|| DRAGONQUEST Newsletter March 1999
|| Volume 5 / Number 3
The DQ Newsletter is for discussions of the DragonQuest role-
playing game. The key addresses you need to know are:
Rodger Thorm (Editor, Article Submissions, Etc.)
All articles are copyrighted property of their respective authors.
Reproducing or republishing an article, in whole or in part, in any
other forum requires permission of the author or the moderator.
The DragonQuest Newsletter website is at:
[if you are typing it, note that the server _IS_ case-sensitive!]
This site will be updated soon. It will contain the most recent issue
of the newsletter as well as links to (ftp) archives and other
DragonQuest related sites. I'm still working on this, but recently the
DQN-list has been the priority.
The DragonQuest Newsletter listserv information can be found at:
C O N T E N T S [v5/n03]
Editorial � Expanding the Newsletter
Letters -- David Mason
Chris Short
Rodger Thorm
The DragonQuest Players Association Update -- John Rauchert
Simple Swimming Skill -- Ransig Thornquell
Arms and Armour of Quality -- Jason Winter
v5n02 Survey Results
DragonQuest URLs
EDITORIAL: Expanding the Newsletter
About a week ago, I discovered several websites offering free email
list services. I have only made a brief exploration of the workings of
these services so far, but I am intrigued and excited by what I have
seen so far. I can only ask why didn't someone tell me about this
In light of this, the DragonQuest Newsletter is expanding in a
couple of ways. First, and most importantly, I am adding a listserv to
the Newsletter service. Adding. This will be in addition to the
current DragonQuest Newsletter. ** The Newsletter is NOT going to
change its present format and form of distribution.** But having a
listserv will allow discussions about recent articles, as well as other
DQ related information to go back and forth at a faster pace than the
once-a-month (at best) digest format presently allows. I presently have
set up the DQN-list to require all postings be approved, just to make
sure that we don't get a lot of off-topic postings or other problems.
Articles, letters to the editor, and other items with real content will
still be reserved for the Newsletter (this publication), but other
discussion and new topic threads will be regularly posted in the DQN-
I will be sending out an invitation by email to all Newsletter
subscribers to subscribe to the DQN-list as well. There is no charge
for this service. Like the DQ Newsletter, the DQN-list will be freely
distributed. You will not be automatically added to the DQN-list
(though eventually I think the two subscriber lists will be one, this is
still experimental). You can also subscribe by visiting the DQN-list
website at:
or by sending email to:
Please let me know what you think of the new DQN-list, and let me
know of any problems that arise. It will be a process of trial and
error (and hopefully not too much error) to get it working well. I
don't know too much more about it than you do at this point, but I
believe that it can be a useful addition to the DragonQuest community.
I suggest that you keep a copy of any postings for a while, at least
until you are sure it has been successfully posted.
I would also like to solicit a couple of you to act as quasi-
official archivists for the DQN-list. Another one of the free list
sites I was exploring seems to have gone offline already. I believe
that eGroups isn't going to go away, but it would be good to have
backups just in case.
And let me repeat one more to be perfectly clear: The existing
DragonQuest Newsletter is NOT being stopped. It is being supplemented
with the new DQN-list. And both the existing DragonQuest Newsletter and
the new DQN-list will continue to be free services.
Rodger Thorm
DQN Editor
Please don't stop the newsletter format and go to a listserve. I can't
get at them!
David Mason <
[I think that regardless of any other changes that take place with the
Newsletter, we will always keep the 'bare-bones' email version.
Particularly, a listserv should supplement, but not replace, the
existing Newsletter format. The DragonQuest community is so small that
we need to keep everyone we can reach connected in some way, and while
there are new technologies to experiment with and to utilize, I think
that staying accessible to as broad a community as we can is a good
thing. -� Rodger Thorm, Editor]
Subject: DQ Help please
I hope you don't mind me emailing you.
I chose your name at random from the DQ member list, and hope you can
answer some questions for me reagrding DQ, or point me in the right
A quick bit of history. I have been role playing since 1977, and am
lucky enough to have DQ 1st and 2nd ed in my collection. However I
have never played it. After reading it I see the most similar game I
have played is Runequest.
However my group want a break from our usual gaming, and want to move
to a fantasy system, and from all of them DQ has been chosen.
So what are my questions ?
They are concerning character creation.
1/ I have read some stories on the internet, it mentions Runesticks.
What are they and where can I find them in the rules.
2/ How does a player become a mage, I can see Healer, Assassin, spy,
etc but no mage.
3/ A spell begins at a certain level, say 45%, how does this get
better ?
4/ Same for weapons, where do i find the increase for each level ?
5/ Any help for a new DQ player ?
Thanks for your indulgence,
Chris Short <
Preston, England.
