All this got me thinking about RPG-worlds in general and what I wonder is: How many of you use Alusia as your campaign-setting? Those of you who don't, do you use home-made worlds or other world-supplements for other games? If you use home-made worlds, would you mind letting us know a little bit about them? I for one would think that would be very interesting.


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    Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

    Group: dqn-list Message: 549 From: Date: 5/15/2001
    Subject: Commando
    Hi guys,

    I apologise for this slightly off-topic question: Have anyone had any experience
    with SPI's other rpg "Commando"? If that is the case, is it any good? How easy
    is it to come by? How much could you ecpect to have to pay for a copy if you
    found one? I haven't found anything on Ebay.

    Group: dqn-list Message: 550 From: Stephen Lister Date: 5/15/2001
    Subject: Re: Digest Number 35
    Hi again,

    If I might make a suggestion...don't put it up on the web - create an
    iDrive account, put it up there and send out the login details so that
    others can log in and download it. That would make it easier, and wouldn't
    expose anyone to copyright problems. (Though I'm not sure that anyone
    would be worried, considering that it is copyrighted to a company that
    doesn't exist anymore...)

    Group: dqn-list Message: 551 From: Date: 5/15/2001
    Subject: Re: Concerning worldly things
    One setting I used was a map of medieval England from an issue of
    National Geographic. It had all the castles, cities, monasteries,
    and cathedrals on it, and it was a sort of political/military
    campaign that ran for a year or two. Basically, it was Medieval
    Europe with fantasy elements mixed in. One could be English, Spanish,
    Dutch, Scottish, etc. If you were human then the human languages were
    analogous to real world languages. This worked very well due it's
    simplicity and let us play the game on the wing.

    The game I am getting ready to run is going to use the map from SPI's
    SWORDS & SORCERY, which is requiring me to iron out a few thing (Do I
    create stats for the Cronks? Or just let someone/thing else populate
    Aardvark Wallow?) This world has some things that tie in very nicely
    with DQ. The three suns for example will dovetail into the aspect
    system and the background works well with the colleges. There are
    several places of power on the map that will be important to members
    of certain colleges, landscapes that will challenge different Ranger
    specialties, three different dwarf nations will encourage
    stubbornness clannishness among the dwarfs (and allow for local
    strife with elves without there being apocalyptic race-wars bathing
    the map in blood!). There are some sinister Powers which hold
    portions of the map and make good foci for quests, and the blimps of
    the Corflu cultists will set Mechanicians everywhere to tinkering.
    To round things out, the College of White Magics will be used, but
    only for the insufferable Paladins of the Empire, and the Priest,
    Craftsman, Scholar, Steward, and Seahand skills from the Jamie -
    Dragonquest Project link at the DQPA links list will be added to the
    mix. The combat rules will be standard 2nd/3rd edition, and both 2nd
    and 3rd edition Colleges will be used, and maybe Fairie and Spider

    Why do I waffle on about this? I am thinking of making this an e-
    campaign instead of an FTF one but I need to find out just how such
    things work. If you are familiar with this setting or open-minded
    and think this would be fun (starting it in October or November) I
    would like to hear from you at I also would like
    any tips on running an e-RPG from those who have done it.

    John Hiday

    --- In dqn-list@y..., agustafsson@v... wrote:
    > Hi everyone,


    > All this got me thinking about RPG-worlds in general and
    what I
    > wonder is: How many of you use Alusia as your campaign-setting?
    Those of you
    > who don't, do you use home-made worlds or other world-supplements
    for other
    > games? If you use home-made worlds, would you mind letting us know
    a little
    > bit about them? I for one would think that would be very
    > Thanks
    > /Anders
    Group: dqn-list Message: 552 From: Loki Freyr Date: 5/15/2001
    Subject: Re: Frontiers of Alusia
    Concerning worldly things

    I’ve been watching eBay for it regularly for three months and haven’t seen it yet.  You never know when it’s going to pop up, though.  I recently got a couple of hardback 2nd edition rules.


