|| DRAGONQUEST Newsletter Summer 2002
|| Volume 7 / Number 1
The DQ Newsletter is for discussions of the DragonQuest role-
playing game. The key addresses you need to know are:
Rodger Thorm (Editor, Article Submissions, Etc.)
All articles are copyrighted property of their respective
authors. Reproducing or republishing an article, in whole
or in part, in any other forum requires permission of the
author or the moderator.
The DragonQuest Newsletter website is (still) in the process
of being updated. It will be part of the list site:
C O N T E N T S [v7/n01]
Editorial -- The Eternally Returning Newsletter
Flexible PB Stat -- Rodger Thorm and Joe Saul
Mounted Combat Revisions -- Rodger Thorm
DragonQuest NET: DragonQuest Newsletter Archive
EDITORIAL: The Eternally Returning Newsletter
As many of you long-time readers know (and who here isn't a long-
time reader? DragonQuest isn't burning up the shelves at the
local hobby store and pulling in new gamers), the DragonQuest
Newsletter is a hobby project that I work on because I have
enjoyed the game for over 20 years, and I am interested in
connecting with others who have the same attitude. It's a
project I work on when I have time for it. That means that its
publication is sporadic, at best.
Except for maybe two or three issues back in the first couple
years of operation, the Newsletter has always been late. I
don't expect that will ever change, despite my best intentions.
(This started out on my computer dated as Winter 2002; I just
changed it to Summer, and I hope I will get it out before Fall.)
And, as a hobby operation, the Newsletter will continue to be
an occasional thing, with new issues coming out on those
occasions when I get some new material from someone. At this
point, I think it's safe to say that the Newsletter isn't going
to turn into a big, regular, polished publication; neither is
it going to completely vanish.
There are forums for discussion (WebRPG, dqn-list, etc.), there
are web pages for DragonQuest, there are online campaigns of
one sort or another and there have been various other online
DragonQuest-related projects, but the Newsletter has always been
a forum for sharing DragonQuest related material.
As always, we'd like to get your submissions for the Newsletter.
Letters, articles, creature descriptions, magical devices, etc.
can be emailed to me. Text (.txt) files, rather than formatted
write-ups (no MS Word files, please) are preferred. Illustra-
tions are fine, but will not be included in the email version
of the Newsletter (but can be included in the .pdf version).
Rodger Thorm
DQN Editor
-- Rodger Thorm and Joe Saul
These rules allow for some additional latitude with the Physicl Beauty
stat. The PB stat always has bothered me for a number of reasons.
And while this is far from a solution to the various problems attached
to the PB stat, it does introduce more variability to it.
In practice, I don't think that many players are actually going to use
these rules. But for instances where PB does come into play, it
allows the addition of more flavor and variability. And GMs who adopt
these rules will have players more on their toes, since a very
beautiful woman may just be a skilled, successful Courtesan, and not a
Flexible Physical Beauty Stat
The character must be living consistently at the required lifestyle
level for the bonus to be in effect.
Character is living at Moderate level = no modifier
Character is living at or above Comfortable level = +1 PB
Character is living at Subsistence level = -1 PB
Character is living below Subsistence level = -2 PB
Troubador w/ "Appear Attractive" specialty or
Courtesan w/ "Dress Seductively" specialty = +1 PB
Courtesan = +1 PB per 5 Ranks (or portion)
Courtesan living at Expensive level = +1 PB per 4 Ranks (or portion)
Courtesan living at Extravagant level = +1 PB per 3 Ranks (or portion)
Note that a Courtesan who has improved their appearance must take time
and effort to raise and maintain their improved appearance. In most
circumstances, the increase cannot be maintained while involved in
activities other than of a courtly and genteel nature. A Courtesan
must spend a minimum of 1 hour per point of increase in dressing and
preparation. (The bonus for living at Comfortable level or above
requires no additional time or preparation.)
A Courtesan in another culture, or seeking to attract an individual of
another culture, must have the "Appear Attractive (to other cultures)"
specialty in order to gain any Courtesan bonuses.
A skilled Courtesan (Rank 4 or higher) may aid another individual in
their fashion and grooming to provide a +1 PB for that individual.
Cost for this service to be determined by the GM. Increse lasts a
maximum of (1.5 x Rank) hours under normal circumstances.
1. Courtesan and troubador bonuses are not cumulative.
2. A Courtesan with a PB less than 12 receives only half of the
courtesan bonus (round down).
3. Lifestyle bonus *is* cumulative with either the Troubador or
Courtesan bonus (but not with both).
-- Rodger Thorm <dqn@earthlink.net>
Melee Combat Modifiers (addition to Table [17.6])
... attacker is on horseback versus unmounted target +(2 x
Horsemanship Rank)
... attacker on foot versus mounted target (also applies for
figure standing on a table or similar height advantage) -5
[23.1] Addition to Mounted Combat (23)
A Charge and Melee attack by a mounted figure where the mount has
moved at least its full TMR prior to the attack (may include movement
in pulse immediately previous to attack) will do additional damage.
If the attacker is using a weapon which has a strength bonus (per
18.5), the strength bonus is doubled, but the breakage chance also
increases from 6% to 9%. Thus in the example, a mounted Charge with
Broadsword would do D+6 damage (D+4 +2), but would have a chance of
breaking on a 90 through 99. Attacks with weapons which get a Rank
bonus or where the character does not get a strength bonus simply do
an additional +1 damage. Specialty weapons (such as whip) and weapons
which are thrown or fired have no damage bonus.
DragonQuest NET
DragonQuest Newsletter Archive
John Rauchert is one of the most supportive people in the
online DragonQuest community, and this site one more example
of what he has done. The site itself is nothing fancy, but
it does have a complete catalog of all back issues of the
DragonQuest Newsletter.
Indexing and compiling the back issues is another project I
would like to undertake at some point, but for now, archives
of the back issues are the best thing available, and this site
is easily accessible and complete.
### End of DragonQuest Newsletter v7/n01 -- Summer 2002 ###