[I replied to Chris with a couple of brief answers and rules references,
plus a couple of websites and a suggestion to check out WebRPG. But I
also said that I would post the letter here and see if I could draw upon
the readership for some further help and guidance. Replies can be
either to the Newsletter or directly to Chris. -� Rodger Thorm, Editor]
Re: Aging Rules
I would suggest a couple of adjustments to Ted McKelvey's Aging rules
from the last issue (v5n02). Where Ted suggests a potential loss of 2
points for PS, AG and MD at age 45, I would suggest either allowing the
player two rolls (where a character would need to miss 2 rolls to lose 2
points, or would lose 1 point if only one of the rolls was missed) or
else making one of those rolls at age 45 and the other at age 50.
Rodger Thorm <
-- John Rauchert <
The Mission of the DragonQuest Players Association (DQPA) is to actively
promote the playing of the DragonQuest Roleplaying Game. This simple
statement masks a huge amount of activity that needs to take place
around it.
As a past, sometime contributor to the DragonQuest Newsletter, I am
always struck by the sense of wonder that a RPG that has been largely
out of print since the early 80�s could survive and thrive on the
Internet, through the work of individuals that truly love this game.
The idea of DQPA began as a chance posting to the DragonQuest Forum at
WebRPG (
http://townhall.webrpg.com/index.phtml?groupid=59). I had
noticed that many of us were undertaking projects in isolation,
sometimes repeating work already done. So I commented that we should
form an Association. However, I blame Ax�l Adams (AKA John Carcutt) for
the original inspiration for DQPA.
The most commonly asked question I get is "what are the benefits of
joining DQPA"? Right now, it is more of a case of "ask not what your
association can do for you; ask what you can do for your association".
Still. if I was going to answer this question, I would have to say that
the main benefit you derive from the DQPA is helping ensure that the
players of DragonQuest around the world are able to play this game for
many years to come.
It is NOT the intention of DQPA to replace the good work of individuals
taking place right now. I personally wouldn't want to take over the
running of DQN! What DQPA brings to the table is an international group
of members that are willing to help with these good efforts and the
ability to promote the results to a worldwide audience through our web
site. As well, acting as a single voice the players of DragonQuest will
now be able to lobby in a collective manner for DQ.
As of this article our membership is 62 members from over 7 countries
around the world. I am particularly surprised and happy to see the
response that we have gotten from non-English speaking countries, such
as Argentina, Italy, and Sweden.
Some of the activities that the Association is pursuing are: setting up
a web site to act as a central point for people to come to find out
about DragonQuest Activity on the Internet; developing a promotion
strategy for the DQPA and DQ in general; and finalizing the Association
structure and operation.
We have just registered a domain name dragonquest.org, but currently our
web site is hosted by John Carcutt at
http://www.carcutt.com/dqpa where
you can read our draft charter and sign up for membership.
Membership is FREE. All expenses of the Association have currently been
covered through member donations. So there is really no reason not to
sign up!
-- John F. Rauchert
Acting President
DragonQuest Players Association
-- Ransig Thornquell
[This article was posted to the WebRPG site in early January. It isn't
complicated, and may suffice for some GMs needs. I know there are other
versions of swimming skill (including one of the Dragon Magazine
articles). �- Editor]
I don�t recall having seen a �swimming� skill etc.. per se on anything
that I have run across, so I made my own. I feel somewhat qualified to
do this as I was a lifeguard, lifeguard trainer, swimming instructor,
competitive swimmer, scuba diver, and coach (High school and USS
including coaching an olympic caliber swimmer) (she took a gold in the
last good-will games in the ladies triathalon!)
Rank 0 300 exp
can float front and back
Rank 1 200 exp
can kick (flutter... as in front crawl)on front and back
Rank 2 400 exp (beginner level)
can do 2 basic strokes (there are 10, plus modifieds)
Rank 3 600 exp
can tread water for 15 seconds and gains one additional stroke
Rank 4 800 exp (Intermediate level)
can tread water for 30 seconds or for 15 slightly encumbered, and learns
one more stroke
Rank 5 1000 exp
learns two more strokes and treads water for 60 seconds (30 slightly
Rank 6 1200 exp (advanced level)
knows two more strokes and BASIC life saving techniques i.e. how to
assist someone WITHOUT entering the water.
Rank 7 1400 exp
knows all strokes plus modifieds can tread water for 20 min 2-3
Rank 8 1700 exp. (lifeguard level)
knows in-water rescues, can swim for hours with out much rest (i.e.
survival strokes) tread water for 60 min, 30 slightly encumbered
Rank 9 2000 exp. (competitive swimmer level)
efficiently swims long and short distances, can swim comfortably in
moderate currents.
Rank 10 2400 exp. (olympic level)
could outrun �jaws�
Rank 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
EXP 300 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1700 2000 2400
-- Ransig Thornquell
-- Jason Winter <
These are my rules for creating weapons and Armour of Quality. All such
weapons made are almost always custom made for the Character in
question. This is especially true for Armour which would have to be
made to custom fit the character. The yes/no in the columns indicates
of such a version of the weapon in question can be made (i.e. a superior
concussion weapon (such as a mace) cannot be made, while a superior
Estoc can). OB stands for Offensive Bonus (+x to a persons strike
chance) Weapons tend to give bonus's to offense, and Armour reduces the
AG modifiers and offers additional protection.