    -----Original Message-----
    From: []
    Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 3:04 AM
    Subject: RE: [DQN-list] Frontiers of Alusia


    Hi Loki,

    No, I'm not willing to part with my copy of The Frontiers of Alusia, sorry. But is it really that hard to come by? Although I haven't actively looked for it, I have faint recollections of seeing copies for sale on different action sites like Ebay.




    -----Original Message-----
    From: Loki Freyr []
    Sent: den 10 maj 2001 02:15
    To: ''
    Subject: [DQN-list] Frontiers of Alusia

    Anders, or anyone who has a copy of Frontiers of Alusia:  Would you be willing to sell yours?  I've never been able to get one, on Ebay or elsewhere.


    -----Original Message-----
    From: []
    Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 6:26 AM
    Subject: [DQN-list] Concerning worldly things

    Hi everyone,

    As you all know, the latest issues of the newsletter have mainly been concerned with the world of Alusia. As I have invented a world of my own, I don't use Alusia myself, but the quality of the stuff (great job Jason) made me pull out my old copy of "The Frontiers of Alusia" (something I haven't done in a veeeeeery long time. The last time I used the setting was about 10 years ago) and try to find the mentioned places (like I said, I haven't even looked at the map for several years).

           All this got me thinking about RPG-worlds in general and what I wonder is: How many of you use Alusia as your campaign-setting? Those of you who don't, do you use home-made worlds or other world-supplements for other games? If you use home-made worlds, would you mind letting us know a little bit about them? I for one would think that would be very interesting.


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    Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

    Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
    Group: dqn-list Message: 553 From: Date: 5/15/2001
    Subject: Re: Commando

    I owned this game for a couple years and it is not a full blown RPG.
    It is more a skirmish level game where each side controls up to
    twenty men. As a game of man to man combat it was OK, and as you
    suggest, they grafted an RPG element to it to allow for a more
    cinematic style of play. Your Commando could work his way up from
    a "Dime novel hero" to a "B-movie hero" and upwards. He could roll
    on a table to do amazing thing or be saved by amazing coincidences,
    like a fatal bullet ricocheting off his lucky silver dollar.

    The problem I had with the game was the tiny grid on the maps. It
    was too small to stand miniatures on, or even to put counters on.
    One had to put plastic over it and use grease pens or something like
    that. They were like graph paper superimposed on (nice full color)

    So there is really no way to connect this to DQ or anything, if
    anyone wondered. The stats for the commandos were not in a DQ format.
    There are some interesting things going on in this game even so, I
    would get it if you are getting a good deal on it.

    John Hiday

    --- In dqn-list@y..., agustafsson@v... wrote:
    > Hi guys,
    > I apologise for this slightly off-topic question: Have anyone had
    any experience
    > with SPI's other rpg "Commando"? If that is the case, is it any
    good? How easy
    > is it to come by? How much could you ecpect to have to pay for a
    copy if you
    > found one? I haven't found anything on Ebay.
    > Regards
    > /Anders
    Group: dqn-list Message: 554 From: Snafaru Date: 5/17/2001
    Subject: Frontiers of Alusia - extended map
    Hi everyone,

    To answer the last few posts about Frontiers of Alusia.

    My bro did a hand-made, full-colour, map of a region north of the Frontiers
    of Alusia. It is two (2) sheets of 8.5" x 11".

    I know some of you are working on FOA materiel, I think it would be a nice
    addition, I'll ask my brother permission to put it on the net for you
    guys/gals to see it. It will be done in the next few days if he agrees.

    Also, someone (too many messages lately, so I didn't track the name)
    mentionned doing FOA in Campaign Cartographer format. In my opinion, but
    that is just my opinion, it would take an awful long time to redo the
    original map, unless I'm missing something faster in the procedure of doing
    CC maps, time may be best used on new materiel. For example converting my
    brother's map could be a great start. Someone could write up the text that
    goes with it in just the same fashion as the original booklet that came
    with the original map.