Not all weapons and armour are created equal. Some craftsmen are
capable of creating exceptionally fine quality weapons and armour...for
a price. The following tables indicate the types of weapons and armour
that qualify for exceptional benefits. Such weapons and armour,
however, are rarely available "off the shelf." It will be up to the
character to seek out a craftsman capable of producing such high quality
work and commission him to make a weapon or suit of armour.
Weapon Type Lightness Excellent Superior
(Cost x3) (Cost x5) (Cost x20)
(% nml wt) (+5% OB) (+10% OB)
Blade Weapons 80% yes yes
1H Concussion Weapons 80% yes no
(less clubs, cudgels,
and blackjacks)
Flail/Battleaxe 80% yes yes
Mattock 80% yes yes
Polearm 80% yes no
Arrows 80% yes no
Quarrels 80% yes no
Thrown Weapons 70% yes yes
Bows 70% yes yes
Crossbows 70% yes no
Armour Suits Lightness Excellent Superior
(Cost x3) (Cost x8) (Cost x15)
Soft Leather 60% yes yes
Rigid Leather 60% yes yes
Chain 60% yes yes
Plate 50% yes yes
Quality AG MOD Protection
Lightness -1 NONE
Excellent -1 +1
Superior -2 +2
Lt & Sup -3 +2
Shields & Armour Lightness Excellent Superior
(Cost x5) (Cost x5) (Cost x8)
Shields 70%, -1 MD mod +1%/2 Rk +1%/Rk
Leather Helms No -3% PC -5% PC
Metal Helms 75% -8% PC -15% PC
Leather Gauntlets ** NA +1 AG
** Excellent quality leather gauntlets are also 75% light. Superior
quality leather gauntlets are also 50% light.
NOTES: 1) All cost multipliers are cumulative.
2) Production time = base time x ((cost mult/10)+1)
3) Excellent quality items save at +1.
4) Superior quality items save at +2.
The weights for armour for demi-humans should be adjusted as follows:
Halflings x 0.6
Dwarves x 0.75
Gnomes x 0.75
Elves x 0.75
Half Elves x 0.85 (ignore if half elf is human-sized)
Normal shields, when used by halflings, gnomes or dwarves, offer defense
bonuses at one shield class better (i.e. a large round shield offers the
defense bonus of a kite shield while a buckler offers the defense bonus
of a small round shield, etc.).
-- Jason Winter <
There were fewer responses to this survey than to the last issue's
Article: Rating (1-5 scale):
Centaur PCs 3.5
Truesilver 3.4
Aging 3.2
Overall 3.8
[Centaur PCs] The author forgot to include an XP Multiplier for the
race. [Truesilver] I just stick to the rules on this topic. [Aging] I
typically found that combat/grievous injuries handled the effects of
aging handily. [Overall] I like the idea of reader feedback on
articles. As a contributor, I'd be especially interested in hearing
constructive criticism (as opposed to just a grade of 1-5). {Hopefully
there will be more discussion and feedback on the DQN-list. � Rodger
Resource use:
WebRPG 3.0
IRC 0.2
Yahoo Chat 1.0
Video 0
Newsgroups 2.2
Web Pages 3.2
DQN Subscriptions �- If you aren't on the list, send email with your
name and your email address to:
DragonQuest URLs:
(If you know of any other DragonQuest related sites, please let us
know.) There is a new page which lists a number of DQ sites at the DQPA
page. This column will probably be phased out over the next few issues
as the DQPA takes hold.
--DQPA Links Page
--DragonQuest Online
--DragonQuest Resources & Links
--DragonQuest Archive
--DragonQuest Newsletter Page
--DragonQuest Home Companion (and other files)
--Shannon Appel's RPG Archives (DQ Index)
--Todd Schreiber's DQ Pages
--The DragonQuest Homelands
--DragonQuest Page
--The Unofficial DQ Homepage
--DragonQuest Fan Page by Snafaru
--DragonQuest WWW Pages
--Steve's DragonQuest Page
--Atlantis' DQ Pages
--TW's DragonQuest Page
--DragonQuest Players Association Page
Discussion Group Sites
--WebRPG DragonQuest Town Hall
--DragonQuest Discussion Group
SURVEY v5n03
Please do *NOT* quote the whole Newsletter when replying. Only surveys
from subscribers will be tabulated.
1. Your Name/email
2. Please rate the usefulness or interest for you of each article from
this newsletter using a 1-5 scale [0=Did not read] where 1 indicates
useless and 5 indicates extremely useful/interesting:
a. DragonQuest Players Association Update
b. Simple Swimming Skill
c. Arms and Armour of Quality
d. Please rate this issue overall.
3. Do you find the URL listing in the Newsletter useful or repetitive?
4. Are you a member of the DQPA?
### End of DragonQuest Newsletter v5/n03 � March 1999
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