    Did I miss something? Did someone already create new extended maps?? I
    think I saw that somewhere, but just can't remember where just right now
    (my brains are marshmellow from studying a bunch of computer exams).

    Group: dqn-list Message: 555 From: Bruce Probst Date: 5/17/2001
    Subject: Re: Digest Number 35
    On Sun, 13 May 2001 18:36:29 +1000, "Stephen Lister"
    <> wrote:

    > If I might make a suggestion...don't put it up on the web - create an
    >iDrive account, put it up there and send out the login details so that
    >others can log in and download it. That would make it easier, and wouldn't
    >expose anyone to copyright problems. (Though I'm not sure that anyone
    >would be worried, considering that it is copyrighted to a company that
    >doesn't exist anymore...)

    Well, there's a couple of problems there. One is that I, for one, have no
    idea what you mean by "iDrive" -- but it doesn't matter, if the material is
    copyrighted it's copyrighted, regardless of the medium by which you make it

    Two, just because SPI no longer exists as a separate company has no bearing
    on the validity of the copyrights involved. Copyrights are legal objects
    that are "owned" -- they are passed on as required and/or desired. In SPI's
    case, all of SPI's DQ assets were passed on to TSR. The SPI brand-name, and
    many/most of its boardgaming assets, were later passed to Decision Games.
    However, all of the roleplaying assets stayed with TSR, which means they
    passed on to Wizards of the Coast, which means Hasbro now owns them.

    However, copyrights have a "use-by" date; I'm reasonably certain that TSR
    never made any use of the "Alusia" name etc. (except possibly mentioned
    within the "Shattered Statue" module). It's quite possible that the
    copyright on "Alusia" has, or soon will, lapse. *IF* that's true, it will
    fall into Public Domain.

    I am NOT a lawyer, so don't take ANY of the above as gospel. But in general
    it's safest to assume that the product still belongs to Hasbro, and *public*
    distribution of such would constitute a copyright violation. (That means
    it's *illegal*.)

    (The issue of whether it can be, or will be, enforced, is quite another

    Bruce Probst ICQ 6563830
    Melbourne, Australia MSTie #72759
    "Elf tastes just like chicken."
    Group: dqn-list Message: 556 From: Pishnak, Paul WO1 Date: 5/18/2001
    Subject: Re: Frontiers of Alusia - extended map
    RE: [DQN-list] Frontiers of Alusia - extended map

    'Twas myself who was going to map Alusia in CC2. This is why I need larger maps before I determine how large an endeavor this would be. CC2 isn't the bear most people think it is. There's several tool inherent in the program that make mapping pretty easy once you get past the steep learning curve with the program.

    From what I've seen from the smaller images of Alusia online, it's not too intricate at all showing general terrain types. Are there rivers and settlements shown on it as well? Unfortunately I can't see much with the image I've downloaded.

    If Alusia is just that, a simple overview map, I can crank it out in no time while I'm TDY at Ft. Lee for the next 3 months.

    I'm leaving in a couple weeks which is why I'm trying to lay my hands on a better image. Need it before I can estimate the amount of work or time this will entail. As a general guess, it really won't be too hard at all.


      -----Original Message-----
      From:�� Snafaru []
      Sent:�� Tuesday, May 15, 2001 7:57 PM
      To:���� ''
      Cc:���� 'Sebastien'
      Subject:������� [DQN-list] Frontiers of Alusia - extended map


      Also, someone (too many messages lately, so I didn't track the name)
      mentionned doing FOA in Campaign Cartographer format. In my opinion, but
      that is just my opinion, it would take an awful long time to redo the
      original map, unless I'm missing something faster in the procedure of doing
      CC maps, time may be best used on new materiel. For example converting my
      brother's map could be a great start. Someone could write up the text that
      goes with it in just the same fashion as the original booklet that came
      with the original map.

